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Green Pharmacy Mini-Monograph

Cradle-to-Cradle Stewardship of Drugs for Minimizing Their Environmental

Disposition While Promoting Human Health.
I. Rationale for and Avenues toward a Green Pharmacy
Christian G. Daughton
Environmental Chemistry Branch, Environmental Sciences Division/National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

involved with a drug’s cradle-to-grave disposi-

Since the 1980s, the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as trace tion). In part II (Daughton 2003), I address
environmental pollutants, originating primarily from consumer use and actions rather than manu- those activities tied more closely to the end
facturer effluents, continues to become more firmly established. Although PPCPs typically have been user (e.g., the patient) and issues associated
identified in surface and ground waters, some are also undoubtedly associated with solid phases such with drug disposal/recycling. In this article I
as suspended particulates, sediments, and sewage sludges, despite their relatively high affinity for also present some of the background and con-
water. Often amenable to degradation, their continual introduction to waste-receiving waters results text for why pollution prevention is a topic
from their widespread, continuous, combined use by individuals and domestic animals, giving worth considering for PPCPs; in part II, I
PPCPs a “pseudo-persistence” in the environment. Little is known about the environmental or make specific suggestions and recommenda-
human health hazards that might be posed by chronic, subtherapeutic levels of these bioactive sub- tions centering more on end use, present rec-
stances or their transformation products. The continually growing, worldwide importance of fresh- ommendations for further research, and pose
water resources, however, underscores the need for ensuring that any aggregate or cumulative some considerations regarding the future.
impacts on (or from) water supplies are minimized. Despite the paucity of effects data from long- With a focus on pollution prevention
term, simultaneous exposure at low doses to multiple xenobiotics (particularly non-target-organism (e.g., source elimination or minimization) via
exposure to PPCPs), a wide range of proactive actions could be implemented to reduce or minimize voluntary actions as an alternative to conven-
the introduction of PPCPs to the environment. Most of these actions fall under what could be envi- tional pollution control via prescribed stan-
sioned as a holistic stewardship program—overseen by the health care industry and consumers alike. dards, this mini-monograph is intended as a
Significantly, such a stewardship program would benefit not just the environment; additional, collat- companion piece to the review published in
eral benefits could automatically accrue, including reducing consumers’ medication expenses and Environmental Health Perspectives (Daughton
improving patient health and consumer safety. In this article, the first of a two-part mini-monograph and Ternes 1999) that focused primarily on
describing the “green pharmacy,” I focus initially on the background behind the imperative for an the origins and environmental occurrence of
ecologically oriented stewardship program for PPCPs. I then present a broad spectrum of possible PPCPs together with an introduction to what
source control/reduction actions, controlled largely by the health care industry, that could minimize little was known at that time about the
the disposition of PPCPs to the environment. This two-part mini-monograph attempts to capture potential for adverse ecologic effects.
cohesively for the first time the wide spectrum of actions available for minimizing the release of One of my major objectives in this mono-
PPCPs to the environment. A major objective is to generate an active dialog or debate across the graph is to generate an active dialog or debate
many disciplines that must become actively involved to design and implement a successful approach across the many disciplines that must become
to life-cycle stewardship of PPCPs. Key words: cradle-to-cradle stewardship, drugs, environmental actively involved to design and implement a
pollution, green pharmacy, pollution prevention. Environ Health Perspect 111:757–774 (2003). successful approach to life-cycle stewardship of
doi:10.1289/ehp.5947 available via [Online 12 December 2002] PPCPs—an approach that not only minimizes
their potential to affect the environment but

The occurrence of pharmaceuticals and per- This article is the first of a two-part exam-
This article is part of the mini-monograph “Cradle-
sonal care products (PPCPs) in the environ- ination of the many facets of a little-discussed to-Cradle Stewardship of Drugs for Minimizing
ment has received growing attention since the but very important aspect of the overall issue Their Environmental Disposition While Promoting
1980s. The major issues associated with the of PPCPs as environmental pollutants: pollu- Human Health.”
origins and occurrence of these chemicals in tion prevention. In light of the fact that trace Address correspondence to C.G. Daughton, Chief,
surface, subsurface, and drinking waters (as residues from this large, diverse galaxy of Environmental Chemistry Branch, ESD/NERL,
well as what little is known about the potential sometimes highly bioactive chemicals gain Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA,
944 East Harmon, Las Vegas, NV 89119 USA.
effects on nontarget species) have been cap- entry to the environment simply through Telephone: (702) 798-2207. Fax: (702) 798-2142.
tured in a number of reviews, books, and pro- their use and disposal, and regardless of what E-mail:
ceedings, examples of some recent ones of little is known regarding the consequences for I thank the following for their valuable time in
which include Daughton (2001a), Daughton ecologic or human health (Daughton 2001a; providing helpful review of both technical and policy
and Jones-Lepp (2001), Daughton and Ternes Daughton and Ternes 1999), a wide spec- aspects of the manuscript: O. Conerly (U.S. EPA,
(1999), Heberer (2002); see also Kümmerer trum of actions could be taken to minimize Office of Water) and EHP’s anonymous reviewers,
all of whom contributed to improving the quality of
(2001), Servos et al. (2002), and the entire spe- or eliminate the continued environmental the manuscript.
cial issue of Toxicology Letters (2002). The disposition of PPCPs. Significantly, these The U.S. EPA, through its Office of Research and
most comprehensive target-monitoring study actions toward pollution prevention (e.g., Development, funded and performed the research
ever performed was completed by the U.S. source reduction/control) hold the potential described. This article has been subjected to the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) (Kolpin et al. at the same time for beneficial human health EPA’s peer and administrative review and has been
2002). Many of these materials (and more) are consequences unrelated to the occurrence of approved for publication. Mention of trade names or
commercial products does not constitute endorse-
accessible from the U.S. Environmental PPCPs as pollutants. In this article I focus on ment or recommendation by the U.S. EPA for use.
Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) website devoted those aspects of source control/reduction that The author declares he has no conflict of interest.
to the topic of PPCPs in the environment reside under the control of the health care Received 20 August 2002; accepted 10 December
(Daughton/U.S. EPA 2002a). industry (further up the chain of events 2002.

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also could collaterally improve medical health to consider exposure solely as a function of a dynamic interplay of multiple factors, risk
care outcomes for consumers and reduce single toxicant or a very limited set of chemical assessment is necessarily restricted to assessing
health care costs. Although the onus for envi- stressors. The overall picture, however, is com- the ramifications of potential adverse toxic
ronmental stewardship rests primarily with the plicated not just by the large universe of po- events without the larger holistic perspective.
larger health care community (including the tential toxicants to which an organism can A convenient shorthand term that cap-
consumer), almost no discussion of the overall normally be exposed at any point (or period) of tures the complete context of an organism’s
issue has taken root in the medical literature time but also by the host of other variables such cumulative exposure to chemical stressors does
(Daughton 2002a). A cohesive, scientifically as exposure level, exposure route (e.g., dermal, not exist. One possibility offered here is “toxi-
sound set of guiding principles could be enteral, pulmonary), exposure timing (windows cant–totality–tolerance–trajectory” (the “4Ts”;
adopted by the industries involved with manu- of vulnerability, e.g., developmental stage), see Daughton/U.S. EPA 2003a), which
facturing, packaging, distribution, and pur- prior exposure history, prior exposure duration accounts for an organism’s complete exposure
veyance of PPCPs—principles that would also (e.g., acute—short-term, sequential, intermit- time line (a trajectory described by prior mul-
influence or guide consumer actions. By focus- tent, episodic—or chronic), nutrition, age, sex, tidimensional exposure history) and the fact
ing on developing an industry consensus and genetics, and nonchemical costressors (tempera- that a major objective of all organisms is to
cultural mindset toward holistic environmental ture, physical/metabolic stress, noise, electro- maintain homeostasis (in the face of continual
responsibility rather than relying on compli- magnetic radiation, pathogens). All these factors perturbation by stressors). Homeostasis can be
ance to regulations, all sectors of society could determine an organism’s historic “exposure tra- maintained only within the tolerance bounds
play integral, productive roles in striving for a jectory,” which in turn determines its current for the organism’s biochemical defensive
sustainable environment. health status and sets the stage for the outcome repertoire. So the 4Ts describe the hypotheti-
of current exposure (vulnerability vs. resistance cal overall true risk as reflected by the sum
Opportunity for Caution: to homeostasis perturbation). With science’s total of exposure to all toxicants (anthro-
Toxicity Out of Context limited understanding of this complex, pogenic and naturally occurring) throughout
Although PPCPs are often considered “emerg-
ing” pollutants, it is reasonable to surmise that
Anthropogenic pollutants
the occurrence of PPCPs in waters is not a new
Naturally occurring chemicals
phenomenon. Their occurrence has become
more widely evident since the 1990s only Spectrum of chemical classes, structures, and conformations
because continually improving chemical analy- Sample
sis methodologies have lowered the limits of Water, air, extract
detection for a wide array of xenobiotics in
environmental matrices. There is no reason to
Extraction (if using chromatography)
believe that any given PPCP has not had the or sample preparation/cleanup
potential to find its way into the environment
since the date of its introduction to com-
merce—or even from the date it was first used
for experiments or clinical trials.
Extractables Nonextractables
Most current approaches to pollutant
tracking center on the small subset of anthro-
pogenic (and some naturally occurring) toxi- Separation (physical or signal)
cants in the environment. Significantly, these
“conventional” pollutants do not necessarily
serve as surrogates representing the extremely
wide spectrum of modalities by which toxi-
cants can adversely affect organisms. That Resolved Unresolved
regulated pollutants account for such a small
fraction of potential chemical stressors begs a
question that can be formulated from a Detection
notion often attributed to Einstein, para-
phrased as “Not everything that can be
counted counts, and not everything that
Native Large portion of naturally occurring
counts can be counted.” A corollary can be compounds and anthropogenic chemicals of
derived from this for environmental monitor- varied toxicity
ing: “Not everything that can be measured is
worth measuring, and not everything worth
measuring is measurable.” The spectrum of
pollutants typically identified in an environ-
mental sample represents an unknown por- TICs
Neglected Ignored
tion of those actually present (possibly very Unknowns omitted overlooked
small), and they are of unknown overall risk
significance (Figure 1). Target Recognizable
Because of the extraordinary complexity of analytes artifact
both exposure and outcome, toxicologists usu-
ally are forced to look at cause–effect issues “out Figure 1. Limitations and complexities of environmental chemical analysis. TIC, tentatively identified
of context”: The historic ramification has been compound.

