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ONLINE GAMES: Its Effect on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 1

HUMSS students in Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School



Background of the Study

The study of gaming addiction online is becoming more popular. Since the early

2000s, there has been a considerable increase in the number of empirical studies

addressing various aspects of problematic online gaming and online gaming addiction

(Griffiths, 2015). Online games are extremely popular in the modern era. Particularly

vulnerable to the overwhelming influence of technology today are students. In most

cases, they prioritize online gaming over their academic or coursework.

It's frequently required to have high-speed internet connectivity to play online

games. Suitable hardware is also required, whether it be a computer or a gaming device

with an internet connection, such as an Xbox or PlayStation. Some online game games

require a specific piece of control hardware, such a joystick or game controller, however

gaming technology has recently made significant strides. Features like 3-D animated

visuals superb surround sound stereo, it is now possible to develop a gaming addiction.

For a variety of reasons, online gaming is getting more and more common when it comes

to video games. Players ca easily find opponents with similar skill levels when playing

head-to-head games online (St. John’s University, 2020).

Online gaming may completely wreck your life. If you become addicted to playing

online games, you can end up doing things like stealing, which are against what you

would normally do in your daily life. Numerous other negative consequences of playing

online games include lying, sleeping in late, gambling, and dropping out of school. The

term “addiction” has traditionally been used to describe a person’s dependence on a

substance. According to the Webster dictionary, addiction is “a compulsive need for and

use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined

psychological symptoms upon withdrawal”. With the growth and popularity of the

internet, the issue of internet addiction also changes (Cash,2012). Internet usage is

highest among adolescents (12-17 years old) and emerging adults (18-19 years old) (Pew

Research Center, 2010).

Online games is extremely common in the present era. Students today are particularly

susceptible to the enormous impact of technology. They focus more on online gaming

than on their academic or academic-related achievement in school. Understanding that

using technology excessively has a significant negative impact on academic achievement,

epidemics are constantly affecting pupils one by one. The researcher became curious

about the kids' whereabouts as they kept chatting about this staple.

It is incontestably dubious that playing online games offers something that no one else

can. Research have shown that employing technology is one of the ways in which the

human brain is easily destroyed. In order to make material applicable to the current

generation, the educational system has a tendency to follow the social trends that are

constantly changing.
We, Researchers, of this study was compelled to ascertain the extent to which

internet games had an impact on the academic performance of grade 12 HUMSS students

at Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School. The aim of this study is to

ascertain the effects of internet gaming on students. It aims to determine how internet

games impact intellectual potential of kids in relation to their academic success.


This study will focus on how playing online games can affect their academic

performance. Some target beneficiaries, and expected users of this study outputs are

indicated here under:

Students, should be alerted to the repercussions of gaming addiction by this study, which

serves as a wake-up call.

Teachers, this will give information about the academic achievement of the students

playing online games, which will inspire them to assist the students by providing

appropriate advice about their studies and clear feedback on the issue’s outcome.

Future Researchers, they may use this study as a source of both conceptual and research

literature when they conduct their own studies related to this topic, they can extend the

scope pf resent investigation to formulate a more generalized conclusion.

ONLINE GAMES: Its Effect on the Academic Performance of Grade 12

HUMSS students in Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School

Group 3 Members;

Leader: Corpuz, Ralph Aaron C.

Assistant Leader: Mercado, Ashley N.

Balbin, Richard B.

Corpuz, Orion Jake C.

Corpuz, Amanda Claire C.

Sarmiento, John Levy D.

Tayoan, Erica Joy M.


This study aims to determine the effect of online games in academic performance

of Grade 12 HUMSS students Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School.

Specifically, to determine;

1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 name;

1.2 age;

1.3 sex;

2. What is the reason why Grade 12 HUMSS students of DRECMNHS are over exposed

to online games?

3. What online games do you play?mobile legends, valorant, call of duty, others. How

much time/hours do you spend playing games?

4. Does playing online games makes you satisfied?


Every student who plays online games effects on Academic Performance.

Every student who plays online games has no effects on Academic


This study will focus on “Online Games: Its effect on Students Academic

Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students in Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial

National High School”, to ascertain the positive and negative effects of online games on

the education of Grade 12 HUMSS students.

It will only circle in the Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School.

There is a total of 316 grade 12 HUMSS students of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial

National High School, the researchers will meet at least 60% percent of the total

population (63 female and 64 male)

The researchers delimits that the study may not be applicable to other populations

that are not considered as grade 12 HUMSS of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial

National High School.


