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English Conversation

1. The best way to learn English .

2.Basic terms in English.

3.How to introduce yourself and daily routine.

4.The correct pronunciation.

5.Advice for English study.

The Best Way to Learn English

The best way to learn English is a difficult question! as there

is not just one best method for all learners. Different learners
have different objectives, live in diverse environments, have
special learning needs, and above all, have different learning
styles. However, there are several other methods that you can

which is learning by improving your skills. anyway, we

meant by methods that there are four skills: Listening,
Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

First: Listening
listening is an important skill, therefore, it's the better way to
learn the language. so we have to be in an English
environment. the full coexistence of all your sense is the best
way to improve your level. So listen carefully.

Now the question will be what is the best way to improve

your listening skills?
➢ Watch a lot of TV shows and English movies without
any Arabic translation.
➢ Listen to the podcast for half an hour every day.
➢ For the beginner student it can be hard to learn from
the news; but the more time you listen, the more your
ears will catch words.

Look after: take E.g: He is looking

care of after the dog.

Second: Speaking
Talk as much as you can and talk daily; it's the best way to
learn conversation.
Since you are learning to speak there's nothing better than
practicing to help you to improve your level.
There are several ways to do it
➢ English conversation courses.
➢ Don't translate from Arabic to English in your mind
while you are speaking to others.
➢ At first, it will be odd and embarrassing but you have to
record yourself while you are speaking then listen to
your record and fix the mistakes.

Believe in: have faith

E.g: I believe in God
in the existence of

Third: Reading
reading is the best way to learn words as much as you can
read and write down what you learn you will gain helpful
there are several ways to do it:
➢ Newspaper and short stories are excellent choices
especially if it is simple and suitable for your level.
➢ Don't worry if you don't understand any single word.
don't try to turn to the dictionary every few seconds for
every word that you can't understand. Instead, try to
understand the general meaning of these texts first, and
then re_ read it for more details.
➢ try to read In loud so that you can hear the words if you
have a defect and we didn't it will be modified.

Fourth: Writing
Writing gives you a good opportunity to review the words you
have previously learned. And, allows you to write correctly
without misspellings.

E.g: Did you talk

Talk about: discuss
about me?
Basic terms in English
We meant by basic terms, the word that we usually use it.

We can put the words in different groups:

1. Pronouns.
2. Adverbs and Conditions adverbs.
3. Greetings.
4. Countries and Nationalities.
5. Families.
6. Numbers.

E.g: John is
Wait for: a wait
waiting for Mary.
are the words
you substitute
for other
nouns when
your reader or
already knows
which nouns
referring to.
For example;
you might say,
“I have a dog.
He’s brown
and white.

Subject Pronoun Examples

• We gave them a head start in the race.
• You told Jerry that his score was among the best; that made him feel better.
• She lost weight by cutting out junk food.
• They drank water from a spring that ran right out of the mountainside.

1.__________ kicked the ball so hard that his shoe came off.

A. She B. They C. He D. It

2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think __________ enjoy studying.

A. He B. She c. You D. I

3. _________ puts ketchup on everything she eats.

A. He B. She C. We D. It

Object Pronoun Examples

1. Bob took her to work Monday.

2. Will you please tell them to come in?

3. He told you a lie about where he was Saturday.

4. Our grandparents gave us candy and our teeth are just fine.


1. Be careful; he lied to ______ before and he may do it again.

A. Us B. It C. We D. They
2. The spider bit _______on my ankle

A. you B. Me C. Her D. It
3. The bread is sale you can feed _______ to the birds .

A. Them B. It C. Him D. Her

Possessive pronouns Examples

a. Does this key open my door or your door?

b. She could not believe her
c. His shoes were old and worn.


1. _____ children are intelligent.

A. Our B. My C. His D. Its

2. Thailand is famous for _____beautiful beaches.
i. Its B. Your C. Our D. It’s

Examples of Reflexive Pronouns

1. I was in a hurry, so I washed the car myself.
2. You’re going to have to drive yourself to school today.
3. He wanted to impress her, so he baked a cake himself.
1. Each morning, I brush my teeth and stare at ______________
in the mirror.
A. Himself B. Herself C. Myself D. Itself
2. Dad and I painted the trailer _______________.
A. Myself B. Himself C. Itself D. Ourselves

