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5, MAY 2018

Capacity Maximizing Adaptive Power Splitting Protocol for Cooperative

Energy Harvesting Communication Systems
Mateen Ashraf , Ju-Wook Jang, Jong-Ki Han, and Kyung Geun Lee

Abstract— In this letter, we propose a novel power splitting protocol [2]–[4] while the other category discusses adaptive PS
(PS) protocol for energy harvesting cooperative communication protocol [5]–[9]. In fixed PS protocol, the PS ratio is constant
systems. In our proposed system, the relay harvests energy from over all the receiving times. However, in the adaptive PS
the source transmissions, by employing adaptive PS protocol, protocol the PS ratio can vary over different receiving times.
for powering the retransmissions to the destination. Unlike
The adaptation of the PS ratio is dependent on the channel
existing PS protocols, which are not optimal in terms of capacity
maximization, our proposed adaptive PS protocol maximizes conditions between the source and the relay.
the achievable capacity between the source and destination. An adaptive PS protocol for amplify-and-forward (AF)
Furthermore, we present analytical expressions for the outage relaying is presented in [5]. However, outage probability
probability and average achievable capacity. Simulation results is not analyzed in their work. Further, the computation of
validate the analytical expressions and show that the achievable their proposed PS ratio involves many arithmetic operations.
capacity for the proposed PS protocol is better than the existing For decode-and-forward (DF) relaying, in the conventional
PS protocol. adaptive PS protocols the PS ratio also depends on the data rate
Index Terms— Adaptive power splitting, amplify and forward, of the communication [6], [8], [9]. Therefore, they can work
capacity maximization, decode and forward, energy harvesting. for fixed data rate communication systems only. In this paper
we propose a novel adaptive PS protocol which maximizes
I. I NTRODUCTION the capacity of the CC system. The capacity maximization is
C OOPERATIVE communication (CC) systems can
achieve higher performance than non-CC systems.
A CC system comprises of a source, destination and a relay.
achieved by maximizing the signal to noise ratio of the overall
cooperative system. Further, we have provided novel analytical
expressions for outage probability and average achievable
In CC, the communication between source and destination capacity with the proposed PS ratio in AF and DF relaying
is accomplished in two transmission phases. In the first systems. It is shown that the outage probability of the proposed
transmission phase, the source transmits while in the second scheme is same as the scheme in [6] while proposed scheme
transmission phase the relay transmits to the destination. outperforms existing scheme in terms of average capacity.
In conventional CC the relay uses its own battery energy to
power its transmissions towards destination. This can result II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
in exhaustion of the relay battery and due to this reason the We consider a CC system which comprises of a source,
relay may not participate in CC. This problem can be avoided destination and an EH relay. We assume that there is no
if energy is harvested from wireless transmissions [1]–[13]. direct connection available between source and destination and
This is achieved at the relay through wireless energy therefore communication is possible only with the help of the
harvesting (EH) from the source transmissions. relay. The channel between source and relay is represented
In general there are two types of protocols that are imple- by h s,r while the channel between relay and destination is
mented at the relay to harvest energy from the source trans- represented by h r,d . The channel gains |h s,r |2 and |h r,d |2
missions. These are time splitting (TS) protocol and power follow exponential distribution with means λs,r and λr,d ,
splitting (PS) protocol [1]. In PS protocol the received signal respectively. Further, the channels are assumed to be quasi-
is divided into two parts during the whole receiving time. One static which means that the channels remains constant over
part is fed to the EH circuitry while the other part is fed one transmission time while they can have different values
to the information processing circuitry. The implementation over different transmission times. The relay can use either
complexity of the PS protocol is less as compared to that of the AF or DF relaying protocol. The whole transmission
TS protocol. time, T , is divided into two transmission phases. In the first
The existing literature on PS protocol can be divided transmission phase, the source transmits to the relay while
into two categories. One category deals with the fixed PS in the second transmission phase the relay transmits to the
Manuscript received January 8, 2018; revised February 13, 2018; accepted destination. The relay uses PS protocol for EH and it uses
February 20, 2018. Date of publication February 27, 2018; date of current only the harvested power during the first transmission phase
version May 8, 2018. This research was supported in part by the special to transmit during the second transmission phase. The signal
research grant of IITP No.2015-0-00183 funded by Korean government that is sent to the information decoding circuitry at the relay
MSIT and NRF Korea under Grant NRF-2015R1D1A1A09059026 and
NRF-2015R1A2A2A01006193. The associate editor coordinating the review during the first transmission phase is given as follows [6]
of this paper and approving it for publication was X. Lei. (Corresponding

