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296 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 48 286-296 August 1983

APPENDIX B 4. Occasional past and current ~ontact w,i~n(d~~t!ilkii'rs'-.e.g., a
graduate student who occaslOnalIYi:#rC(nint~'rs hearing-im.
paired persons. f/5.~.V;/>,~ .
Scale of listener experience
5. Daily past and current contact with deaf talke;;, e.g., a be.
1. Has never heard a deaf person speak. ginning audiologist or a training teacher. '.
2. Has heard a deaf person speak at some time, e.g., someone 6. Extensive past and current experience with the deaf, e.g., an
who recalls having heard a deaf person speak once or twice audiologist at a school for the deaf.
sometime in the past. 7. Teacher of the deaf.
i Occasional past experience with hearing the deaf, e.g., 8. Spouse, child. or parent of a deaf talker.
someone who had occasional contact with a hearing-im-
paired neighbor sometime in the past.

Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, PRIZANT, Volume 48,296-307, August.1983


Southern IUinoi.f Unioenity at Carbondale

Deviant language characteristics, deficits in social interaction. and ritualistic and compulsive behaviors are now considered to
be among the definitive characteristics of the autistic syndrome. There have been few attempts to bring a sense of cohesion to
the varied communicative symptomatology evident in autism, because much of the research literature has been product
oriented rather than process oriented, aond has focused on language structure rather than function. Therefore, behaviors such as
immediate echolalia, delayed echolalia, and interactive rituals are often viewed as isolated, deviant phenomena. rather than as
phenomena related to predominant cognitive processing modes and cognitive-linguistic development in autism. This discussion
reviews symptomatology of autistic communication in reference to "gestalt" versus "analytic" modes of cognitive processing,
language acquisition. and language use. Based on research on language behavior of normal and autistic children, specific issues
are considered, including a reconsideration of echolalic behaviors, patterns of social interaction.,. and patterns of Cognitive-
linguistic development in autism.
. ~
There is general agreement among researchers that scribed as so idiosyncratic that the terms bizarre and de-
deficits in communication and social interaction are an viant have become intimately associated with a descrip-
integral part of the autistic syndrome (DeMyer, Jackson, tion of autistic communication. The problem, which has
& Hingtgen, 1981). Leo Kanner's earliest and most vivid apparently eluded the attention and concern of many re-
descriptions of the unique behavior of his autistic clients searchers, is that a'" orientation hasn't
were concerned primarily with patterns of communica- taken us very far in understanding communicative be-
tive and interactive behavior (Kanner, 1943, 1946). Al- havior of autistic persons or in planning intervention
though researchers have since had a "heyday" in study- programs. Another unfortunate result is that checklists of
ing language and communication of autistic persons, the deficits come to resemble shopping lists for diagnosis
lack of a cohesive theory of language acquisition and without helping professionals to understand how
communicative behavior in autism is striking. The ab- symptoms may be understood in relation to each other,
sence of such a theory may be attributed, in part, to a thus offering a more cohesive orientation to communica-
research philosophy which has been preoccupied with tion problems.
communicative deficits and deviance, rather than This discussion focuses on patterns of language and
strategies and processes which may underlie patterns of communicative behavior in autism in an attempt to
communicative behavior. Furthermore, there have been explain how frequently cited symptomatology may be
too few attempts to consider the interrelations between understood in reference to how autistic persons may
communicative and cognitive functioning in autism. conceptualize and attempt to participate in the com-
Due to this research tradition, we know verv well what munication process.
autistic persons don't do in their commu~icative at- This task is approached by first discussing common
tempts; and we also know, to a lesser extent, what they approaches to the study of autism, followed by a review
do differently from normals. The latter has been de- of frequently cited language and communication charac-

© 1983.. \merican Speech-Language- Hearing Association 0022-4677/83/480~296$0 1.00/0

PRIZANT: Autism 297

tertstics. Finally, a framework for a potentially more identify a specific type of dysfunction as primary, in the
fruitful orientation toward an understanding of language sense that all other symptomatology is seen as secondary
and communication in autism is offered by relating effects of the primary dysfunction. One of the most con-
communicative abilities and disabilities in autism to a troversial primary deficit arguments was posited by Bet-
predominant cognitive and linguistic processing mode, telheim (1967), who claimed that the symptoms of with-
which has been referred to as "gestalt" (vs. "analytic"). drawal and deviant language behavior were a result of a
Since patterns of language and communicative behavior child's view of the world as hostile and threatening.
are the focus of discussion, comments pertain to autistic Within this psychogenic theory, autism was considered
individuals who have acquired some speech, whether it to be a reaction to pathological maternal behavior. With
be echolalic or truly rule-governed language. This group increasing evidence of neurophysiological involvement
comprises approximately 50% of persons with autism (see Piggot, 1979, for a review) and rejection of psycho-
who, in general, represent a range of cognitive function- genesis, debates have shifted to neurobiological issues,
ing from moderate-to-severe retardation to normal or such as site of dysfunction or damage, or to issues con-
above normal functioning. The following discussion is cerning dvsfunctten-at-varrons l'eVeis of information
presented as a stimulus for further research and processing, such as deficits of perceptual-motor function-
hypothesizing and as an aid to clinicians who must at- ing or cognitive functioning. Of particular interest to re-
tempt to understand the behavior of their autistic clients. searchers in language disorders are primary deficit
The following ideas are by no means complete or ir- theories that implicate communication deficits and prob-
refutable. As such, they should be regarded as "working lems in language and language-related cognitive abilities
arguments." (Churchill, 1978; Hennelin, 1976; Ricks & Wing, 1975;
Rutter, 1978). Discussions concerning the primacy of

Common Approaches to the Study of Language
and Communicative Behavior in Autism
language problems to the syndrome of autism have been,
and no doubt will continue to be, prevalent (Boucher,
1976). .
Before presenting an alternative approach to un-
Research on deficits in language and communication derstanding language and communication of autistic per-
I in autism has clearly confirmed the centrality of such sons, a brief review of commonly cited symptomatology
deficits to the syndrome (Fay & Schuler, 1980; Prizant, is in order.
1982b). This is, of course, of little surprise since a diag-

