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Social media and education of patient with epilepsy 

situation in the developping world

Introduction :

Social media is a collection of online platforms and tools that allow people to create, share, and
interact with content and each other. Social media has become an integral part of daily life,
connecting people from all around the world and providing opportunities for communication,
learning, and entertainment.

When it comes to education, social media has the potential to be a valuable tool for both
educators and students. It allows for collaboration, the sharing of resources and ideas, and can
provide a platform for communication between students and teachers. Social media can also be
used to educate patients and their families about various health conditions, including epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures. Education about

epilepsy is crucial for patients, their families, and caregivers to understand the condition,
manage symptoms, and minimize the risk of complications. Social media can be an effective
way to provide education and support to patients with epilepsy and their families.

Online epilepsy communities and support groups on social media platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram can provide a safe space for patients and their families to connect with
others who understand their experiences. These communities can offer emotional support,
resources, and information about epilepsy management, and connect patients with healthcare
providers and specialists.

Moreover, social media platforms can also be used to share educational resources such as
infographics, videos, and blog posts that provide information about epilepsy, its symptoms, and
how to manage them. Social media can be an effective way to raise awareness about epilepsy
and reduce the stigma associated with the condition.
Objective :

Social media can play an important role in educating patients with epilepsy in
developing countries. here are the objectives of our research :

 Sharing information: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram can be used to share information about epilepsy, its causes,
symptoms, and treatment options.
 Surveillance of epileptic patients: social media has the potential to provide
complementary information as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyles,
disease risks and interventions
 determine the relative effectiveness of different types of social media for health
communication and examine potential mechanisms for using social media to
monitor and improve the quality and reliability of health communication
 Support groups: Social media can be used to create online support groups for
patients with epilepsy. These groups can provide emotional support, advice, and
tips on managing the condition.
 Raising awareness: Social media can be use to raise awareness about epilepsy
and reduce the stigma associated with the condition.

Methods :

Cross-sectional research method, also known as cross-sectional study, is a research

method that collects point-in-time data on a group of people or a given population. It is
often used to study the relationships between two or more variables.

As part of studying the relationship between epilepsy and social media, a cross-
sectional study could be conducted by collecting data from a group of people with
epilepsy and their social media usage habits. Data could be collected through survey
the use of the cross-sectional research method in studying the relationship between
epilepsy and social media can provide valuable insights into the habits of social media
use among people with epilepsy and how can help us to improve their life quality

Survey questionnaire :

1. Age (years) :
a. 21–30
b. 31–40
c.   41–50
d.   51–70

2. Gender :
a.   Male
b.   Female

3. level of education :
a. educated
b. no educated

4. working field :


5. Do you have a smartphone ?

a.   Yes
b.   No

6. Which of the following social media networks do you use? Select one or
a. Facebook
b.   Twitter
c.   Instagram
d.   LinkedIn
e.   YouTube
f.   Snapchat

7. How much time do you usually spend using social media networks on daily
a.   Less than 1 hour
b. 1-5 hours
c.   Up to 5 hours

8. How do you feel that social media impacts your education?

a. Positively
b. Negatively
c. No impact

9. Have you ever had any negative experiences on social media related to your
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
10. Have you ever received any support or resources related to your epilepsy on
social media?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

11. Do you feel that social media provides a supportive community for people
with epilepsy?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
12. Have you ever used social media to connect with other people with epilepsy?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

13. Have you ever used social media to learn more about epilepsy or to find
resources related to your condition?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

14. Do you have any suggestions for how social media could be used to better
support people with epilepsy?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

15. How do you think social media could be better utilized to improve the lives of
people with epilepsy?
a. By providing more accurate information about epilepsy
b. By facilitating greater communication and connection between people with epilepsy
and healthcare professionals
c. By fostering greater understanding and awareness of epilepsy among the general
d. By providing greater access to resources and support for people with epilepsy
e. Not sure

16. How do you feel about sharing information about your epilepsy on social
a. I feel comfortable sharing my experiences and insight
b. I am hesitant to share personal information online
c. Not sure
17. How would you rate your overall experience with social media as a tool for
managing your epilepsy?
a. Very positive
b. Somewhat positive
c. Neutral
d. Somewhat negative
e. Very negative

18. Do you follow any epilepsy-related social media accounts or communities? If

yes, please provide examples.


19. Have you ever shared any information related to epilepsy on social media?
a. Yes
b. No

20. If yes, what types of information did you share?

a. General information about epilepsy
b. Advice on how to manage epileptic seizures
c. Information about treatments available for epilepsy
d. Personal stories related to epilepsy
e. Other, give details…………………………………………………………………

21. How would you prefer to receive epilepsy-related educational content on

social media?
a. videos,
b. infographics,
c. text
d. other, give details
22. Have you ever encountered conflicting or inaccurate information about
epilepsy on social media?
a. Yes
b. No

23. If yes, how did you react to this information?

a. I have shared correct information to correct inaccuracies
b. I have reported the post for containing false or misleading information
c. I ignored the post
d. Other, give details)…………………………………………………….....

24. How do you feel about the use of social media by healthcare providers to
provide information and support to people with epilepsy?
a. I find it helpful
b. I am skeptical about its reliability
c. Not sure

25. How do you feel about the use of social media to promote epilepsy awareness
and advocacy ?
a. I support it
b. I am indifferent
c. I am uncomfortable with it
d. Not sure

26. Do you feel that social media provides a platform for people with epilepsy to
share their experiences and connect with others who understand what they are
going through?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
27. Have you ever participated in an online support group for people with
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

28. How would you describe the overall impact of social media on your life with
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. No impact
d. Not sure

29. Have you ever received emotional support related to your epilepsy from social
media contacts?
a. Yes
b. No

30. Do you feel that social media provides an avenue for people with epilepsy to
influence public policy and promote change?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

31. How do you feel about the use of social media by healthcare providers to
monitor and track the health of people with epilepsy?
a. I find it helpful
b. I am skeptical about its ethics and privacy implications
c. Not sure

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