758 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 5 | May 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Mini-Monograph | Science drivers for and avenues toward a green pharmacy

the historical multidimensional space and stress protein response, apoptosis, specific Western Europe, and Australia. The wide
trajectory of all other exposure variables. A key signaling pathways). Many of these same toxi- range of issues and suggestions presented here
aspect to this concept is the critical state deter- cologic issues are discussed in a recent might have no relevance to other parts of the
mined by the 4Ts—the state at which an overview (WHO 2002a) of endocrine-dis- world. Also, the major focus of this mini-
additional single exposure event can result in rupting compounds (EDCs), a small subset of monograph is a survey of the many avenues
an adverse effect. which are PPCPs; an EDC is an exogenous available for reducing the controllable intro-
The documented occurrence of PPCPs in substance that “alters function(s) of the duction of PPCPs to the environment; I do
the environment may or may not eventually endocrine system and consequently causes not address the many issues (especially the
have any implications regarding either ecologic adverse health effects in an intact organism, potential for adverse effects) associated with
or human health—primarily because their or its progeny, or (sub)populations” (WHO the unintended, uncontrollable excretion of
known concentrations are so low [nanograms 2002a). Although the topics of PPCPs and PPCPs and their metabolites into the envi-
per liter (parts per trillion) to micrograms per EDCs intersect only partly, they share some ronment (an issue that can be addressed via
liter (parts per billion)]. The issues associated controversial issues. engineering “end-of-pipe” controls).
with potential ecologic effects in particular can- A critical aspect of determining the signifi-
not be resolved until aquatic and computa- cance of MOAs must be factored into this Fragmentation of Science
tional toxicologists (for an overview of process. MOAs that lead directly to adverse The large number of disciplines of science and
computational toxicology, see Bradley 2002) effects are not the only consideration—or, other professions that must be integrated to
begin to evaluate the effects on nontarget paradoxically, not even necessarily the most address the many facets of PPCPs as pollu-
organisms by simultaneous, long-term expo- important. Chemicals that have no inherent tants drives home the importance of cross-
sure to multiple PPCPs at low doses and to toxicity of their own but rather potentiate the communication among disparate disciplines.
assess the significance of cumulative exposure toxicity of others might contribute significantly Unfortunately, the fragmentation of science
to PPCPs sharing the same biochemical mech- to risk. Examples include inhibitors of efflux (driven by specialization) is a problem that
anism of action (MOA). Indeed, therapeutic pumps and of microsomal oxidases (Daughton continues to grow (Daughton 2001b, 2002b).
doses for target organisms (which are often 2001a; Daughton and Ternes 1999; Epel and In this mini-monograph I attempt to weave
many orders of magnitude higher than dis- Smital 2001). Finally, arguing against the util- together many facets involved with preventing
solved waste concentrations) may not be rele- ity of MOA-directed risk assessments are two environmental pollution by PPCPs. In doing
vant benchmarks against which to assess risks factors: Many drugs have multiple MOAs so, I address two objectives. First is an effort to
to nontarget species. Furthermore, environ- (these are sometimes referred to as “dirty” bring together the limited and fragmented lit-
mental monitoring tends to focus on concen- drugs), large numbers of which yet remain to erature that exists from the diverse fields and
trations of PPCPs dissolved in water (because be identified. Further, gross, within-class end- interwoven aspects involved with approaches
of their water solubility). This emphasis, how- point differences are known to exist for certain for reducing the introduction of pharmaceuti-
ever, could underestimate environmental loads drugs; for example, some selective serotonin cals to the environment—in the face of what
by unknown magnitude because of sorption to reuptake inhibitors (a class of antidepressants) little is known about possible risks that might
suspended particulates, sediments, or sewage have extremely potent effects on shellfish be associated with these bioactive substances
biosolids; this could prove critically significant reproductive behavior, whereas others have in the environment. Second is an attempt to
regarding interface phenomena and lead to almost no effect (Daughton and Ternes 1999; delineate some of the major actions that could
higher than projected exposure levels (e.g., Fong 2001). be taken to minimize the introduction of
exposure of microorganisms to antibiotics). Regardless of the risks that might be posed drugs to the environment—actions that could
Given the ever-expanding universe of by the current generations of PPCPs, the fact be implemented with little planning, those
receptors targeted for drug action, the futility that many members of this large, diverse uni- that would require major attention by the
of attempting to assess environmental effects verse of bioactive chemicals have the demon- numerous agencies involved with a patchwork
using a chemical-by-chemical approach strated potential to enter the environment of laws and regulation of drug recycling and
(indeed, the traditional approach has relied provides the rare opportunity to investigate disposal, and those that would require further
only on lists of preselected, individual chemi- proactively whether each of the myriad new research and development. A major motive for
cals) becomes clearer as advances in drug drugs under development poses adverse risks this mini-monograph is to foster an awareness
design continue. Instead, the focus could be to the environment (or humans). This knowl- of the many complexities involving this
directed to understanding the ramifications of edge essentially affords us the luxury of an emerging issue—to present a wider perspective
entire classes that share a common MOA (or early warning to direct more attention to for and appreciation of the larger literature.
common physiologic or behavioral end potential, unintended ramifications of intro- Although recognizing the importance of in-
point)—because of the probability of cumu- ducing new PPCPs to commerce. It gives us depth, critical reviews (Daughton 2001b,
lative exposure. Delineating the total envi- the advance opportunity to be watchful 2002b), I do not attempt to review compre-
ronmental burden of chemicals sharing a regarding the future introduction to com- hensively the many pertinent subjects or
particular MOA could be the objective merce of drugs designed with completely new aspects, but rather to cite some key references
instead of targeting specific chemicals for reg- mechanisms of action and ever-increasing so that those interested in particular aspects
ulation. First, however, those MOAs or cellu- biochemical potencies. can gain faster entry to a literature that is often
lar processes that pose inherent risks would Nonetheless, many actions can be taken difficult to locate. Most of the literature cov-
have to be identified and prioritized, includ- in the shorter term to minimize the introduc- ered in this mini-monograph has never been
ing significant effects or perturbations to tion of PPCPs to the environment. These rec- synthesized into a unified “message” or under-
homeostasis that are a) unique to each thera- ommendations and suggestions are the standing. The literature on pharmaceuticals
peutic class (e.g., resistance selection for subject of this mini-monograph. The ideas encompasses a number of fields that are infre-
antibiotics) and b) mediated via biochemical presented here are based largely on the man- quently visited by environmental scientists.
features and pathways that are evolutionarily ner in which medical care (which includes Likewise, those involved in medical science
conserved across taxa and are elicited by many pharmaceutical use) is conducted in the and health care practice are not fully informed
therapeutic classes (e.g., efflux pumps, cellular United States and to lesser degrees in Canada, of the environmental issues and consequences

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associated with drugs. I aim to bring these two data (Kolpin et al. 2002; USGS 2002). Some the European Agency for the Evaluation of
disparate fields together here because much further perspective on the USGS study is Medicinal Products (EMEA 2001) has pro-
could be gained by their cross-collaboration. important, however. The PPCPs documented posed a trigger value of 0.01 µg/L (10 ppt) (see
to occur in U.S. surface waters probably repre- discussion in Straub 2002). Regardless of the
Engaging the Public sent but a fraction of all those that actually actual value, however, the scientific validity of
The topic of PPCPs as pollutants has captured occur (because the USGS monitoring study, these trigger approaches has been questioned
much attention from the press (Daughton/ like all monitoring studies, used a target-based (e.g., CSTEE 2001), an issue stemming pri-
EPA 2002b), and its visibility in the public is approach, where only a limited number of marily from the dearth of toxicologic informa-
marked by its introduction to educational cur- compounds must be preselected for monitor- tion on nontarget species. Regardless of
ricula (from elementary school through col- ing). Whether the potential for human health whether trigger values may be used, three
lege) and to the popular press (e.g., Buhner or ecologic effects from this subset of PPCPs is major additional factors are not accounted for
2002). The public, educators, and students eventually demonstrated is largely irrelevant. in any approach that uses “predicted” environ-
have expressed much interest in the topic More important, these occurrence data mental concentrations (i.e., EEC or PEC);
because they can identify easily with its pri- demonstrate the potential for any consumer- each factor is discussed in turn below.
mary origin, which embodies the interconnect- use chemical to enter the environment. This Ramifications of geographic variability in
edness of humans and the environment—the foresight provides the opportunity to watch for drug use. Calculation of PECs assumes a uni-
occurrence of PPCPs in the environment mir- the future introduction to commerce of drugs form geographic usage. In practice, however,
rors the intimate, inseparable, and immediate possessing totally new mechanisms of action environmental occurrence is a function of the
connection between the diffuse actions and and ever-increasing biochemical potencies. local prescribing practices and usage customs
activities of individuals and their environment We can expect drug use to continue to and the confluence of hospitals (whose use of
(Daughton 2001a; Daughton/U.S. EPA expand and increase because of a confluence of drug types differs from that of the general
2002a). PPCPs owe their origins in the envi- drivers: increased per capita consumption, community). Although PPCP production/use
ronment to their worldwide, universal, fre- expanding population, expanding potential figures are largely confidential, recent data
quent, and highly dispersed but cumulative use markets (partly due to mainstream advertis- from the first study ever published on geo-
by multitudes of individuals. Although the ing/marketing), patent expirations (shift to less graphic variation (across the United States) of
public has long understood that individual expensive generics), new target age groups, prescription drug use (Express Scripts 2001)
actions and activities are partly responsible for inverting age structure in the general popula- show that at least for some drugs, regional
terrestrial and air pollution (obvious examples tion, and new uses for existing drugs. Old preferences in use can vary by severalfold or
being litter and vehicle exhaust), public con- therapeutics are being used not just for addi- more. The types of drugs (and dosages) can
nection with water pollution usually remains tional clinical conditions (those for which they vary significantly from municipality to munic-
lost in the perception that industry and agricul- were not originally developed) but also for ipality, county to county, region to region,
ture are the primary sources, not consumerism nondisease states—for example, medical and country to country—largely as a function
and personal activities. This misconception is manipulation or alteration of personality traits of age structure of the populations and of pre-
illustrated by the underappreciated fact that of and satisfaction of certain social needs— scribing customs. This means that for highly
the petroleum introduced to North American referred to as “cosmetic pharmacology.” populated metropolitan areas with use of a
oceans each year, about 85% comes from the particular drug exceeding what would be
seemingly minuscule actions of individuals, not Limitations of Guidelines for expected by a uniform distribution, the actual
large oil spills and pipeline leaks [National Environmental Risk environmental concentration (EEC or PEC)
Research Council (NRC) 2002a]. The strong Assessments could be higher than predicted.
interest expressed by the public in the topic of Our ability to assess any risks that might be Unaccounted sources. A variety of largely
PPCPs grants scientists, educators, and policy posed to ecologic or human health by PPCPs undetectable, alternate sources for PPCPs
makers a rare opportunity to engage con- in the environment is hampered greatly by the (other than legal sales through approved mar-
sumers in learning about the environment profound lack of relevant toxicologic informa- ket channels) contribute to overall use and are
and the many actions they can take as indi- tion, especially for the aquatic environment, not accounted for in EEC or PEC calculations.
viduals to improve overall ecologic and which tends to be the ultimate sink for these Further complicating matters is that prescrip-
human health. Indeed, the critical importance predominantly nonvolatile, amphiphilic com- tion numbers and over-the-counter (OTC)
of involving the public in scientific debates pounds (although terrestrial exposure can sales are only a rough measure of a drug’s use
and decision making for creating sustainable occur when sewage sludge with sorbed or because they account for just a portion of the
communities is becoming more widely recog- occluded PPCPs is applied to land) (Daughton overall use. Physician samples (drugs that are
nized (NCSE 2001). and Ternes 1999; NRC 2002b). For example, intended not to be sold but rather to promote
in the United States, environmental assess- the sale of a drug), the resale “diversion mar-
Advance Warning ments for approving new drug applications ket,” black market sales, free trial offers by
With regard to assessing environmental risk are required by the U.S. Food and Drug manufacturers, and the little-publicized “pre-
associated with PPCPs as pollutants, the sci- Administration (FDA) only when the concen- scription drug patient assistance programs”
ence to date has focused on the issues of envi- tration of a drug predicted to enter the aquatic sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry (e.g.,
ronmental sources and occurrence—primarily environment [expected environmental concen- see links at 2002) are
chemical identities and concentrations in tration (EEC) or predicted environmental con- other, perhaps substantial, sources that are dif-
waters and, to a much lesser degree, sewage centration (PEC), as used in Europe] would be ficult to account for. As an example, the sales
sludge. Newer occurrence data continue to be 1 µg/L (1 ppb) or greater (U.S. DHHS 1998). of drugs via the Internet may incur a substan-
published by researchers in Europe, Canada, The FDA’s historical toxicity data for standard tial, unregulated import of unknown quantities
and the United States. One of the objectives of aquatic tests demonstrate no conventional of drugs from foreign countries; Internet sales
the first-ever U.S. national reconnaissance of effects at concentrations lower than 1 ppb (also continue to increase and thus pose a concern to
“emerging pollutants” in waters, conducted by see regulatory discussions in Velagaleti and Gill the U.S. FDA (2002a) in terms of consumer
the USGS, was to establish baseline occurrence 2001 and Velagaleti et al. 2002). In contrast, health. Countries also vary as to whether a