I nosis of autism f; predicated on the identification of such

deficits (Rutter, 1978). Researchers have sought to clarify
which deficits are most specific to autism (Needleman,
Ritvo, & Freeman, 1980; Wing & Gould, 1979) and
Commonly Cited Characteristics of Language and
Communication in Autism
which domains of language functioning tend to be the Echolalic behaviors are probably the most frequently
most severely impaired. For example, based on her re- discussed speech and language characteristics, most
view of language research, Tager-Flusberg (1981) likely due to their high prevalence among verbal autistic
claimed that the basic disturbances oflanguage in autism persons, as well as their "ear-catching" quality. Such
are most evident at semantic and pragmatic levels, with verbal repetition is characteristic of at least 75% of ver-
phonological and syntactic skills befng somewhat de- bal autistic persons and is comprised of a continuum of
layed but relatively intact. The literature on higher func- behaviors which may vary in many aspects (Prizant,
tioning autistic persons emphasizes deficits in com- 1983; Schuler, 1979; Prizant, Note 1). The clearest dis-
municative abilities that may remain strikingly apparent tinction that has been made differentiates two general
long after the acquisition of relatively sophisticated categories of echolalic behavior based on the temporal
semantic-syntactic abilities (Baltaxe, 1977). Thus, de- latency between the original production of an utterance
scriptions of language and communication in autism are and its subsequent repetition.
most often characterized by lists of symptoms that are The first category, ·immediateecholalia, refers to utter-
labels for behavioral deficits or labels for behaviors that ances produced either immediately following or a brief
appear to be somewhat unique to the autistic syndrome, time after the production of a model utterance. Delayed
that is, so-called deviant behaviors. Such lists are com- echolalia refers to utterances repeated at a significantly
prised of many language-related "symptoms," such as later time. The process involved with the production of
immediate echolalia, delayed echolalia, and pronominal delayed echolalia involves retrieval of utterances com-
reversal. Frequently cited characteristics of discourse mitted to some type of long-term memory, while for im-
and social interactive behavior include excessively rigid mediate echolalia, short-term echoic memory is most
interactive routines, problems in initiating and terminat- often implicated (Fay, 1983). As Fay and Schuler (1980)
ing interaction, deficits in topic maintenance, topic shift- pointed out, the differences between immediate and de-
layed echolalia may warrant a reconsideration of their

ing, and perception of listener needs (Fay & Schuler,
1980). common label.
One other approach relevant to communication re- More specifically, immediate echolalia has been de-
search in autism might be called the "primary deficit fined as "the meaningless repetition of a word or word
debates" in which researchers and theorists attempt '0 group just spoken by another person" (Fay & Schuler,

~ •... ~~~~ .. . ~~
298 [ournal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 48 296-307 August 1983 .

1980, p. 25). The consensus of most theorists and re- repetitions of parental reprimands and TV commercials
searchers has been that the production of immediate are often cited as examples.
echolalia signals a lack of comprehension of the repeated However, specific functional usage of delayed echo-
utterance and is devoid of communicative intent lalia has also been alluded to in the literature. For exam-
(Schreibman & Carr, 1978). However, explanations of ple, Wolff and Chess (1965) described two categories of
immediate echolalia as a coping strategy or as a primitive delayed echolalia, "noncommunicative repetition" and
attempt to maintain social interaction have appeared re- "communicative repetition." Ricks and Wing (1975) dis-
cently in the literature (See Prizant, 1983, and Schuler, cussed the appropriate use of phrases that a child copies
1979, for reviews). Kanner (1943) described one type of from others, such as "Do you want a biscuit?" used as a
immediate echolalia which he claimed served the request, and Dyer and Hadden (1981) also speculated
specific function of winning the prior utterance. The that delayed echolalia may serve a variety of functions.
only published study which has attempted to discover Videotape analyses of almost 400 delayed echoic utter-
other functions of immediate echolalia was conducted by ances and co-occurring nonverbal behaviors recently re-
Prizant and Duchan (1981). Based upon videotape vealed 14 functional categories of delayed echolalia (see
analyses of 1009 echoic utterances of four autistic chil- Table 2). Individual differences in patterns of functional
dren, seven functional categories of immediate echolalia usage were far more striking for the subjects in the de-
were derived (see Table 1). Echoic utterances were layed echolalia study when compared to the patterns of
found to vary along the dimensions of interactiveness usage for the subjects in the immediate echolalia study
and comprehension of the model utterance. A major find-
ing based upon these analyses was that immediate
TABLE 2. Functional categories of delayed echolalia (Prizant &
echolalia was often produced with clear evidence of
Rydell, Note 2).
communicative intent.

