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Physical and physiological assessment

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Karate Kumite: How to optimize

Chapter: Physical and Physiological Assessment

Edited by: Helmi Chaabane

Published Date: December, 2015

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Physical and Physiological Assessment

Helmi Chaabene1, 3, Yassine Negra2
Research Laboratory “Sports Performance Optimization”, National Center of
Medicine and Science in Sports (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia
Research Unit “Sport Performance & Health” Higher Institute of Sport and Physical
Education of Ksar Said, Tunis, Tunisia
National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia

Corresponding author: Dr. Helmi Chaabène, Research Laboratory “Sports
Performance Optimization”, National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports
(CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia, National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports
(CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia, Ph: +21652217114; Emaill:

The purpose of the current chapter is to present and summarize data about physical
and physiological testing relative to karate kumite practitioners. General and specific testing
related to strength, power, aerobic/anaerobic level, and motor ability have been discussed.
The information presented within the current chapter are of practical importance for
strength and conditioning professionals in appraising their athlete’s current fitness level
and providing accurate conditioning training program that respect the real strength points
and weaknesses of the athletes.

Keywords: Aerobic; Anaerobic; Karate Combat; Specific Testing

Physical and physiological assessment remains one of the most important aspects of
sport performance optimization. The main testing’s goals are detecting athletic talent, select
physical capabilities and areas in need of improvement, sets new goals, and appraise progress.
Karate is one of the most popular striking combat sports that catch the attention of scientists
in the last two decades. This is confirmed by the increasing number of scientific research
related to karate, particularly karate kumite [1-10]. Karate kumite’s activity is intermittent
encompass period of very high intensity actions (i.e., fighting phase) from <1 to 5 seconds
interspersed by lower intensity periods (preparatory phase) that can be considered as active
recovery and pause (stoppage phase) [7, 11]. The trend in the current scientific literature
is to propose valid testing that respect and follow the particular physical/physiological and
technical/tactical requirement of the sport. This trend starts to be developed in the last
twenty years by looking for valid specific field testing complementary to laboratory (gold
standard) assessment in order to accurately define the fitness profile of athletes. In the
current chapter we are going to summarize and providing a critical overview about the
available scientific research dealing with general and specific physical/physiological testing
relative to karate kumite practitioners.

Performance Testing: Mains Factors
The use of laboratory and field test is common in the area of combat sport particularly in
karate. In order to be widely used, every assessment protocol follows a rigorous approach. This
approach includes the analysis of validity, reliability and sensitivity [12]. An important point
have to be stressed which is the fact that these three testing’s factors closely interact with each
other [13].
Validity is commonly defined according to Hopkins [14] “the protocol resembles the
performance that is being simulated as closely as possible”. There are many type of validity.
The most important named logical validity, criterion validity and construct validity (for more
details see the review of Curell and Jeukendrup [13]. Logical validity or called also face validity
refers to the whether a test measure evaluates what it purport to measure [13]. Criterion
validity is two types: concurrent and predictive validity. The first type means that when the
performance protocol is related or more precisely correlated with a criterion or gold standard
measure [15]. The second type of criterion validity which is predictive validity refers to the fact
that the performance done during the test evaluation would predict the real performance in
the field [15]. The third type of validity which is named construct validity refers to the level in
which a protocol measures a hypothetical construct which is performance in this case [13]. To
be clearer, this test’s property can be simply measured by comparing two groups of different
competitive level and/or abilities [13].
A test considered as reliable when it guaranty similar results from day to day in the case of
absence of any intervention [16]. According to Bagger el al., [17] reliability is one of the most
important factors of a test as it provides an indication of both biological and technical variation of
the protocol. Baumgarter [18] defined two main type of reliability: relative and absolute. “Relative
reliability is the degree to which individuals maintain their position in a sample with repeated
measurements” whereas “absolute reliability is the degree to which repeated measurements
vary for individuals”. It is well know that both reliability types have to be determined.
A sensitive test is the one who is able to detect small but important change in performance
[13]. In another term, a test with a good sensitivity is a test who can detect little performance
variation. From a practical view point, to find out sensitivity it is important to determine the
smallest worthwhile effect [13]. This approach would be analyzed from several mathematical
models (for more in depth details see the review of Curell and Jeukendrup [13]).

