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Investigate, act fast against those responsible for mudflows and log slides near Karak town is

one example of the efforts made by Sahabat Alam Malaysia to address natural disasters,
development, and conservation.

Figure 1.2 showing the location of Karak Town.

Figure 1.2

Between December 18 and December 19, 2021, mud floods and piles of drifting wood and
trees caused rivers, highways, and villages to become covered in a sea of mud and mounds
of wood chips. Hundreds of homes in numerous communities have suffered damage due to
this tragedy, which has already taken nearly 10 lives.

Figure 1.3

Following figure 1.3, this shown the flash flood that also shut off the main road and
prevented access to the village area, there was a sizable pile of logs and other trash near the
village of Sungai Kerau also known as Sungai Sri Telemong.

Although global warming has been identified as one of the contributing elements, there are
still additional aspects that demand thorough and prompt research and action by the
government, including a review of any concerns with the nation's current support systems
and inadequate infrastructure. This entails a thorough inquiry into logging operations, the
clearance of forests along mountainous ranges and slopes, as well as less efficient erosion
and sediment control in development zones. Additionally, it's important to assess any
potential flaws in the flood warning system's performance as well as its monitoring.

Large-scale logging and forest clearing operations have been taking place in this region
recently for durian plantations and forests, and the majority of these operations take place
without performing an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and with minimal or no
environmental mitigation and control measures.

Due to floods, mud, and mountainous heaps of forest debris, three locations on the
neighbouring Karak highway were also closed off, blocking Peninsular Malaysia's key route
between the west and east. Due to mud and two-kilometer-long stacks of logs that were
over one metre high in one place, both lanes of the road were blocked. A two-meter-high
mud flood affected the entire town of Mentakab further downstream for a number of days.
There have been millions of dollars’ worth of economic, social, and environmental damages
as a result of this flood and mud catastrophe. Recovery efforts after a disaster or flood may
take several months and involve significant financial investments. It is predicted that this
incident will have an impact for at least 10 years.

The results of analysis think that the main causes of the tragedy in Bentong District are due
to the widespread logging and land clearance operations in the hillside areas, the lack of
efficient erosion control or flood warning systems, insufficient monitoring and enforcement,
together with excessive rains.

Figure 1.4

Following figure 1.4, shown massive logs that are 8 metres long and 2 metres in diameter
that are scattered around the village area are causing serious damage to residences,
vehicles, and power poles.

Based on the disaster in Bentong District, we urge the Federal Government of Malaysia and
the States to make more integrated and coordinated efforts to establish an independent
investigation institution on the occurrence of floods, mudflows, log drifts, damage to
property, services, and lives as well as sources of income in Bentong District identify the
cause of the incident and develop short- and long-term actions to repair the disaster.
Furthermore, halting any ongoing logging or land clearing projects until the results of the
proposed study, imposing an immediate ban on any future approvals for the clearance of
forests and sloped terrain in Bentong District. (Asyiqeen, 2018)

Next efforts are, Oil spill in Penang: One major disaster and common occurrences too. This is
another one of Sahabat Alam Malaysia's efforts that puts a stronger emphasis on extractives
and pollution. A serious issue is the recent oil spill in Penang, which reportedly
contaminated a 5 km section of the island's shoreline from Gurney Drive to Swettenham
Jetty. Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) requested the authorities to look into and address the
oil spill that recently happened in the waters around Penang in addition to this disasterous
oil spill.

Figure 1.5

Figure 1.5, shown a serious issue is the recent oil spill in Penang, which reportedly
contaminated a 5 km section of the island's shoreline from Gurney Drive to Swettenham
Jetty. Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) requested the authorities to look into and address the
oil spill that recently happened in the waters around Penang in addition to this disastrous oil
spill. Due to an oil spill that was allegedly spilled from the ship, the beach has become
contaminated. Fishermen claim that because the discharge typically takes place at night, the
source of the contamination cannot be found. Fishermen said that in the early morning, it
was possible to see oil traces on the beach.

Ecosystems, marine life, and seabirds all suffer greatly from oil spills. There are also financial
losses, particularly for fishers. To prevent oil pollution, laws forbid ships from discharging oil
or mixtures containing oil. Therefore, it is necessary for the competent authorities to
strengthen the monitoring system and enforce the laws. Additionally, the Penang State
Government has expressed dissatisfaction over the fact that it was first told of the oil spill
roughly 24 hours after the occurrence. With the Marine Department playing the primary
operational role in this situation, the Environment Department is in charge of overall
responsibilities for the oil spill response. Despite the fact that the federal government is in
charge of the oil spill response, the state government needs to be informed right away
because, in the end, the losses and environmental harm affect the state's residents.

Sahabat Alam Malaysia demanded an inquiry of reported oil discharges from ships that
allegedly occurred in recent months in addition to calling for action against this significant
oil disaster. The accountable authorities must consider the expense of restoring the
ecosystem as well as the harm done to fishermen and other sectors in addition to asking
reimbursement for the cost of clean-up activities in the sea and on the coast. (Idris, 2015)


In my opinion, the best advice I can give to further enhance Sahabat Alam Malaysia is to
demand quality rather than the lowest possible price. Another tactic for growing and
improving NGOs is for them to focus on value for money rather than low prices. As
previously stated, a sustainable budget is required for an NGO to operate for a long time
without encountering any difficulties or hurdles in the future. Accordingly, it must balance
the budget that it has established.

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