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SrNo. | Topic Page No. I DECLARATION I 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 0 ml CERTIFICATE-II (From College) m1 WW List of Tables v List of Graphs Introduction 1.1. Introduction of Project 1 1.2. Objective of the Project 2 1 1.3. Research Methodology 2 1.4. Scope of the Study 7 1.5. Importance of the Study 7 1.6. Limitation of the Study 7 Conceptual Framework 2.1. Introduction 8 2 2.2. Significance of the study 8 2.3. Impact of your attitude on your business | 9 2.4, How to maintain a positive attitude? 10 3 3.1.Review of Literature i Data Presentation & Analy 4 4.1. Demographic Profile of the Respondent | 16 4.2. Attitude of youth towards 18 entrepreneurship 5 Findings 39 Conclusions 40 Suggestions 41 6 Bibliography a2 7 ‘Annexure 47 List of Tables Table 4.1.1: Frequency distribution across age groups.. Table 4.1.2: Frequency distribution across gender. Table 4.2.1: Frequency distribution about the risk level of starting a business... Table 4.2.2: Frequency distribution of the level of afraid youth are to lose resources 20 Table 4.2.3: Frequency distribution of the level of competition to start a business... Table 4.2.4: Frequency distribution of the level of uncertainty to start a business. Table 4.2.5: Frequency distribution about the availability of the government support to start a business Table 4.2.6: Frequency distribution about the available opportunities t0 start a business... 23 Table 4.2.7: Frequency distribution of any good business idea present in the mind of youth ..1.0..24 Table 4.2.8: Frequency distribution about the financial support available to start a business.......25 Table 4.2.9: Frequency distribution of the level of basic education to start a business present in youth. Table 4.2.10: Frequency distribution about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs Table 4.2.11: Frequency distribution about the youth access to entrepreneurship website Table 4.2.12: Frequency distribution about the youth access to specialized social network.. Table 4.2.13: Frequency distribution about youth choice to work in government position... Table 4.2.14: Frequency distribution about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job Table 4.2.15: Frequency distribution about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business. Table 4.2.16: Frequency distribution about the skills of applying practical ideas into reali Table 4.2.17: Frequency distribution of about the overcoming obstacles for their own ided.....1...34 Table 4.2.18: Frequency distribution of about skills and capability required to succeed as an employee... 35 IV Table 4.2.19: Frequency distribution that entrepreneurship cannot be thought Table 4.2.20: Frequency distribution about opinion on entrepreneurship as career .. sed Table 4.2.21: Frequency distribution about information having about incubation cell among youth... List of Graph Figure 4.1.1: Graphical representation of respondent's age... 16 Figure 4.1.2: Graphical representation of respondent's Gender... a 7 Figure 4.2.1: Graphical representation of the level of risk for starting a business AB Figure 4.2.2: Graphical representation of the level of afraid youth are to lose resource Figure 4.2.3: Graphical representation of the level of competition to start a business: 20 Figure 4.2.4: Graphical representation of the level of uncertainty to start a business... Figure 4.2.5: Graphical representation about availability of the government support to start a business... Figure 4.2.6: Graphical representation about the available opportunities to start a business.......23 Figure 4.2.7: Graphical representation of any good business idea present in the mind of youth... Figure 4.2.8: Graphical representation about the financial support available to start a business.....25 Figure 4.2.9: Graphical representation of the level of basic education to start a business present in youth. 26 Figure 4.2.10: Graphical representation about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs. 27 Figure 4.2.11: Graphical representation about the youth access to entrepreneurship website ......28 Figure 4.2.1 : Graphical representation about the youth access to specialized social network.....29 Figure 4.2.13: Graphical representation about youth choice to work in government position........30. Figure 4.2.14: Graphical representation about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job. 31 Figure 4.2.15: Graphical representation about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business 32 Figure 4.2.16: Graphical representation about the skills of applying practical ideas into reality....33 Figure 4.2.17: Graphical representation about the overcoming obstacles for their own idea... Figure 4.2.18: Graphical representation about skills and capability required to succeed as an 35 employee... VI Figure 4.2.19: Graphical representation that entrepreneurship cannot be thought. Figure 4.2.20: Graphical representation about opinion on entrepreneurship as career... Figure 4.2.21: Graphical representation about information having about incubation cell among oUt es vi Chapter - 1 Introduction 1. Introduction of Project Entrepreneurship has been recognized as an important element in the dynamics of modern economies. Many bt nesses, small and medium have become the major source of new job creation. ‘They have made great contributions in introducing valuable new products and keeping the economy competitive in the world markets. This impressive and rapid growth of entrepreneurship is attributed to the power of education in promoting social, economic, political, and spiritual well-being of an individual and social development. Education has been the instrument of the development of man to enable him to live an effective and meaningful life and to be able to contribute towards the development of society in which he finds himself. The growth of entrepreneurship programs in educational institutions is remarkable for over two decades, now aiming to change the mindset of the youth. Colleges and universities provide entrepreneurial programs to undergraduate and graduate students, entrepreneurship programs have extended to the secondary and primary levels of education and have become the focus of discussion among many scholars ‘They believe that the introduction of entrepreneurship programs to the children at the lower level of education will enhance children’s attributes and further develop awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities and skills to form entrepreneurial venture. It was also argued and discussed that the introduction of entrepreneurship programs to preschool years is a crucial stage of the children’s cognitive and personality development imperative to entrepreneurial development. Various government and non-government agencies working for the development of entrepreneurship also provide training for dropouts and unschooled youths. ‘This timely discussion and focus of entrepreneurship programs for the youth in the economic struggle is of paramount importance in economic development in particular developing countries like Surat. Youths are recognized, believed and hoped to be the future Hence it is very important to know what is the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship specially in case of surat city which is the fourth fastest developing city in the world , and the economic development largely depends on the new setup’s , so if the youth is not inclined towards entrepreneurship this performance will reduce so you are trying to see to it whether 1 what kind of attitude they are having either positive or negative towards entrepreneurship soo this is the descriptive study and you are using a primary data to know what are the attitude of youth of surat city towards entrepreneurship. 