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Intern Name: Peyton Wilson


Lesson Title Telling time, 2nd grade, 25 minutes- Small group
(Subject, Grade Level, Topic,
Length of Lesson)
MA.2.3.6 The student will tell time and write time to the nearest five minutes,
Standards of using analog and digital clocks. (SOL 2.9;Measurement and Geometry)
The student will use problem solving, mathematical communication,
mathematical reasoning, connections and representations to:
Show, tell and write time to the nearest five minutes, using an analog and
digital clock.  
Learning Targets Match a written time to a time (e.g., 4:20, 10:05, 1:50) shown on a clock face
to the nearest five minutes.
Match the time to the nearest five minutes shown on a clock face to a written

Necessary Prior Students should know what the two types of clocks are (analog and
Knowledge Students should also be able to know the difference between the hour and
minute hand and be able to recognize the numbers on the clock.
Student Materials
Time worksheet we do as a group and the closing assessment worksheet
Teacher Materials Brain Pop video

Students will watch a BrainPop video about telling time to the hour to
introduce them to the topic and get them excited to learn about time.

As a group we will go over their four square sheets. On the front in four boxes
they are given four different numbers. First box is even or odd, the second box
is on a number line, the third is ten less, ten more, one less, and one more, and
the fourth is round. On the back they are given one addition and one
Instructional subtraction problem. They must estimate both and then solve both. Students
Activities & Strategies do this every day in groups as little math warms up.

Key Vocabulary or Time, Minute, Hour, 60 minutes, Half-hour, Five-minute increment, Half-past,
Quarter after, Quarter till, Analog clock, Digital clock
As a group we will go over a worksheet asking questions about time. Students
Closure should be able to tell what time the clock shows on both types of clocks with
Activity/Assessments assisted help from me.

Accommodations N/A

Virginia Standards of learning time worksheet

Resources used while Brain Pop activity
planning this lesson

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name:

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?
In order to create this lesson plan I discussed things with my corresponding teacher and she gave me the
materials needed to make this lesson and talked to me about what the students were already learning so I could
accommodate that into my lesson as well.

2. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

The students did a great job on the time worksheet and did well asking for help when they needed it. I knew
that a few of them would switch up the hour and minute hand so I was prepared to constantly remind them
which was which until they got it down.

3. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

Some of the students struggled a little bit more on the four square sheet and needed extra help from me while
others were done very quickly.

4. How well did you anticipate the materials needed? Did you realize you needed more or less as you taught
your lesson?

Very well, I had everything I needed.

5. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)

I feel as though this lesson was a great success. I saw a lot of the students have light bulb moments where they
caught their mistakes. Telling time is usually one of the harder things for students to master and I definitely
noticed a lot of improvement in the students compared to when we first started out.
6. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?

I would probably do things more as a whole. Most of the students in the group were a little bit more advanced
so they went ahead and finished pretty quickly. While it's great that they know what they are doing, it made the
other students who needed a little bit more help fall behind and feel slightly rushed.

7. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

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