Ascertain- from old french acer Tener, based on Latin Certus ‘settled, sure’.

Find (something) out for certain ; make sure of.

Cognitive- relating to,being, or involving conscious intellectual activity ( such

as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)

Compulsive- late 16th century from Latin compulsivus, from compuls -

‘driven,forced’ , from the verb compellere

Emerging- first known use in 1646, newly formed or prominent

Empirical- derives from Latin empiricus, itself from greek empeirikos,

meaning based on observation (of medical treatment) is a derived of peira,

meaning “ attempt, trial, test”.

Melancholy- from Old french melancolie, via late Latin from Greek

melankholia, from melas, melan- ‘black’ + khole ‘bile’. Expressive of sadness,

causing or trending to cause dejected feeling.

Repercussion- a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act,action,

or event.
Stride- advance considerably, make good progress.

Withdrawal- to eliminate,leave or disengage something you are addicted to.

Vulnerable- from Latin noun vulnus (wound). Vulnus led to the latin verb

vulnerare, meaninf “ to wound” which became vulnerable in english in early

1600s. Vulenrable meant “ capable of physically wounded” or “having the power

to wound”.



Technology helps improve the quality of life. However, because of

internet advances they forget to have time for their family. Playing online games

on computer and cellphone have always been a great way to pass the time in

these modern times. Online gaming is defined as playing any computer game

online or with the use of the internet. It became popular not long after the

internet was introduced to the public. This soon turned into a problem when

people started playing excessively, which could turn a simple past time into

addiction (Kuss in Talabis and Ocampo, 2017).

The Internet plays an important role as a source of information in

developing one’s mind and life experiences by creating productive works in

school, offices and even at home. In today's time, people use the internet as a

tool for enabling themselves to take charge and cope with the fast-growing

technology. Nowadays, where people live on informative lifestyles where

everything is updated, internet become one of the necessities of human beings

regardless of age and sex in today's society. However, the influence of this

useful machine on youth is undeniably questionable technologies are very good

at distracting people. In line with this development, online gaming was made to

give entertainment to students.

Each medium was often immediately praised for its potential benefits and

criticized for its potential harm. Many students have been conducting tests to see

whether online games, technological advances, and computers are advantageous

or disadvantageous to individuals' academic performance. Many teachers,

parents and other concerned people continuously clamor and protest on how the

trend is becoming a distraction among students in their studies and for a tighter

clamp over gaming.

A widely used leisure activity by many people is online gaming. Playing

video or online games has numerous reasons to be played, for some people it

can be stress reliever, a challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social

interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world. Teenagers,

youngsters and students find that online gaming is the best past time that they

acquire. According to Kuss and Griffiths (cited in Dumrique and Castillo, 2018),

teens who play online games are just having fun. They do not actually play

because of some sort of seriousness, but also because they just want to feel

relief. During school hours, students tend to feel stressed due to loads of school-

works and through playing it will relieve their stress. It is undeniably

questionable that playing online games provides them with something that no

one can give. Students learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate

usage of online games also leads to some problems much as being distracted n

school. Further, it is where the attention of the child was divided that even

health and social life is unknowingly affected.

Studies revealed that the humans’ brain is easy to destroy as one of the reasons

for using technology. The education system tends to go with the flow with this

constant change in society to get things relevant to the generations today.

According to Rodriguez, et al., (n.d.), mobile gaming is a growing concern that

increases the users’ risk for physical and psychological health problems. A strong

attachment to mobile games may interfere with school and work-related

activities and can damage.

According to Dr. Amelia Able (2020) the online game refers to games that are

played over some form of computer network, typically on the internet, in which

you can connect with multiple players. Nowadays, online gaming is not only for

the entertainment of the students but also for learning. According to some

research, it helps teens to exercise their mind and causes them to explore the

internet. It enables the mind of the players to be more active, especially with

puzzle-based games. It also helps the player to come up with decisions in tight

situations, especially with adventure games that require the player's time,

thereby leaving school activities and homework unattended. Academic

performance declines when minimal attention is given to study. Thus, online

gaming affects the academic performance of students positively and negatively.

Study revealed that online gaming has a huge impact among them regarding

their academic performance which led them to poor or low grades and physical

distress as well. The majority of the respondents replied and favored those

online games which gave negative outcomes to their study and health. They
found out that in their studies, they cannot do their homework as well as their

projects and that they have low grades. Based on the general result, the

researchers conclude that a number of students playing online games could have

a negative effect on their academic performance. Furthermore, students,

teachers and parents must be aware of the effects of online gaming and should

regulate the time playing such games because it could ruin every student's focus

on their study. Students should be disciplined when it comes to playing online

games which they could still perform satisfactorily in their studies, and it should

not be given much priority over higher and more realistic priorities


The Academic Performance of the respondents is not affected even if they play

online games. Their grades are still good enough even if they spent time playing.

