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Let's talk about Moldova. What do you know about this country?

The Republic of Moldova is a state located in southeastern Europe. It borders Romania to

the west and Ukraine to the north, east and south. The Republic of Moldova is a state
without direct access to the sea, but it has access to the Danube on a strip of 430 meters
at its southern extremity, through which it has potential access to the Black Sea. In the
process of dismembering the Soviet Union, the Republic of Moldova declared its
independence on August 27, 1991. On July 29, 1994, the first constitution of the Republic
of Moldova was adopted. The current relief of the Republic of Moldova is fragmented,
represented by a succession of plateaus and relatively low plains. The main mineral
substances extracted from the underground are the raw material for the construction
materials industry. In 2011, about 400 deposits of solid useful mineral substances were
registered, with industrial reserves of 400 million tons of gypsum, sand for glass, tripol,
diatomite, etc. and 1,500 million cubic meters of limestone, rough stone, clay. The soil is
the main natural wealth of the Republic of Moldova.

The Republic of Moldova is located in the area with temperate-continental climate,

influenced by the proximity to the Black Sea and the interference of warm-humid air in
the Mediterranean area, with insufficient humidity, which causes a high frequency of
droughts. The longest rivers are Nistru, Prut, Răut, Bâc, Botna, Ichel, Cogâlnic and Ialpug.
The Republic of Moldova is a parliamentary republic with a president as head of state and
a prime minister as head of government.

1. Would you like to visit Moldova? Why (not)?

Yes, of course. It would be great to visit this unique country and to learn more about its
geography, history and culture on the spot.

2. What would you ask a Moldova teenager about national holidays in Republic of
1) What is your favorite holiday?
2) What national holidays are in the Republic of Moldova?

3. Give me a piece of advice on what sights to see in Chisinau.

Chisinau is the capital and largest city of Moldova.Chisinau has very beautiful places to
visit.For example:Central Park”Stefan сel Mare”Monument to Stefan сel Mare, National
Museum of history;Cathedral of the nativity of Christ.etc. In Chisinau, the Soroca
fortress is also very visited and I recommend it with the greatest pleasure.

5) Do the British differ greatly from Moldova people in character? Why?

I think,it’s true.They speak different languages, different customs, traditions, traditional
clothing, different national holidays.These factors distinguish the people of Moldova from
those of Britain

6) What sights in Moldova would you advise me to visit?

First of all, I would advise you to visit Soroca Fortress, Tighina Fortress, Tipova Monastery,
Valea Trandafirilor Park in Chisinau.Tourism in Moldova is on the rise and is rather a niche
that appeals to tourists looking for picturesque, authentic places and amazing natural
landscape.Orhei land is the largest amusement park for children and adults.You should also
visit the gates of Chisinau because it has many beautiful landscapes. The Moldovan cuisine is
a traditional one with polenta and steak. The traditional food is: sarmale.

7) What would you ask a Moldova teenager about Moldova?

1) What is your favorite holiday?

2) What amusement park do you suggest I visit with family?

3) What is your favorite holiday food?

4) What sports do you practice in your free time or what do you do in your free time?

Do British traditions and customs differ from Moldova ones?

The Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of the Moldovan land and passed on from
generation to generation.
The Moldovan people are rich in the traditions they possess. With their help we become
special and unique.

At Christmas, adults, but especially children, go caroling from house to house, thus
announcing the birth of the Lord. The children, being properly masked, after the carol, are
rewarded by the host with sweets or money.

The national holidays specific to Moldova are:

Saint Nicholas, New Year, Christmas, Easter.

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