Category Description
TABLE 1. Functional categories of immediate echolalia (Prizant
« Duchan, 1981). Interactive
1. Turn taking 1. Utterances used as turn fillers in al-
Description ternating verbal exchange.
2. Verbal com ple- 2. Utterances which complete familiar
tion verbal routines initiated by others.
3. Providing in- 3. Utterances offering new information
1. Turn taking 1. Utterances used as turn fillers in an al- formation not apparent from situational context
ternating verbal exchange. (may be initiated or respondent).
2. Declarative 2. Utterances labeling objects, actions, or 4. Label ing (in- 4. Utterances labeling objects or actions
location (accompanied by demonstra- teractivel in environment.
tive gestures)," 5. Protest 5. Utterances protesting actions of
3. Yes answer 3. Utterances used to indicate affirmation others. May be used to; prohibit
of prior utterance. others' actions.
4. Request 4. Utterances used to request objects or 6. Request 6. Utterances used to
request objects.
others' actions. Usually involves miti- 7. Calling t. Utterances used to call attention to
gated echOlalia. oneself or to establish/maintain in-
8. Affirmation 8. Utterances used to indicate affirma-
5. Nonfocused 5. Utterances produced with no apparent tion of previous utterance.
intent and often in states of high 9. Directive 9. Utterances (often imperatives) used
arousal (e.g., fear, pain). to direct others' actions.
6. Rehearsal 6. Utterances used as a processing aid.
followed by utterance or action indi- Noninteractive
cating comprehension of echoed utter- 10. Nonfocused 10. Utterances with no apparent com-
ance. municative intent or relevance to the
7. Self-regulatory 7. Utterances which serve to regulate situational context. May be self-
one's own actions. Produced in syn- stimulatory.
chrony with motor activity. 11. Situation associ- 11. Utterances with no apparent com-
ation municative intent which appear to be
triggered by an object, person, situa-
tion, or activity.
Delayed echolalia, which has been defined as the 12. Self-directive 12. Utterances which serve to regulate
"echoing of a phrase after some delay or lapse of time" . one's own actions. Produced in syn-
chrony with motor activity.
(Simon, 1975, p. 1440) has also received very little atten- 13. Utterances produced with low vol-
13. Rehearsal
tion in reference to its value and possible function in the ume followed bv louder interactive
communicative process. This is supported by the fact production. Appears to be practice
that research has considered most forms of de laved for subsequent production. .
echolalia to be meaningless, produced without intent, 14. Label (nonin- 14. Utterances labeling objects or actions
teractive) in environment with no apparent
and simply "triggered" by stimuli which were either communicative intent. Mav be a form
present or associated with stimuli which were present of practice for learning language.
when an utterance was first heard. Utterances such as
PRIZAl'IT: Autism 299

(see Prizant, 1983, and Prizant & Rydell, Note 2, for de- autistic persons often develop highly specific routines
tails). As with the study on immediate echolalia, delayed and rituals when interacting with other people which
echolalia was often found to be produced with clear evi- may include opening all conversations in the same man-
dence of communicative intent. ner or asking others a predetermined set of questions
In summary, theories about the relationship between (e.g., birthdates, favorite ball teams, etc.). Specific
communicative intent and echolalia produced by autistic routines may be developed with select individuals,
persons are being reevaluated. Until recently, the pre- while interactions with others are avoided. Once a
dominant position was that echoic utterances are pro- routine is established, it is not uncommon for autistic
duced automatically with little or no communicative in- persons to demand specific responses from others to pre-
tent, as opposed to utterances which are more creative serve the ritual. Disruptive, aggressive behavior, possi-
and are thus believed to be produced with communica- bly resulting from anxiety or confusion, may result from
tive intent. Figure 1 depicts this position, which consid- violation of routines. Such "insistence on sameness"
ers form (i.e., echolalic or creative) to be a direct reflec- (Kanner, 1943; Rutter, 1978) is basic to the autistic syn-
tion of the presence or absence of communicative intent. drome and is manifest in communicativeBehavior 'as
well as all other aspects of functioning. Regarding dis-
course and social interaction, it appears that autistic per-
ECHOLALIA CREATIVE sons often initiate interaction motivated largely. by the
(AUTOMATIC SPEECH] (FORM] LANGUAGE need to ensure predictability by maintaining an estab-
~ ~ lished routine. Other symptomatology indicative of in-
teractive inflexibility includes incessant questioning,
LACK OF INTENTIONAL preoccupation with specific topics, an inability to shift
COMMUNICATIVE INTENT topics, and poor perception of listener needs (presuppos-
FIGURE 1. Underlying intent linked to form. itional skills).
The impression one gets from such problems in social
interaction is that autistic persons are deficient in many
In contrast, recent research and theory (Fay & Schuler, of the basic skills we must acquire in order to be effec-
1980; Prizant & Duchan, 1981; Schuler, 1979; Prizant & tive communicators. What is so painfully evident about
Rydell, Note 2) suggest that some forms of echoic utter- higher functioning autistic persons is that if we consider
ances may be produced with intent; that is, the utter- their linguistic skills alone, it seems as if they should be
ances are produced as a means to an end or for the much better communicators than they are. For many au-
purpose of accomplishing some goal (e.g., requesting ob- tistic persons, the problem is clearly one of using lan-
jects, directing others' behavior, labeling, etc.) Figure 2 guage skills for communicative purposes rather than
represents this position, which postulates that form can- simply acquiring such skills.
not always be used as an indicator of the presence or As mentioned, the notion that deficits of language and
absence of communicative intent. It is possible that, due communication are not simply isolated features of autism
to specific linguistic deficits, autistic persons must often will now be considered. They could be understood by
rely on utterances "borrowed" from others in order to reference to an extreme form of cognitive processing
express their needs and intentions, even though the which may be the predominant mode available to per-
internal structure (i.e., semantic-syntactic relationships) sons with autism. Furthermore, it is argued that such a
of such utterances may not be analyzed or fully com- "gestalt" processing mode can help to explain strategies
prehended. of language acqu isition and patterns of social interaction
in autism.
[AUTOMATIC SPEECH) [FORM) LANGUAGE Gestalt Forms ani Gestalt Styles of Language
~ ~ Acquisition
" • JI' In the following discussion, references are made -to
COMMUNICATIVE INTENT gestalt forms in language, a gestalt style of language ac-
FIGURE 2. Underlying intent independent of form. quisition, and a gestalt mode of cognitive processing. A
few points of clarification are needed to distinguish
among these three concepts. First of all, gestalt language
Lim itations in communicative skills have also been forms refer to multiword utterances that are learned as
widely discussed in the literature on ~utism (Fay & memorized forms or whole units but may appear to be
Schuler, 1980). The stereotype of an autistic child has the result of productive linguistic processes or the appli-
traditionally been that of a noninteractive entity who is cation of combinatorial rules. Presumably, a speaker who
in a "world of his own." While this global statement uses such forms is not cognizant of their internal
holds little truth (Prizant, 1982b), it is true that the social semantic-syntactic structure. Secondly, a gestalt style of
interactive behaviors of autistic persons are often not language acquisition is one in which early utterances are
conducive to successful communication. For example, comprised largely of gestalt forms, and growth and prog-

