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PAR-46, PAR-56 and PAR-64 Lamps

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Definition Applications
Pressed g ass ref ec1o. anrps r Spol, F oo0, and y,/ide F ocd D sp ;rys
vers ons Des grred lor ndoor and oLrtdoor Lrse \rrhercvcr hillil MLSeLT is
lum nance eve s a.e reqLr rc(l B! b s zes nclude PAR 46, :rh b t ons
PAR 56, and PAR 6,1, rg o r ine \,\ ,,! Llr three Bu cl rgs
sty es of prong bases Trar in s
To!'\,e.s rg
Spot anrps are LrsLra y focLrsed on dist. ri oblects
F ood and W de F ood vers ofs a.e cjea for h glr rroLr.rt ig
app cat ons
For sav fgs the 200 i,,att PAB 56 arrps are comp ete V
nterchanqeab e !,r llr lh-- 300 wf ri Lype:r.
The I20 !\att, 6 \,o t PAF 6,]! anrp prov des tlre g.eate.t
prolect o|i oi a na[o!,, s|]ot of l qht for d staNt .iblects
Eor tra n ght ng, se ect o\,\ vo tagc amp: arc ava iab c

Philips Lighting Company
200 Frenklin Square Drive. PO. Box 6800
Some.set, NJ 08875-6800.
A Division of North American Philips Corporalion
Printed in USA 7/92 P,2493 A

PAR-46, PAR-56 and PAR-64 Lamps

Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data (Subject to change without not ce)
Max Rated
NAE D Srd Approx * Approx Overal Avg Approx
N!mber Order ng Pkg Beam nta Length Lie nta
W.lts Volts B! b Base (]tv Descr pi on F ament Spread lvlax.CP (lnches) (Hrs) Lumens

36260 8 I20PAF64,"VNSP 120 6 PAF-64 N4! t pLjrpose a Spot, F al Cover G ass C.6 4x5 r70,000 3000
23340 3 I50PAF46/] 150 32 PAB-46 1,4! t purpose 12 Head ighl Found Cover CC'8 7x8 r00,000 r 000

23345 2 l50PAF,16 150 I20-l30 PAB 46 l,4Lr t purpose 12 l',4 n€ Locom Head ght C'13 9 x l7 20 000 3:/3 r 000
23311 I 2AAPAB 200 30 PAB 56 l/lLr t plrpose Neaci ight CC B 2'12 t 2'1, 250,000 500
23349,4 200PA846/3MFL 200 I20 PAB 46 lved S de 12 CC13 13t27 12.AAO 2AAA 2250
23357 7 200PAF46/3MFL 200 130 PAB 46 Vled S de Prong 12 CC13 13x27 r2.000 2000 2254
2335r 0 200PAR46/3NSP 200 12a PAB-46 Vled Sde P.ons 12 CC13 Bt12 33.000 2000 2254
23359 3 200PAR46/3NSP 200 130 PAR 46 l,4ed S de Prons 12 Narrow Spot CC13 8xl2 33,000 2000 2254
2r 982 4 200PAR56/[4FL 200 130 PAF 56 Mog Eid Prons CC13 ll\23 22.AAA 2000 21AA
26084 4 300PAR56A[/FL 300 12 PAF 56 J,/lLr trpLrrpose Wde F ood, Swim Poo C6 18x37 r 8,000 r000 6000
23382 5 300PA856/M FL 300 120 PAB-56 Mog End Prong CC13 llt23 30,000 2000 3720
23405 4 300PA856/\ilFL 300 130 PAB-56 lvlog. End Prong CC13 11r23 30,000 2AAA 3720
23388 2 300PAR56Ar,/FL 300 I20 PAB-56 lvlog. End Prong CC13 18r37 r 0,000 2000 3124
23410 4 300PAR56/WFL 300 130 PAB 56 lvlog End Pronq CC13 18r37 I0,000 2000 3 /24
23378.3 300PA856/NSP 300 120 PAB 56 Mog End Prong CC13 8tl0 70.000 2000 3124
23400 5 300PA856/NSP 300 130 PAB 56 Nlog End Prong Narow Spot CC13 8xl0 70,000 3124
234r 7 9 500PAF64/MFL 500 120 PAF 64 Ext Mog Prong CC13 llx23 35,000 20110 6500
2342r r 500PA864/MFL 500 130 PAB-64 Ert Mog Prong CC13 llt23 35,000 2000 ri500
23418 7 500PAF64/\'1/FL 500 120 PAFI 64 E!i. Mog Prong CC13 20x42 12.000 2000 6500
23423-7 500PAR64/\,^IFL 500 130 PAF 64 Ext Moq Pron,a CC l3 20 x .12 12.000 2AAA 6500
?34r 6,r 500PAR64/NSP 500 120 PAF 64 Ext Mog Prong Nanow Spot CC-]3 7 \ 12 r 20.000 2000 6500

Noter A tlro!gh rhese PAR .mps arc made of heat reslstaft, when !sed oLrrdoors tlrey 'Beanr Spread at 50% of l'.4BCP
shou d be prolected Irom water sp.shes by . g ass covered, we gasketed hoLrs ng





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