3. Please make ________________ at home while you wait.

A. Themselves B. Himself C. Yourselves D. Herself

Simply adverbs modifier of a verbs.
there a list of them
Meaning Example
Here ‫هنا‬ The winner is here .
There ‫هناك‬ We went to Minnesota for my cousin’s
wedding and stayed there for three nights.
Almost ‫تقريبا‬ The bus almost quit his job after that .
Under ‫تحت‬ The book is under the table .
Up ‫ أعلى من‬/‫فوق‬ Look up to the sky and see the birds.
Today ‫اليوم‬ I will teach you today .
Behind ‫بجانب‬ The book is behind the table .
Early ‫باكرا‬ She arrived early for the meeting .
Late ‫متأخر‬ She is late for the school .
First ‫أول‬ First you have to do your homework .
Often ‫غالبا‬ I often drink coffee at 8 o’clock.
Sometimes ‫في بعض األحيان‬ I sometimes go to library.
Tomorrow ‫غدا‬ Sam birthday party will be tomorrow.
Yesterday ‫البارحة‬ We met for lunch yesterday.
Now ‫اآلن‬ Do your homework right now.
Later ‫في وقت لحق‬ I will stop by later to see how you are doing.
Soon ‫قريبا‬ See you soon.
Before ‫قبل‬ I will see u before lunch .
Until ‫حتى‬ Alex won’t come until Tuesday.
Totally ‫تماما‬ He is totally right .
Too ‫ أيضا‬/ ‫كذلك‬ _Its too loud in here .
_I like reading books, too .
Very ‫جدا‬ The baby was very tired .
Only ‫فقط‬ I only take the bus to work on Monday .
Also ‫أيضا‬ Jamie also enjoys playing football .
Enough ‫كافي‬ I didn’t sleep enough.

E.g: I saw an accidant but just

walk on: continue walked on as I didn't want to
walking. have to give a statement.
Formal Informal
. Hello! .Hi!
. Hi there . Hey or Hey there!
. Good morning . Morning!
. Good afternoon (more casual way of saying
. Good evening “Good morning.”)
. It’s nice to meet you . Good afternoon
. It’s a pleasure to meet you . Good evening
.Bye/ good bye
. See you

On the next page, we will learn a bunch

of phrases ( greeting, asking, manners...
etc). Let's find out
Hello there. > Good to see you.
How are you? > Okay. How are you?
What have you been up to? > Lots of stuff, and you?
Can I help you? > I’m glad you asked.
Would you like some food or drink? >Yes I would, thank you.
Do you want to talk? > Not right now.
Can I ask you a question? >What is it?
May I please see that? >Yes you can.
How can I do this? >I’ll show you.
Please tell me how to do it. > I’ll start with the first step.
I would like that one. > Sure, I’m happy to help.
That is enough for me now. > If you say so.
Thank you. > You are welcome.
Excuse me. > Oh, no problem at all.
I’m sorry, I apologize. > Thanks for apologizing.
Good bye.> Goodbye for now.
Hope to talk soon. >So long.
See you later.> Please stay in touch.
Nationality and Countries
We usually say: Where are you from? OR Where do you come from?

To tell someone your nationality you DON'T say: My nationality is


You say: I'm Jordanian.

Country Nationality Meaning

Jordan Jordanian )‫االردن _ أردني(ة‬

Palestine Palestinian )‫ف لسطين _ف لسطيني(ة‬
Syria Syrian )‫سوريا _سوري(ة‬
Lebanon Lebanese )‫لبنان_لبناني(ة‬
Iraq Iraqi )‫العراق_عراقي(ة‬
Egypt Egyptian )‫مصر_مصري(ة‬

Algeria Algerian )‫الجزائر _جزائري(ة‬

Morocco Moroccan )‫المغرب_مغربي(ة‬
Ethiopia Ethiopian ‫ أثيوبي‬/ ‫أثيوبيا‬
Tunisia Tunisian )‫تونس_تونسي(ة‬
United Arab Emirates
Emirati )‫اإلمارات_إماراتي(ة‬
(The) United States
American )‫أمريكا_أمريكي(ة‬
(The) United Kingdom
British )‫بريطانيا_ببريطاني(ة‬
A: where are you from?
B: I am a Jordanian
or we can say; I am from Jordan.

A family: is a group of two or more persons related by birth,

marriage, or adoption who live together; all such related persons are
considered as members of one family.

Stick to: not E.g: The Prime Miniser

change decided to stick to the
original plan.
Parents and Relative Meaning
Parent ‫األهل‬
Relative ‫األقارب‬
Father ‫األب‬
Mother ‫األم‬
Daughter ‫ابنة‬
son ‫ابن‬
Brother ‫أخ‬
Sister ‫أخت‬
Uncle ‫عم‬
Aunt ‫عمة‬
Nephew ‫ األخت‬/ ‫ابن األخ‬
Niece ‫ األخت‬/‫ابنة األخ‬
Grandfather ‫جد‬
Grandmother ‫جدتي‬
Cousin ‫العمة‬/‫ابنة) العم‬/‫(ابن‬
Wife ‫زوجة‬
Husband ‫زوج‬

A number is an arithmetic value used for representing the quantity
and used in making calculations.