.~ •...
300 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 48 296-307 August 191).1

ress in the acquisition of a flexible and generative lan- representation). Hubbell (1981) indicated that in nor-
guage system depends, to some extent, on analysis and mals, both episodic and semantic memory processin~
segmentation of gestalt forms for rule induction. Re- may occur; however, he added that "language use and
searchers who have described gestalt language acquisi- language learning are not based on episodic memory, the
tion styles (Nelson, 1981; Peters, 1980) have not estab- retention of specific utterances, but on semantic memory
lished quantitative criteria for identifying gestalt styles ... [and that] to learn language a child must be able t~
(e.g., a necessary minimum percentage of gestalt forms reconstruct sentences, not merely recite them" (p, 29).
relative to total utterance production). Rather, they have With these distinctions in mind, the discussion now
proposed a continuum of style ranging from predomi- shifts to literature on language acquisition in normal first
nantly gestalt to purely analytic approaches in the lan- and second language learners, followed by a discussion
guage acquisition process: Their arguments are consid- of patterns of language forms, SOCial-interaction, and lan-
ered in greater detail later in the discussion. Finally, a guage acquisition in -autism. Finally, the literature on
gestalt mode of cognitive processing is one in which nonverbal cognitive functioning in .autism, which has de-
events are remembered or retained with relatively little lineated particular idiosyncratic learning patterns in-the
analysis. Linguistic utterances mayor may not be part of autistic population, is reviewed.
such events. A gestalt mode must be viewed in contrast
to an analytic mode in which experiences or events are
analyzed and segmented into meaningful components Language Use in Normal Children
based upon prior experience. In an analytic mode, ir-
relevancies or redundancies are given little attention Katherine Nelson (1981) discussed the two predomi-
while new or significant information is abstracted. nant styles of acquisition in her recent literature review
For the purposes of this discussion the gestalt/analytic on individual differences in the language development
processing distinction is considered analogous to the dis- of normal children. The first style, referred to as "ana-
tinction between the concepts of episodic memory and lytic" (Peters, 1977), is one in which children in early
semantic memory processing cited often in the literature stages oflanguage development emphasize single words
on memory in normal children and adults. Naus and for primarily referential functions and acquire more
Halasz (1979) noted that episodic memory is "the mem- complex language by combining elements into mul-
ory of specific occurrences or events" (p. 280) and that tiword utterances based upon the acquisition and appli-
such information "will not be semantically organized cation of productive rules. An analytic style, which until
when entered into long-term memory" (p. 282). Hubbell recently was believed to be the style of most if not all
(1981) explained that "in episodic memory an item is normal children. is thus characterized by flexible and
remembered as a whole, with little analysis of its com- generative utterance production with an understanding
ponent parts and structure" (p. 29). Nelson and Brown of the meaning and internal structure of utterances from
(1978) indicated that episodic memory may also entail early on. -
"the information of generalized event structures ... rep- A gestalt style of language acquisttion is one in which
resenting similar repe.titive experiences or routines" (p. children produce unanalyzed language forms or un- -
240). Retrieval of information from episodic memory in- analyzed "chunks" with little appreciation of their in-
volves retrieval of events themselves, as experienced ternal structure or specific meaning, although the ut-
within specific contexts, or knowledge about highly re- terances may be used somewhat appropriately in
petitive or routinized activity. communicative interactions (Clark, 1974, 1978; Peters,
In contrast, semantic memory involves higher levels of 1980). Gestalt and analytic styles are not necessarily
abstraction in which knowledge is stored "independent mutually exclusive and are considered to be extreme
of any specific event" (Hubbell, 1981, p. 28). That is, ends of a continuum. In fact, both Nelson and Peters
semantic memory involves information abstracted from pointed out that normal children may .show elements of
experiences which is organized conceptually for long- each style to varying degrees.
term retention. In normal adults and older children, such Other researchers of normal language acquisition have
information is believed to be represented symbolically made similar distinctions among styles in language be-
through language, leading some researchers to limit their havior. Dore (1974) indicated that "word babies" fo-
definition of semantic memory to "information about cused on the production of clearly articulated single
words and concepts represented in language" (Nelson & words used in referential contexts in early acquis ition.
Brown, 1978, p. 240). Retrieval of information from "Intonation babies," however, seemed to target longer
semantic memory involves "a reconstruction of the utterances in early productions by focusing on intonation
event, focusing on the gist of that event, rather than a contour with less well-articulated segmentals. For the
wholistic copy, as in episodic memory" (Hubbell, 1981, latter group, it may appear as if their utterances are more
p. 29). As with the concepts of gestalt and analytic pre- grammatically sophisticated, however, they are not pro-
cessing, episodic and semantic memory do not represent duced with knowledge of internal structure or meaning.
a dear-cut dichotomy. A continuum is suggested, rang- Rather, "intonation babies" only sound as if they are
ing from the internal representation of context-specific talking in phrases or sentences. Nelson (1973) made a
events (Le., gestalt, episodic representation) to decontex- similar distinction between "referential" and "expres-
tualized generalized knowledge (i.e., abstract symbolic sive" children in her longitudinal study of 18 normal
PluZANT: Autism 301

