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«На Урок» ПІБ:

passive past simple. 8 class

1. 1. Their first song .............. in 2013.

а) were written б) was written

в) wrote г) was wrote

2. 2. Peter ............ a delicious pizza.

а) were cooked б) was cook

в) cooked г) was cooked

3. 3. We ............. by teachers to do the project.

а) helped б) were helped

в) was helped г) help

4. 4. Mark ............... a new phone for his birthday.

а) gave б) were gave

в) was given г) were given

5. 5. This book ................ a lot of people.

а) was interested б) interested

в) was interest г) were interest

6. 6. Last semester we .................. a lot of homework.

а) are doing б) were did

в) did г) were done

7. 7. This museum .......... about the history of the city.

а) is told б) told

в) tells г) was telled

8. 8. This type of music ................. 20 years ago.

а) was introduced б) introduced

в) was introduce г) was introducted

9. 9. The first concert .................... in 2000.

а) taken place б) took placed

в) took place г) was taken place

10. 10. I didn`t understand it. I ............. you to help me.

а) was wanted б) wanted

в) were wanted г) was want

Ключ до тесту
1. б (1 балів)
2. в (1 балів)
3. б (1 балів)
4. в (1 балів)
5. б (1 балів)
6. в (1 балів)
7. б (1 балів)
8. а (1 балів)
9. в (1 балів)
10. б (1 балів)

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