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Name: ______________________ Class: Multi-Grade Classroom.

Date: Tuesday 17th, August, 2021 Teacher: Juan Oyarzun

Subject: English Language Unit 3 “Reading English”

Class Objective: General Objective: Demostrar conocimiento y uso del

Demuestran comprensión y uso lenguaje en sus textos escritos por medio de las siguiente
del lenguaje en textos escritos funciones: there are many people; there is much time; How
con apoyos audiovisuales. much time do we have? there is a lot of time; I don’t have
much money with me. How much food is there left? There’s a

1) Use "should have + V3" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to do

(wiser than ramming into the closed door).

Answer the question using your own words

2) Use "should have + V3" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done (a missed opportunity).

Answer the question using your own words

3) Use "should" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done (a missed opportunity).

Answer the question using your own words

4) Use "should" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done.

Answer the question using your own words

5) Use "should" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done.

Name: ______________________ Class: Multi-Grade Classroom.
Date: Tuesday 17th, August, 2021 Teacher: Juan Oyarzun
Subject: English Language Unit 3 “Reading English”

Answer the question using your own words

6) Use "should" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done.

Answer the question using your own words

7) Use "should" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done.

Answer the question using your own words

8) Use "should" in a sentence to describe a wiser thing to have done.

Answer the question using your own words

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