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Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 89


B.E. / B.TECH / MCA Degree Cycle Test I, August 2011 Regulation 2008

Branch Subject Name

: Information Technology : Electronic commerce

Year/Semester Max Marks

: IV / VII : 50

Answer ALL Questions PART A - (09 x 02 = 18 Marks) 1. What are the advantages of e-commerce? 2. Define value chain. 3. List any two salient features of packet switched networks. 4. What is the need for markup languages? 5. Give any two examples for web server. 6. Difference Between E-commerce and Traditional commerce. 7. State the uses of Ping and Finger. 8. What are the roles of e-commerce? 9. What are the benefits of intranet?

PART B- (02 x 16 = 32 Marks) 10. i. Explain the concepts of traditional commerce. (8)

ii. What is the role of internet in e-commerce?Discuss the features of intenet and www. (8) 11. (OR) i. Explain un detail about strategic business and industry value chains. ii. Write short notes on web based marketing i. Write short notes on packet switching networks. ii. What is the role of XML in e-commerce applications? Discuss in detail (OR) 13. i. Explain about Mark up language in detail. ii. Write short notes on extranets. (10) (6) (10) (6) (8) (8)




Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 89


B.E. / B.TECH / MCA Degree Cycle Test I, August 2011 Regulation 2008

Branch Subject Name

: Information Technology : Electronic commerce

Year/Semester Max Marks

: IV / VII : 50

Answer ALL Questions PART A - (09 x 02 = 18 Marks) 1. What are the additional features required in Internet to support a commerce? 2. What is the need of value chain? 3. List some application which uses SGML. 4. What is the advantage of setting up an internet? 5. Define industry Value Chain. 6. List the disadvantages of intranet. 7. State the difference between POP and IMAP. 8. Write about VPN. 9. List out the utility Programs used in internet.

PART B- (02 x 16 = 32 Marks) 10. i. Describe the steps involved in Traditional commerce and explain how its improved with e commerce. ii. . Discuss the main features of online advertisements. (OR) i Explain the role of WWW in online shopping using shopping cart ii.Explain industry value chains in detail 12. i Define packet switching. Why its preferred in Internet ? Explain how packet switching network provide the infrastructure for e commerce. (OR) 13. i Explain in detail about web client and server architecture (16) (16) (10) (6) (8) (8)


Prepared By M.Hema

Approved By HOD

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