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Heneral Luna is one of the greatest historical films ever made in the Philippines.
The movie shows how our Filipino ancestors fought against the Americans and how
General Luna became one of the heroic people of the Philippines. The director wants us
to understand that even though other Generals and high-ranking government officials
failed to assist him, Heneral Luna fought till the end. Even without supplies, equipment,
collaboration, or leadership, Filipinos can battle the Americans. He showed such bravery
and patriotism that every Filipino should have.

The film is totally engaging because its graphics and emotions shows that the
movie is really worth to watch, Its action pack and goose bumps moments brings us
back to what really happened to the Philippine-American War. The movie showed how
the Americans were cruel to the Filipinos. The battle between the Americans and the
Filipinos was intense. The movie also shared how Filipinos fight with fellow Filipinos. The
actors who played the characters in the movie were not popular in the mainstream
movies but they were able to give justice to their portrayals. One of the things that
attracted the audience to the film was its ability to give importance to history without
compromising the human aspects of emotions.

The film is fantastic because it demonstrates how difficult it is to battle for the
freedom that we desire for our country and our fellow citizens. We cannot fight
ourselves and we cannot win a war if our system of cooperation and teamwork will fail
because of our cowardness and traitorship. We must demonstrate our aggression and
desire to preserve our homeland, the Philippines if we are to win a war. In the end, the
film is excellent for people who are open-minded and passionate about Philippines. This
is another classic historical film that I'd like to rewatch and learn more about.

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