Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud (FCCS) : Administrator

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Oracle Financial Consolidation

and Close Cloud (FCCS):


Learn how to design and build Oracle Financial Consolida�on and Close Cloud
(FCCS) applica�ons. Gain an in-depth understanding of how to make efficient
use of the capabili�es and extensibility of this cloud-based financial
consolida�on solu�on. Learn how to leverage the poten�al of this system to
build more effec�ve applica�ons and workflows. This five-day course
provides a thorough grounding in all aspects of FCCS administra�on.

This course focuses on the op�ons, func�onality and management snapshots to migrate system artefacts.
design considera�ons that impact the performance A�endees will also gain an in-depth understanding of
of Oracle Financial Consolida�on and Close (FCCS). consolida�on, transla�on and how to manage en�ty
You'll learn how to apply best prac�ce techniques ownerships.
during the development process.
Find out how to build efficient, effec�ve and
Discover how to manage, maintain and update responsive applica�ons and master the concepts
configura�ons and metadata to meet new behind wri�ng mul�dimensional calcula�ons.
requirements on an ongoing basis. Explore the close Discover how data from a variety of different sources
manager and how to work with the schedules and can be transformed and loaded to applica�ons using
templates to provide a structured list of tasks. Data Integra�on.

Navigate and configure various applica�on A�endees will also explore how to automate a wide
components and learn about the valida�on of variety of common tasks including the archive,
metadata. Learn more about member a�ributes and backup and restore of applica�ons, the import of
understand the implica�ons of working with dense data and running business rules using EPM
and sparse dimensions to adopt best prac�ce design. Automate.
Also available
ON as a self-paced
Find out about balance sheet movements, This courseDemand
is also available “On Demand” course
supplemental data, intercompany processing and as a self-paced
working with journals. Discover how to use life cycle Training in your own
“On Demand” Demand
time at your own convenience

UK +44 161 408 7722

USA +1 855 563 6723
+1 855 563 6723 | +44 161 408 7722 |
Course Informa�on:

Course �tle: Financial Consolida�on and Close Cloud (FCCS): Administrator

Dura�on: 5 days
Audience: System administrators, developers and implementa�on consultants
Pre-requisites: None
Delivery method: Group Live and Group Internet-Based
Advanced prepara�on: None
Recommended CPE credits: 35 credits - computer so�ware and applica�ons
Programme level: Intermediate

Learning Objec�ves
By the end of this course learners will be able to:
1. Iden�fy the various aspects of metadata configura�on and how they relate to data consolida�on
2. Explore the use of Data Management in rela�on to the import and export of data
3. Recognize how to configure and make use of the Intercompany features
4. Cri�que the ways in which user tasks can be compiled into �me-based schedules
5. Implement Supplemental Data strategies to allow the gathering and inclusion of external data into schedules
6. Differen�ate between the various calcula�on methods

Detailed Agenda Designing Data Forms Supplemental Data

Design Considera�ons Understanding Supplemental Data
Introduc�on to FCCS Smart Lists and Variables Data Sets
Key Components Data Form Valida�on Crea�ng Forms
EPM Cloud Consolida�on Landscape Crea�ng Formulas
The Close Process Applica�on Maintenance
Naviga�ng the FCCS Interface Data Entry Techniques Applica�on Migra�on
Point of View and Selec�ng Members Basic Data Entry Scheduling Jobs
Quick Data Entry Commands Cloud Environment Updates
Applica�on Crea�on and Configura�on Keyboard Shortcuts
Applica�on Configura�on Op�ons Comments and A�achments Exchange Rates and Transla�on
Crea�ng a new FCCS Applica�on Adjus�ng Values and Grid Spread Managing Exchange Rates
Applica�ons from Migra�on Snapshots Suppor�ng Detail Loading Exchange Rates
Enabling New Features Forma�ng Data and Data Form Controls
Understanding Calcula�on
Introducing FCCS Dimensions Intercompany and Journals Calcula�on Types
Dimensionality and Data Storage Intercompany Metatdata Cross Dimensional Operators
Extensible Dimensions Matching Intercompany Pre-Seeded Calcula�on
FCCS vs HFM Dimensionality Crea�ng Journals
Scenario, Year, Period and View Member Fomulas
Account and Movement Security and Managing Users Crea�ng Member Formulas
Mul� GAAP and Data Source The FCCS Security Model Dynamically Calculated Members
Intercompany and En�ty Crea�ng Users Two-Pass Calcula�on
Currency and Consolida�on Assigning Roles
Managing Groups Introducing Business Rules
Member Proper�es Valid Intersec�ons Block-Storage Concepts
Data Storage and Aggrega�on Op�ons Structure of Business Rules
Aliases and User Defined A�ributes Approvals Calcula�ng a Member or Subset
Enabled for Approvals Manage Approvals Rela�onship Func�ons
Dimension Member Proper�es Approval Unit Hierarchies Controlling Scope
Locking Data Pre-Built Calcula�ons and Transla�ons
Managing Metatdata Using FIX in FCCS Calcula�ons
Monitoring Jobs Smart View Business Rule Efficiency
Metadata Administra�on in FCCS Connec�on Types and Ribbons
Metadata Administra�on in Smart View Ad Hoc Analysis and Cascade EPM Automate
Data Forms and Smart Forms Installa�on and Connec�on
Interface and Naviga�on Flows Smart View Func�ons Maintain Security
Crea�ng Custom Naviga�on Flows Financial Repor�ng Create and Download Snapshots
Dashboards and Infolets Running and Crea�ng Reports
Introducing the REST APIs
Data Management (FDMEE) Closing with Task Manager REST URLs and Methods
Concepts Templates Install a REST Client
Import, Validate and Export Tasks GET and POST requests
Data Management Setup Schedules Retrieving details and execu�ng jobs

This course is also available

ON as a self-paced
Demand “On Demand” course
+1 855 563 6723 | +44 161 408 7722 |

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