children in early stages of language acquisition. The may choose to adopt such a strategy, while autistic chil-
majority of the children first acquired object names, as dren may be limited to this type of strategy.
well as action words (verbs) and some adjectives, in Krashen and Scarcella (1978) also described strategies
single-word productions ("referential children"). The of language acquisition and use employed by normal
remaining children produced grammatical functors as first- and second-language learners. The authors dis-
well as content words, and their early utterances in- cussed the use of two types of linguistic patterns: pre-
cluded many unanalyzed routines used for social interac- fabricated routines, i.e., memorized whole utterances or
tion rather than for referential purposes ("expressive phrases which a speaker may use "without any knowl-
children"). Nelson (1981) indicated that differences be- edge at all of their internal structure" (p. 283); and pre-
tween referential and expressive children may be attrib- fabricated patterns which are "partly creative and partly
uted to the language that the children were exposed to, memorized wholes," such as memorized "sentence
as well as to different modes of cognitive processing. She frames with an open 'slot' for a word or a phrase" (p.
drew direct analogies between referential children and 283), (e.g., I want __ j This is a __ ). Prefabricated
analytic processing preferences, as well as between ex- routines and prefabricated patterns appear to resemble
pressive children and gestalt processing styles. delayed echolalia and mitigated delayed echolalia, re-
Clark (1974, 1978, 1980), Peters (1977, 1980), and spectively.
Snow (Note 3) discussed normal children's use of un- In summary, researchers who study gestalt styles and
analyzed chunks or deferred imitations which were far gestalt language forms in normal children acquiring first
more sophisticated grammatically than their subjects' and second languages consider such patterns to be im-
true language levels. These authors claimed that the use portant, if not essential, to language acquisition and so-
of such forms served important functions in ongoing in- cial interactive growth. They have demonstrated that the
teractions as well as in the language acquisition process. use of gestalt forms (or formulaic utterances, unanalyzed
Peters (1980) suggested that unanalyzed forms may actu- chunks, prefabricated routines) are not only instrumental
ally be perceived as single units when first heard and to a child's participation in social interaction, but also
may subsequently be used somewhat appropriately in that they help to provide children with a foundation and
contexts similar to the ones in which they were origi- framework for developing more complex communicative,
nally heard, thus giving the appearance of a linguistic skills. Research on gestalt forms and gestalt styles of
system of greater complexity than is actually the case. As normal children may provide us with some basis for un-
is discussed later in greater depth, the claims of Clark, derstanding similar forms and styles of autistic persons.
Peters, and Snow are strikingly similar to those of Bal- Thus, frequently noted characteristics/deficits of com-
taxe and Simmons (1977), Prizant (1982a, Note 1), and municative behavior in autism will now be reconsidered
Prizant and Rydell (Note 2) in their research on echolalic in light of the previous discussion on gestalt forms and
patterns of autistic persons. gestalt style. In concluding, this information is brought
Another source of information on gestalt style and ges- to bear on hypotheses about how persons with autism
talt forms in language acquisition is literature on may acquire languge and how their language form and
second-language acquisition. Fillmore (1979) conducted use may relate to their mode of cognitive processing.
a longitudinal study on second-language acquisition of
five Spanish-speaking children learning English who
approached the task through a number of "social
strategies" and "cognitive strategies." She found that a Gestalt Patterns in Autistic Communication
major social strategy consisted of a child attempting to
participate in social discourse by producing formulaic or As discussed earlier, language patterns such as im-

memorized unanalyzed utterances which allowed the mediate and delayed echolalia, and interactive inflexibil-
child to use "the language long before he knows any- ity are the most striking and prevalent features of com-
thing about its structure, and before he can create any munication of verbal autistic persons. Each of these
sentences in the language himself' (p. 211). She indi- characteristics can be better 'undemood 'as' manifesta-

cated that utterances were often used in somewhat ap- tions of gestalt processing.
propriate contexts because they were associated with A child who demonstrates immediate echolalia seems
particular activities or routines. Fillmore added that "the to be treating each repeated utterance as a unit due to a
strategy of acquiring formulaic speech is central to the lack of appreciation of its internal constituent structure
learning of language" (p. 212). As is proposed shortly, (Fay, 1983). Even if a child demonstrates some com-
this strategy may also be the primary means by which prehension of an utterance he or she echoes [possibly
autistic persons approach the language acquisition proc- due to recognition oflexical iternisj], such understanding
ess. It may very well be that formulaic utterances or ges- is extremely limited (Prizant & Duchan, 1981). The
talt forms result, in part, from abilities in rote memory child's major strategy seems to be to repeat utterances
and motor proficiency which exceed lingu istic com- that are beyond his or her processing capacities, even
prehension and productive linguistic abilities. Autistic , though parts of the utterance may be recognized. This is
children and older normal children learning a second best achieved by a reproduction of the whole acoustic
language would seem to have such abilities in common. form, or the last "section" of a form, depending upon
However, normal children learning a second language short-term memory limitations (Fay, 1983). As more ele-

302 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 48 296-307 August 198.1