2. Objective of the Project ‘The Objectives of the present research study are as follows: i. To study the concept of factors influencing attitude towards entrepreneurship. ii, To measure attitude of youth of Surat city towards entrepreneurship. iii, To study attitude of youth of Surat city towards entrepreneurship across selected demographic variable. 3. Research Methodology nur Poel) STR cel) ET eed Plannin, Tr) but soon Lo Mea) Ree TAU Le) preparing the tas ETT ae) Ty eee at] ELE ry Bei) data Per mel data Figure 3.1: steps of research design 3.1. Research Design Research design can be defined as a framework or blue print for conducting business research project in an efficient manner.Research Design can be grouped into various categories. Research Design Te , Exploratory Conclusive Research Design Research Design ——¥ Descriptive Causal Research Research Cross-Sectional Longitudinal Design Design ‘Single Cross- Multiple Cross- Sectional Design | | Sectional Design Figure 3 2 classification of Research design Exploratory Research Design:An exploratory design is conducted about a research problem when there are few or no earlier studies to refer to or rely upon to predict an outcome, Conclusive Research Design:An exploratory design is conducted about a research problem when there are few or no earlier studies to refer to or rely upon to predict an outcome. Conclusive research can be sub-divided into two major categories: Descriptive research, and. Causal research, Descriptive research design: is a type of research design that aims to obtain information to systematically describe a phenomenon, situation, or population. More specifically, it helps answer the what, when, where, and how questions regarding the research problem, rather than the why. Causal research design-it’s a kind of research design which is used to obtain the evidence of cause-and-effect relationship between two or more than two variables. For the research the researcher has used descriptive research design as the main objective is to answer various questions viz. level of self confidence, level of interpersonal skills, level of managing emotions, level of communication, level of planning and organizational skills etc. 3 3.2. Sources of data There are two main classification of data sources: Primary data Secondary data PRIMARY DATA: Primary data are collected by researchers for the purpose of research. They are tailor made data collected exclusively for the purpose of research. Field survey, observation method and experiments are the method of primary data collection. SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data are those data which are collected for some purpose other than the research problem at hand. That purpose can be similar or can be of entirely different kind. Usually, they are collected in past and in many cases other people than current research team. Secondary data are originally collected by someone else for same, similar of different purpose. Researcher has used primary data for this research as it is necessary to measure the level of life skills of today’s youth, Also, researcher requires certain demographic information of each respondent that can be collected appropriately through primary data. Sources of Data Sources of Primary Data - survey Sources of Secondary Data Spoor! - Library - Telephone - Government - Mail - Trade, Professional and - Observation Business - Personal observation - Mechanical observation - Experimental - Laboratory experiment - Field experiment - Private Business Firm - Advertising Media - University Research Organizations Figure 3.3: sources of data 4 3.3. Sampling Technique ‘A sampling plan is a term widely used in research studies that provide an outline on the bases, of which research is conducted. It tells which category is to be surveyed, what should be the sample size and how the respondents should be chosen out of the population. ‘There are mainly two type of sampling technique + Probability sampling technique + Non- probability sampling technique Probability sampling technique: Probability sampling means that every member of the population has a chance of being, selected. It is mainly used in quantitative research. If you want to produce results that are representative of the whole population, probability sampling techniques are the most valid choice Non- probability sampling technique: Non-probability sampling is a method of sampling wherein, it is not known that which individual from the population will be selected as a sample. This sampling method depends heavily on the expertise of the researchers. Researcher has used convenience sampling of non-probability technique as it was necessary to select respondents that have higher availability and appropriate for the study. In the present research respondent have to be in youth stage of life. 3.4. Sample Size By sample size, we understand a group of subjects that are selected from the general population and is considered a representative of the real population for that specific study. Sample Unit of study for this research are youths of Surat City Sample size of the study is 100. 3. Data Collection Method Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in establish systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test of hypothesis and evaluate outcomes. Data collection tool: The data was collected through structured questionnaire which was divided into two parts, respondents were asked to reveal their personal characteristics in the first part of the questionnaire i.e., age, experience, income, gender and second part of the questionnaire is to measure the Factors Influencing Attitude of Youth Towards Entrepreneurship In this research only primary data has been collected. The primary data has been collected on the 5 point linear scale questionnaire (i.e.,0 -Strongly Disagree, 1-Disagree, 3 Neutral, 4- Agree, 5- strongly Agree)Researcher has personally interviewed the respondent to fill up the questionnaire 3.6. Tools and Techniques for Data Analys Data analysis done by applying various parametric test. Frequency table with the use of MS Word, MS Excel trail version, For data Analysis and understand frequency table use Pie chart and Bar chart, iff ili iv, ili iv. Scope of study This proposed study is limited to Youth of Surat City. This proposed study will help to find the impact of attitude of Youth towards ‘entrepreneurship. This proposed study will help to know more about factors influencing attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship. . Importance