author: Kyung Geun Lee.)
y = (1 − ρ)Ps h s,r x + n r , (1)
M. Ashraf is with Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea (e-mail: where Ps is the transmit power of the source, nr is the additive
J.-K. Han and K-G Lee are with Sejong University, Seoul 05006, South
white gaussian noise (AWGN) with variance N0 and 0 < ρ <
Korea (e-mail:; 1 is PS ratio at the relay. The harvested power during the first
J. W. Jang is with Sogang University, Seoul 04107, South Korea (e-mail: transmission phase is [6]
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2018.2808960 Ph = ρ Ps |h s,r |2 . (2)
1558-2558 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Khon Kaen University provided by UniNet. Downloaded on November 09,2020 at 02:42:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

The signal to noise ratio at the information processing circuitry B. Amplify-and-Forward Relaying
of the relay is given as follows For amplify-and-forward relaying the received SNR at the
(1 − ρ)Ps |h s,r |2 destination can be written as follows [10, eq. 4] 1
S N Rs,r = . (3)
N0 ˆ AF = S N Rs,r S N Rr,d
S N Rs,d  SN R
The capacity of the source to relay link can be obtained with s,d
S N Rs,r + S N Rr,d
the help of (3) as follows (1 − ρ)γ |h s,r |2 ρ|h r,d |2
  = . (9)
1 (1 − ρ)Ps |h s,r |2 (1 − ρ) + ρ|h r,d |2
Cs,r = log 1 + . (4)
2 N0
ˆ AF .
We have the following lemma for S N R
Since the relay transmits with Ph power therefore the SNR s,d
of the relay to destination link corresponding to this transmit ˆ
Lemma 2: S N Rs,d is a concave function of ρ and the value
power is given as follows ˆ AF is given as follows
of ρ which maximizes the S N R s,d
Ph |h r,d |2 ρ Ps |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2
S N Rr,d = = . (5) 1
N0 N0 ρ ∗AF = . (10)
In existing adaptive PS protocols the PS ratio is dependent on 1 + |h r,d |
the rate of communication and |h s,r |2 . For example for a data ˆ AF
d2S N R
rate of Cs,r = R the PS ratio can be obtained from (4) as
Proof: It can be observed that is negative fordρ 2
follows [6] ˆ
0 < ρ < 1. Therefore, we conclude that S N Rs,d
AF is a concave
∗ (22R − 1) function of ρ for 0 < ρ < 1. In order to find the value of ρ
ρexist = max 0, 1 − , (6) ˆ AF we differentiate the S N Rˆ AF with
γ |h s,r |2 which maximizes S N R s,d s,d
Ps respect to ρ and equate it to zero. After some simplifications
where γ = N0 . The reason for using this PS ratio is that if the
we have the following possible solutions for ρ ∗
channel conditions are good (i.e. if |h s,r |2 ≥ (2 γ−1) ) then only