760 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 5 | May 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Mini-Monograph | Science drivers for and avenues toward a green pharmacy

drug is available by prescription only or via PPCPs in the Environment and The continual input of PPCPs to the
OTC; this could be significant for those drugs Their Control aquatic environment via sewage can impart a
that have the potential to be transported across Sources. From the patterns that have emerged persistence-like quality to those compounds
geographic boundaries. in the published occurrence data, it is now that otherwise possess little inherent chemical
Interactions. Exposure to just a single clear that all municipal treated sewage (unless stability in the environment (Daughton and
toxicant at a time is most likely an extraordi- subjected to advanced wastewater treatment Ternes 1999) because new molecules replenish
narily rare event, especially in the aquatic technologies, e.g., reverse osmosis and granular those that are being removed; these chemicals
domain. Exposure is more likely a routine activated carbon)—regardless of location—will can be referred to as “pseudo-persistent” pollu-
multidimensional occurrence involving mul- contain PPCPs. The issue is not unique to any tants (Daughton 2002a). The full extent,
tiple chemical stressors with dynamic spatial particular municipal area. Each geographic area magnitude, and ramifications of their presence
and temporal components and whose out- will differ only with respect to the types, quan- in the aquatic environment, however, are
comes have a strong dependency on prior tities, and relative abundances of individual largely unknown. The two largest unknown
exposure history (the 4Ts). The current prac- PPCPs. Several major sources contribute to the domains in toxicology, which are centrally ger-
tice of risk assessment considers a single stres- introduction of both licit and illicit drugs to mane to PPCPs as environmental pollutants,
sor at a time, and if the PEC for the single the environment (Daughton/U.S. EPA are the significance of a) chronic, multigenera-
stressor is below the “no effect concentra- 2002c). The major three are probably excre- tional, low-dose exposure [i.e., nanomolar to
tion” (which is a direct reflection solely of the tion, washing, and purposeful disposal. These picomolar (below parts per billion/parts per
select few of the countless end points that three sources most likely feed into municipal trillion), a common concentration range for
happen to be selected), further assessment is waste systems and storm runoff (e.g., sanitary PPCPs in waters] and b) simultaneous expo-
usually deemed unnecessary. This approach or combined sewers), and to a lesser but signifi- sure to multiple stressors. Both of these are
clearly relies on stressors acting in sequence cant degree are discharged directly to surface complicated further by each chemical’s per-
and independently (i.e., no interactions), but waters via “straight-piping.” Waste discharged haps being in a constant state of flux in both
aggregate and cumulative exposure may play to engineered systems is subjected to various absolute and relative abundance. The occur-
significant roles (Figure 2). levels of treatment-technology sophistication rence differences of PPCPs in raw sewage are a
In the final analysis, maximum PECs before discharge to receiving waters. PPCPs, function of a) local prescribing and use cus-
should eventually be corroborated through however, display a broad range of removal toms, b) confluence of hospitals, c) state poli-
more extensive monitoring of all relevant envi- efficiencies by waste and water treatment cies and customs regarding disposal of unused
ronmental compartments—the only way to technologies; some travel through sewage PPCPs, and d) local manufacture and use of
verify whether predicted concentrations agree treatment facilities with only minor reduc- illicit and abused drugs. For surface and
with reality. One way to collect sufficient data tions in concentration (the antiepileptic car- ground waters, the differences are a function
would be through a program such as the U.S. bamazepine is but one example) (Daughton of a) whether any treatment technologies are
EPA Office of Water’s Drinking Water and Ternes 1999; Heberer 2002). Also, some employed (straight-piping, malfunctioning
Contaminant Candidate List, which is admin- minor overall sources could potentially play septic systems, overflow events), b) types of
istered under the U.S. EPA’s Unregulated significantly large local roles. One is cemeter- treatment technologies employed (for sewage,
Contaminant Monitoring Rule (U.S. EPA ies, which could provide a source of PPCPs to potable water, or reinjection waters), and
Office of Water 2002). the subsurface (Daughton 2003). c) local/seasonal fluctuations in biophysico-
chemical transformation potential (e.g., biode-
gradation, photolysis, sediment/particulate
Source/pathway 1 Source/pathway 2 Source/pathway n
Key importance of water resources: impact
Aggregate exposure
of untreated sewage. Regardless of whether the
efficiencies of waste or drinking water treat-
ment approaches can be improved, large vol-
Chemical CI Chemical CII Chemical CIII
umes of untreated wastewater are discharged
to surface waters each year. The release of
PPCPs into the environment would be maxi-
Cumulative exposure mized by the release of raw sewage. Sources of
Chemical CIV raw sewage in the United States released to
Chemical Cn streams, lakes, estuaries, oceans, and ground-
Mechanism of water are responsible for high but largely
action MOA1
unknown volumes: a) combined sewer over-
MOA2 flows (CSOs), which contribute more than
4 × 10 12 L/year [CSOs handle rainwater
MOA2...n Complementary exposure
runoff, domestic sewage, and industrial waste-
water, and are designed to discharge untreated
sewage during adverse storm events (U.S. EPA
Multiple effects End point1
Office of Wastewater Management 2002a)];
b) sanitary sewer overflows (severe weather,
system malfunction, improper system opera-
End point2...n Synergism? tion/maintenance); c) leakage from sewage
transport infrastructure (sewer pipe cracks
Figure 2. Contributions of different chemicals to the Risk Cup, which shows the differences between the caused by tree roots and defective/collapsed
various exposure scenarios. The Risk Cup presents a particular perspective of the first three of the four pipes); d) failing septic systems; e) unpermit-
dimensions of the 4Ts (toxicant, totality, tolerance) but does not capture the fourth (trajectory). ted privies; and f) straight-piping.