of study It will help us to know more about the level of youth attitude towards entrepreneurship of Surat City. This proposed study will help to know about young people’s attitude towards entrepreneurship in many areas. It will improve our perception about attitude that affects entrepreneurship and their important factors. It plays a significant role in the organization and becomes an important criterion of, evaluation for the judgement about factors influencing attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship. Limitation of study ‘The study is limited to only 100 youth, It is tough to validate an accurate and complete representation of the study. Changes in factors influencing attitude with time in an individual could not be measured. Another limitation of the study is that, findings of the study are based on the assumption that the respondents have given correct information AL the time of filling the form the respondent state of mind can affect the result. Chapter - 2 Conceptual Framework 2.1 Introduction Entrepreneurial attitude is the degree to which an individual has a negative or positive ability to become an entrepreneur. It also has predictive power about the likely entrepreneurship and future movements of an individual, and about self-employment and beliefs. Attitude influences a person's choice of action, response to challenges, incentives, and rewards. One of the most important steps you can take as a business owner is to assess your attitude and become aware of how it impacts your work performance, relationship with your employees, and everyone else around you. Numerous attempts have been made and will still be made to define the concepts of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Many definitions have been formulated and a wide field has been covered by the definitions of an entrepreneur in particular. Attempts will be made to define entrepreneurship, ferent definitions, This chapter will examine various views and touching briefly on the elements of entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial process and entrepreneurial attitudes as well as views, theories and frameworks which were found in literature viewing the phenomenon of "entrepreneurship" from different angles will also be investigated. The characteristics that entrepreneurs seem to have in common will be indicated. Entrepreneurs will be categorised in terms of the sphere of society where they operate. 2.2 Significance of the study Entrepreneurship is gaining great respect from the scholars as a field of research as well as practical application worldwide, as a means to achieve wealth creation and personal fulfillment. It has been proved that with each economic downturn, itis the entrepreneurial drive and persistence that brings back economic growth. It is the - 3 - capacity in the individual to innovate, to bear risk, to foresee the prospects of the project, confidence and competence to meet unforeseen and adverse conditions. The activities of entrepreneurs are crucial to the economic growth and prosperity of the modern society. Hence efforts to know more about entrepreneurship, factors influencing their decision to become entrepreneurs and their ultimate success are becoming important. It is becoming an issue of interest globally among policy makers. The present study aims to find out the attitude of management students towards entrepreneurship. Management students by virtue of their training can identify business opportunities and convert them into profitable business ventures. Thus if these students venture into business they can create businesses which can grow and create wealth many times than entrepreneurs with other backgrounds. 2.3. Impact of your attitude on your business? Your attitude rubs off on your existing and potential customers, your staff, your suppliers, your investors and all those that you come into contact with. If you maintain a positive attitude, this will be infectious and those around you will pick up on your positive energy. Everyone in your company will feel positive and customers will want to do business with you. This in turn will lead to you maxi ising the performance of your business. If you maintain a negative attitude, the opposite is likely to happen. People will not want to be around you, your staff will feel demotivated and customers will not want to buy from you. The result will be that the performance of your business will deteriorate. With a positive approach you will feel in control and confident and you will perform at your best, whereas a negative approach will damage confidence, harm performance, paralyse your mental skills and may also impact your health. However taking a positive approach is not enough on its own, You also need to be realistic about the economic climate and market conditions. It is critical that you focus on making sure your business is in the best shape to weather the downturn and maximise the short and longer term performance of the business. This may be by improving productivity, enhancing customer service, changing your marketing activity, maximising your repeat busin developing a new product or service, training staff or reviewing your cost base. Over the last few months I have met both positive and negative business owners and it is, evident to me that those who are approaching the current economic climate with a positive attitude are seeing their businesses perform better than those with a negative attitude. 2.4 How to maintain a positive attitude’ Look for the positive side. It is easy to focus on the negative when there is so much negative news around. However look for the positive side and focus on this Be aware of your thoughts. Focus on how you think about different situations. If you see a list of businesses closing down in your sector do you think that your business is also doomed or do you see it as an opportunity to find new customers and maybe even increase market share, Challenge any negative thoughts and turn them into positives. Present a positive attitude to others. Even if you are feeling down, make sure you present a positive attitude to everyone you deal with. This will help you feel more positive and make others feel positive too. Focus on what has gone well. Focus on what has gone well and what you have achieved. See things that have not gone so well as learning. Be careful who you associate with, Surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude and avoid those who are negative. in the Focus on improving the performance of your business. Focus on getting your busines best shape to weather the downturn and to maximise your short term and longer term business performance. Keep your business goals at the forefront of your mind. What are the goals for your business? Revisit them and make sure they are still relevant. Make sure all your current actions support your goals. 