1 1
the least required power which can ensure successful decoding ρ ∗AF = or ρ ∗AF = . (11)
at the relay is forwarded to the information processing circuitry 1 + |h r,d | 1 − |h r,d |
while the rest of the received power is forwarded to the EH
Since ρ ∗AF = 1−|h1 r,d | results in value of ρ ∗AF > 1 or ρ ∗AF < 0,
circuitry. However, there is a problem with this adaptive PS
ratio. If channel conditions are not good (i.e. if |h s,r |2 < therefore we pick ρ ∗AF = 1+|h1 r,d | as the solution.
(22R −1)
and 1 − (2
2R −1)
γ γ |h s,r |2
< 0) then the whole received signal
will be forwarded to information processing circuitry even IV. O UTAGE P ROBABILITY A NALYSIS
when it cannot decode it. A. Decode-and-Forward Relaying
On the contrary, if a fixed value of ρ is used then it
is possible that unnecessarily higher ratio of the received The source to destination SNR for decode-and-forward
signal is fed to either EH circuitry or information processing relaying can be obtained by putting (8) into (7) as follows
circuitry [6]. To address this problem we propose a novel PS
DF γ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2
protocol that maximizes the overall signal to noise ratio of the S N Rs,d = . (12)
1 + |h r,d |2
CC system.
The corresponding expression for outage probability is given
We divide this section into two subsections. The first  
γ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2
subsection proposes the PS protocol for DF relaying while DF
Pout = Pr < γ th
the second subsection proposes PS protocol for AF relaying. 1 + |h r,d |2
γt h (1 + |h r,d |2 )
= Pr |h s,r |2 <
A. Decode-and-Forward Relaying 0 γ |h r,d |2
×λr,d e−λr,d |hr,d | d|h r,d |2 ,
For decode-and-forward relaying the overall SNR from (13)
source to destination can be written as follows
  where γt h depends on the required data rate (γt h = 22R − 1).
S N Rs,d = min S N Rs,r , S N Rr,d
  Using the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of |h s,r |2
D F as follows
= min (1 − ρ)γ |h s,r |2 , ργ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2 . (7) and [14, eq. 3.324] we can write Pout
⎡ ⎤
Lemma 1: The following value of ρ maximizes the S N Rs,d DF ∞ λs,r γth (1+|h r,d |2 )

in (7).
Pout = ⎣1 − e γ |h r,d |2 ⎦ λr,d e−λr,d |hr,d |2 d|h r,d |2
ρ ∗D F = (8)
1 + |h r,d |2 −
λs,r γth γt h λs,r λr,d γt h λs,r λr,d
  = 1 − 2e γ K1 2 ,
Proof: min S N Rs,r , S N Rr,d γ γ
 We know that
= min (1 − ρ)γ |h s,r |2 , ργ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2 is maximized when (14)
all of its argument becomes equal. Therefore, the value of ρ ∗D F
can be obtained by equating S N Rs,r to S N Rr,d . 1 We can also get (9) from [1, eq. 26] by using P >> N .
s 0

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where K n (.) denotes the modified Bessel function of second where E 1 (.) is the exponential integral and Ev [.] denotes
kind and nth order. Since the diversity order is defined the expectation over random variable v. It is not possible
log P D F to analytically solve (19) however we can use the following
as − limγ →∞ log outγ therefore we can show that diversity
order for DF scheme is 1 since lim x→0 x K 1 (x) → 1 and approximation for the exponential integral [15]
lim x→0 e−x → 1 − x. √ 
N+1 I +1 
E 1 [x]  4 2πa N a I bn e−4bn bi x , (20)
n=1 i=1
B. Amplify-and-Forward Relaying
cot(θn−1 )−cot(θn )
After putting the PS ratio ρ ∗AF in (9) we can write the SNR where a N = 2N+2 , a I = 2I +2 , bn = , bi =
1 1
(N+1)−1 π
for amplify-and-forward relaying as follows cot(θi−1 )−cot(θi ) πn πi
(I +1)−1 π
= , θ0 0, θn = 2N+2 , θi = 2I +2 Using this
γ |h s,r |2 |h
r,d |2 approximation we can write (19) as follows
S N Rs,d = (15)
(1 + |h r,d |)2  I +1  ∞
1 √
λr,d e−λr,d |hr,d |
Cs,d  2 2πa N a I bn
The outage probability for amplify-and-forward relaying is ln (2) 0 n=1 i=1
defined as   |h |2 +1 
4bn bi λs,r
λs,r r,d
γ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2 ×e
γ γ 2
|h r,d |
d|h r,d |2 (21)
Pout = Pr < γ th
(1 + |h r,d |)2
∞   which can be easily solved with the help of [11, eq. 3.324] as
γt h (1 + |h r,d |)2 follows
= Pr |h s,r |2 <
γ |h r,d |2 I +1  
1 √ 
×λr,d e−λr,d |hr,d | d|h r,d |2 . λr,d bn e−ζ ζ K 1 2 ζ λr,d .
Cs,d  4 2πa N a I
ln (2)
2γth λs,r
n=1 i=1
− (22)
Using the CDF of |h s,r |2 and the approximation e γ |hr,d | 
2γth λs,r 4bn bi λs,r λs,r
1 − γ |h r,d |
we can write 2 where ζ = − .
γ γ