Pick up: learn She pick up Spanish

quickly in six months.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- thirty
one two three four five six seven eight nine

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
thirty- thirty- thirty- thirty- thirty- thirty- thirty- thirty- thirty- forty
one two three four five six seven eight nine

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
forty- forty- forty- forty- forty- forty- forty- forty- forty- fifty
one two three four five six seven eight nine

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
fifty- fifty- fifty- fifty- fifty- fifty- fifty- fifty- fifty- sixty
one two three four five six seven eight nine

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
sixty- sixty- sixty- sixty- sixty- sixty- sixty- sixty- sixty- seventy
one two three four five six seven eight nine

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- eighty
one two three four five six seven eight nine

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
eighty- eighty- eighty- eighty- eighty- eighty- eighty- eighty- eighty-
one two three four five six seven eight nine ninety

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
ninety- ninety- ninety- ninety- ninety- ninety- ninety- ninety- ninety- one
one two three four five six seven eight nine hundred
Introduce yourself and Daily life
Introduce your name:
Questions to ask:
What’s your name? ‫ما اسمك؟‬

Who are you? ‫من انت؟‬

Phrases to introduce your name.

My name is …..
I’m ……………..
My name is John. ‫اسمي جون‬
I’m John. ‫أنا جون‬

Introduce your age:

Questions to ask:
How old are you? ‫كم عمرك؟‬
What’s your age? ‫ما عمرك؟‬
Phrases to introduce your age:
I’m ………… years old.
My age is ………… years old.
My name is John. I’m 26 years old. ‫ سنة‬26 ‫ عمري‬.‫اسمي جون‬
Introduce your family:

Questions to ask:
How big is your family? ‫ما كبر عائلتك؟‬
Do you have brothers and sisters? ‫كم اخ واخت عندك؟‬
Phrases to introduce your family:
I have ……….. brothers and …………… sisters.

Introduce your residence:

Questions to ask:
Where do you live? ‫اين تسكن؟‬
What is your place of residence? ‫ما مكان سكنك؟‬

Phrases to introduce your residence:

I live in …………
I am a resident of ………………
I live in Amman. ‫أعيش في عمان‬
I am a resident of Amman. ‫انا مقيم في القدس أو أنا من سكان عمان‬

2. Talking about job in English:

Questions to ask:
What do you do for a living? ‫ما تفعل بحياتك؟‬
What is your job? ‫ما وظيفتك؟‬
Phrases to talk about your job:
I’m a/an …………………….. at …………………………
I work at …………………… as a/an …………………….
I’m a teacher at Al-Zaytoonah School. ‫انا معلم بمدرسة الزيتونة‬
I work at Al-Zaytoonah school as an English Teacher. ‫أعمل بمدرسة‬
‫الزيتونة كمعلم للغة االنجليزية‬

3. Talking about interests and hobbies:

Questions to ask:
What do you like doing? ‫ما تحب أن تفعل؟‬
What sort of hobbies do you have? ‫ما نوع الهوايات التي تمتلكها؟‬
What do you do in your free time? ‫ماذا تفعل في وقت فراغك؟‬

Phrases to talk about your hobbies and interests:

In my free time I …………….
My hobbies are …………….
I’m interested in …………….
I like …………….
In my free time I read books. ‫في وقت فراغي اقرأ الكتب‬
My hobbies are graphic design, football and reading. ‫هواياتي هي التصميم‬
‫ كرة القدم والقراءة‬،‫الجرافيكي‬

I’m interested in travelling the world. ‫انا مهتم بالسفر حول العالم‬
I like writing stories. ‫أحب كتابة القصص‬

4. Talking about aims and ambitions in the future

Questions to ask:
What are your aims/ambitions for the future? ‫ما هي اهدافك للمستق ل؟‬
What would you like to become in the future?‫ماذا تود أن تصبح بالمستقبل؟‬
Phrases to talk about your aims and ambitions:
In the future, I’d like to become a/an ……………………….
In the future, I’d like to become an engineer. ‫في المستقبل أود أن أصبح‬

A sample of an introduction:
My name is ……………………… .I’m …………… years old. I have
……….. brothers and ………… sisters. I live in ………………… I
work at …………………….. as a ……………………… I enjoy
working as a …………………. My hobbies are …………………. ,
……………….. and ………………… In the future, I’d like to
become a ……………………… because it’s my dream.
The Correct Pronunciation
As an English learner you will face some incorrect pronunciation in
some words, most of the words are having salient letters, and the
pronunciation of (C)letter.