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Repair of existing sewage and water han- could accrue to both consumers and industry. amplified to yield major effects. Subtle, cumu-
dling infrastructure in the United States will By addressing the environmental issues associ- lative effects, largely undistinguishable from
require huge resources. The American Society ated with PPCPs as environmental contami- natural change, perhaps eventually culminate
of Civil Engineers’ 2001 Report Card for nants, in most respects substantial collateral in profound change (Daughton 2001a;
America’s Infrastructure (ASCE 2001) assigned improvements to health care could also be Daughton and Ternes 1999; Thornton 2000).
nationwide grades of “D” for both drinking achieved. These are highlighted in various This concept has parallels with the idea of “the
water and wastewater infrastructures. More sections of both parts I and II of this mini- tyranny of small decisions” (a term adapted for
than $20 billion annually is the estimated monograph. Benefits to consumers could ecologic thinking from economist Alfred Kahn
need for rectifying the nation’s degenerating include reduced health care costs partly as a by William Odum) or what Odum refers to as
water/waste infrastructures. result of a more efficient and safe administra- “small decision effects”—major unforeseen
If PPCPs eventually prove to be an envi- tion of all chemicals used in health care. outcomes resulting from a “multitude of small
ronmental concern, it is not known whether pin pricks” (Odum 1982). Moreover, it may
sewage treatment facilities could even be cost- Environmental Surprise and not be possible to detect subtle changes in sys-
effectively modified to reduce emissions— the Precautionary Principle tems so complex (e.g., ecosystems) that their
especially given the huge costs associated with A proactive approach to dealing with issues intricately interwoven processes are poorly
reestablishing and maintaining their original posing unknown or unpredictable conse- understood to begin with. This paradox is fur-
performance. Ultimately, source control (pol- quence is rooted in the concept of “surprise” ther complicated by our inability to distinguish
lution prevention) aimed at disposal practices in environmental systems. This concept was the “normal” functioning of a complex system
as well as actual therapeutic use may prove perhaps originally formalized by ecologist from the abnormal. If the basis for comparison
more effective. The remainder of this article Crawford S. (Buzz) Holling in the early is an already affected system (albeit unrecog-
and all of part II (Daughton 2003) present 1970s. “Surprise” occurs when nized as such), then further detection of any
ideas regarding the broad spectrum of activi- causes turn out to be sharply different than was change can be impaired or obscured.
ties that could be encompassed by pollution conceived, when behaviors are profoundly unex- Proportionality between cause and effect,
prevention. pected, and when action produces a result oppo- although a tenet of single-organism–based tox-
site to that intended—in short, when perceived icology, does not necessarily hold for higher
Pollution Prevention reality departs qualitatively from expectation. levels of organization such as communities or
(Holling 1986, p. 294)
Regardless of the outcome of the toxicologic ecosystems because of the myriad interactions
significance of PPCPs for ecologic systems Environmental surprise occurs when the ulti- and spatial relationships within the system—
(including humans), and regardless of the mate hazards differ from those that were some imparting vulnerability to synergistic
progress that can be made with respect to anticipated. Further discussion is provided by effects. When perturbations exceed the
improving waste or water treatment technolo- Schneider and Turner (1994). resilience of a system, irreversible change can
gies, a wide variety of actions can be initiated In Holling’s view, “resilience” may enable occur. Ecologic systems inherit information
in the near term to minimize the introduction an ecosystem to return to a steady state after (cumulative effects) through time (part of the
of PPCPs (as well as other consumer-oriented being subjected to an unusual event (or an 4Ts); their complex interlinkages affect one
xenobiotics) to the environment and thereby ongoing succession of cumulative events) another synergistically, and their continually
reduce the potential for emerging risks or denoted as being a surprise. But the state to changing complexity makes them vulnerable
risks that have yet to be gauged or character- which it reverts may be different—in other to irreversible change. These ideas are formal-
ized. These proactive actions span a wide spec- words, a discontinuous change is effected. The ized in the “community conditioning hypoth-
trum of disciplines and serve as the focus for ramifications of subtle perturbations to com- esis” (Landis 2002, p. 197), where the etiology
this mini-monograph, a focus that is driven by plex systems such as ecosystems have been dis- of each ecologic structure evolves from a
four of the 10 goals that formed the basis of the cussed in many forums [sometimes called the unique trajectory. This hypothesis holds that
U.S. EPA’s (2000) Strategic Plan—Goal 2 “butterfly effect,” where the flapping of a but- any predictions are rife with uncertainty, but
(Clean and Safe Water), Goal 4 (Preventing terfly’s wings in one geographic locale may that most stressors leave lasting signatures, and
Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities, make the difference sometime in the future stressors can “act from a distance.”
Homes, Workplaces, and Ecosystems), Goal 5 between calm and unstable weather in another Most recently, the philosophy that all sys-
(Better Waste Management, Restoration of locale (Gleick 1987)]. Edward Lorenz (an MIT tems self-organize in perpetual imbalance
Contaminated Waste Sites, and Emergency meteorologist who laid the groundwork for (cusps or knife edges of instability, poised at
Response), and Goal 8 (Sound Science— what would become known as “sensitive the edge of chaos), as synthesized by
Improved Understanding of Environmental dependence on initial conditions,” a prime fac- Buchanan (2001) around nonequilibrium
Risk, and Greater Innovation to Address tor in “deterministic chaos,” later known as the physics, further consolidates the idea that
Environmental Problems) (U.S. EPA 2000). In butterfly effect) concluded that the sensitivity small events can trigger disproportionately
addition, one of the primary goals of the U.S. to initial conditions large responses that are not predictable—
EPA’s Office of Research and Development is implies that two states differing by imperceptible cause and effect are not linked in certainty,
to identify and foster investigation of previ- amounts may eventually evolve into two consider- but rather in surprise. Response is more a
ously “hidden” or potential environmental ably different states. If, then, there is any error function of the composite history of the sys-
issues/concerns before they become critical whatever in observing the present state—and in tem than of its snapshot status (the concept of
ecologic or human health problems—pollu- any real system such errors seem inevitable—an “historical physics” vs. equilibrium physics,
acceptable prediction of an instantaneous state in
tion prevention (e.g., source elimination or the distant future may well be impossible. (Lorenz and as embodied in the 4Ts). Given these
minimization) being preferable to remedia- 1963, p. 133) ideas, evidence continues to accumulate that
tion or restoration (so as to minimize both although it may never be possible to gauge
public cost and human/ecologic exposure). Minuscule differences in initial conditions can humanity’s contribution to adverse environ-
An important consequence of reducing lead to differences far out of proportion in the mental or human health events or outcomes,
the introduction of PPCPs to the environ- system’s subsequent behavior. In this sense, it might behoove us to eliminate as many
ment is that a wide range of other benefits minor perturbations can essentially be slowly extraneous variables (impacts) in ecosystems

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as possible—regardless of their perceived corporate philosophies are beginning to emerge b) reinventing the use of materials. The
immediate importance. in the way that environmental considerations impetus driving the second is that
The idea of unexpected change from per- are melded with market imperatives—the two new compounds and other substances are con-
turbation of ecologic systems is one of the dri- are beginning to merge as it becomes apparent stantly being incorporated into modern technol-
ving forces behind the precautionary principle. that many economic advantages (and seemingly ogy and hence into the environment, with
When applied to assessing risks associated unrelated, and often unforeseen, societal advan- insufficient thought being given to the implica-
with chemicals as pollutants, the principle of tages) can be gained by employing environmen- tions of these actions. All of these issues assume
added importance in urban areas, which concen-
precautionary action redistributes the burden tal stewardship as a foundation for corporate trate flows of resources, generation of residues, and
of proof because the science required for truly philosophy. A proactive, voluntary holistic stew- environmental impacts within spatially con-
and fully assessing risks lags far behind what is ardship program for PPCPs [first alluded to by strained areas. From a policy standpoint, reliable
needed. For some comprehensive discussions Daughton (2002a)] would also be preferable to predictive models of material cycles could be
on the precautionary principle (also known as a reactive, prescriptive regulatory program. By invaluable in guiding decisions about . . . topics
the principle of “reverse onus”), refer to the focusing on developing a mind set toward relating to human-environment interactions. . . .
This grand challenge centrally encompasses ques-
links provided at Daughton/U.S. EPA holistic, thoughtful environmental responsibil- tions about societal-level consumption patterns,
(2002d). Science, in the face of uncertainty, ity rather than rote compliance to regulations, since consumption is the primary force driving
must be melded with policy and political all aspects of society can play integral roles. human perturbations of material cycles. (NRC
judgment to arrive at a course of further study This approach is also in keeping with the U.S. 2001, p. 55)
or action. Many environmental issues, given EPA’s new Innovation Strategy (Gibson 2002;
their extreme complexity and the assurance U.S. EPA 2002). Indeed, avoiding the syn- Likewise, the World Health Organization’s
that a thorough understanding of any isolated drome of insidious, cumulative environmental (WHO) World Water Day Report draws
aspect (much less a truly needed, overarching degradation by way of “small decision effects” international attention to the intimate connec-
systems-level, holistic understanding) may (“multitude of small pin pricks”) may be possi- tion between water and health:
occur only far in the future, will require an ble only in embracing a holistic view of the Due to a mix of geographical, environmental and
approach based on an unorthodox, dichoto- world around us (Odum 1982). financial factors, as well as to increased pollution
mous mixture of subjective (and at times emo- The fusion of ecologic and marketplace from municipal and industrial waste, the leaching
tional) values wedded to reasoned, imperatives has perhaps emerged most notice- of fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture,
science-based logic; this point relates to the ably in the relatively recent product manage- only about one-third of the world’s potential fresh
water can be used for human needs. As pollution
reasons for the difficulties associated with how ment philosophy termed “cradle to cradle” increases, the amount of usable water decreases.
science measures “real” hazard versus how —in contrast to the “cradle-to-grave” approach (WHO 2001, p. 7)
society actually perceives risk (a topic thor- that has long been the objective of recycling.
oughly addressed in a broad body of work; Links to numerous resources regarding fresh-
e.g., Slovic 2001). A recent compilation of Water Quality: Key to Many water can be found at the World’s Water web-
case histories shows how the precautionary Doors in the 21st Century site (2002). The concept of the “ecological
principle did serve (or could have served) in a The growing, cardinal importance of water for footprint” (Wackernagel and Rees 1995) also
variety of situations (Harremoës et al. 2001). sustaining societies is becoming more widely highlights the central importance of water.
To illustrate that chemicals can have recognized as recently evidenced by its central Residents of industrialized countries may need
unforeseen, subtle effects, consider estradiol, an role in the Broadway musical Urinetown an average of 10–22 acres per capita to support
endogenous hormone excreted to sewage. The (2002). The story is set at a time when “water an urban lifestyle. One of the major issues fac-
work of Martinovic et al. (2003) went beyond is worth its very weight in gold”: ing water resource managers in the 21st cen-
the common practice of separating a treated A depletion of the earth’s water supply has led to a tury will be to understand the overall impact
population (male fish exposed to 25 ppt estra- government enforced ban on private toilets. The of the urban ecologic footprint on water
diol) from the untreated control. Although no privilege to pee is regulated by a single, malevolent resources. Although there are numerous conse-
significant effect was noted in the treated corporation, which profits by charging admission quences of the footprint, a major concern may
group in isolation, when the treated group was for one of mankind’s most basic needs. be the continued use of urban waterways as
placed in competition with the untreated “waste receptacles”—merely for diluting and
group, subtle differences became greatly ampli- A backdrop to the precautionary principle transporting downstream the by-products of
fied because of disparities in competitive is the growing imperative for water reuse, urban consumption.
advantage. In isolation, competitive advantages which will prove to be the key, critical driving Although this background material empha-
can remain masked, but in the wild they serve force for management of water quality in the sizes the aquatic environment, it is important
as strong selective pressures. Martinovic et al. 21st century. The NRC, as requested by the not to lose sight of the other environmental
(2003) showed that subtle effects resist National Science Foundation (NRC 2001), compartments with which PPCPs can interact.
unmasking by using reductionist approaches. synthesized the broad expertise from across the The most significant of these secondary con-
Only systems-level, holistic approaches can many disciplines embodied in environmental cerns is sewage sludge, to which certain PPCPs
reveal inter-organism interactions, pointing to science to offer its judgment as to the most can sorb or partition. Subsequent application
the need for more attention to subtle effects significant environmental research challenges of sewage sludge (“biosolids”) to land (e.g., as a
(Daughton and Ternes 1999). of the next generation—based on their soil amendment) holds the potential for expo-
The precautionary principle has a long and “potential to provide a scientific breakthrough sure of terrestrial ecosystems. The NRC revis-
still extremely controversial history. Its adop- of practical importance to humankind if given ited the issue of biosolids (NRC 2002b; see
tion by Europe, Canada, and the United States major new funding.” Of the eight “grand chal- especially chapters 5 and 6) with respect to
has proved extraordinarily uneven, influenced lenges” identified in the NRC’s report, two reevaluating the approach used by the U.S.
largely by differences in cultural and political involve water quality issues, both relevant to EPA in setting its chemical standards for
histories and imperatives. But regardless of the PPCPs: a) hydrologic forecasting (for pre- the biosolids rule (U.S. EPA Office of
heated debate surrounding the precautionary dicting changes in freshwater resources as a Wastewater Management 2002b). The NRC
principle, deep-rooted fundamental changes in result in part of chemical contamination) and recommended that “a research program be