Evaluation of Karate Performance

It has been well established that physical and physiological testing reflects the success
and/or failure of a training program methodology in upgrading sport performance. Objective
evaluation by using appropriate tests would accurately catch the attention of coaches, fitness
trainers and sport scientists about the weaknesses or else the strength points of their athletes.
This approach enables coaches to regularly update their training program intervention towards
optimizing sport performance. In this chapter we are going to shed some light about the most
used general and specific testing protocol available in the literature related to karate.

General Tests
Physical assessment
Well-developed muscle strength is paramount to effectively manage the particular

physical and/or technical/tactical requirements of a karate match. lmamura et al., [19]
reported that maximal absolute bench press and half squat 1RM differed significantly
between highly competitive and novice karate athletes. This observation pushes the authors
to suggest that the bench press and half squat are denotative of top-level competitive
karatekas. As a consequence, these strength assessment tests would be used in the routine
evaluation of karate practitioners. Despite that, Roshel et al., [20] disclosed similar one-
repetition maximum (1RM) strength outcome in bench press and squat exercises between
winning and losing karatekas. In light of this result, the same authors suggested that
muscle contraction velocity seems to be more decisive than maximal dynamic strength.
The study of Sbriccoli et al. [21,22] highlights the difference between amateur and highly
competitive karatekas and revealed that the aforesaid had more knee flexion torque than
amateurs during isokinetic tasks. To be more specific, highly competitive karatekas had
higher biceps femoris conduction velocity values at all angular velocities. Contrariwise, no
significant difference was found between groups pertaining to knee extension torque or
vastus lateralis conduction velocity. The same authors proclaimed that during isokinetic
tasks, top-level karatekas had reduced antagonistic activation of both the vastus lateralis
and biceps femoris at all angular velocities. In a recent investigation conducted by Loturco
et al., [8], a significant correlation between punching acceleration 1RM on squat-machine
and bench press and in international level karatekas has been reported. Additionally, they
showed that 56% to 65% of the variation in karate punch acceleration (gyaku-zuki) could be
predicted by a combination of relative mean propulsive power in squat-machine, and either
squat-machine 1RM or bench press 1RM. These findings monopolize particular importance
in specifying and elaborating the proper and concrete fitness training programs towards
optimizing kumite performance by using 1RM tasks.
It is widely established that maximal velocity and explosive strength represent the main
determinant factors of high level karate kumite performance [2, 7, 11]. Several tests of
upper and lower limb were used to assess muscle power output. Ravier el al., [22] by using
vertical jump test reported greater muscle power and higher maximal power output as well
as velocity values assessed through a friction-bracked cycle ergometer within international
level karatekas when compared to their national level counterpart. In the matter of the
difference between winners and defeated karatekas, Roschel et al., [20] relies more on muscle
power at low rather than high loads. This was ascertained by having results exhibiting no
significant differences between winners and losers in terms of muscular power performance
at high loads (60% of one-repetition maximum [1RM]), whereas at low loads (30% 1RM),
winners displayed higher values in power performance for bench press and squat exercises
than losers. Loturco el al., [8] studied the association between punching acceleration (gyku-
zuki) and strength and power exercises in professional karate practitioners and revealed
that upper (mean propulsive power in bench throw) as well as lower body (squat jump;
counter movement jump, and mean propulsive power and velocity with a load corresponding
to 40% of body mass in jump squat) power exercises were strongly associated to punching
acceleration. These findings underline the importance of using such an upper and lower
limb tests evaluations within top-level karate practitioners. Generally, decisive actions
during karate kumite are mainly dependent on muscular explosive power, consequently,
upper and lower muscular power tests have to be systematically used.
Physiological Assessment
Aerobic evaluation
Several scientific investigations pointed out that the oxidative system bosses the energy
production during karate kumite [1,4,5].The fraction of the aerobic metabolism contribution
during simulated karate kumite was 77.8 ± 5.8% [4]. Supporting the findings of Beneke
et al.,[4], Doria et al., [5] revealed that the fraction of aerobic energy system contribution