10 Chapter - 3 Literature Review 3.1 Review of literature 1) Bthen Duygules in his study of 170 MBA students tried to investigate whether entrepreneurs and non entrepreneurs have systematically different psychological characteristics, especially in terms of proactive behaviour or personality. He used the entrepreneurship model proposed by Kostova (1997). The model suggests that among other things, those certain entrepreneurial activities and these characteristics make them different from non- entrepreneurs. It was fond that 67.9 percent of the students were found to be entrepreneurially inclined, The income of the family and profession of the family members ientation of students. was found to be a significant factor that influences the entrepreneurial a strong relationship between proactive behaviour and entrepreneurship orientation was found in the study. 2) Malin, B. Morris, K. Alan C, Jennie, E., in a study of 421 students, facing career decision respondent asked the to indicate on a scale from 0-100 how likely it was for them to start a firm within the next 5 years, how attraction starting a firm for the average person was, how attractive it was for them, how feasible for the average people was to start a fun and how feasible it was for them. Additional an 18 item measure on intentions using likes scale was used. It was found that social norms and self efficacy had a direct relationship on desirability and feasibility respectively. It was also found that desirability and feasibility were associated with entrepreneurial intention, Those with strong intentions had a strong desirability towards new ventures. 3) Hytti et al in their study of Turku University students in Finland tried to investigate how people with an academic degree perceive entrepreneurship as a personal career alterative. It was found that in case of Engineering discipline people with lower engineering degree are more inclined to persue entrepreneurship where as those with higher engineering degree the option is less frequent within the business and social studies the trend seems to be opposite ; the more educated person act as entrepreneurs more frequently than the person with a lower degree. It was found that men are about 2.5 times likely to perceive entrepreneurship as personally desirable as well as feasible and similarly 2.5 times more likely to start a form in next 5 years. The age of the respondents also explains the perceptions regarding entrepreneurship. The likelihood for finding entrepreneurship personally desirable increases for the young people (under 30) and prime age people (31 years) compared to middle aged and older people (above 45 years). It was also found that students with an engineering " background are less likely to set up a firm compound to management or natural science background. 4) Evan, d (2005), investigated the role of entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial self- efficacy on an individual’s intention to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour. Their sample consisted of 414 students surveyed at the beginning of their first entrepreneurship class in MBA programs in Australia (46), China (39), India (204) and Thailand (125) between 2003, and 2004. They measured the entrepreneurial intentions of the students using a 7 point scale ranging from very unlikely (1) to very likely (7) over eight items measur 2 intentions to engage in a range of entrepreneurial behaviour. Their result found that individuals who prefer more income, more independence and more ownership have high entrepreneurial intentions. The study found no relationship between risk propensity and entrepreneurial intention significant positive relationships were also found between entrepreneurial self efficacy and entrepreneurial intention, 5) Brich, J (2003), in his study examined key factors influencing student’s intent to create a new venture. He investigated the affect of individual's attitude in general and towards self employment on their choice of entrepreneurial career. The sample for his study consisted of 1326 students from of universities in Austria. The attitude towards entrepreneurship was the most relevant predictor of entrepreneurial intent among students. Similarly the attitude towards autonomy had a strong and highly significant impact on student's interest to becoming an entrepr neur. Attitude towards money have a strong positive impact on entrepreneurial intent. The university actions to foster the aspiration to start a business leads to the stronger willingness to become an entrepreneurs 6) [Dooglas, E., (1999), in his study inv tigated the relationship between the intention to start ones own business and individuals attitude towards income, independence, risk and work effort. Results of his study suggest that individuals having more positive attitude towards independence and risk are characterised by higher willingness to become an entrepreneur, 7) Francisco and Yi-wen chen tested the entrepreneurial intention model adapted from the theory of planned Behaviour on a sample of 533 individuals from two different countries Spain and Taiwan, Demographic Variables have relatively few significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. The effect of gender (being male) and having work experience had a considerable effect on self-efficacy. The influence of personal action on entrepreneurial 12 intention is largest in Spain, where as self-efficacy has strongest influence on entrepreneurial intention in Taiwan. 8) Francisco, L in his study of 141 university students tested the intention model of entrepreneurship. The model assumes that external variables (demographic or background characteristics) do not directly effect the intention of performing a given behaviour or behaviour itself. That effect would be only indirect, through their influence on the antecedents as: entrepreneurial knowledge, perceived feasibility (self-efficacy). It was found that attitude towards entrepreneurship and perceived feasibility has greatest affect on intention / social norms, on the other hand, contribute very weakly to explaining intention. A high co-relation was found between attitude and feasibility. Knowing an entrepreneur and. being familiar with the business environment makes students more confident about their own capacity of becoming entrepreneurs. 9) Stefanie, K et all in their study examined the relationship of psychological construct entrepreneurial orientation (EO) with business success in a sample of 248 South African business owners. The results revealed significant relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business success. The most component E.O. component for performance were the owner’s achievement orientation and personal initiative. 10) Nikolous & Luthje (2004) in their study compared the entrepretieurial intention of students of two German Universities with the corresponding results for a leading institution in this feild. Mas ‘husetts institute of Technology (MIT). The sample consisted of 928 students from two German Universities and M.LT. in US. The three constructs used for the ks, need for independence and locus of control. The findings indicate that at MIT students entrepreneurial study were attitude towards being self employed, willingness to take intentions are stronger and more ambitious in terms of business growth. It was found that the personality tracts associated with entrepreneurship were similarly distributed among all the students, MIT students had a higher willingness to take risks and stronger internal locus of control, but at the same time showed a lower need for independence. The personality predispositions did not explain the entrepreneurial intentions. Thus the perception of the environment was found to explain these differences. MIT students rated the environmental factors more favourable than their German counterparts. 