To sum up with the result, the respondents have a good academic performance

despite their involvement in playing online games. This can be interpreted as the

trade-off when playing computer games. If the student decides not to play, then

there will be no education in the grades (Dumrique and Castillo,2018).

Students who play online games almost every day scored 15 points above

average in math and reading and 17 points above average in science. Although

this may also be true of video games, game play appears to equip students to

apply and sharpen knowledge (Finnegan,2016).

Students who play online games actually get better academic results despite the

old stereotypes about video games rotting your brain, a new study provides the

latest evidence to the contrary, with data showing that gaming day is linked to

improvements in academic performance (Dockrill,2016).

Even though they play online games; they know how to socialize well and they

can perform very well when it comes to academic performance (Dumrique,2018).

Foreign Studies

The Internet is a technology based on the development of information

technology. It has become an important tool and required by the knowledge-

based society present the contemporary of information management, information

search, communication and research learning (Shabibi and Rusli, 2017) and this

can be a person’s most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to take charge

and cope with the fast-growing technology (Dumrique and Castillo, 2018).

There has been research on the influence of internet gaming on academic

attainment (Haraphap and Ramadan, 2021; Kurnada and Iskandar, 2021; Turner

et al., 2018) which demonstrate that online gaming users will not receive harmful

influence as long as they play with the suggested timespan. Additionally, online

games are supposed to benefit language requisition, although their effect on

academic accomplishment requires additional research. However, a few other

researchers, such as Azdic et al. (2021) and Islam et al. (2020) presented

important facts based on their research. They report that less successful
students have lower grades because of their habit of playing online games,

whereas excellent students maintain high scores despite spending the same

amount of time playing. In other words, online gaming has no significant effect

on students’ academic performance. Moreover, they suggest that time

management while playing is very influential in determining students’ academic


The outcome of the study of “The Effect of Mobile/Online Games on

Academic Performance” supports the widely held assumption that online games

have a detrimental effect on academic achievement, particularly when time spent

playing is excessive. Based on the results of the study, the following salient

findings based on Lemmens criteria were drawn: In terms of length time playing

the game on mobile devices the respondents spent 3-5 hours with overall

weighted mean 2.78 percent. While the most popular game played is Free fire by

38 percent. Furthermore, the majority of respondents, 67.2 percent, said that

playing online games makes them feel better. Then, in response to the

statement about ignoring other important things when playing online games, the

majority of respondents (74.50 percent) admitted that they occasionally neglect

important things while playing online games. Meanwhile, the majority of

respondents (30.90 percent) indicated that they get stressed out of it. In

addition, for academic performance data from students who participated in this

study indicate that on the average, students that participate in online games

obtain an average of 88.34, which is B (good performance) on the grading scale

while 9 out of 55 get C (satisfactory performance). Their average school result

decreased to 88.32 in the second semester for the same categories. It can also

be found that there is a significant negative relationship between the academic

performance of the respondents and playing mobile games (r=.907) as it causes

decrease in grades in school along with addition to playing games, asserts that

online games have no detrimental effect on students' academic performance.

Internet and online gaming have been examined as factors impacting students'

performance in a variety of school subjects. In live with the current study, Adzic

et al. (2021) suggest students should be permitted to play online games for

more than four hours per day, whereas Islam (2020) argue that two hours online

gaming would lead to positive effects on students.

Online Gaming Addiction

Generally, in modern days, addiction to playing online games has become

phenomenon of its’ own in the lives of modern-day society (Rahmawati,

Mulyana, Karlinah , and Hadisiwi, 2018). Additionally, students who play online

games obtain a grade ranging from 89-90 and interpreted as good (Dumrique

and Castillo,2018). Another study also determined that competitive games could

significantly reduce situational anxieties (Wei, Ka, Lu and Liu, 2018). In other

fields, video online games based on educational principles can help to structure

instructions so that authentic instructional techniques are used for circular

development (Kooiman, Like, and Wesolek.). In a study, it was hypothesized that

the link between hours in playing games and poorer academic performance
measured by GPA scores was not supported (Khadra, Hackshaw, and Mccollum

n.d.). multiplayer exposed students to a virtual mission that requires leadership

as well as team building skills. As a result, transactional and transformational

behaviors were demonstrated ( Kaplancali, and Bostan n.d.).