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developed for pharmaceuticals and other manufacturing or use is prevalent (Daughton idea of full life-cycle product design, referring
chemicals likely to be present in biosolids that 2001c). Nonetheless, the basic, universal to this approach as the “next industrial revolu-
are not currently included in routine monitor- concept of a “health state” (rather than an tion.” One of the tenets of this philosophy for
ing programs.” The NRC also recommended “absence of illness”)—one of a balanced and a truly sustainable industry is that it benefit
that alternative (i.e., nontraditional) toxic end interconnected physical, mental, social, and not just the environment but also consumer
points be considered. spiritual well-being—is equally applicable to and corporation; this is one reason for the
Western cultures and could have a profound expression sometimes used for these programs:
Health of Ecology versus impact on overall drug use (both licit and “waste to wealth.” Numerous similar efforts
Ecology of Health illicit). Treatment of physiologic and psycho- have been successfully under way; examples
The intimate, inseparable connections between logic symptoms and even the curing of dis- include those with such monikers as “Zero-
humans and the environment (actually, eases are just one dimension of holistic Waste” and “Zero Emissions,” being imple-
humans can be viewed as an integral part of the health—and in many respects, preventive mented in Canada by the Recycling Council
environment) have been discussed widely in and curative approaches are but stop-gap of British Columbia (RCBC 2002). Another
many contexts. By applying principles of medi- measures in the absence of a sustainable envi- effort toward directing organizations toward
cine and public health to the environment, ronment. For example, one can argue that sustainability is being led by the international
David Rapport formalized the concepts of the single most important limitation in the organization The Natural Step (TNS 2002).
“ecologic health” and “ecosystem medicine” continual quest to eliminate infectious dis- Of the “four system conditions” that The
(Rapport 2002). The “health of ecology” refers eases is not the lack of medication but rather Natural Step framework is based on, the sec-
to ecosystem health; the “ecology of health” the failure to address poverty and its atten- ond states that “in a sustainable society, nature
refers to human health as determined partly by dant liabilities of hygiene and malnutrition. is not subject to systematically increasing con-
the condition of ecology (creation and trans- Many people actively engaged in advancing centrations of substances produced by soci-
mission of antibiotic resistance is one example). the principles of “sustainability” (sometimes ety.” It is worth noting from an historical
Ecologic stress is reflected by stress in defined as meeting society’s needs in ways not perspective, however, that the idea of sustain-
humans—the two are intimately tied. Adverse diminishing the capacity of future generations ability was put forth decades ago, as early as
effects in one are eventually reflected in the to meet theirs) have strongly felt that without 1966 (Blutstein 2003).
other. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a pri- empowering people to take charge of the basic The United Nations Environment Pro-
vate, nonprofit institution that provides health aspects of their own lives, sustainable improve- gramme (UNEP 2002) notes that although
policy advice under a congressional charter ments in health are not possible. A model significant efforts in reducing environmental
granted to the National Academy of Sciences, effort (Comprehensive Rural Health Project) footprints have been made by a few companies
has called for a revolution and is reengineering begun in 1970 by the Indian medical doctors across many industrial sectors, a gap continues
all aspects of the health care system in the Raj Arole and Mabelle Arole has demonstrated to widen between these few and the vast
United States. A major objective of the IOM how a holistic approach builds a foundation majority that continue “doing business as
Committee on Quality of Health Care in for sustainable living and only then is advance- usual.” Among the five major areas for
America (formed in June 1998) was to develop ment in improving health possible. Health advancement toward true sustainability identi-
a national strategy to radically improve the cannot be dissociated from all the other aspects fied in UNEP (2002), the fourth is the “inte-
quality of U.S. health care within 10 years. To of sustainable living (Arole 2001); the bur- gration of social, environmental and economic
date, their recommendations (e.g., IOM, geoning field of sustainability is captured by issues.” These efforts hint that a sustained
2001; Kohn et al. 2000) address the many the Initiative on Science and Technology for future viability of this product life-cycle phi-
aspects of patient safety and how the concepts Sustainability (ISTS 2002), among others. losophy can be expected. A wide range of
of quality systems can be applied. Although the Social entrepreneur projects in health promo- strategies that could foster a cradle-to-cradle
IOM’s goals are far-reaching and urgently tion (vs. illness/disease prevention), such as approach for stewardship of PPCPs by the
needed, they do not include the concept of those begun by the Aroles, abandon narrow pharmaceutical/medical care industries could
ecology of health. Safety of the patient is pur- technical objectives aimed at preventative and be adopted. Some could be implemented
sued out of context of the safety of the ecology. curative measures in pursuit of wider-ranging quickly (requiring only a collective will to
With a little expansion of the IOM vision, an holistic goals that emphasize the interconnect- implement them); others would require sus-
integration of human and ecologic health edness of social systems. tained research and development efforts
could be formalized at a national level through (which in some cases are already under way,
their efforts. High-quality health care and envi- Cradle-to-Cradle Stewardship albeit for reasons unrelated to environmental
ronmental protection need not be competing Guided by the interrelationships among the benefits), and some would require major
goals—they are intimately linked. precautionary principle, the ever-increasing attention by the numerous agencies involved
and key worldwide importance of water, and with a patchwork of laws and regulation of
Connecting Health of Ecology the idea of “ecology of health,” the incorpora- drug recycling and disposal. Several examples
and Human Health: Health tion of “eco-effectiveness,” “ecologic intelli- are outlined in various sections of this mini-
Promotion and Social gence,” or cradle-to-cradle design concepts monograph.
Entrepreneurs into life-cycle considerations for product
development and use has gained momentum Viable Options for Minimizing
The specific environmental issues and the in the last decade. The idea of cradle-to-cradle the Introduction of PPCPs to
example solutions posed in this mini-mono- stewardship has most recently been embraced the Environment
graph are not as pertinent to those parts of by many international corporations. Some of Numerous actions could be implemented in
the world where PPCPs are little used, such the more visible and successful proponents of the near term for reducing what risks might
as economically disadvantaged regions cradle-to-cradle concepts have been William exist from introducing PPCPs to the envir-
[except in areas where large-scale drug dis- McDonough and Michael Braungart (MBDC onment. In the longer term, a number of
posal occurs, e.g., from humanitarian opera- 2002; McDonough and Braungart 2002). research avenues could be pursued regarding
tions (WHO 1999)] or where illicit drug They have been leaders in implementing the drug design, packaging, and delivery—all of

