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Assignment =| oi) || whores Ssceruare engines xing A Pro. oe Ad MI yZin yor xequirefnent + then designing + testing Software appiication which aii Sarisey the xeawive me Ot! Myth i: Testing 16 too expensive Reality: The¥e 16 4 Saying, Rasy | fox testing clurciin Fre ca Enginee ying ox fay Mare foy man tence ip: Camrection iaber i MYth 2: Testing 16 Time Cos nsuming ent eee anaes rae Consuming Pxocess - Tt i6 Product? Gctity Myth3: Only fuily developed product aye beSted, Remlitus Tre vative ¢ jncve mental Approach a deveispment life Cycle Mode, May xeduce the _dependancy Of ti bing on fuiy deve toped Fear Myth 4: Compiete Testing 15 Podsibic Reality: Te is fossible that ail Puyts have heen bested by teayn but accurance of Complete testing iG Neve Possible. Myth 3: A Teste Fiona: io bug fyee, Reality: No One Can inith absolut Certoi nit: Anat a Software Appl? io loo! bug Free. even Ma testex (ith wpevb testing Kil) haS tested the _Qpp) oa) Puiperese Ps Extveme Programming * Lt ie an agile eS £ 2 Usor at ims Produce high Quality Software 4 high tar Gunite Of life Foy ye re earn Scrum: Te 1% an Agile Proces« MoeSt Commmanly Used! fot Badal tect eae See di Lopment J © ont prac | Severn Process : > Nefin 2 C Ziad 4 Reve 650 Pian Cupy) is a) ; t 1 Lan D Qovie bo = Cuhr) Define + Durring Defining the yequivement genevaily Sceum team, Scrum Mastey Pyoduct Ouoney eles cogethey they decige the Priority oF I beam fax duration OF Spyvin— 2D Pian: Tt 35 cabo Serecting item fyom Product keu- Tt le evaluates Vaiue of ditfe rent ikorn + Needed hy Scwm team. guild= Task ¢rom Sprint backiog 1S eiecker foy clevelopMen + deligery OF each increment Dl ogiie proicck Needs Congfiste tort eit Completion | @a) = || So1c = Softusve Deve (ament if L Tk ig framework thae defines Activity theib o Pe rfc: v 2 e S = Purse .. Sip cnt iS +o deligvey igi Qua\ity Product tohich Io cs pe x the Cusbame Tl Require ment 2 Im this phase Gi tn ive mentare (ollected from Customer aclicat They are Provided in darament Cotied Business man xequiveme nb Spacitication Caps) 4 Sistem yeautrement Specie? coes) Ql nesiqns Tk has 2 types: Digh level Design CetLp): Te gives axchitectuy & Soba c Qxodu ct WD) lous level pesigN CLLO): Ty ge sere how each 4 erg Features iA Product Slrauid Mort + every | Component 32) Lim piementations This is longest Phase. This Phas ConeigeS Cf Event end 4 Middic meee + Back na — To front ond = even SFO end 4 bec =o Middie Get Way* They Caonnett both fyant | — IIo back end: BcOainhase 16 created Aion 35 to find aut ¢ Gaps + defect within Suatem 4 liso to Check (nether wy Sten) iS we maining Sccarding te yeauivement OF CHAS to on 5) Il Denavtmens: Afte Buceesssful testing Product fs depioy to Client even Cie nd tyrorned herd fo Se Produce Maintnace: ance the Product has hech delivered the Client tufl f{ MarntaNace Stayt aS When Client toi ¢ up. ity iQ Cra the Tssiuc@ bout he fixed from t) me to tim To Soi\ue actua | Propiem in_jndustyy the Soetes team has t incadperat@ co deveiapMent bio tery that ©&mcom pas the pyorect MedhadS # tosis 4. generic DP ha se Thi Sicoterqy bb fered to C1 prore st Made! xO Softuure engineering paradia m [The Proce Made\ 19 Ch bas Qn Native of Peolect $ Goplh Ga the Methods 4 t00)¢ to ho Lised 4 Conrvo) f the dott obig tat ave re Od Dip Generic race method

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