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Write an essay using the notes and give reasons for your point of view
“To protect the environment, everyone in cities should travel on public transport. Do you agree?”
Write about:
1. Convenience for travelers
2. Reducing the use of fuel
3. Your idea

It is said that to protect the environment everyone in cities should travel on public
transport. I completely agree with this statement because of its advantages as following:

First of all, public transportation is the best choice for reducing congestion. Public
transportation can convey many more people in much less space than individual
automobiles, which helps to keep traffic congestion lower, which in turn reduces air
pollution from idling vehicles.

Secondly, public vehicle is a friendly – environmental means of transport. Research has

proved that only three to eight people on a public transport bus are able to cut emissions by
half compared to individuals commuting in a personal car by themselves or themselves.
Besides, some kinds of public vehicles use friendly energy for the environment such as
electricity, biology energy and so on. Using this transport can save 80 percent fuel compared
to private transport.

Finally, using public transport saves people more money. You must pay for not only the cost
of petrol but also the regular maintenance fee. Furthermore, the price of buying one car or
motorbike is expensive. Bus, tram,… is for everyone, even the lowest-income people.

In short, public transport brings us positive points of reducing pollution and traffic jam.
Therefore, everyone should use this vehicle to go to work or school.

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