Reference List

Aldus, Kyle (2014). Computer gaming effects academic performance. Retrieve

March 7, 2017, from 5910606 computer gaming effects


Rodica, Talania, Hanes (2019-2020) “EFFECTS OF ONLINE GAMES IN ACADEMIC


CARMEL OF MARIA AURORA”. Department of Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics.

Anggraeni, L.D., & Wihardja, H. (2020) Online Game Addiction and Learning

Achievement for Senior High School Students in Jakarta. JJDS Indonesian

Journal of Disability Studies, 7(2). 151-155.

Bukhori, B., Said,. Wi, T.& Nor,F.M.(20219). The effect of smartphone addiction,

achievement, motivation, and textbook reading intensity on students’ academic

achievement. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Tecnologies, 13(9). 66-


Haraphap, S. H., & Ramadan, Z. H. (2021). Dampak Game Online Free Fire

Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Journal Basicesu, 5(3) 1304-13311.
Islam,M. I., Biswas, R.K.,&Khanam, R. (2020). Effect of internet use and

electronic fame-play on academic performance of Australian children. Scientific

Reports, 10(1), 1-10.

Kurnada,N., & Iskandar, R. (2021). Analisis Tingkat Kecanduan Bermain Game

Online terhadap Siswa Sekola Dasar, Journal Basicedu, 5(6).

Turner, P.E., Jhonston, E., Kebritci, M., Evans,S., & Helfich,D.A (2018). Influence

of online computer games on the academic achievement of nontraditional

undergraduate students. Cogent Education, 5(1).

Salbabero, A. (2020-2021). Assessing the Effects of Online Game Addiction to

the Grade 12 HUMSS Student of Infanta National High School

Able, A. (2020) Effects of Online Gaming on Academic Performance of HUMSS

student at Bestlink College of the Philippines, 2(1).

Dumrique, DO,& Castillo, J.G. (2018). Online Gaming: Impact on the Academic

Performance and Social Behavior of the students in Polytechnic University of the

Philippines Laboratory High School. kne-social.

ONLINE GAMES: It’s Effect on the Academic

Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Students

In Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial

National Highschool

Dear Respondents,

The researchers are in the process of completing basic research

entitled “ONLINE GAMES: It’s Effect on the Academic Performance of Grade 12
HUMSS Students In Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National Highschool”.
This study aims to assess’ students on how online games affects
their school performance . In connection with this, We, the researchers, adopted
and amended a questionnaire to collect information; as a result, participation in
this study, including completing the questionnaire, is crucial. Please know that
we will treat both your anonymity and the information you provide with
Thank you very much for your kind response in this matter.

Mercado, Ashley
Nisperos, Syrah Marie
Mortera, Sheina Maxene
Merlin, Arose
Mcclary, Joseph
Mejia, John Philip
The Researchers,

Direction: Please fill out the given space that correspond to your answers.


Sex:____Male__Female Age:___

PART II: ONLINE GAMES: It’s Effect on the Academic Performance of

Grade 12 HUMSS students in Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National
High School

Direction: Please read the statements carefully. Please put check mark (/) on
the column provided that corresponds to your answer. Please answer it honestly.

Weight Descriptive
5 Always
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Rarely
1 Never
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
(Always) (Often) (Sometimes) (Rarely) (Never)
playing online
game reason
for you to be
late at
2.Do you
have a failing
grades or low
because of
playing online
games the
factor why
you can’t
focus and
on your
4.Do you feel
distress after
playing online
5.Do you
spend your
time playing
online games
during school
6.Do you
think you can
get good
benefits for
playing online
playing online
games help
you kill some
8.Do playing
online games
affects your
9. I listen
attentively to
the lecture of
my teacher
even when
I’m playing
online games.
10.I try hard
to do well in
school when
I’m playing
online games


Research Design

We will use a experimental research design in this study because we will

be using the dependent and independent variables of grade 12 students of Don

Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School on the usage of online games

on academic performance of the students.

Sampling and Population

The respondents of the study will be the Grade 12 students of Don

Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School SY 2022-2023.

This study will be using simple random sampling because this study will

be using fishbowl technique to sixty percent (60%) of all the three hundred and

sixteen (316) Grade 12 students of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National

High School of s.y. 2022-2023.

Research Instrument

To determine the effects of online games on academic performance

among grade 12 students of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High

School. The primary instrument used to gather the needed data is questionnaire.

The one-on-one in person interview will be conducted and collected for data


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