CBC-Final Exam

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Furra College Hawassa Campus

Department of Accounting and Finance

Final Exam on Contemporary Business Communication for 4th Year Regular Students
Name: ……………………………………….ID…………………
Maximum mark: 40%: Time Allowed: 60 minutes: Set by: Kanbiro o.

Part I: Write True/False (1 point each)

1. ‘A misunderstood message is worse than no message at all’ is to give credit for clarity of
2. Omitting unnecessary expressions is better suggestion for improving message
3. Visualizing reader is to mean that understanding your reader and your reader’s point of
4. Product advertisement is more a public relations activity than a form of advertising.
5. Communication with shareholders can be done through meetings, letters, and/or
6. Written communication requires consideration for correct grammar and spelling whereas
oral communication needs from pronunciation and accent.
7. Public relation is the part of a marketing and communication strategy that constructs on
organization’s message to its diverse publics.
8. There is no interpersonal communication without intrapersonal communication.
9. Within organization, formal communication is upward and downward while informal
communications is always horizontal.
10. Successful organizations use one-ways communication.
Part-II: Multiple Choice Questions (1 point each)
1. Which one of the following is most important goal of business communication?
A. To create favorable relationship between sender and receiver
B. To build organizational goodwill
C. Receiver response
D. Receiver understanding
2. Horizontal communication takes place between…………
A. Superior to subordinate C. Employees with the same status
B. Subordinate to superior D. Middle level to top level
3. Grapevine communication is associated with _____communication.
A. Formal C. Horizontal
B. Informal D. Vertical
4. Gestural communication is a ______
A. Non-Verbal communication C. Oral communication
B. Direct conversation D. Written communication
5. Communication starts with:
A. Encoding C. Channel
B. Sender D. Feedback
6. The two broad areas of communication are:
A. Oral and written communication C. Verbal and non-verbal communication
B. Verbal and written communication D. Oral and non-verbal communication
7. Orders and directives are the example of:

A. Downward communication C. Diagonal communication
B. Upward communication D. Horizontal communication
8. Communication between HR manager and Finance manager is an example of:
A. Downward communication C. Diagonal communication
B. Upward communication D. Horizontal communication
9. Communication barriers are;
A. A receiver's response to a message
B. Avenues through which messages are delivered
C. Obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message
D. The circumstances under which communication takes place
10. Which one of the following is the wordless form of communication which takes the form
of postures, body language, facial expressions, eye contacts, tension, breathing and tones.
A. Verbal communication C. Informal communication
B. Garbage communication D. Non-Verbal communication
11. All the following are principles of business letter writing, BUT:
A. Consideration C. Concurrency
B. Correctness D. Conciseness
12. Consideration in a business letter means:
A. Stressing the “me” attitude C. Appealing to the sender’s interest
B. Using first person pronouns D. Stressing the “you” attitude
13. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of communication
in the communication process?
A. Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message, Feedback
B. Receiver, Feedback, Sender, Message, Channel
C. Sender, Channel, Message, feedback, Receiver
D. Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback
14. Exchange of messages b/n two persons such as conversation, dialogue, interview is called
A. Group communication C Interpersonal communication
B. Intrapersonal communication D. Mass communication.
15. Class room teaching and directors meeting are the examples of :
A. Mass communication C. Business communication
B. Intrapersonal communication D. Group communication
16. Communication through newspapers and television are known as:
A. Group communication C. Interpersonal communication
B. Mass communication D. Intrapersonal communication
17. Communication between peers is essential for ____ coordination
A. Functional C. Managerial
B. Organizational D. Statistical
18. From the functional area of an organization, which one is particularly important in
managing the flow of external messages
A. Marketing and sales, and Human resource function
B. Public relations and Accounting and finance function
C. Marketing and sales, and public relations function
D. Human resource management and operations management functions
19. Internal public relations can be maintained through:
A. Social gatherings and sport meetings

B. House organs and bulletins
C. Joint consultations and films public address system
D. All of the above
20. The major activities of the public relations department includes
A. Providing information to the public and requiring feedback
B. Arranging press conference, seminars and issuing press release
C. Maintaining cordial relation with government officials
D. All of the above
Part III: Match the following concepts (1 point each)
1. Clarity
2. Correctness
3. Cluster chain
4. Conciseness
5. Courtesy
6. Concreteness
7. Consideration
8. Single strand
9. Completeness
10. Gossip chain
‘’ B’’
A. Writing message without error as much as possible
B. Stems from our sincere attitude but not about mere politeness
C. Affected by relationship b/n message, reader& sender
D. Message contains all the facts & figures need for the reaction sender desire
E. Writing message with minimum possible words
F. Message w/c is specific, definite, and vivid rather than vague and general
G. Save time and cost to sender and receiver
H. Tell people at randomly
I. Conveys information to a few selected individuals
J. One person seeks out and tells everyone
K. Least accurate at passing on information
Answer key

Part-I: True/False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part-II: Multiple Choice Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20
Part-III: Matching
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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