11) Maragaret, E (2008), in her study of 800 final year management students of 8 universities in Nigeria investigated their aspiration to start their own business. It was found that only 13 12.4% of the would be graduates aspire to start their own business. The reasons for not standing their business were found to be no take off funds, inadequate preparation to face demands of business and poor attitude of Nigerians towards Nigerian goods. 12) James J in his study investigated the proportion of nascent ventures that became new organisation based on the work of Katz and Gartner. Katz and Gartner specified four properties of emerging organizations, intention, boundary, resources and exchange. The study was based on data obtained from the third national impact of the counseling activities of the small business development center (SBDC) program in the United States in 1992. In 1992 the participating SBDC's provided long term assistance to 43,461 elements. The sample for the study consisted of 5396 clients who responded to the mail questionnaire. The focus of the analysis was on those clients who sought assistance in starting a business but had not yet so at the time of the SBDC' intervention. In the context of this study, clients provided data on the year their business was tarted, or if it was not started. It was found that almost 78 percent of the nascent ventures had become organisations. The findings suggest an optimistic picture on the ability of aspiring entrepreneurs to fulfill their start up goals. 13) Chris, et al conducted a study of undergraduate students at UTAD a Portuguese University in the less developed interior of the country to evaluate the extent to which the students might wish to create their own companies on graduation and to analyse the personal attributes and competencies that influenced such intentions. The sample for the study consisted of 640 OTAD undergraduates. The questionnaire contained 18 questions, which included demographic descriptors as well as data on previous profes ional experience, academic performance, and individual’s social context. It was found that the entrepreneurial propensity of students at UTAD is reasonably high around 24%. Although a reasonable amount of students in Portugal would like to start their own business, their intentions are hundred by inadequate preparation, ie. lack of practical business knowledge and entrepreneurial preparation on demographic factor (gender), one psychological factor (risk) and two contextual factors (students declared profession of choice and academic training) were found to significantly affect students interest in and motivation in starting their own business makes were found to be more interested to establish their own enterprises than females. The findings also demonstrated that university training in general is a factor that significantly influences student's propensity to seriously contemplate establishing their own enterprises and take concrete steps to turn their intentions into realities. 14 14) Francisco in a study of 166 University students tried to validate the intention model of entrepreneurship. The result confirmed the validity of the model. The demographic, variables, personality traits, social economic variables, experience and education were found to have an indirect effect on the intention to be an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurial intention among Andalusian students was found to be low (61%) as compared to a similar study carried out in Catalonia (68.2%). 15) Stephon and Melvin in their study of 145 retired Military officers of the Singapore Armed forces (SAF) identified the key motivations and barriers to staring an entrepreneurial venture among mid career individuals. It was found that the respondents were motivated by various factors for starting their business. The need to challenge oneself was ranked as the most important voluble. This was followed by the need to realize ones dream and a desire to ble that take advantage of ones own creative talent. They were also motivated by a set of v: related to the issue of independence and autonomy. Another set of motivating variable was financial in nature. They included the desire to earn more money, keep a large proportion of the proceeds, receive a salary based on merit and provide for a comfortable retirement. Chapter - 4 Data Analysis 4.1, Demographic Profile of the Respondent 1. Age Purpose: To know age of the respondent Age Group Frequency distribution | Percentage years ) 18 10 10% 19 1s 15% 20 33 33% a1 2 22% 22 5 5% 23 6 6% 24 4 4% 25 3 3% 26 1 1% Total 100 100% Table 4.1.1: Frequency distribution across age groups 30) rats) 10%) 18 0 20 2 2 2 24 25 25 28 Figure 4.1.1: Graphical representation of respondent's age 16 Interpretation: In the survey there are 33 respondent of age group 20 with 33%, 22 respondent of age group 21 with 22%, 15 respondent of age group 19 with 15%, 10 respondent of age group 18 with 10%, 6 respondent of age group 23 with 6%, 5 respondent of age group 22 with 5%, 4 respondent of age group 24 with 4%, 3 respondent of age group 25 with 3%, I respondent of age group 25 and 26 with 1% 2. Gender Purpose: To know the gender of the respondents Gender Frequency distribution Percentage Male 2 02% Female 38 38% Total 100 100% Table 4.1.2: Frequency distribution across gender Male @ Female Figure 4.1.2: Graphical representation of respondent's Gender Interpretation: In the survey male are highest with 62% where as female are 38% 7 4.2. Attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship 1. Is it too scary to risk starting a business? Purpose: To know about risk level of starting of a business Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 32 32% Agree 23 23% 3.59 Neutral 24 24% {Goody Disagree 13 13% Strongly Disagree 8 8% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.1: Frequency distribution about the risk level of starting a business 40 » = LJ : = Figure 4.2.1: Graphical representation of the level of risk for starting a business Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the level of risk for starting a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.59. 18 2. Are you afraid to lose your resources in business? Purpose: To know about how much youth are afraid to lose resources in business Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 26 26% ‘Agree 26 26% 357 Neutral 30 30% a Disagree 13 13% Strongly Disagree 5 5% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.2: Frequency distribution of the level of afraid youth are to lose resources 30 , Figure 4.2.2: Graphical representation of the level of afraid youth are to lose resources Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the level of afraid youth are to lose resources in business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.57. 