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Dr. Soha Said Mohamed, PHD
Supervisor of the oncology clinical pharmacy
Alexandria Main University Hospital

AS is 49 old female patient , she was

diagnosed as Stage III metastatic colon
cancer, the oncologist decided to start
FOLFIRI regimen for 4 cycles and then re
Her wt :113 kg, Ht: 155cm.
1.According to the previously mentioned protocol, the
dose of irinotecan would be………………….over…………hrs
Ca-leucovorin …………..over…………hrs
5-fu IVP…………………
5-fu continuous infusion……………..over………………hrs
BSA=√(113 X 155/3600) = 2
Irinotecan= 2 X 180 =360 mg over 1.5 hours
Leucovorin= 2 X 400 = 800 mg over 1.5 hours
5-FU IVP= 2 X 400 = 800 mg
5-FU infusion= 2 X 2400 = 4800 mg over 46 hours
After 3 cycles the patient come to the chemotherapy
clinic c/o diarrhea , her CBC; Hb:11.8, PLT:163,
ANC:0.85, Bilirubin:0.8, SGPT, SGOT:22,32 respectively.
2.As a clinical pharmacist, what would be your
recommendation for; of late onset diarrhea, and preventive
B. this cycle and the next one??
A- Irinotecan diarrhea
Early onset Late onset
Timing During or within 24 hours of > 24 hours of administration,
administration median onset of 5 days after
Associated Symptoms rhinitis, hypersalivation, miosis, Risk of dehydration and
lacrimation, diaphoresis, electrolyte imbalance if not
flushing, and abdominal properly managed
Mechanism cholinergic syndrome mediated abnormal ion transport in the
by increased anticholinesterase injured intestinal mucosa,
activity of the irinotecan parent leading to increased secretion
compound of water and electrolytes into
the intestinal lumen
Management 1- Infusion time not less than 90 Loperamide 4 mg immediately,
minutes (peak plasma conc.) then 2 mg after each loose
2- Atropine 0.3 – 0.6 mg IV or stool until diarrhea-free for 12
SC as needed, repeated up to a hours, maximum 16 mg/ day for
maximum dose of 1.2 mg a total of 48 hours
B- Cycle decision
(Pt CBC and protocol requirement)
3.dose of irinotecan would be………………….
Ca-leucovorin ………….. 5-fu IVP…………………
5-fu continuous infusion……………..

Irinotecan= 2 X 150 = 300 mg

Leucovorin= 2 X 400 = 800 mg
5-FU IVP= 2 X 320 = 640 mg
5-FU infusion = 2X 2000 = 4000 mg
• 4.After the forth cycle the patient came to the consultant clinic for re
assessment, and after doing PET CT, the decision was to continue
more two cycles
Case II
AA is a 45 years old male patient diagnosed with
metastatic rectal cancer, the oncologist decided to give
him XELOX regimen.
Wt:82 kg, Ht:170 cm
1.According to the protocol , the oxaliplatin dose
2.Capcitabine dose…………………….BID , from Day…to
Day………, and what is your patient education tips???
After two cycles , the patient was c/o of sever
neuropathy grade IV.
So he was shifted to another regimen FOLFIRI+
3.Bevacizumab, was it a right decision???/
4.The dose would be of Bevacizumab…………….mg
5.The most characteristic side effects of bevacizumab
6.According to the previously mentioned protocol, the
dose of irinotecan would be………………….over…………hrs,
Ca-leucovorin …………..over…………hrs
5-fu IVP…………………
5-fu continuous infusion……………..over………………hrs
7.The …………………….enzyme is responsible for
fluorouracil metabolism
8.This regimen should be repeated every………………..
Case III

A 50 years old female was diagnosed with metastatic colon

cancer(moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma), and she
would start FOLFORINOX protocol on 28/11/2022. her weight
:88kg. Hieght:166cm
1.What would be the doses for each drug ??
Ca leucovorin and 5-fu
After two cycles the patient was re- assessed, showing
poor tolerance, abdominal colic and persistent nausea
and vomiting so she was shifted to FOLFOX-
2.What would be the doses of the previous regimen??

3.The most characteristic side effects of vectibex??

4.The most important patient education tips for
vectibex are……………

5.After two cycles the patient come with peripheral

tingling and numbness sensation ,what is the cause of
such adverse effect and how to manage???
6.What is the preventive measures of skin toxicity of
7.This protocol repeated every………….days , for

8.After three cycles , CBC of the patient was Hb:12,

WBC:2.6, ANC:0.43, what would be the dose of this
patient for current and next cycle, if you know that her
weight was decreased by 15kg???

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