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Introduction to Psychology
Instructor: Dr. Luigi Pastò
Volunteering Assignment

Value: 20% of final mark

Students who choose the volunteering option are required to meet and engage with a cognitively
challenged student for a minimum of 8 hours during the course of the semester. Typically, this is
done 1 hour per week for 8 weeks. The dates and times are to be arranged in collaboration with the
coordinator of the buddy program. Only volunteering opportunities on campus and approved by me
are permitted.

Following this experience, students are required to submit:

A. JOURNAL: The activity journal should contain the date and time of the meeting, and a short
description of the activity undertaken during the meeting. One entry is required for each separate
contact with your buddy. The entry should not be only a description of what was done but more
importantly include your thoughts and feelings, as well as significant interactions with the buddy.

B. REFLECTION: A reflection paper addressing at least the following questions:

 How did participation in the buddy program change your view of the cognitively challenged?
 Do you believe in integrating or in segregating the mentally challenged?
 Has this been a worthwhile experience?

The reflection paper should be at least 2 pages double-spaced, and formatted as follows.

a) Include a title page with your name, the name of the assignment, the course name, as well as
my name and the date.
b) It must be typed, and double-spaced throughout.
c) Leave 2.54 cm margins on all sides.
d) Use 12 pt. Times New Roman or a similar font.
e) It could be printed on both sides of the paper.
f) It must be stapled or placed in a small binder
Ranges from 0 to 8 depending on the
Has the student completed the
proportion of the total required hours
minimum hours required?
Does the title page contain the Yes = 1
requested information? No = 0
Does the journal contain the Yes = 2
information requested? Is it Somewhat = 1
thoughtful? No = 0
Does the reflection specifically The grade ranges from 0 to 5, with 0
address the questions listed above in meaning “not at all” to 5 meaning
a thoughtful manner? “extremely well.”
The grade ranges from 0 to 4, with 0
Is the paper formatted as requested? meaning “not at all” to 4 meaning
“perfectly formatted.”

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