19 3, Is there any competition present to start a business? Purpose: To know about Level of competition present to start a business. Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 40 40% ‘Agree 25 25% 3.91 Neutral a 2 _ 7 {Good} Disagree 7 1% Strongly Disagree 4 4% Toul 100 100% Table 4.2.3: Frequency distribution of the level of competition to start a business 0 om Ea 1 2 Figure 4.2.3: Graphical representation of the level of competition to start a business Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the level of competition in the business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 391. 20 4, Is there any uncertainty to start a business? Purpose: To know about level of uncertainty to start a business Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 31 31% Agree 29 29% fated {Good} Neutral 23 23% Disagree 8 8% Strongly Disagree 9 9% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.4: Frequency distribution of the level of uncertainty to start a business 0 0 | ie 0 ° aa =] 1 2 3 4 Figure 4.2.4: Graphical representation of the level of uncertainty to start a business Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the level of uncertainty to start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.65. 2 5, Is there government support available to start a business ? Purpose: To know about availability of the government support to start a business Response Frequency. Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 36 36% Agree 4 24% 3.12 Neutral 2 eutral 23 3% a Disagree 6 6% Strongly Disagree i 11% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.5: Frequency distribution about the availability of the government support 10 start a business 40 0 2 : Graphical representation about availability of the government support to start a business ‘bove graph and table represents the level of risk for starting a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.72. 6. Are there any available opportunities to start a business? Purpose: To know about the available opportunities to start a business Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 35 35% Agree 36 36% 3.88 Neutral 19 19% [Good] Disagree 7 1% Strongly Disagree 3 3% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.6: Frequency distribution about the available opportunities to start a business 0 0 Ey 0 30%) >. 3 Figure 4. Graphical representation about the available opportunities to start a business Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the available opportunities to start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.88. 23 7. Do you have any good business ideas? Purpose: To know about any good business idea present in the mind of youth Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 2 42% ‘Agree 25 25% 3.96 Neutral 21 21% [Good] Disagree 9 9% Strongly Disagree 3 3% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.7: Frequency distribution of any good business idea present in the mind of youth o 40 ry 20 = aia il ea a [| ——_ 2 3 ‘ 5 1 Figure 4.2.7: Graphical representation of any good business idea present in the mind of youth Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the level of any good business idea present in the mind of youth and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.96. 24 8. Do you have any financial support to start a business? Purpose: To know about the financial support available to start a business Response Frequeney Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 33 33% Agree 28 28% Neutral 2 22% 3.66 Disagree ul 11% [Good] Strongly Disagree 6 6% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.8: Frequency distribution about the financial support available to start a business. 40 0 a 0 : Graphical representation about the financial support available to start a business Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the financial support available to start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.66. 9. Do you have basic education to start a business? Purpose: To know about level of basic education to start a business present in youth Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 40 40% ‘Agree 28 28% Neutral 4 24% 394 Disagree 3 3% [Good] Strongly Disagree 5 5% Toul 100 100% Table 4.2.9: Frequency distribution of the level of basic education to start a business present in youth 2 10 2% 5 es ae 2 3 4 3 Figure 4.2.9: Graphical representation of the level of basic education to start a business present in youth Interpretation: Above graph and table represents the level of basic education to start a business present in youth and the attitude of youth towards, entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.94. 26 10. Do you access to entrepreneurship blogs? Purpose: To know about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 30 308 Agree 25 25% Neutral 2 22% 3.58 Disagree 7 17% [Good] Strongly Disagree 6 6% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.10: Frequency distribution about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs 30 » = Figure 4.2.10: Graphical representation about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.58. 27 11, Do you access to entrepreneurship website? Purpose: To know about the youth access to entrepreneurship website Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 35 35% Agree 2 2% 3.61 Neutral 4 24% [Good] Disagree 1 11% Strongly Disagree 8 8% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.11: Frequency distribution about the youth access to entrepreneurship website 40 x a 24 (24%) : o Ce 3 4 Figure 4.2.11: Graphical representation about the youth access to entrepreneurship website Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the youth access to entrepreneurship website and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i Good with the WAM of 3.61 28 12, Do you access to specialized social network? Purpose: To know about the youth access to specialized social network. Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 34 3486 Agree 31 31% Neutral "7 17% 37 Disagree B 13% [Good] Strongly Disagree 5 5% Toul 100 100% Table 4.2.12: Frequency distribution about the youth access to specialized social network. “0 er : a , a 1: 2 3 Figure 4.2.12: Graphical representation about the youth access to specialized social network, Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the youth access to specialized social network and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.77. 29 13, Do you prefer to work in government position? Purpose: To know about youth choice to work in government position. Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 38 38% Agree 23 23% 3.16 Neutral 4 24% [Good] Disagree 1 11% Strongly Disagree 4 4% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.13: Frequency distribution about youth choice to work in government position. 40 0 Ey 0 ro Figure 4.2.13: Graphical representation about youth choice to work in government position, Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about youth choice to work in government position and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.76. 