ments and grammatical relationships are recognizable, the use of delayed echolalia and single-word utteranc:es.
allowing for greater processing, (a) rule-governed she was able to provide information about her previous
changes may be imposed in repetition resulting in miti- day's ordeal by using language from the previous dav.
gated echolalia, or (b) echoing may not occur at all if the Once again, information was conveyed by a reproducti;n
child can respond appropriately (Prizant, Note 1). [In of language from the events themselves, possibly involv,
this context, it is interesting to note that imitative be- ing retrieval from episodic memory. Communicative in-
havior has been associated with gestalt or wholistic tent was clearly demonstrated, yet gestalt forms were
modes of processing (Bates, 1979).] used in lieu of creative language.
Delayed echolalia is exemplary of gestalt processing Pronominal reversal, another frequently cited "symp-
because it seems to be an effort to bring forth whole tom" of autistic language, is a frequent by-product of
forms that were heard previously in similar situations. delayed echolalia. By using gestalt forms, a child rnav
The sim ilarity may be due to associations based on en- produce utterances including s-econd- or third-perso~
vironmental features (e.g., an utterance is associated references to the child him/herself. If the child repro-
with a particular person or place), on internal states (e.g., duces the utterances at a later time, the result is one of
an utterance is associated with anger, happiness, or apparent pronominal confusion (e.g., "Are you hungry?"
thoughts of past experiences), or on experiences of par- "He is tired"). Actually, the child is probably not con-
ticular sensations (e.g., an utterance is associated with cerned as much with pronouns as with reproducing
pain or extreme temperature). Those who work and live whole units (see Fay, 1979, for further discussion),
with persons who produce delayed echolalia often be- In addition to patterns of immediate and delayed
come engrossed with discovering the connection be- echolalia and pronominal reversal, inflexib ility in social
tween a delayed echoic utterance and the situation at interactive patterns of autistic persons also provides evi-
hand, and, thus, its "meaning" to a particular child, dence for gestalt processing. Autistic persons may ac-
which may be indecipherable at some times but trans- quire knowledge of the structure of social interaction
parent at others. (e.g., certain utterances are used as conversational open-
Delayed ec~oic patterns may be manifestations of ges- ers and others for terminating conversations) but demon-
talt processing at both situational and linguistic levels. strate incompetencies in handling the subtle adjustments
First, multiw9rd utterances may be produced as whole and modifications necessary for an efficient exchange of
units, with li~le if any knowledge or understanding of information (i.e., the content of interaction). The use of
their internal Istructure. Second, such un analyzed units stereotypic conversational openers, patterns of incessant
may be produced as a partial fulfillment of a situational questioning, and demands for specific responses
gestalt in whiJh a child attempts to replicate a previous suggests that autistic persons may be preoccupied with
situation (Prizbt, 198t2a). Instead of utterances referring the predictability of the structure of interactive ex-
to prior events, delayed echolalia seems to be a repro- changes, or its external framework, rather than with its
duction of portions of events themselves that were re- internal content (i.e. the information shared). This
tainedin episJdic memory. . preoccupation may represent a struggle to at least par-
Recently, I have had the opportunity to observe what take in such exchanges. For example, Hurtig, Ensrud,
might be an e:l:ample of a gestalt style of recalling previ- and Tomblin (1982) demonstrated that higher function-
ous experienc~s. I returned to visit some young autistic ing autistic children often used questions as a strategy to
children I ha~ worked with for more than a year but open conversations, with little concern for the informa-
hadn't seen fdr almost 4 years. One child (who was 5 tion provided by others as a response to the questions.
years old whe+ I worked with him, and 9 years old upon As mentioned, once interactive rituals are established,
my return visit), began to reproduce segments of conver- departures from them may be greeted with confusion or
sation that w~re parts of events which had occurred 4 even great anxiety. For example, a mother reported that
years earlier. WI hen I asked him if he remembered some her "higher mnctioning",ad,olescentson with autism in-
of the things we had done, he continued to offer sisted nightly that she provide him with specific instruc-
"pieces" of events by recalling segments of dialogue. tions for setting the dinner table by saying, "Mother.
(Interestingly, I some of the dialogue consisted of repro- now tell me to put the plate down .. , tell me to get the
duction of directives and reprimands, a familiar event to cups," and so on. This young man appeared to need a
parents and tekchers,) Yet, this "higher functioning" au- replication of the established verbal routine although he
tistic child w~s not producing "triggered" responses. It obviously did not need instructions to carry out the task
was quite evident to his teacher and to me that he was that had become a familiar activity. One young child
thinking aboJt those events when questioned about whom I saw for language therapy developed a routine of
them. His res~onses involved activities and situations in running to and sitting in a yellow reclining chair in the
which I had PlartiCipated; however, he did not have the secretary's office. In order for us to proceed peacefully to
means to relate that information by generating produc- the language room, I had to repeat "It's a yellow chair"
tive language' forms. In another interaction, a voung after him. which was actually a repetition of an utterance
woman with autism approached me with a gauze pad I had produced at some earlier time. Such accounts of
taped to her ~rm. While touching the pad she stated, demands for specific responses by autistic children are
"The doctor l~oked at your pain yesterday, .. blood ... certainly not unique. What they seem to indicate is a
needle. , .. Don't worry, this won't hurt you." Through need to realize interactional gestalts, one aspect of the
PIuZANT: Autism 303

need for sameness that might be caused by an extreme Simmons, 1977) as well as from my research (Prizant,
form of gestalt processing. As Kanner (1943) indicated, Note 1) and observations. Once again, I refer to relevant
literature o.n n0n.nal first- and second-language learning.
Their world must seem to them to be made of elements
that, once they have been experienced in a certain setting In her diSCUSSIOnof analytic and gestalt styles of lan-
or sequence, cannot be tolerated in any other setting or guage acquisition, Peters (1977) speculated that normal
sequence; nor can the setting or sequence be tolerated children demonstrate significant variance and might fall
without all the original ingredients in the identical order. ~t different points along the continuum between primar-
ily gestalt and primarily analytic processors. She indi-
Similarly, one's perception of listener needs involves cated that most children will be analytic or may use both
an ongoing sequential analysis of verbal information analytic and gestalt forms. However, those who are
provided by a co-interactant as well as analysis and com- primarily gestalt are at a disadvantage because they will
prehension of nonverbal cues of boredom, confusion, eventually have to "convert slowly and painfully to a
and the like. Higher functioning autistic individuals ap- more analytic approach to language" (p. 571).
pear to approach social interactions with predetermined Because autistic persons appear to be limited to an ex-
agendas or with an inflexible sense of how a verbal ex- treme style of gestalt processing, the process oflanguage
change is to be structured (Dewey & Everard, 1974). A acquisition, even for higher functioning autistic indi-
gestalt mode of processing may actually preclude the viduals, is truly painful. Those who may remain primar-
types of ongoing analysis necessary for subtle listener- ily echolalic demonstrate a failure to move along the
sensitive adjustments, resulting in a reliance on familiar continuum toward analytic processing due to cognitive
routine. limitations. Greater cognitive potential probably allows
Obviously, communicative skills are affected detri- some movement toward an analytic approach to language
mentally by a rigid adherence to specific routines of dis- acquisition after an extended period of primarily gestalt
course and social interaction. If effective communication processing. This process may be represented by a model
is characterized by ongoing adjustments and modifica- of language acquisition in autism (Prizant, Note 1). The
tions (such as repairing breakdowns, providing back- model (see Figure 3) was originally constructed based
ground information, shifting topics, and shifting style), upon research on the functions of immediate echolalia
and if such adjustments are achieved through a process (Prizant, Note 1) and the research of Baltaxe and Sim-
of ongoing sequential analysis of the interaction, a ges- mons (1977). The notion of stages of language acquisi-
talt processing mode surely does not seem suited for the tion is presented for convenience of presentation; no
claims are made as to their psychological reality. The
analytic demands of fluid communicative interactions.
One may speculate that the perceptual and conceptual process is best understood as continuous, without clear
points of delineation.
demands of social interaction may account for autistic
(a) In Stage 1, utterances are predominantly echolalic
persons avoiding social interaction.
and may fulfill a conversational "turn-taking" function
In summary, language patterns of autistic persons are
(Prizant & Duchan, 1981) or "phatic" function (Caparulo
characterized frequently by repetition of unanalyzed
& Cohen, 1977). Some utterances may also be produced
forms that may be noncommunicative or may be used as
for self-stimulatory effects (Prizant & Duchan's, 1981,
a means to express communicative intent. Such expres-
"nonfocused" function). This is supported by most ac-
sive patterns may reflect an inability to segment others'
counts of the early speech of autistic children in that
utterances and realize their internal-structure, which
their first spoken utterances are echolalic with little evi-
would allow for semantic-syntactic processing. The re-
dence of comprehension (Ricks & Wing, 1975).
production of memorized multiword units would seem to
be devoid of the creative and generative linguistic pro-
cesses typically associated with the spontaneous produc-
tion of rnultiword utterances. In an analogous manner,
autistic persons approach social 'interaction by es- Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
tablishing and rigidly adhering to highly routinized
patterns. The structure of interactive exchanges may be
understood and replicated; however, ongoing adjust-
ments which are so vital to communication mav be ab- .S!
sent and thus cripple successful interactive exchanges, c
::> /
Furthermore, a gestalt processing mode will also affect /
the process and sequence of language acquisition. •..
Q) /
::> /
z /
Language Acquisition and Gestalt Processing / <, _~olalia __
Due to the paucity of longitudinal research on lan-
guage acquisition in autism, hypotheses about patterns Time-
of language acquisition in autism are offered based on FIGURE 3. Change over time in the number of functions served
available information from the literature (Baltaxe & by echolalia and spontaneous language .

