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Taking the Bus

About three years ago, I had an experience that made me panic. It was my first time to take a bus
by myself. Furthermore, I just moved to Solo because my dad had to work there. My dad always took me
to the school and picked me up at noon because it was quite far from home. Actually, I had not
memorized the way from home to school until I tried to go by bus.
It was the first week of me studying in junior high school. My parents called me that they couldn’t
pick me up because they were in another town. They told me to take a bus. I didn’t have an idea which
bus that I should take. Then I asked one of my teacher. He said, “Just take the bus number 2, then get off
at the fourth stop. You can walk to your house from that place.” I went to the bus stop near my school.
Bus number 2 was coming and I prepared myself. I got a seat in the back. I made myself as comfortable
as possible and looked at the street through the window. I was so tired that I couldn’t open my eyes,
then I fell asleep. There was a horn sound and it woke me up. The bus was about to stop and I
immediately got off. The bus left. Then I realized that I didn’t know whether the stop was the fourth one
or not. I didn’t recognize the street or the buildings around it. I almost cried since I didn’t know what to
do. I only had one thousand rupiah left. Suddenly, a grey car stopped in front of me. My uncle got out of
that car and approached me. He just met his client in the café near the bus stop. He asked me why I was
alone in that area and I told him the reasons. He laughed at me when I told him that I fell asleep in the
bus. After that, my uncle took me home.
I was very grateful because my uncle passed by at that time. My mom then asked me to go to
school by bus on the weekend then went home by bus again so that I could memorize it. Now I almost
memorize all the corners of the city since it is my fourth year in Solo

Translate and answer the questions in English!

1. Kapan cerita di atas terjadi?

2. Kenapa penulis harus pindah ke Solo?
3. Siapa yang dulumengantarpenuliskesekolah?
4. Kenapa orang tuapenulistidakbisamengantarnyakesekolah?
5. Kepadasiapapenulisbertanyajalanpulang?
6. Apakahpenulistahubahwapemberhentian bis tersebut yang keempat?
7. Siapa yang mengantarpenulispulang?
8. Pernahkahkamumengalami yang dialamipenulis?

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