30 14, Starting your own business is better than having a job? Purpose: To know about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job. Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 4 44% Agree 20 20% Neutral 23 23% 3.88 Disagree 9 9% al Strongly Disagree 4 496 Total 100 100% Table 4.2.14: Frequency distribution about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job 0 0 or 449) oe | Ea | 2 2 4 Figure 4.2.14: Graphical representation about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.88. 31 15. Do you think you will earn more if you start a business? Purpose: To know about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 39 39% ‘Agree 23 23% Neutral 31 31% 3.88 Disagree 4 4% [Good] Strongly Disagree 3 3% Toul 100 100% Table 4.2.15: Frequency distribution about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business 0 30 Eros 20 3%) SC Figure 4.2.15: Graphical representation about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.88. 32 16. Practical Applicability of ideas into Reality?” Purpose: To know about the skills of applying practical ideas into reality Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 32 32% ‘Agree 32 32% Neutral 28 28% 381 Disagree 6 6% [Good] Strongly Disagree 2 2% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.16: Frequency distribution about the skills of applying practical ideas into reality 40 » » ; UJ EB E 2% = —___ Figure 4.2.16: Graphical representation about the skills of applying practical ideas into reality Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the skills of applying practical ideas into reality and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.81. 33 17, Facing and overcoming obstacles to own idea Purpose: To know about the overcoming obstacles for their own idea Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 31 31% ‘Agree 26 26% Neutral 34 34% 3.18 Disagree 8 8% [Good] Strongly Disagree 1 1% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.17: Frequency distribution of about the overcoming obstacles for their own idea 0 i : —— Figure 4.2.17: Graphical representation about the overcoming obstacles for their own idea Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about the overcoming obstacles for their own idea and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of. 3.78, 34 18, Skills and capability required to sueceed as an employee Purpose: To know about skills and capability required to succeed as an employee Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 36 36% ‘Agree 35 35% Neutral 21 21% 3.96 Disagree 5 5% [Good] Strongly Disagree 3 3% Toul 100 100% Table 4.2.18: Frequency distribution of about skills and capability required to succeed as anenployee “0 x 2» c fie Ei E 20%) o_O 3 4 3 Figure 4.2.18: Graphical representation about skills and capability required to succeed as an employee Interpretation: Above graph and table represents skills and capability required to succeed as an employee and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.96. 35 19. Entrepreneurship cannot be taught Purpose: To know that entrepreneurship cannot be thought Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 28 289% Agree 33 33% Neutral 4 24% 3.67 Disagree 10 10%, [Good] Strongly Disagree 5 3% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.19: Frequency distribution that entrepreneurship cannot be thought 0 2 fe 0 7 . =a Ee] 1 2 a ‘ 5 Figure 4.2.19: Graphical representation that entrepreneurship cannot be thought Interpretation: Above graph and table represents that entrepreneurship cannot be thought and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.67. 36 20. opinion on entrepreneurship as career Purpose: To know about opinion on entrepreneurship as career Response Frequency Percentage WAM Distribution Strongly Agree 2 42% ‘Agree 25 25% 40 Neutral 4 24% [Good] Disagree 7 1% Strongly Disagree 2 2% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.20: Frequency distribution about opinion on entrepreneurship as career 6 0 ry i Fa Ey 2@%) ee 1 2 3 ‘ 5 Figure 4.2.20: Graphical representation about opinion on entrepreneurship as career Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about opinion on entrepreneurship as career and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 4. 37 21. do you know about incubation cell Purpose: To know about information having about incubation cell among youth Response Frequency Percentage Distribution Yes 6 64% No 36 36% Total 100 100% Table 4.2.21: Frequency distribution about information having about incubation cell ‘among youth @ ves @N0 Figure 4.2.21: Graphical representation about information having about incubation cell ‘among youth Interpretation: Above graph and table represents about information having about incubation cell among youth and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship that 64% of youth are knowing about the incubation cell. 38 Chapter - 5 Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions 5.1. Findings Inthe survey there are 33 respondent of age group 20 with 33%, 22 respondent of age group 21 with 22%, 15 respondent of age group 19 with 15%, 10 respondent of age group 18 with 10%, 6 respondent of age group 23 with 6%, 5 respondent of age group 22 with 5 . 4 respondent of age group 24 with 4%, 3 respondent of age group 25 with 3%, 1 respondent of age group 25 and 26 with 1% + Inthe survey male are highest with 62% where as female are 38%. Inthe survey we found the level of risk for starting a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.59. * Inthe survey we found the level of afraid youth are to lose resources in business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.57. + In the survey we found the level of competition in the business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.91 ‘Inthe survey we found the level of uncertainty to start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.65. Inthe survey we found the level of risk for starting a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.72. + Inthe survey we found the available opportunities to start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.88. * Inthe survey we found the level of any good business idea present in the mind of youth and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.96. * Inthe survey we found the financial support available to start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.66. + In the survey we found the level of basic education to start a business present in youth and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.94. * Inthe survey we found about the youth access to entrepreneurship blogs and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.58. * Inthe survey we found about the youth access to entrepreneurship website and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.61 ‘+ Inthe survey we found about the youth access to specialized social network and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.77. 