❖ C Letter

In English the letter ‘c’ is mostly pronounced as a /k/ sound.

We can also pronounce ‘c’ as an /s/ sound.

The rule

✓ When ‘c‘ comes directly before the letters ‘e‘, ‘i‘ or ‘y‘ we use
the /s/ sound.
✓ in other cases we use a /k/ sound.
Words containing the letter ‘c’ pronounced as /k/

pronunciation why?

car It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

cut It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

cool It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

curtain It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

carpet It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

confuse It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

caught It’s not followed directly by ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.

Words containing the ‘c’ pronounced as /s/

pronunciation why?

city It comes directly before ‘i’.

cent It comes directly before ‘e’.

dancing It comes directly before ‘i’.

ice It comes directly before ‘e’.

certain It comes directly before ‘e’.

face It comes directly before ‘e’.

receive It comes directly before ‘e’.

Silent Letters

Silent letters may seem useless but –believe it or not–They may help
us in different ways:

Homophones. Silent letters help us distinguish between

homophones (i.e. words that are pronounced the same but have
different meanings) in writing (e.g. be/bee, rest/wrest,
new/knew, night/knight, jam/jamb)
Origin. Silent letters may help us better understand the origin
or meaning of a word and also connect them with one another
from the same family (e.g. resign-resignation, vine-vineyard).

Words With Silent Letters

Look at the words below and read them out loud.
Words With Silent B
The letter B is often silent when it is placed at the end of
a word and is preceded by M (-MB).
✓ Aplomb
✓ Bomb
✓ Climb
✓ Debt
✓ Doubt
✓ Dumb
✓ Lamb
✓ Thumb
✓ Tomb

Words With Silent K

The letter K is silent when it appears at the beginning of a

word followed by N (KN-).

✓ Knack
✓ Knee
✓ Knife
✓ Knight
✓ Knock
✓ Know / knew / known
✓ Knowledge
Words With Silent W
The letter W is often silent when it is placed before the letter R
✓ Sword
✓ Wrack
✓ Wrangle
✓ Wrap
✓ Wrapper
✓ Wreak
✓ Wreath
✓ Wrist
✓ Write / wrote / written
✓ Wrong

Words With Silent N

The letter N is often silent when it appears at the end of a word

preceded by the letter M (-MN).

✓ Autumn
✓ Column
✓ Condemn
✓ Damn
Words With Silent L

The letter L is often silent in the combination ALF, ALM, and OULD.

✓ Almond
✓ Balm
✓ Behalf
✓ Calf
✓ Chalk
✓ Could
✓ Folk
✓ Half
✓ Palm
✓ Salmon
✓ Should
✓ Stalk
✓ Talk
✓ Walk
✓ Would
Words With Silent E
Many words contain a silent E, especially at the end of a word.
Usually these words end in Vowel + Consonant + Silent E. The
list is very extensive; here are some examples:
✓ Debate
✓ Desire
✓ Excite
✓ Kite
✓ Love
✓ Make
✓ Name

Advice for English study

As one of the most spoken languages in the world and the common
tongue of business, education and entertainment, learning English is
nearly a necessity these days.


Work on building your vocabulary every day by choosing new

words to learn and repeating each word over and over to
reinforce the memory of those new words.
Underline words you don’t know. Look up the word in an
English dictionary .You’ll get much more out of reading the
definition, and then read sentences using the word to get to
know the meaning.
Choose five new words that you would like to learn each day.
Write the words and their meanings out on paper at least ten
times each.
At the end of the week, go over each day’s 5 words for a total of
35 new words a week!

Speaking English daily will help you learn English and will also help
your confidence while speaking the language. Keep in mind that
confidence is the key to sounding natural and feeling good about
your learning experience. Even if you only know a little, keep
speaking out loud. Speak as often as possible, even if it’s only to


Reading will help in the repetition of seeing what English words look
like. Reading out loud will help you pair the sound of words to the
text on the page. Remember that reading books with dialogue is also
great for deriving meaning from context clues and will usually
involve conversations that you would hear in everyday life.


Since you won’t know what your friend will say next, it’s great
practice for thinking quickly, as you would when speaking English
in a real setting. Here’s a small list of some good topics to try:

Going to the movies

Eating at a café
Talking about school

Hearing and watching characters in film and TV will help your

English skills immensely. It’s an entertaining way to pick up on
visual cues from the characters, like their facial expressions or their
tones, paired with the words they are saying.

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