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which could provide environmental (as well PPCPs to the environment have already been novel targeting approaches such as patient re-
as consumer) paybacks. Indeed, some of these put forth (Daughton and Ternes 1999) but are infusion of autologous erythrocytes that have
are already being pursued. Many would yield reiterated and expanded on here because all been altered to encapsulate drugs and permit a
direct benefits to human health for reasons these ideas have never been brought together in steady, low-drug concentration to be attained
unrelated to any environmental imperative, one document. Unfortunately, despite the for a period of weeks and that can selectively
including reducing inappropriate drug use many avenues of advancement that could be— target certain sites such as macrophages
and lowering therapeutic dosages [thereby and sometimes are already being—made (Magnani et al. 2002).
lessening adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and toward a green health care system, the transfer The future of omics. The rapidly advanc-
reducing consumer costs]. of new knowledge and technology to clinical ing “omics” revolution [e.g., genomics, pro-
Many pharmaceutical producers and orga- practice is notoriously slow; as one example, teomics, glycomics, metabolomics; Cambridge
nizations have “product stewardship” as an new knowledge gained from clinical trials takes Healthtech Institute (CHI) 2002] will proba-
integral part of their business. These programs, an average of 17 years to become incorporated bly lead to the development of countless new
however, although sometimes acknowledging into routine practice (IOM 2001). classes of drugs (some with mechanisms of
the issues associated with consumer use of action never before encountered by any organ-
PPCPs, tend to focus on aspects of the manu- Drug Design ism, and therefore posing the attendant ques-
facturing process (vs. distribution and use) as New drug design (chemical structure and tions as to the possibilities for previously
well as on hospital waste (Daughton/U.S. EPA properties) and formulation (combination of unconsidered effects on nontarget organisms).
2002e). A potential mechanism for effecting the active, therapeutic ingredient with the But at the same time, identification of genetic
change in the health care industry (starting inert, nonactive ingredients known as excipi- idiosyncrasies will allow the selective targeting
with hospitals) is via an existing program estab- ents) should factor in new considerations for of specific subpopulations of patients for treat-
lished under a program agreed to in 1998 by “environmental friendliness” or “environmen- ment with these same new drugs—thereby
the American Hospital Association and the tal proclivity.” Such “green” PPCPs would allowing for their reduced use across the larger
U.S. EPA and administered by the Hospitals maintain or improve therapeutic or cosmetic population. “Pharmacogenomics” holds great
for a Healthy Environment (H2E 2002). This efficacy while also maximizing their susceptibil- promise to a) greatly increase the numbers of
program’s overall goal is to reduce the impact ity to biodegradation, photolysis, or other low-use drugs (those specifically tailored to
of health care facilities on the environment. physicochemical alterations to yield innocuous narrowly defined patient populations, effec-
Although the program initially focused on end products. Design of more labile drugs tively vastly increasing the number of thera-
eliminating mercury and reducing total waste (e.g., those that would ordinarily be degraded peutic niches), and b) increase the numbers of
volume, a future area to consider is develop- by or poorly transported across the gut) would high-use (blockbuster) drugs (by addressing
ment of model chemical waste minimization further reduce excretion. Current drugs that do therapeutic targets of minimal genetic variabil-
plans such as that developed for mercury by undergo initial structural alterations (e.g., via ity across the population to yield drugs of
H2E (2002). phase I or phase II metabolism) often yield extremely broad tolerability). By increasing the
Some of the ideas presented below may broad arrays of metabolites, some of which are efficiency of drug discovery (minimizing fail-
prove controversial. I highlight them solely to the actual active drug form and some of which ures), the reduced costs will in turn catalyze
generate an active dialog or debate across the are environmentally persistent; compared with yet more new-drug discovery. “Genomics” is
many disciplines that must become involved to what little is known regarding effects to non- also recognized by the U.S. EPA as providing
successfully address this topic. Many of these target species by parent drugs, even less is new opportunities for risk assessment and pre-
disciplines have never before had reason to known about metabolites. Drugs could be dictive toxicology and will continue to gain
interact or collaborate with each other. With designed with better physiologic sorption char- new applications (U.S. EPA Science Policy
the increasing visibility of PPCPs as pollutants, acteristics (to lessen direct excretion of the par- Council 2002).
I hope these disparate professional communities ent compound). Using smaller doses by Dirty drugs to designer drugs. With better-
will find compelling reasons to cross-communi- enhancing the delivery exclusively to the target designed drugs (vs. those with a broad spectrum
cate and, in doing so, expand their knowledge site or receptor is an objective being pursued of molecular actions—“dirty” or “promiscuous”
and effectiveness in their own fields. on many fronts, including better drug design drugs), by increasing the specificity of drug
to accommodate existing membrane trans- action at the target receptor, not only could
Avenues for Progress toward a porters (e.g., XenoPort 2002) and “creating” adverse reactions be minimized, but with
“Green Pharmacy” in situ synthetic transporters (Alper 2002). extremely narrow MOAs it would also prove
The last decade has seen tremendous progress Sometimes the formulation of a drug can easier to predict the potential for effects on
in advancing the practice of “green chemistry” impede its sorption, especially for those with ill nontarget species. Another example (regarding
(e.g., minimizing the use of ecologically haz- health or impaired gastrointestinal function. drug discovery/design) is the development of
ardous reagents and designing alternate synthe- Rapid-dissolve tablets are one example of an drugs with higher potencies (and therefore
sis pathways, some of which are based on improvement over formulations that can lower doses) as a result of greater systemic avail-
aqueous chemistry) (U.S. EPA Office of impede or prevent dissolution; for example, the ability. Drug potency is partially a function of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics 2002). In common excipient stearic acid often impedes absorption efficiency (lower doses necessitated
fact, the pharmaceutical industry has a strong dissolution (Daughton 2001a). New formula- by higher absorption efficiency). Recently, as
history of applying environmentally responsi- tions are particularly needed for insoluble reported by Veber et al. (2002), reduced molec-
ble chemistry (which also turns out to be eco- drugs [about 30% of U.S. Pharmacopeial ular flexibility (as measured by the number of
nomically advantageous) to drug synthesis and Convention, Inc. (USP) drugs and 50% of rotatable bonds) coupled with lower polar sur-
manufacturing. The same principles could be prospective drugs are poorly water soluble]; face area (or total hydrogen bond count) was
logically extended and applied to drug design, current examples include liposomal delivery, shown to reflect good oral bioavailability—
delivery, package design, dispensing, and dis- polymer-drug conjugate prodrugs (with release independent of low molecular weight (MW) or
posal so that their benefits could accrue to the at the target site), and special formulating lipophilicity. Absorption had been thought to
end user and not just the manufacturer. Some approaches, such as “insoluble drug delivery” be a strict function of MW (e.g., MW > 500
of these ideas for minimizing the release of (SkyePharma 2003). Other examples include daltons led to poor absorption; low MW was

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required for good systemic availability). At least Emulating nature. Another design strategy quality, access, knowledge preservation/
in rats, however, Veber et al. (2002) showed would be “smart” drugs that better emulate protection, and rational use of “traditional,
that it is not necessarily MW but rather the the nonanthropocentric, native chemistries of complementary, and alternative medicine”
rigidity of the molecule (which is partly an indi- natural products. As examples, consider a) the (TM/CAM) (WHO 2002b). That the WHO
rect function of MW) that is a prime determi- newer classes of antimicrobial peptides mod- put forth this first global strategy clearly sig-
nant. This points to the possibility that eled after the endogenous antimicrobials (e.g., nals that TM/CAM has gained substantial
higher-MW drugs for humans are possible as defensins, piscidins, and cathelicidins; Toma stature. The popularity of TM/CAM in less
long as the number of rotatable bonds is mini- 2001), b) bacteriophages (viruses that infect developed countries is widely appreciated; its
mized. For rats, the more rigid molecules (those only bacteria; e.g., see Intralytix 2002), and growth in more developed countries over the
with 10 or fewer rotatable bonds and lower c) the enzymes used by phages to destroy their last two decades is reflected by the prolifera-
polar surface area) show the better oral absorp- bacterial hosts (e.g., highly species-specific tion of websites devoted to it. Because many
tion; lowest absorption occurs with those hav- lysins). One new approach uses synthetic active ingredients in natural medicines are
ing more than 10 (“flexible” compounds). The cyclic peptides (some with the non-native highly bioactive, the same concerns regarding
rule of five (Lipinski et al. 1997) as a predictor optical isomers) to disrupt cell wall/membrane environmental fate and ecologic effects apply
of oral bioavailability posits that either the function or physical integrity (Fernandez- (Daughton and Ternes 1999) and should
number 5 or a multiple of 5 was involved in the Lopez et al. 2002). Although naturally pro- therefore be subject to similar scrutiny. But
predictive parameters (but there were only four duced antimicrobials and analogs may not be the WHO strategy does not address any issues
rules in the “rule of five”): “In the discovery set- sufficient on their own, their use could serve concerning disposal or pollution prevention.
ting ‘the rule of 5’ predicts that poor absorption to potentiate the action of existing synthetic In many countries, environmental risk
or permeation is more likely when there are antibiotics and thereby reduce overall use. assessments of varying degrees are required at
more than 5 H-bond donors, 10 H-bond These natural products could also reduce over- least for new drug entities meeting certain cri-
acceptors, the molecular weight . . . is greater all antibiotic use by prophylaxis—in prevent- teria. Although the existing regulations for
than 500 and the calculated Log P . . . is greater ing the onset of infection. Another example is these assessments (e.g., see discussions in
than 5.” The number of rotatable bonds (Veber the synthetic musk fragrances. The two classes Velagaleti and Gill 2001; Velagaleti et al.
et al. 2002) would add the fifth rule. that have been used extensively are the nitro 2002) as well as those under consideration
Chirality’s role. Design that lessens thera- musks and the polycyclic musks. Certain (e.g., CSTEE 2001; Health Canada 2002)
peutic doses without increasing overall members of these classes (or their metabolites) have the potential to evolve over time in
potency is already occurring with the emphasis are known to persist and bioaccumulate response to new science regarding environmen-
on enantiomerically pure drugs (homochiral (Daughton 2001a; Daughton and Ternes tal impacts, similar assessments for dietary sup-
drugs), which can have therapeutic advantages 1999). A third class that is not used as exten- plements, “alternative” medicines, and other
over their conventional racemic mixtures. One sively because of its cost comprises the macro- personal care products do not exist. Given that
of the first commercial examples was (R)- cyclic musks (15–18 carbon cycles closed as the biologic activity of many of these chemicals
albuterol or levalbuterol (Xopenex; Sepracor, either a carbonyl or lactone), which better can rival that of drugs (e.g., Daughton and
Inc., Marlborough, MA), the homochiral ver- emulate natural musks and are purportedly Ternes 1999), it would be prudent to also sub-
sion of racemic albuterol; broncodilation more biodegradable. mit these diverse chemical classes to environ-
could be achieved with levalbuterol at one- Avenues to resurrection. “Resurrection” of mental risk assessments; currently, they are
fourth the dose of racemic albuterol (and with “retired” drugs that are no longer efficacious completely free of any oversight regarding eco-
fewer side effects) (Handley et al. 2000). A (e.g., because of development of pervasive logic hazard, and many escape assessment of
more recent example is esomeprazole pathogen or tumor resistance) could allow for human health risk. Indeed, the fact that nutri-
(Nexium; AstraZeneca, Södertälje, Sweden), the continued use of older-generation drugs tional supplements can elicit profound biologic
the homochiral form of omeprazole (Prilosec; that could be more environmentally friendly. effects is becoming codified in medical refer-
AstraZeneca). This approach not only cuts the Resurrection could be accomplished by devel- ences (e.g., PDR 2002a, 2002b) where com-
overall dose by at least one-half (sometimes oping potentiators that are not inherently monly recognized cross-reactions with
more, depending on the number of isomers) toxic but that overcome, for example, the conventional drugs have already been noted—
and totally eliminates exposure to the other defensive strategies used by resistant target for example, with Saint John’s wort (a potent
(nontherapeutic) isomer(s), which frequently organisms or tissues. An example is the devel- inhibitor of certain drug-activating enzymes).
has completely different mechanisms of opment of multidrug efflux pump inhibitors
action, but can also yield benefits to the (EPIs) (Daughton and Ternes 1999). One (of Drug Delivery
patient by removal of nontherapeutic isomers many) example class of existing EPIs is that Eco-friendly strategies to implement in the
that were also responsible for unwanted side containing certain selective serotonin reup- area of drug delivery include those relevant to
effects. The commercial-scale production of take inhibitor antidepressants (Munoz-Bellido prescribing, dispensing, patient compliance,
homochiral drugs, however, is fraught with et al. 2000), which synergize the activity of and medication delivery mechanisms. Some
scale-up difficulties; advances in economic some antibiotics. But strategies designed to advanced ideas regarding delivery mechanisms
racemic separation efficiencies will prove use- counteract general defensive strategies (such can be gained from Mort (2000).
ful (e.g., see Lee et al. 2002). The develop- as efflux pumps) must be assessed carefully in Prescribing. Both physicians and the public
ment of enantiomerically pure drugs to reduce light of their potential for compromising the could be made more aware and better informed
environmental loadings has a parallel with pes- health of nontarget species, many of which as to the medical and environmental conse-
ticides. Optically pure pesticides have been (especially in the aquatic realm) employ efflux quences of overprescribing medications. Better
approved by the U.S. EPA (e.g., S-metolachlor) pumps as a first line of defense against toxi- ways need to be found to engage the medical
under the U.S. EPA’s Reduced Risk Pesticide cants (Daughton 2001a; Daughton and community and the public in this issue.
initiative (under the Food Quality Protection Ternes 1999; Epel and Smital 2001). Guidelines could be developed and promul-
Act; U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Alternative medicines missing from the gated for minimizing inappropriate drug use
1996). For metolachlor, this might lessen its radar. The WHO developed a strategy for (misuse, overuse, and abuse). Regarding the
overall use by 35%. addressing issues of policy, safety, efficacy, linkage between human and ecologic health,

