Друк тесту - Grammar - Present Simple Passive - За підручником Карп'юк О.Д.

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Grammar: Present Simple Passive . За підручником
Карп'юк О.Д. Дата:

1. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

English and Polish … at our school.

а) teach б) are taught

в) is taught

2. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

What surname … on the first page?

а) writes б) is written

в) are written

3. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

Pupils … football three times a month.

а) play б) are played

в) is played

4. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

Chocolate … from cocoa beans.

а) makes б) is made

в) is make

5. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

Why … alone all day?

а) do your pets leave б) are your pets left

в) are your pets leave

6. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

My sisters … the dishes every evening.

а) wash б) are washed

в) are wash

7. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

The Olympic Games … every four years.

а) hold б) are held

в) are hold
8. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.
Thousands of people … the theatres every year.

а) visit б) are visited

в) is visited

9. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

In this hotel, meals … in guests’ rooms.

а) don’t serve б) aren’t served

в) are served

10. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

This film … by millions of people.

а) watches б) is watched

в) are watched

11. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

I … to stay out late at weekends.

а) allow б) am allowed

в) allowed

12. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

They … sandals in the winter.

а) wear б) are worn

в) don`t wear

13. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

Milkshakes … with milk and ice cream.

а) are made б) make

в) is made г) are make

14. Choose the correct answers, active or passive.

Hundreds of e-mails … every second.

а) are send б) send

в) are sent г) is sent

15. Choose the correct answers.

The old magazines … every Monday.

а) is collected б) are collected

в) are collect г) collect

16. Choose the correct answers.
The internet … by millions of pupils.

а) is used б) are used

в) use г) is use

17. Choose the correct answers.

What kind of food … in that restaurant?

а) is served б) are served

в) serve г) is serve

18. Choose the correct answers.

Spanish … in Argentina.

а) are spoken б) speaks

в) is spoken г) speak

19. Choose the correct answers.

The computers … early in the morning.

а) are turned on б) turn on

в) is turned on г) are turn on

20. Choose the correct answers.

All Lana’s friends … to the party.

а) invite б) are invited

в) are invite г) is inviteed

21. Choose the correct answers.

French and English … in this school.

а) teach б) are taught

в) are teached г) is taught

22. Choose the correct answers.

Our class … every afternoon.

а) clean б) cleans

в) are cleaned г) is cleaned

23. Choose the correct answers, active or passive

My parents .... a lot of interesting places every year.

а) visit б) visited

в) are visited г) is visited

24. Choose the correct answers, active or passive
A lot of newspapers ... in our country every year.

а) publish б) published

в) is published г) are published

Ключ до тесту
1. б (1 балів)
2. б (1 балів)
3. а (1 балів)
4. б (1 балів)
5. б (1 балів)
6. а (1 балів)
7. б (1 балів)
8. а (1 балів)
9. б (1 балів)
10. б (1 балів)
11. б (1 балів)
12. в (1 балів)
13. а (1 балів)
14. в (1 балів)
15. б (1 балів)
16. а (1 балів)
17. а (1 балів)
18. в (1 балів)
19. а (1 балів)
20. б (1 балів)
21. б (1 балів)
22. г (1 балів)
23. а (1 балів)
24. г (1 балів)

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