was 74±1% during simulated karate kumite. These findings are mainly due to the acyclic
profile of the karate kumite’s activity (high-intensity actions interspersed by short-break
periods) making the aerobic system the principal energy resynthesis source. In a literature
review by Chaabene et al [2], the range of maximal oxygen uptake values (VO2max) referring
to national and international male karate practitioners fluctuate from 47.8±4.4 to 61.4±
2.6 mL/kg/min, and from 32.75± 4.1 to 42.9±1.6mL/kg/min for females. This range of
VO2max values was essentially established by means of laboratory (treadmill and cycle
ergometer) tests. Koropanovski et al., [23] assessing the aerobic endurance by means of the
20-m shuttle run test within elite-level karate kumite practitioners and recorded the total
distance covered without precising the estimated VO2max. They recommend using more
specific endurance assessment tests, particularly those respecting the intermittent nature
of the karate’s activity. Recently, Chaabene et al., [24] check out the aerobic endurance
of elite-level karatekas via both laboratory (treadmill) and field (YoYo test level 1) tests.
They revealed very close VO2max values between the two tests (laboratory: 53.0 ± 6.62 ml/
kg/min; YoYo test: 54.67 ± 5.36 ml/kg/min). As it represents one of the most important
aspects of karate high-level performance, cardiovascular fitness level should be thoroughly
considered and evaluated systematically by coaches and sport scientists.
Anaerobic Evaluation
It has been very well established that the karate kumite’s activity is intermittent with
a very short period (from <1 to 5-s) of high intensity actions (attack and/or defense)
interspersed by a moments of active and/or passive recovery [7,10,11]. Such an intensive
and short period of attack and/or defense arouse substantially the ATP-PCr energy system
[4,5]. Therefore, evaluating the ATP-PCr energy system of karate practitioners is of utmost
importance. The Wingate anaerobic test is widely used as one of the most accepted and
accurate test for assessing anaerobic power characteristics. The relative peak power output
of male and female karate kumite athletes was 9.1± 1.1 W/kg 7.8±0.6 W/kg, respectively
[4,5]. When looking for the difference between gender, male kumite athletes displayed higher
peak and mean power output than female ones [5]. When using the force-velocity test to
detail the difference between karate practitioners of different competitive level (national vs.
international level),Ravier el al., [22]noted a significant difference between them in regards to
maximal power output with higher value for international group (12.5±1.3 W/kg) compared
to national one (10.9±1.5 W/kg). This observation has an important practical repercussion
particularly when we have the intention to discriminate karate practitioners of various
competitive levels. The same authors used another anaerobic test (maximal accumulated
oxygen deficit (MAOD) test) designated to establish the anaerobic capacity between national
and international karate athletes [25] and recorded similar results between the two groups
(64.5±6.4mL/kg and 67.76±8mL/kg, respectively). This results doubtless advances the
hypothesis that karate kumite’s performance seems to be dependent on anaerobic-based
power more than anaerobic capacity itself [2].

Specific Tests
The large variations in the physical and physiological requirements of the different sports
(i.e., energy system; fitness qualities; temporal analysis; technical specificities…) require,
obviously, fitness tests that mirror these differences. Such a specific tests would provide
accurate outcomes respecting the particular physical and physiological requirement of the
sport. In this part of the current chapter we are going to present and critically appraise the
available aerobic and anaerobic specific test related to karate kumite.
Aerobic Test
The first attempt found in the scientific literature has been made by Nunan [26]. He
proposed an intermittent specific test incorporating some of the most used karate techniques
namely leading straight punch (i.e., Kizami-tsuki) followed by a rear leg roundhouse kick

(i.e., Mawashi-Geri), a rear straight punch (i.e., Kyaku-zuki) and a leading roundhouse
kick (i.e., Kiza-Mawashi-Geri) performed against a heavy punch-kick bag suspended from
a well-mounted bracket. It represents the first field sport-specific assessment test directed
towards measuring karateka’s aerobic performance. Nunan [26] reported that this test is
highly reliable with a significant association between time to exhaustion (i.e., the total time
duration of the test for each athletes) and relative VO2peak (shared variance (R2) = 0.77,
p < 0.001). Chaabene et al., [6] studied the reliability and construct validity of the same
test (figure 1) within a larger sample size. They revealed that the karate specific aerobic
test (KSAT) provides excellent absolute and relative reliabilities. Further, the KSAT can
effectively distinguish karate athletes of different competitive levels. It has been further
argued in another research [27] that KSAT is a reliable tool for the evaluation of specific
endurance in karate athletes with a small minimal detectable change (MDC95%). Recently,
Tabben et al. [9] proposed a modified version of the KSAT based on the recent technical and
time motion findings and studied its validity and reliability. The new test include two punch
combination: lead straight punch followed by a rear straight punch (i.e., Kisami-Gyaku-
Zuki) and attack 2: rear roundhouse kick (i.e., mawashi-geri-chudan) (Figure 2). Results of
this investigation revealed that the new version of KSAT was reliable and that the oxygen
consumption (VO2) values recorded were largely associated with those established from the
cycle ergometer laboratory test (r=0.81; R2= 65%). They reported, further, that the time to
exhaustion during the new KSAT version displayed a very large correlation with VO2max
( from laboratory test (R2= 65%). Authors concluded that using the new
KSAT version allows the mixture of technical–tactical and physical aspects of the training
process. Moreover, using the new KSAT version in addition to treadmill testing provides a
better measurement of a karateka’s individual fitness level. Thus, this test may be routinely
used to accurately prescribe appropriate aerobic exercise training.

