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Citation/Reference Purpose of Study

Stone, S.A. (2017). The impact of

technology exposure on student
perceptions of a 1:1 program.
Education and Information
Technologies, 22(5), 2281-2309. The purpose of this case study is to analyze how student attitudes, behavior, and perceptions are
016-9541-6 impacted by 1:1 programs.

Kahveci, M. (2010). Students'

perceptions to use technology for
learning: measurement intergrity
of the modified Fennema-
Sherman Attitude Scales. The The purpose was to provide evidence that the
Turkish Online Journal of Fennema-Sherman Attitude Scales were reliable
Educational Technology, 9(1), and investigate student motivation using
185-201. technology compared to personal characteristics such as gender, grade level, content area, and
J875782.pdf previous experience with technology.

Lawrence, J., Brown, A.,

Redmond, P., & Basson, M.
(2019). Engaging the disengaged:
exploring the use of course- The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of
specific learning analytics and "nudges" to increase student engagement in
nudging to enhance online online learning. A nudge is classified as any
student engagement. Student choice architecture that alters behavior in a
Success, 10(2), 47-58. predictable way without limiting or changing
doi:10.5204/ssj.v10i2.1295 their economic incentives.
The purpose of this study is to examine how 1:1
Keengwe, J., Schnellert, G., & laptop initiative affects student learning. Two
Mills, C. (2012). Laptop initiative: main questions-
Impact on instructional 1. What effects does a 1:1 laptop initative
technology integration and have on student academic performance based
student learning. Education and on perceptions of participating high school
Information Technologies, 17(2), students?
137-146. 2. What effects does a 1:1 laptop initiative
doi: have on student academic performance based
0639-010-9150-8 on perceptions of participating faculty?
Research Question(s) Participants

Two different sampling methods- 1.

Students choosen randomly from
volunteers to answer interview
questions, 7 students in the fall and
5 in the spring.
2. Survey questions administered
(Note: This column was not in this assignment) voluntarily to all but 12 students.

The research took place at a gifted

high school and involved students
from 9th-11th grade. Admission
interviews were used to determine
the personal characteristics such as
gender, grade level, content area
preference, and previous experience
with technology. Students and
school were selected at random.
Then students were given a survey
of 57 questions to rank from 1-5.

Participants included 892 students

in three courses EDE3103, NUR1102,
and URP1001. Participating was
voluntary and surveys were given
during the first five weeks of the
Voluntary survey participants
included 105 students from 10-12
grade. Only included students with
district provided computers.
Research Design/Methods Results/Findings

Overall the results show mixed

results of the initial phase of
1. Qualitative- using interview technology implementation.
questions in which students describe Students reported technical
specific technology issues and issues such as unreliable wifi
benefits of 1:1 on their day to day connections, poor battery life and
learning. freezing of computers leading to
2. Quantitative- using survey their lower ratings of the
questions with the Likert Scale technology.

Motivation to use technology was

higher with students in lower
grades. Students good at math
and science were more positive
about their abilities to use
technology. More female
students had positive attitudes
Survey questions given to 158 about technology and had a more
students were using the Likert Scale positive perception of distance
which is quantitative. learning.

Research design is a mixed method in

which the course intervention
strategy consists of early
encouragement followed by strategic,
encouraging communication. Pre and
post surveys are given to volunteers. The results showed that nudging
Surveys used the Likert Scale which is increased the amount of
quatitative. engagement for at-risk students.
Survey utilized the Likert scale to rate
technology statements for
quantitative responses. Students also
responded to how often they utilized
laptops for specific tasks such as note
taking, homework and communicating
through email. Students answered
questions about frequency (never, The results in this study
less than monthly, monthly, weekely, supported that the 1:1 laptop
daily)of certain activities being used iniative increased motivation,
on computers along with Likert engagement and learning. The
Ratings of statements. Staff described main uses for technology were
impact of computers on student writing papers, creating
characteristics like behavior, quality of presentations, managing
work. Rated as (declined, no effect, calendars and photos, and taking
improved) quizzes.
Implications for MY work/thinking

Technology implementation can impact

students' perceptions. This study shows
technology was minimally implemented for
mostly replacement of traditional tasks only a
few described "innovative" projects utilizing
technology and rated 1:1 implementation

I should consider focusing my research just

within the field of science so I don’t have so
many variable to account for when analyzing
students' perceived value of technology and a
teachers level of implementation of technology.

This could be another possible research topic to

explore to address the problem of increasing
student engagement with technology.
The types of questions were along the lines of
what I am thinking for the perception side and
then an interview type data collection for the
types of activities that the computers are used

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