39 + Inthe survey we found about youth choice to work in government position and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.76. Inthe survey we found about the choice about starting own business is better than having a job and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.88. «Inthe survey we found about youth future vision about earning more if they start a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship ie Good with the WAM of 3.88. «Inthe survey we found about the skills of applying practical ideas into reality and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.81. * Inthe survey we found about the overcoming obstacles for their own idea and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.78. + Inthe survey we found skills and capability required to succeed as an employee and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.96. Inthe survey we found that entrepreneurship cannot be thought and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.67. + Inthe survey we found about opinion on entrepreneurship as career and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 4. ‘+ Inthe survey we found the level of risk for starting a business and the attitude of youth towards entrepreneurship i.e Good with the WAM of 3.59. 5.2. Conclusion ‘© Most of the respondents had personal traits that posed them as hard working, creative, good at making decisions and can find new ways to generate profit. Most of them had personal characteristics that pointed to traits of good entrepreneur. This could mean that if these characteristics could be fanned by mentorship, early couching and encouragement, the young peoples’ attitude towards entrepreneurship would be positively influenced. thus the young people also need training on how to identify business opportunities + From the survey we can conclude that there are almost 31.1% youth that are scared 10 start a business where as there are many of the youth who are looking forward to grab new opportunities but they are lacking of opportunities and here youth are almost of the middle class family so they don’t have enough financial resources and support 40 5.3. Suggestion © The study recommended that there is need to start training in technical subjects and entrepreneurship from as early as in primary and secondary schools (o start cultivating the entrepreneurial attitude at an early stage + The study also recommended that curriculum developers need to include subjects with the entrepreneurial component in the primary and secondary curriculums so that the students can start developing the entrepreneurial culture at an early age. This would include lessons on how to identify business opportunities ,couching the young people’s business talents and skills to start influencing their attitude in a learning environment. These subjects should also be made compulsory in all the school levels to ensure none of the students misses on the lessons. ‘The personal characteristics of the young people did not seem to affect their attitude towards entrepreneurship a big way thus the study recommended that this positive aspect about their characteristics should be taken advantage of and couching and encouragement done to influence their attitude towards entrepreneurship positively 4 Chapter - 6 Bibliography Websites www. researchgate.net https://shodhganga. inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/95837 Articles, ‘The Importance Of A Positive Attitude In Business 42 Chapter - 7 Annexure 1. Name* 2. Age* 3. Contact number * 4, Email ID* 5. Gender * Mark only one oval. © ale © Female hitpssldocs.google.comiformsid/1EctVuRpZIVSSI-2Hwja_GaKiBOLuWUrwKqaSpKFOledt wr 7122, 1:26 PM ‘study about attudes of yout towards entrepreneurship of surat ty 6. Family income per annum * Mark only one oval. Up to Rs 2.5 lakh, Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 5 lakh Rs 5 lakh to Rs 7.5 lakh, Rs 7.5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh Rs 10 lakh to Rs 12.5 lakh Rs 12.5 lakh and above Skip to question 7 Rate the following aspects on 5 point scale where 5= Strongly agree and 0 = Strongly disagree 7. 1)Isit too scary to risk starting a business? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 8. 2)Are you afraid to lose your resources in business? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree Intps:idocs.google.comiformsiEcfVuRpzIVSSI2Hwja_GdKiBOLUUUWewkqaBpKFOlectt 4112722, 1126 PM ‘A study about attiudes of youth towards entrepreneurship of surat city 9. 3)|s there any competition present to start a business ?* Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 10. 4) Is there any uncertainty to start a business? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 11. _5)ls there government support available to start a business ?* Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 12. 6) Are there any available opportunities to start a business? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree Intps:idocs.google.comiformsiEcfVuRpzIVSSI2Hwja_GdKiBOLUUUWewkqaBpKFOlectt 4112722, 1126 PM ‘A study about attiudes of youth towards entrepreneurship of surat city 13. 7)Do you have any good business ideas? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 14. 8)Do you have any financial support to start a business? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 15. 9)Do you have basic education to start a business? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 16. 10)Do you access to entrepreneurship blogs? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree Intps:idocs.google.comiformsiEcfVuRpzIVSSI2Hwja_GdKiBOLUUUWewkqaBpKFOlectt an 4112722, 1126 PM ‘A study about attiudes of youth towards entrepreneurship of surat city 17. 1)Do you access to entrepreneurship website? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 18. 12) Do you access to specialised social network? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 19. 13)Do you prefer to work in government position? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 20. 14) Starting your own business is better than having a job? * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree Intps:idocs.google.comiformsiEcfVuRpzIVSSI2Hwja_GdKiBOLUUUWewkqaBpKFOlectt 4112722, 1126 PM ‘A study about attiudes of youth towards entrepreneurship of surat city 21. 15) Do you think you will earn more if you start a business * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 22. 16)Practical Applicability of ideas into Reality * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 23. 17) Facing and overcoming obstacles to own idea * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 24. 18)skills and capability required to succeed as an employee * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree Intps:idocs.google.comiformsiEcfVuRpzIVSSI2Hwja_GdKiBOLUUUWewkqaBpKFOlectt 4112722, 1126 PM ‘A study about attiudes of youth towards entrepreneurship of surat city 25. 19) entrepreneurship cannot be taught * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 26. 20) opinion on entrepreneurship as career * Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Strongly agree 27. 21)do you know about incubation cell * Mark only one oval. Yes ) No This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Google Forms Intps:idocs.google.comiformsiEcfVuRpzIVSSI2Hwja_GdKiBOLUUUWewkqaBpKFOlectt W

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