Figure 1: The karate specific aerobic test (KSAT): Techniques used during the karate-specific aerobic test.
A) Kizami-tsuki (straight punch). B) Mawashi-Geri (rear leg roundhouse kick). C) Kyaku-zuki (rear straight
punch). D) Kiza-Mawashi-Geri (leading roundhouse kick) (Adapted from the study of Chaabene et al., [6].

Figure 2: Technique used during the modified version of KSAT: (A) Starting position; (B-C) Kisami-Guiaku-zuki; (D)
relocation to attack distance;(E) mawashi-geri and (F) take distance and moving during the recovery time.

Anaerobic Test
The contribution of the anaerobic energy sources, namely the ATP-PCr system, during the
high intensity period of attack and/or defense has been well documented [1,4,5]. However,
when looking for a particular specific test attempting to evaluate the anaerobic profile of
karate practitioners we found an only modest attempt by Michielon et al. [28] originated
from a well-known test which is the special judo fitness tests (SJFT) [29, 30, 31] ). Michielon
et al., [28] followed exactly the same temporal classification of SJFT (i.e., 15 s effort/10 s
rest; 30 s effort/10 s rest repeated twice) and introduced some modification related to the
technique performed during the test. Instead of executing Ippon seoi nage witch is purely a
judo technique, karate practitioners performed SanBon Tzuki technique. Authors monitored
heart rate activity during and following the end of the test (heart rate values immediately at
the end (HRE) and after 1 minute (HR1’) were recorded). They calculated the Special Karate
Fitness Test (SKFT) index as: SKFT index= (HRE+HR1’) •TC-1 with TC refers to the total
combination technique performed during the whole test. In addition, the same participants
were enrolled in a simulated karate kumite match and the heart rate of each athlete was
controlled. Authors reported a significant difference between the group of the black and
the brown belt athletes (higher SKFT index) and the group of the white to blue belt athletes
(lower SKFT index) indicating that this test can discriminate athletes of different competitive
level. Further, authors did not provide any significant difference in view of the heart rate
recorded during the test compared to that registered during the simulate kumite match
and concluded that the SKFT is a valid protocol for assessing anaerobic level of karate
kumite practitioners. Future investigations approving these findings are strictly needed.
In addition, further investigations aiming to create and validate a particular specific test of
ATP-PCr energy system are very required.
Motor Ability Test
Speed, agility, and coordination are some example of a crucial motor fitness ability of
karate practitioners. Sertić et al., [32] tried to construct and validate a new protocol directed
to evaluate the karate specific agility (figure 3). It consists of two parallel lines on the ground
1 meter long and 2 meters distant from each other. Participant stands in a combat karate
position (fudo dachi - gently bent legs with feet in a diagonal position, with arms in guard
- one arm in front of the shoulder and other arm beside the belt in front of the first line).
After the start signal, participant moves as fast as possible in hop-step movement sori ashi,
without crossing the legs, moving towards the second line. When he or she steps with the
front leg on the second line or crosses it, he or she stops, turns through 180 degrees and

