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1. The article’s references : author(s), title, journal, year

2. Who are the authors (when they published the paper and now)?
The research
3. What is the research question?
4. What are the key concepts in the research?  
5. Is there a fieldwork study and, if so, describe it. Or is it only a theoretical paper?
The method
 6. What is the methodology chosen by the authors?
7.  Data collection: What type of data has been collected? How the data has been collected?
8. What type of sample is being used? Who are the respondents?  
 9. What are the major results?
10. What are the avenues for further research?
One research design for one avenue for future research
11. Present a detailed qualitative research design to follow-up on the academic paper you have
Singer - JSM 2019 - Qualitative Research - Sport Management

I. Reference:

Singer, J. N., Shaw, S., Hoeber, L., Walker, N., Agyemang, K. J., & Rich, K. (2019). Critical conversations
about qualitative research in sport management. Journal of Sport Management, 33(1), 50-63.


1. John N. Singer, Texas A&M University

2. Sally Shaw, University of Otago
3. Larena Hoeber, University of Regina
4. Nefertiti Walker, University of Massachusetts
5. Kyle Rich, Brock University
6. Kwame Agyemang, Louisiana State University
The Authors were a group of scholars with interest and experience in qualitative inquiry, participating in
a 60 min roundtable session during the North American Society of Sport Management Conference held
in Denver in 2017, to have a critical conversation about how Qualitative Research is used in Sport

Discussion topics included: the state of qualitative research in the field, influential qualitative work both
within and outside the field, and future considerations for research in the field.

Authors status:
 John N. Singer (PhD, The Ohio State University) is the Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
and Associate Professor of Sport Management in the School of Education and Human
Development (SEHD) at Texas A&M University (TAMU).
 Sally Shaw (PhD, De Montfort) is an Associate Professor at the university of Otago, teaching
around sport management, with a specific focus on organizational theory and organizational
sociology. Her research includes the critical examination of gender and sexuality issues in sport
organizations. She also focuses on other aspects of sport organizational life, such as nonprofit
governance and organizational partnerships. Sally is a member of the Sport Management
Association of Australia and New Zealand. In addition, Sally is an editorial board member of the
Sport Management Review journal (ranked #1 in Sport Management) and the Journal of Sport
Management (ranked #3 in Sport Management).
 Larena Hoeber, (PhD, University of Regina) is a Professor and Associate Dean (Graduate Studies,
Research & Special Projects) at the University of Regina. Her current research interests are in
women’s roles and involvement in sport, contemporary qualitative research methods, and
innovation and change in amateur sport organizations.
 Nefertiti Walker, (PhD, University of Florida), is the Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion,
UMass Amherst, & Professor Sport Management
 Kyle Rich, (PhD) is an Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies
 Kwame Agyemang, (PhD, Texas A&M University) is an Associate Professor at LSU, with interest
in how people and organizations lead positive social change inside and outside of organizational
boundaries. He is also the Deputy Editor for Sport, Business and Management: An International
Journal and serves on several editorial boards: Sociology of Sport Journal, International Journal
of Sport Communication, Journal of Amateur Sport, and International Journal of Sport
II. The research
The research question is “How Qualitative Research is used in Sport Management”.

The Key Concepts in the research is that the authors discuss the use of qualitative methods in
the field of sport management to gain insights into various phenomena and practices.
The authors emphasize the importance of considering critical perspectives in qualitative
research to challenge dominant power structures. The authors argue for increased attention to
the rigor and quality of qualitative research in sport management, including the development of
new and innovative methods. The authors explore the epistemological foundations of
qualitative research and their implications for the field of sport management. The authors
discuss the ethical considerations that must be taken into account in qualitative research in
sport management, including issues of trustworthiness, confidentiality, and informed consent.
The authors reflect on the challenges of disseminating and impacting qualitative research in
sport management, including the need for greater visibility and the importance of developing
alternative models of dissemination .

Is there a fieldwork study and, if so, describe it. Or is it only a theoretical paper?

this paper can be considered a theoretical paper as it primarily focuses on exploring and
discussing various concepts and ideas related to qualitative research in sport management.
The authors critically examine existing perspectives and frameworks and offer new insights
and reflections on the field. They also raise important questions and encourage further
exploration and development of critical and innovative approaches to qualitative research in
sport management.

III. The method

What is the methodology chosen by the authors?
The authors had a roundtable panel discussion, with semi-structured interviews with scholars in sport
management to explore their experiences with qualitative research. They also conducted a content
analysis of published articles in the Journal of Sport Management to identify trends in qualitative
research practices.

Data collection: What type of data has been collected? How the data has been collected?
The data collected in this article is qualitative data. The authors used semi-structured interviews
to collect the data. The authors conducted interviews with a total of 11 sport management
professionals, including sport management faculty, sport industry professionals, and sport
management doctoral students. The authors also used a thematic analysis to analyze the data
collected from the interviews.
What type of sample is being used? Who are the respondents?  
The sample being used is a diverse group of panelists, group of scholars, with experience and
interest in qualitative research.

 What are the major results?

Major Results:

1. Qualitative research in sport management is an important and underutilized tool for

understanding the complexities of sport organizations.

2. Qualitative research can provide insight into the lived experiences of sport participants, coaches,
administrators, and other stakeholders.

3. Qualitative research can help to identify and address issues of power, privilege, and oppression in
sport organizations.

4. Qualitative research can be used to inform policy decisions related to sport management.

10. What are the avenues for further research?

Avenues for Further Research:

1. Investigating how qualitative research can be used to inform decision-making processes in sport
2. Examining the impact of qualitative research on organizational culture and dynamics within sport

3. Exploring how qualitative research can be used to develop more equitable practices in sport

4. Investigating how qualitative research can be used to promote social justice initiatives in sport

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