Cambridge Test 1 - Part 2

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CLASS Exercises June 8th, 2022

Agostina Alcalá

Writing Exercise CAMBRIDGE TEST 1 (practice mode)

First, the teacher in the lecture, point of view towards rewards is negative, by
contrast, in the text the point of view is positive. The teacher mentions that this
method of rewards does not work in most companies, because the employees,
prefer to be paid rather than encouraged.
The second point on which the professor differs with the text is that people done
not always like this method, because they may feel that they are being
manipulated by the company to increase their production.
Finally, the professor says that this method could be counterproductive for the
company, because if only the best are rewarded, those who tried it will be left
without any reward, which will cause disappointment, and this could lead to less
quantity of production and less quality in the products in the company. For these
reasons the professor does not believe that this is the best method to use in a


Childhood for some people if often the starting point of their traumas. Not all the
persons have had golden childhoods, for some people it really was difficult. In my
opinion childhood is not the happiest stage of people.
The first reason for not agreeing with the statement, is that most people
experienced something strong, which came to mark their lives until adulthood, in
their childhood. This is also the reason for our phobias and fears, sometimes. An
example of this is the fear some people have of insects. When I was little, I was
bitten by several insects in a camp, since that time I have been terrified of any
insect, I can't even see them.
The second reason is, as I mentioned before, not everyone has a happy childhood,
in most homes there are always intra-family problems that you cannot run away
from as a child, for example, I have several friends who had to live through their
parents' divorce in their childhood and it was hard for them, seeing the
arguments between their parents, this is something you could get out of as a
teenager, going out with your friends or any other distraction, but as a child you
can't do activities like that, and you limit yourself to stay home and listen to every
Finally, when one is privileged in terms of money, sometimes it is easy to say that
you enjoyed a happy childhood, you enjoyed expensive toys, television, going to
amusement parks, or simply a house, a bed and food every day. On the other
hand, for others who were not lucky enough to have good economic stability,
they did not have a good quality of life or study as children. For example, I always
get sad when holidays are approaching, like Christmas, it is something that I enjoy
but then I think about the number of nerds who do not receive gifts, who do not
have a place to spend Christmas Eve, not even for Christmas dinner, and It is
something that should always be kept in mind.
In conclusion, I disagree with the statement. To reach this conclusion, each case
should be observed in detail since the situation is not always the same or

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