.•• ·.4
E ••
304 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 48 296-307 August 1983

(b) In Stage 2, the growth of a child's general knowl- the child has become cognitively capable of internaliz-
edge of the world and relationships within the environ- ing operations for processing language and regulating
ment may exceed linguistic growth. [Evidence for such a behavior. Communicative functions are now served
gap between cognitive and linguistic growth in autism is primarily by creative, spontaneous utterances. However.
now becoming available (Wetherby & Gaines, 1982)]. A vestiges of echolalic behavior may appear during stages
gestalt processing mode may handicap a child's ability to of fatigue, confusion, or distraction. Simmons and Bal-
observe and extract internal consistencies of language to taxe (1975) have noted such residual patterns in the lan-
the extent that language remains predominantly guage of their autistic subjects.
echolalic. However, due to cognitive growth and experi- The importance of echolalic speech to further lan-
ences in social interaction, a greater variety of functions guage acquisition was suggested recently by Howlin
will be served by echolalia as a child attempts to express (1981). In her language training study with autistic chil-
intentions and to comment on relationships within the dren, she noted that echolalic children in both the ex-
environment. Echolalia may also serve as a means of be- perimental group (who received operant language train-
havioral self-regulation and as a rehearsal strategy. To- ing) and the control group (who received no language
wards the end of Stage 2, a child may also be applying training) had acquired "good phrase speech" at follow-
and acquiring particular strategies to break down up. She indicated that even if children are somewhat
echolalic utterances. Such strategies may represent echolalic, they are "likely to achieve fairly good com-
movement to a more analytic approach to language, municative speech eventually, even in the absence of in-
which allows for an increased understanding of the con- tensive language training" (p. 98). Howl in's findings
stituent structure of utterances in reference to formal would seem to suggest that the presence of echolalia is
syntactic structure and the semantic relationships en- an important prognostic factor for further language
coded by them. For some children, it is possible that the growth, which has also been suggested by Lovaas (1977).
emergence of apparently spontaneous speech may in- It is suggested herein that echolalia provides the "raw
volve both a breaking down of echolalic utterances and material" for further language growth, thus explaining its
acquisition of one- and two-word utterances reflecting prognostic value. Comparisons between analytic and
early developmental patterns. For other children, acquis- gestalt styles in language acquisition and use are sum-
ition of more flexible language knowledge consisting of marized in Table 3.
simple combinatorial rules may depend solely on the If, indeed, language acquisition and communicative
breaking down of echolalic utterances, allowing for the behavior in autism can be explained by a particular
conjoining of language "chunks." (Baltaxe & Simmons, mode of cognitive processing, additional evidence for
1977, found such patterns in the bedtime soliloquies of such a processing mode should be apparent in other as-
their 8-year-old autistic subject.) This latter group would pects of learning. Therefore, the discussion now shifts
probably represent those with greater cognitive defi- briefly from linguistic and communicative behavior to
ciency. In fact, children who do not advance beyond patterns of cognitive processing and learning in non-
Stage 1 or Stage 2 behavior would reflect the lowest communicative and nonverbal domains.
functioning group of verbal autistic children, who re-
main echolalic for extended periods of time.
(c) Stage 3 is characterized by increasing flexibility in Cognitive Processing and Learning Patterns in
language structure through the acquisition of linguistic Autism
forms governed by knowledge of early semantic-
syntactic rules and/or a further breaking down and re- The literature on autism is replete with descriptions of
combination of segments of echolalic utterances. As wholistic or gestalt learning patterns. Prior (1979) re-
more flexible language is acquired, functions previously viewed research on learning disabilities and abilities in
served by echolalia will be expressed through spontane- autism and concluded that particular weaknesses are
ous forms. Therefore, the declining number of echolalic most frequently noted on tasks demanding analytic, se-
utterances will serve fewer functions. quential process ing. In contrast, much greater success
Within Stage 3 there will be a period in which similar has been reported on tasks that can be accomplished
functions will be served by spontaneous and echolalic through recognition without analysis.
utterances, followed by a decrease in echolalia with a Frequently cited abilities of autistic persons include
concomitant increase in spontaneous language. It is no an excellent rote memory for both visual and auditory
coincidence that as spontaneous utterances increase, information and proficiencies in tasks demanding visu-
echolalia decreases. In fact, a casual relationship is being al-spatial judgment and visual-spatial pattern recognition
suggested in that the breaking down of echolalic utter- (Prior, 1979). Specific skills related to these abilities in-
ances may be part of the process of acquiring more spon- clude both recognition and reproduction of melodic pat-
taneous forms. terns, construction of visual-spatial arrays from samples
(d) Finally, Stage 4 is characterized by the acquisition (e.g., elaborate arrangements of blocks), and solution of
of more spontaneous and flexible language that reflects a jigsaw puzzles, form boards, block-design tasks. and so
child's increasing knowledge of semantic-syntactic and forth. Prior (1979) noted that such abilities are nonanaly-
morphological rules. Echolalia no longer serves cogni- tic and nonabstract and are most often ..exceptional"
tive functions (i.e., self-regulation, rehearsal) because only in comparison to the severe disabilities in language,
PmZANT: Autism 305

