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I cleaned up the family attic last week.

I had been prepared to ___1___ at least three

days finishing the job. Little did I ___2___ that much more time was required.

It was ___3___ the accumulated junk to be tidied that ___4___ up most of the time that
I had bargained ___5___ . What ___6___ me preoccupied was discovering the things
___7___ had sentimental value, and reliving the memories that came flooding ___8___
. I spent the greater part of my time running up and ___9___ the stairs, yelling
___10___ my wife, son or daughter, ___11___ them the history of every little item.

I found my high school photographs and ___12___ the good old days of accidentally
breaking windows with baseballs. I found my son's first ___13___ of shoes. Then there
was the painting of me that my daughter had ___14___ in kindergarten. My wife's
knitting, which she aborted ___15___ trying to knit me a sweater, lies among the junk

So, it was this incessant reminiscing of times ___17___ by which hindered my progress.
I suspect that a the end of it all, I have ___18___ as much junk as before, for I could not
___19___ to throw most of the things ___20___ .

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