λs,r γth γ t h λs,r λ r,d γ t h λ s,r λr,d
Pout  1 − 2e γ K1 2 B. Amplify-and-Forward Relaying
γ γ
The average capacity for amplify-and-forward relaying can
∞ 2γ λ γth λs,r
t h s,r − γ |h r,d |2 −λr,d |h r,d |2
λ γ be written as follows
− s,rγ th
+e × e e d|h r,d |2 . (17)  ∞  
0 γ |h r,d | 1 γ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2
Cs,d = E|hr,d |2 log 1 +
The above integral can be easily solved with the help of 0 2 (1 + |h r,d |)2

[14, eq. 3.471.9] as follows −λs,r |h s,r |2
×λs,r e d|h s,r | 2
− s,rγ th 4γt h λs,r λr,d γt h λs,r 1/4
λ γ
Pout  Pout
+e ∞   (|h r,d |+1)2
γ γ λr,d 1 λs,r (|h r,d | + 1)2 λs,r
   = E1 e γ |h r,d |2

γt h λs,r λr,d ln (2)2 0 γ |h r,d |2

×K 1/2 2 . (18)
×λr,d e−λr,d |hr,d | d|h r,d |2 .
γ (23)

The diversity order for AF scheme can be shown to be 1 since This integral cannot be solved analytically. However, we can
lim x→0 x K 1/2(x) → 0. use (20) to get
I +1 

1 √ 
4 2πa N a I bn e ζ λr,d
ln (2) ζ + λr,d
n=1 i=1
A. Decode-and-Forward Relaying   
×K 1 2 ζ(ζ + λr,d ) . (24)
The average capacity for decode-and-forward relaying is
given as follows Comparing (24) with (22) it can be easily observed that
 ∞   D F > C AF . This is because K (x) decreases with increasing
DF 1 γ |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2 
s,d 1
Cs,d = E|hr,d |2 log 1 + λr,d
2 0 1 + |h r,d |2 x and 1 > λr,d +ζ for λr,d ≥ 13 and ζ ≥ 0.

−λs,r |h s,r |2
×λs,r e d|h s,r | 2
C. Capacity Comparison of the Proposed DF With Existing
   λs,r (|h r,d |2 +1)  DF
1 λs,r (|h r,d + 1)
|2 γ |h r,d |2
= E|hr,d |2 E1 e In the existing DF scheme [6] the overall SNR is
ln (2)2 γ |h r,d |2 ∗ ∗
S N Rexist = γ min (|h s,r |2 (1 − ρexist ), ρexist |h s,r |2 |h r,d |2 ).
(19) 2R −1
When |h s,r |2 > 2
γ there are two possibilities.
2 although we have used just first two terms in the series expansion however

the analysis can be carried out in similar way with even more number of terms. r,d ≥ 1 for practical channel gain models [9].

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|h r,d |2 ) while the existing PS ratio depends on data rate (R),

channel conditions (|h s,r |2 ) and transmit SNR γ . Further,
no comparison with zero is required for calculating the PS
ratio in the proposed PS protocol however it is required,
according to (6), while calculating the PS ratio in the existing
PS protocol.

This letter presented a novel PS protocol for EH CC
Fig. 1. Outage probability comparison of proposed and existing scheme [6]. systems. Unlike the existing PS protocols, the PS ratio in the
Theoretical results are marked with circles. proposed protocol is only dependent on the channel conditions
between the relay and destination. The outage probability of
the proposed scheme is similar to that of the existing PS
protocol. However, the proposed PS protocol outperforms the
existing PS protocol in terms of average capacity. Further,
analytical expressions and simulation results show that DF
outperforms AF relaying scheme.

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