TABLE 3. A comparison between analytic and gestalt modes in steal and visual spatial skills). Peters also implicated a
language acquisition and use. right-hemisphere preference in her subjects.
Fay and Schuler (1980) have discussed patterns of
Analytic mode Gestalt mode ability and disability in autism from a slightly different
orientation. They indicated that autistic persons have
1. Basic units of language are 1. Basic units of language
single words. may be words, multiword considerable difficulty with processing and perceiving
utterances, phrases, and/or patterns in transient, temporally ordered stimuli (e.g.,
clauses, and all possibili- speech, auditory patterns), yet they are much more suc-
ties may co-occur as units cessful with static, spatially organized stimuli (e.g., puz-
during one period of time. zles, pictures). Hermelin (1976) noted that many tasks
2. Early language acquisition 2. Early language acquisition
involves movement from involves acqu isition of involving spatial, static information can be accomplished
single words to two- and multiword utterances func- by retaining information in whole, unanalyzed forms, yet
three-word utterances en- tioning as single units. May processing temporally organized stimuli, especially as
coding early semantic func- involve utterances which exemplified by language and social interactive be-
tions and relations. appear grammatically so-
phisticated. haviors, demands ongoing analytic, sequential analysis.
3. Further growth in language 3. Further growth in language Thus, recent research suggests strongly that a gestalt or a
is achieved through acquis- involves analysis and seg- wholistic processing preference may be responsible for
ition of grammatical mor- mentation of unanalyzed patterns of learning abilities and disabilities of autistic
'I phemes and functorsallow-
ing for noun phrase and
chunks into constituent
components and/or move-
children. Furthermore, normal children who demon-
verb phrase elaboration. ment to an analytic mode. strate gestalt language acquisition styles and forms in
4. Language is productive 4. Language is relatively in- early stages of language acquisition may also demon-
and generative from early flexible in early stages with strate learning profiles similar to autistic children, but
stages of acquisition with limited generative use. In- certainly not to the same degree or extent.
rule induction allowing for creased complexity is
increased complexity. achieved through recombi- In summary, the literature on cognitive processing in-
nations of prefabricated dicates that autistic persons demonstrate much greater
patterns and further success in nonlanguage tasks that can be accomplished
movement to an analytic by a wholistic or gestalt processing approach. Fur-
mode. thermore, some researchers (Hermelin, 1976; Prior,
5. Language use is general- 5. Language use may remain
ized to relevant objects and specific to situational con- 1979) have suggested that when faced with problems
events after short periods texts for extended periods. demanding analytic processing or rule induction, autistic
of situationally specific us- persons will most often attempt to impose a solution
age. based on pattern reproduction or rote repetition. There-
6. Analytic processors may be 6. Gestalt processors may be
more focused on internal more focused on intonation fore, it seems logical to conclude that in autism gestalt
structure (semantic and/or and use of language in the language forms and a gestalt style of language acquisi-
grammatical relationships) structure of social interac- tion, language use, and social interaction may very well
and referential use of ut- tion. result from the imposition of a learning style that is not
terances. well suited to the analytical demands oflanguage acquis-
ition and social interaction.

communication, social interaction, and abstract reason- Concluding Comments

ing. Furthermore, Rimland (1978) has argued that if truly
exceptional splinter skills or idiot savant behaviors are Similarities between gestalt language patterns and
observed in autism, they are related to right-hemisphere cognitive styles of persons with autism and of nonautistic
abilities. persons demand more attention from researchers and
Other researchers (Baltaxe & Simmons, 1981; Black- theorists. Although simiiarities can be observed"; the dif-
stock, 1978; Fay & Schuler, 1980; Oxman & Konstan- ferences in communicative ability between autistic per-
tareas, 1981; Prior & Bradshaw, 1979) also have sons and others who use gestalt forms and gestalt acquis-
suggested that patterns of ability and disability in autism ition styles are striking. It is not the presence of such
may indicate a right-hemisphere processing preference language and communicative patterns that constitutes
which is believed to be "wholistic" rather than "analy- the pathology, but the degree to which they are main-
tic" (Moscovitch, 1981). Recent experimental evidence tained, in terms of exactness of structure and length of
based on EEG,mdies and dichotic listening tasks also time that they remain the predominant approach to
supports a right-hemisphere processing preference communication for autistic persons. To fully understand
(Dawson, Warrenburg, & Fuller, 1982; Wetherby, how processing styles affect the acquisition and use of
Koegel, & Mendel, 1981). Interestingly, Peters (1977, language, detailed longitudinal research needs to be un-
1980) noted a profile of skill strengths in her normal sub- dertaken, following children from prelinguistic stages
jects who demonstrated gestalt language styles that is through the acquisition of complex and spontaneous lan-
strikingly similar to profiles of abilities in autism as dis- guage. This information is unavailable at the present
cussed by Prior (1979) (e.g., excellent rote memory, rnu- time.

306 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 48 296-307 August 1983

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