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progress on this front has been most developed from workplace injuries (Kohn et al. 2000). for its intended site (to reduce unnecessary
for the issue of antibiotics (see links in Moreover, Kohn et al. (2000) maintain that systemic exposure).
Daughton/U.S. EPA 2002f), where physician extrapolation of certain statewide studies to the Individualized therapy can also help to
knowledge and patient expectations are com- United States as a whole shows that annual address the growing trend of the healthy pop-
monly at odds and antibiotics are sometimes excess costs of preventable hospital ADRs are ulation that medicates on a long-term basis
prescribed (because of patient expectations) in about $2 billion (and hospital patients repre- using a wide array of drugs as preventive mea-
situations where they are not justified. sent only a small portion of the at-risk general sures (attempting to prevent the onset of vari-
Imprudent use also involves failure to identify population). ous health problems). Outcomes from the use
putative pathogens and to perform susceptibil- Precision formulation/dosing. Current of medications by healthy people for dura-
ity testing before selecting the most effective technology for formulating drug dosages tions spanning decades prompt numerous
antibiotic. The literature continues to docu- is incapable of high accuracy or precision, questions regarding patient safety and the
ment circumstances where antibiotics have long especially that needed for ultra-low doses. consequent issue of imprudent introduction
been used but should not have been; a recent Nonhomogeneous formulation or inconsistent of drugs to the environment. But long-term
example is their inappropriate use for bronchitis delivery can lead to undesirable repeated dos- studies (those lasting for decades) are rarely
(Evans et al. 2002). Others who should attempt ing and improper dosing (e.g., Alliance performed because patents do not offer pro-
to minimize the misuse of antibiotics are veteri- Pharmaceutical 2002). New technologies such tection sufficiently long to justify the cost. It
narians, aquaculturists, and agriculturists to as “three-dimensional printing” can formulate is possible that in place of new studies, the
lessen the incidence of resistance development accurate, precise, and minuscule amounts of vast collection of individual, small reports
in native bacteria and human pathogens (e.g., drugs into one delivery device to achieve better already in the published literature could be
Lipsitch et al. 2002; Smith et al. 2002). An temporal and spatial control of drug release via distilled into useful knowledge. Much of what
example of a creative approach to minimizing any combination of sustained, controlled, tar- exists in the published literature is never
the use of antibiotics for the common cold is geted, or cyclical methods. With the ability to “mined” and applied (Daughton 2001b,
presented by Arroll et al. (2002). By giving control the drug release “profile” (tailored to a 2002b). An example of one step in the direc-
patients antibiotic prescriptions that could be variety of factors, including time after inges- tion of mining the existing literature and using
filled only 3 days thence, overall use was 48% tion or circadian rhythm), more effective and it to predict adverse drug outcomes is an
as opposed to 89% for those having immediate lower doses can be achieved (MIT 3DPTM approach called “evidence-based care,” where
access to antibiotics for “treating” common Laboratory 2002; MIT News 1997). recommendations are collectively made by
cold symptoms—nearly halving their use and Individualization of therapy. Drug man- physician experts who continually scan the
avoiding exposing the patient to unnecessary ufacturers could provide the medical com- broad medical literature and synthesize recom-
medication. munity with more easily implementable mendations (evidence-based rules) regarding
Lower versus established dosing. Numerous information (and requisite unit doses) to tai- drug use across patients comprising a wide
studies show that the therapeutically effective lor drug dosages for the individual (especially spectrum of health status (e.g., ActiveHealth
dose for many drugs can be significantly lower for long-term maintenance drugs) on the Management 2002).
than that initially recommended by the manu- basis of the sometimes complex interplay Developing alternative delivery mecha-
facturer. There are many reasons for this among body weight, age, sex, health status, nisms. Dosages could be reduced with better
(including some stemming from regulatory nutritional status, timing/circadian rhythm, targeted delivery routes (e.g., expanding the
requirements during clinical trials), which are subtle genetic distinctions (e.g., accommoda- utility of pulmonary and transdermal/mucosal
summarized by Crutchfield (2001). Sometimes tion for single-nucleotide receptor polymor- delivery), mechanisms of release (e.g., rapid-
the effective dose for a drug can be many orders phisms using new toxicogenomics tools), and dissolving formulations, controlled release),
of magnitude lower than previously realized, known individual drug sensitivities. Several and mechanisms for delivery of drugs to the
largely a result of incomplete knowledge companies are currently involved in ap- target (e.g., antibody-linked drugs; in situ
of MOAs. An excellent example is the conven- proaches based on genetic variabilities to per- implants) (e.g., Mort 2000). Advancement in
tional therapeutic dosage of morphine to sonalize drug therapy (e.g., Genaissance eluding the blood–brain barrier would vastly
achieve analgesia—typically about 1–10 mg/kg. Pharmaceuticals 2002; Orchid Biosciences expand the universe of available central ner-
With simultaneous administration of an opioid 2002). Currently, customized doses and for- vous system drugs, which are currently
receptor antagonist (i.e., naltrexone) at the mulations are often obtainable only from pri- restricted to a small galaxy of drugs smaller
ultra-low dosage of 0.1 ng/kg, the same con- vate pharmacy “compounders”—not drug than 500 daltons; selective disruption of the
ventional level of analgesia can be achieved with manufacturers—and are not subject to FDA blood–brain barrier, either via momentary
morphine at 1 µg/kg—6 orders of magnitude rules for quality. Such individualization of enlargement of the endothelial cell junctions
lower (a dosage that can be sustained without therapy (also known as “calibrated dosing”) or by use of native membrane transporters, is
risk of addiction); similar effects can be can minimize the requisite therapeutic dose one example (Miller 2002). Although
achieved with 0.1 µg/kg morphine coupled (which is frequently higher than need be) advancement in drug delivery has received
with 1 pg/kg naltrexone (Crain and Shen 2001; (Phillips et al. 2001). Available tests for drug concerted attention over the years (e.g., see
Pain Therapeutics 2002). This is an excellent metabolizing enzymes (e.g., the cytochrome ACS 2002; CRS 2002), expanded efforts in
example of research that could markedly reduce P450 superfamily of monooxygenase iso- this area (e.g., by leveraging with nanochem-
patient risk by reducing side effects or ADRs forms) can distinguish fast, normal, and slow istry) could yield significant rewards, espe-
and even addiction while minimizing the variants. These enzyme systems play major cially with respect to resurrection of “retired”
potential for environmental effects. Most hospi- roles in the speed with which certain drugs or underused drugs.
tal ADR-related deaths are related to dose, and are metabolized (whether leading to detoxifi- A potential future route/mechanism is the
ADRs may be a leading cause of hospital death cation and excretion or to activation) and use of “click chemistry” for the self-assembly
in the United States (Lazarou et al. 1998). therefore determine the proper dosage. of drugs in situ, where the nonbioactive pre-
Indeed, deaths from medication errors occur- Advances in detection of other physiologic cursor reactants required to synthesize a drug
ring both in and out of hospitals exceed 7,000 and metabolic characteristics of a patient can are self-assembled directly at the receptor tar-
annually in the United States—exceeding those also allow for the specific targeting of a drug get (the “templating” site; e.g., Borman 2002).