returns to the first line in the same way which he also has to touch with his/her foot or
cross it .The movement is repeated six times and the total duration of the test was recorded
[32]. Authors revealed that the new agility test is highly reliable and sensitive and correlated
with similar tests that aimed to assess agility without providing details about these tests.
Further researches are needed to confirm these findings.
Blazevic et al., [33] investigated the effect of motor abilities on karate performance in 85
karateka aged 18–29 years. They used several specific karate tests: (1) speed of the gedou
barai blockade technique performance (it consist of performing as many blockades during 30
seconds from the initial fighting posture as possible) (2) Speed of blockade performance and
hand blow as a combined technique (it consist of performing a combination of gedou barai-
jaku zuki five times consecutively at maximal speed against a the wall makiwara or vertically
placed gym mattress) (3) Speed of the mawashi geri foot kick technique performance (it
consist of performing as many mawashi geri kicks against the punch bag during 30 seconds
from the initial fighting posture against a punch bag) (4) Sidesteps on taking guard with
hands lifted up [32](5) Speed of movement in a triangle (The task was to move as fast as
possible in fighting guard along the sides of an equilateral triangle of 3 m in dimensions,
marked on the floor. The subject moved fast from one vertex along the side to another vertex,
around the medicine ball placed there, and then turning back sidewise towards the third
vertex, again around the medicine ball placed there, to move sidewise back to the initial
site. Then he had to move back sidewise, sidewise forward and sidewise back to the start
position) (6) technical efficiency tests (8 karate skills evaluated subjectively by four karate
expert: jaku zuki, kizame zuki, ushiro mawashi geri and mawashi geri, and in combinations
jaku zuki – mawashi geri, jaku zuki – uraken, ashi barai – ushiro mawashi and kizame zuki
– jaku zuki) and (7) Fighting efficiency (average of all competitive results achieved at world
championships, world cups, European championships and national championships). Main
results from this study showed that the best predictors of technical efficiency were the
speed of blockade, the speed of moving in multiple directions, and frequency of foot kicking
were found to be, whereas the speed of moving in multiple directions, the speed of blockade,
and frequency of foot kicking were the best predictors of fighting efficiency.
Katic et al., [34] studied the effect of karate specific motoricity on performance of
young karate practitioners (aged between 11 and 14 years old) by using the same specific
motor abilities tests as previously described in the above cited research. Authors assessed
the fighting efficiency via three tests: (1) Technical efficiency 1 (six karate techniques
subjectively evaluated by three karate expert: jaku zuki, kizame zuki and mawashi geri,
and in combinations jaku zuki-mawashi geri, jaku zuki-uraken and kizame zuki-jaku zuki)
(2) technical efficiency 2 (Two KATA subjectively evaluated by three judges) and (3) Fighting
efficiency (determined on the basis of contest results achieved at national championships
of under-sixteen karateka. Karatekas were classified following three categories as follows:
under-average, average and above- -average). Results of this investigation revealed that
karatekas aged between 13 to 14 years old presented higher specific agility performance
compared to karateka aged between 11 to 12 years old. Additionally, they reported that
specific ability tests (i.e., sidesteps, movement in triangle, block-blow, gedan-barai, and
mawashi-geri) effectively predict the technical efficiency of young karatekas. Moreover,
authors reported that the speed of the block-kick combination (gedan barai- -jaku zuki)
performance was the superior predictor of technical efficiency in karateka aged 13–14 and in
younger group (aged between 11 to 12 years) the speed of performing gedan barai blockade
has been revealed to be associated to technical efficiency. In regards to fighting efficiency,
the speed of performing gedan barai blockade in terms of frequency was the higher predictor
in the whole sample and particularly in karateka aged between 11 to 12 years whereas the
speed of performing gedan barai-jaku zuki combination (block-kick) was the best predictor
of fighting efficiency in karateka aged 13–14. Within the group of karatekas aged between
11 to 12 years, the jaku zuki technique was the best predictor of fighting efficiency, while
for the group of karateka aged 13 to 14 years, karate kicks performed in combination, i.e.

jaku zuki-mawashi geri and kizame zuki-jaku zuki, were the superior predictors of fighting
Katic el al., [35] used the same karate specific motoricity tests as previously detailed
in the study of Balzevic et al., [33].In addition to that they used tests of explosive strength
(standing long jump, standing high jump, and supine med-ball throw); movement frequency
(hand tapping, foot tapping, and hand rotation); coordination (figure eights with bending,
hand and foot tapping); and equilibrium (transverse bench standing with eyes closed)).
Results from this research pointed out that karate techniques are essentially determined
by explosive strength followed by coordination highlighting the importance of these fitness
parameters. More research are needed here particularly those directed towards creating
and validating a particular specific motor fitness tests that associate upper and lower limb
karate technique with both explosive strength and coordination

Figure 3: Karate specific agility test (adapted from the study of Sertić et al. [32].

Physical and physiological assessment is very important and a necessary step
towards achieving high-level karate kumite performance. The overview of the literature
showed that karate kumite top-level performance require explosive actions (punching,
kicking) under the responsibility of the ATP-PCr energy system in addition to a good
endurance level to ensure adequate recovery. Literature synthesis presented herein in
the present chapter about the different parameters of fitness evaluation related to karate
(aerobic anaerobic level, strength and power and specific motor ability tests) are of great
practical importance for strength and conditioning professionals as well as coaches and
sport scientists. To be effective, fitness assessment need to be tailored to the particular
physical/physiological and technical requirement of the sport. Although some studies
tried to propose specific fitness assessment, this procedure need to be highly considered
in future research.

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