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Unilever Pakistan Limited is a subsidiary of Unilever, one of the world's largest consumer goods
companies. Established in 1948, Unilever Pakistan has been providing high-quality products to
the Pakistani market for over 70 years. With a portfolio of well-known and trusted brands, the
company offers a range of products that cater to the everyday needs of people, including personal
care, nutrition, and hygiene. Unilever Pakistan is committed to delivering quality and excellence
in all its products and services and is dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of its
customers. The company values respect for the individual, open and transparent communication,
continuous self-renewal, a sense of urgency, and integrating sustainability into business
decisions. These core values serve as the foundation of the company's business and inform its
decision-making, operations, and interactions with stakeholders. Unilever Pakistan is committed
to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The company is a signatory of the
United Nations Global Compact and is dedicated to promoting sustainable business practices,
reducing waste, and protecting the environment. In conclusion, Unilever Pakistan is a leading
consumer goods company that has established a strong presence in the Pakistani market through
its portfolio of well-known and trusted brands. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and
sustainability, the company is dedicated to creating value for all its stakeholders and enhancing
the quality of life for its customers and communities.


Our vision is to grow our business, while decoupling our environmental footprint from our
growth and increasing our positive social impact.


Unilever Pakistan's mission is to improve the quality of life of people in Pakistan by providing
them with high-quality products that meet their needs and expectations. The company is
committed to sustainability and has set ambitious goals for reducing its environmental impact
and improving the livelihoods of people across its value chain. In recent years, Unilever Pakistan
has seen steady growth in its sales, driven by a combination of product innovation, strong brand
equity, and effective marketing strategies. The company's focus on digital transformation has
also helped to drive sales, with online sales channels becoming an increasingly important part of
its business. Looking to the future, Unilever Pakistan is well-positioned to continue its growth
trajectory, with a strong portfolio of brands and a commitment to innovation and sustainability.
The company's focus on meeting the evolving needs of consumers in Pakistan, combined with its
global expertise and resources, make it a key player in the country's consumer goods market.

Core Values

Impeccable Integrity

We are honest, transparent and ethical in our dealings at all times.

Wowing our Consumers & Customers

We win the hearts and minds of our consumers and customers.

Living an Enterprise Culture

We believe in trust, and outstanding teamwork. We value a creative & fun environment.

Demonstrating a Passion for Winning

We deliver what we promise.

Bringing out the Best in All of Us

We are empowered leaders, who are inspired by new challenges and have a bias for action.

Making a Better World

We care about and actively contribute to community in which we live.

Company’s Information

Amir Paracha is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Unilever Pakistan Limited. He
joined the Board on 1st February 2020. Prior to taking over as the CEO, in his role as VP
Customer Development, he helped deliver solid results and maintained a strong growth mindset,
successfully inspiring a transformative vision for the future.

Registered Office Avari Plaza Fatima Jinnah Road Karachi - 75530

Website Address www.unilever.pk

Board of directors Mr. Kamran Y. Mirza Mr. Amir R. Paracha Mr. Aly Yusuf Ms. Asima Haq
Mr. Zulfikar Monnoo Mr. Muhammad Adil Monnoo Mr. Kamal Monnoo Mr. Sarfaraz Ahmed
Rehman Mr. Khalid Mansoor Mr. Ali Tariq

Company Secretary Mr. Aman Ghanchi

Audit Committee Mr. Khalid Mansoor Mr. Muhammad Adil Monnoo Mr. Sarfaraz Ahmed
Rehman Mr. Zulfikar Monnoo Mr. Kamran Y. Mirza Mr. Moiz Idris Rajput
Human Resource & Remuneration Committee Mr. Kamran Y. Mirza Mr. Zulfikar Monnoo
Mr. Kamal Monnoo Mr. Amir R. Paracha Mr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rehman Ms. Kanize Fathema

Auditors Messrs KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Chartered Accountants Sheikh Sultan Trust
Building No. 2, Beaumont Road, Karachi – 75530 Pakistan


Unilever Pakistan is committed to sustainable and responsible business practices and has made
significant investments in areas such as renewable energy, water conservation, and waste
reduction. In this article, we will explore the various departments of Unilever Pakistan and the
role they play in contributing to the company's success.

Department of Supply Chain:

Unilever Pakistan's Supply Chain department ensures timely and efficient delivery of products,
optimizing costs and minimizing waste, driving business growth and customer satisfaction.

Department of Sales and Marketing:

Unilever Pakistan's Sales and Marketing departments work together to deliver sustainable growth
while maintaining brand integrity and maximizing shareholder value.

Department of Finance and Accounting:

Unilever Pakistan's Finance and Accounting department is responsible for financial management,
reporting, and analysis to ensure financial sustainability and success while minimizing risk and
maximizing financial efficiency.

Department of Human Resources:

Unilever Pakistan's Human Resources department is responsible for managing the organization's
human capital and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations while fostering a diverse
and inclusive workplace culture.

Department of Research and Development:

Unilever Pakistan's Research and Development department is responsible for driving innovation
and developing new products to meet customer needs while delivering sustainable growth.

Department of Customer Care and Service:

Unilever Pakistan's Customer Service department provides timely and effective resolution of
customer inquiries and complaints, while also managing order processing, shipping, and logistics
to ensure on-time delivery.

Department of Legal Compliances and Cooperate Affairs:

Unilever Pakistan's Legal and Corporate Affairs department is responsible for managing legal
and regulatory compliance, risk management, corporate governance, and public affairs.


The decision-making process of Unilever Pakistan is likely influenced by the company's overall
strategy and goals, as well as the local market conditions and consumer preferences in Pakistan.
Typically, the decision-making process at Unilever can involve several levels of management,
including local, regional, and global teams. Decisions may be made through a combination of
top-down directives from higher-level management and bottom-up input from local teams on the
ground. Some of the key factors that may influence decision making at Unilever Pakistan include
market research and analysis, consumer insights, competitor analysis, and financial performance.
The company may also consider local regulations and laws, as well as its own sustainability and
social responsibility initiatives. In terms of specific decisions, Unilever Pakistan may make
decisions related to product development, marketing and advertising, distribution, pricing, and
supply chain management. These decisions are likely to be informed by a thorough
understanding of the local market, consumer needs and preferences, and the competitive
landscape. Overall, the decision-making process at Unilever Pakistan is likely to be a
collaborative effort between multiple levels of management, combining global expertise and
local knowledge to make informed, data-driven decisions that meet the needs of the market and
support the company's overall strategy and goals.

Who Make Decisions

In Unilever Pakistan, the decision-making process typically involves multiple levels of

management and stakeholders, depending on the nature and scope of the decision. At the highest
level, the Board of Directors is responsible for making strategic decisions that shape the direction
and policies of the company. Next, the top management team, including the CEO and other
senior executives, is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Board and making
operational decisions that impact the day-to-day operations of the company. Below the top
management, departmental heads and managers are responsible for making decisions related to
their specific areas of responsibility. In some cases, teams and individuals may be empowered to
make decisions without seeking approval from higher-level management. Finally, the employees
at the front line may also be involved in decision-making, especially in cases where their input is
necessary to effectively implement a decision. It is important to note that the specific decision-
making structure and process may vary depending on the company culture, size, and industry.

Arrangement of Resources in Sales and marketing department of Unilever

In the Sales and Marketing department of Unilever, the arrangement of resources and evaluation
of decisions follow a similar process as outlined above, with some specific modifications based
on the nature of the sales and marketing function. To arrange resources for a marketing or sales
decision, the following steps may be taken: Resource Allocation: This involves determining the
budget, personnel, and other resources required to carry out the decision. Campaign Planning: A
comprehensive plan must be created for the implementation of the marketing or sales decision,
including details such as target audience, marketing channels, messaging, and key performance
indicators (KPIs). Channel and Partnership Management: Identifying and establishing
relationships with the right channels and partners to support the decision is critical to its success.
Creative Development: This involves creating the necessary marketing materials, such as
advertisements, brochures, and web content, to support the decision.

Evaluation of decision in Sales and marketing department of Unilever

To evaluate the decision, the following steps may be taken:

Tracking Campaign Performance: This involves monitoring the progress of the marketing or
sales decision and comparing it to the KPIs established in the campaign plan.

Customer Feedback: Gathering feedback from customers can provide insight into the impact of
the decision on the target audience.

Sales Data Analysis: Analyzing sales data can provide insight into the effectiveness of the
decision in driving revenue and meeting business goals.

ROI Analysis: The return on investment (ROI) of the decision must be calculated to determine if
it was a cost-effective use of resources.

The evaluation of sales and marketing decisions is critical for the ongoing improvement of the
department's performance and for ensuring that the business is achieving its goals and objectives.

key SUCCESS factors

Key success factor of Unilever in the industry are product innovation and differentiation. The
ability to meet changing consumers need and continues product innovation is also required to
gain a larger market share in low-saturation international marketing. Another factor is a strong
brand image and recognition. A strong brand image also means loyal customers. Typically,
alternative consumers are very loyal to a single brand and rarely purchase another.


Penetration pricing: Penetration pricing also important which offers a low price for a new
product in order to attract more customers away from the competitors.

Encourage collaboration and communication: Decision-making is often more effective when

multiple perspectives are considered. Encourage sales and management teams to collaborate and
communicate with each other, share their insights and experiences, and work together to develop

Define clear goals and objectives: Ensure that the sales and management teams have a clear
understanding of the company's goals and objectives. By defining specific, measurable goals, it
will be easier to evaluate different options and make decisions that align with the company's
overall strategy.

Gather and analyze data: Data can provide valuable insights that can help inform decision-
making. Encourage the sales and management teams to collect and analyze relevant data,
including market trends, consumer behavior, and sales performance. This can help identify
patterns and opportunities that can inform decision-making.

Use decision-making frameworks: There are several decision-making frameworks that can help
guide the decision-making process, such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, or cost-benefit
analysis. These frameworks can help ensure that all relevant factors are considered and can help
evaluate different options.

Empower employees: Empowering employees can lead to a more efficient and effective
decision-making process. Provide employees with the training, tools, and resources they need to
make informed decisions, and encourage them to take ownership of their decisions.

Review decisions regularly: It is important to regularly review decisions to evaluate their

effectiveness and make adjustments if necessary. This can help ensure that the company is
adapting to changes in the market and evolving its strategy as needed.

Participation: Sale is a participation sport that happens when you are present. Be present with
your clients and prospects. Be present with an attitude of "what more can I do" and "how can I be
of service."

"Overall, the key to effective decision-making is to create a culture of collaboration,

communication, and continuous improvement. By leveraging data, using decision-making
frameworks, empowering employees, and regularly reviewing decisions, Unilever Pakistan can
enhance its decision-making process and achieve greater success in its sales and management

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