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Such assembly that mimics enzyme-catalyzed Education of health care practitioners. ramifications and disposal advice—comporting
synthesis is sometimes called “bioinspiration.” Hand-in-hand with education of the public is with the ideas of ecology of health and health
This approach for drug delivery perhaps holds education of those working in the health care of ecology.
the ultimate potential for minimizing dosage. industry (not just pharmacists, but all health Steps in this direction are already being
In situ click chemistry (a new rendition of in professionals and technicians, federal and taken. For example, EMEA (2001) has already
situ, site-catalyzed synthesis) uses the specific state policy makers and regulators, organiza- taken this step in recommending labeling pro-
conformational locations within biochemical tion managers, and governing boards). A visions. A consumer survey sponsored by
receptor molecules as templates for guiding good way to teach the importance of dose Health Canada showed that a large majority of
the formation of a chemical product with high minimization and proper disposal would be respondents read drug labels, but fewer than
affinity for the site. Candidate drugs generated through formal, continuing education 50% read labels for personal care products
in this manner also would have a higher prob- courses, where the interface between medicine (COMPAS 2002). Although most consumers
ability for specificity—avoiding the propensity and environmental science and the synergies claim to read labels for ingredients, when
for promiscuity (“dirty” drugs), a problem that accrued from cradle-to-cradle stewardship of unprompted by the interviewer, few (only 8%)
has plagued drug discovery for years—and medications could be taught. Along these claim to read them for information regarding
thereby further reducing required doses lines, Smith (1999) proposed that the USP “environmental-friendliness/impact.” But
(McGovern et al. 2002). Interactions with include hazardous waste criteria in its mono- when prompted, 57% said they do read labels
receptors that do not provide intended thera- graphs; this recommendation could be for guidance regarding disposal (in Canada).
peutic effects are sometimes called “sites of extended to include disposal guidance for all Guidance on packaging to prevent unneces-
loss” and are often the cause of ADRs. The nonhazardous, noncontrolled drugs as well. sary dosing (aggregate and cumulative).
work done with current in situ click chemistry Inadvertent ingestion of multiple drugs sharing
shows the ease with which small molecules Marketing the same MOA (joint action from cumulative
with ligand interactions at the femtomolar Guidance on packaging for disposal. exposure; Figure 2) or ingestion of the same
level could be achieved. An acetylcholines- Consumer-oriented packaging for OTC and drug from different sources (aggregate expo-
terase inhibitor formed via click chemistry prescribed drugs in the United States lacks sure) can occur when consumers use multiple
proved to be the most potent noncovalent guidance for disposition of unused medication medications without fully understanding the
inhibitor ever found for this enzyme. It may contents. Standardized nationwide guidance formulated contents. This multiple-exposure
eventually prove possible to set the conditions regarding recommended routes for responsible pathway scenario is especially problematic
for the self-assembly of reactants at the desired disposal (which could be custom tailored when patients are prescribed medications by
site of biochemical action within the living depending on the ingredients) could be easily multiple physicians; for patients with multiple
organism, to prevent reaction with nontarget added to package labeling/inserts. The use of health care providers, poor communication can
sites. Such an approach would effectively consumer guidance on labeling for protecting also lead to represcribing of medication that
achieve the lowest possible dose for a drug the environment has long been common with has already been shown for the patient to be
(forming the ultimate “smart” drug), thereby other consumer products throughout the nonefficacious. Besides prominently listing
minimizing or even eliminating the possibility world, especially for pesticides and industrial contents on labeling, it would also be useful to
for excretion to the environment. chemicals. Standards that cover the entire consumers to list the actual therapeutic end
Patient compliance and education. Patients packaging system are developed and promul- points. For example, analgesics are often for-
frequently fail to finish their courses of medica- gated by the USP. The many complex aspects mulated into multiple classes of medications,
tion—for a wide variety of reasons (Daughton of packaging are summarized in Okeke (2002). including those such as pain killers, antihista-
2003). This problem not only increases health In the United States, consumer warning and mines, and cold/flu preparations, and con-
care costs and can jeopardize patient health but use information regarding drugs is conveyed sumers sometimes take all of these together,
also leads to unnecessary accumulation of not just on affixed labels but also on attendant getting doses higher than needed. By better
unused drugs, which then require disposal [this documents such as prescription “leaflets,” the alerting the consumer to those drugs intended
is a major problem at long-term care facilities, minimum information content for which is set for different therapeutic end points but which
discussed in Daughton (2003)]. Further educa- by the U.S. FDA. For prescription drugs, these share the same active ingredient or that share
tion of patients might reduce patient noncom- leaflets are supposed to contain (at a mini- ingredients with the same mechanism or mode
pliance. Additional patient education regarding mum) the FDA-approved prescribing informa- of action, the use of certain drugs could be less-
appropriate drug use (as defined in USP 2001) tion (also called a package insert). Various ened and the likelihood of consuming doses
and drug abuse (consumption of more fre- other sources of consumer (as well as physi- higher than necessary could be reduced. This is
quent or higher doses than prescribed, or use cian) information on drugs can be found in a) analogous to the current practice of alerting
of illicit drugs) could reduce unnecessary excre- the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR 2002a), consumers to adverse interactions between
tion or disposal. A recent example of proactive which contains the required prescribing infor- drugs having different mechanisms of action.
guidance on minimizing commonly overpre- mation for most but not all drugs (the printed The significance of this type of combined
scribed drugs is the U.S. Centers for Disease version is updated three times per year, the (aggregate and cumulative) exposure is cap-
Control (CDC) campaign called Promoting online version monthly, and the personal digi- tured by the concept of the Risk Cup (Figure
Appropriate Antibiotic Use in the Community tal assistant version daily); b) any of the various 2), a term that establishes by analogy of water
(CDC 2002). By showing the linkages compendia such as Drug Facts and Comparisons in a cup the sum total of stressor exposure
between human and ecologic health benefits, (Facts and Comparisons 2002), which is evoking a particular effect or end point (and
perhaps more progress can be made in mini- updated with labeling changes monthly; and c) therefore the remaining exposure that could be
mizing overuse/misuse of legal drugs (e.g., MedWatch (U.S. FDA 2002b). The U.S. tolerated before the cup becomes full). One
antibiotics) and illicit drugs; also of relevance is FDA’s new labeling requirements for OTC possible mechanism for reducing this problem
the linkages between illicit drug use and terror- drugs are one example of labeling status in U.S. is presented in Daughton (2003).
ism [Daughton/U.S. EPA 2001; Office of drugs (U.S. FDA 2002c). These are all exam- More informative and less confusing drug
National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) ples of information resources that could convey names. The IOM recommends that better
2002]. information regarding possible environmental efforts be made to eliminate drug names that

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sound similar and formulated drugs that look pressuring of physicians to prescribe expensive seal. The National Association of Boards of
similar, as well as confusing labels and packaging and sometimes unnecessary medications Pharmacy developed this certification program
that foster mistakes by consumers, health care for demanding, poorly informed patients for Internet pharmacies in 1999; few Internet
providers, and dispensers (Kohn et al. 2000). (Rosenthal et al. 2002); some countries have pharmacies are VIPPS certified (NABP 2002).
Although these problems can jeopardize patient banned or minimized DTC advertising (e.g., Detection of counterfeiting. Regarding the
safety, they also lead to unnecessary (and inap- Galbally 2000; Meek 2001). Regardless of the gray- and black-market distribution of drugs,
propriate) use of drugs and their eventual dis- fate of DTC, a logical next step for advertise- industry experts suggest that some 25% of the
charge to the environment, as well as to the ments could be to include information for the unauthorized distribution of pharmaceutical
purchase of medications that might not have public regarding the proper disposition of drugs takes place online (Cyveillance 2001).
been made by a better-informed consumer. unused products and the imperative for envi- Although development of deterrents for black-
Reducing package sizes. Consideration ronmental stewardship. market distribution of drugs (and counterfeits)
could be given to providing a broader selec- Advertising can also educate consumers in has always made economic sense for manufac-
tion of package sizes of PPCPs. Some PPCPs decisions to use a new drug. A criticism of the turers (e.g., Green and Murray 2001), it would
are perhaps more likely to be discarded reporting of controlled drug trials involves the also clearly reduce the quantities of drugs avail-
because they are prescribed or purchased in significance of treatment outcomes. Two mea- able for eventual introduction to the environ-
quantities too great to be used before expira- sures of significance are often used—not in ment (by both direct disposal and excretion).
tion or because they tend to expire more conjunction with each other, but separately— Advancements are needed in detecting molecu-
rapidly. A common example is aspirin and cer- without explaining their relative meanings. lar counterfeiting; an example is Biocode’s
tain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, The measure of a new drug’s effectiveness is anticounterfeiting efforts (Biocode 2002).
which are available in such large package sizes usually expressed in comparison with an Nationwide database of drug sales. A
that the contents may frequently go unused accepted standard treatment. If the new drug is publically accessible, central database that
before reaching expiration. Alternatively, bulk- more effective, its comparative effect can be compiles and tracks geographic OTC and pre-
size packaging could incorporate individually expressed in terms of either absolute risk reduc- scribed drug sales as well as drug use (not to be
factory-sealed subpackages whose expiration tion (ARR; or its reciprocal, number needed to misconstrued as a patient-level database) would
dates are maintained even when the seal to the treat) or relative risk reduction (RRR). RRR be extremely useful for predicting the actual
main container is broken. Consumer educa- data often seem to have a much higher per- quantities of drugs that could be entering the
tion might also be useful here—to encourage centage of effectiveness than ARR data (Nuovo environment (by using pharmacokinetic mod-
purchase of only needed amounts of PPCPs et al. 2002). Sometimes, when the RRR might els based on ADME/Tox—adsorption, distrib-
(e.g., package sizes conducive to avoiding expi- convey to the consumer a major advance in ution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity)
ration). Consideration should therefore be treatment, in reality it might be minuscule in (Daughton/U.S. EPA 2002g). Such a database
given to not penalizing consumers monetarily terms of absolute improvement (ARR) over would have great added utility for environ-
for purchasing small-quantity package sizes (or current therapy. mental scientists if it were integrated on a
perhaps offering “introductory size” samples). geographic information system platform to
Improved packaging. Package materials Drug Dispensing enhance the geographic utility of the data;
and sealing mechanics could possibly be Internet dispensing. The availability of licit and first steps in this direction have been made
improved to enhance both factory-sealed and also illicit drugs via the Internet (via both legal and reported by Schowanek and Webb
dispensed shelf lives (e.g., more effective and illegal “Internet pharmacies”) and black (2002). Data from the Prescription Drug Atlas
exclusion of humidity and heat, which are markets continues to escalate and expand, (Express Scripts 2001) show that for some
major factors limiting the storage life of drugs undoubtedly leading to overdispensing and drugs, regional preferences in use can vary by
in bathrooms). Ideally, packaging could inte- dispensing without a prescription (U.S. FDA severalfold. First steps in this direction
grate inexpensive sensors (customized for each 2002a). The added influx of drugs to the envi- include proprietary databases such as the
drug) that are capable of detecting breakdown ronment via illegal sales that were never antici- extensive ones developed by Quintiles (2002).
products indicative of degraded drug perfor- pated by FDA during new drug approval is The Quintiles Rx Market Monitor (Quintiles
mance or formation of products presenting undoubtedly contributing to the overall envi- 2000) uses near–real-time patient claims trans-
adverse risk. ronmental exposure burden. That many of actions to mine accurate drug use statistics at
Advertising. Since the 1800s, PPCP direct- these sales come from overseas may have rami- the geographic level.
to-consumer (DTC) advertising in the United fications for performing environmental risk Nationwide database of drug returns. An
States has played an increasingly significant role assessments for drugs. Uncontrolled drug dis- active “returns” industry (Daughton 2003)
in relaying information to the public regarding tribution channels also have profound ramifi- expanded to the consumer level would have
the many aspects of improved health, fitness, cations for consumers in terms of safety and obvious positive ramifications for the environ-
and appearance, as well as the prevention of dis- expense (e.g., “fake,” counterfeit, or unstated ment. Less appreciated, however, is that a
ease (Duke University 2002). Only more dangerous ingredients) and also could be a cohesive nationwide policy encouraging the
recently have advertisers been required to high- major factor in both the accumulation of return of unused drugs to pharmacies or
light the caveats associated with their products unused drugs and the excretion of drugs that directly to reverse distributors (see links at
(e.g., side effects or contraindications). DTC ordinarily might never have been ingested. Daughton/U.S. EPA 2002h) yields a number
advertising purportedly empowers consumers, Both the public and the pharmacy communi- of consumer health and economic benefits by
leading them to better-informed decisions and ties might benefit by more definitive education mining the data generated by a nationwide,
improved quality of care (e.g., National Health on these issues and understanding the possible integrated “returns” network. In the United
Council 2002; PhRMA 2003). But critics of environmental consequences. This awareness States, however, a morass of sometimes con-
DTC advertising (which is one of the most could minimize unneeded drug use and flicting and competing oversight and liability
heated topics in the medical care industries of attendant disposal. One way for consumers to concerns from numerous state and federal
many countries) maintain that it can interfere verify the quality of Internet pharmacies is to agencies stymies the creation of a cohesive
with the physician–patient relationship (e.g., check for the presence of the Verified Internet approach to returning/recycling medication
leading to “doctor shopping”) and lead to the Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS) hyperlink from the end user (Daughton 2003).

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Geographic variability in drug use: unused drugs by geriatric patients (Daughton Council on Scientific Affairs as the type of
ramifications for calculating EECs/PECs. As 2003). Consideration should be given to not study requiring expansion (AMA 2001). The
mentioned above, environmental assessments penalizing consumers for small-quantity pack- AMA emphasizes, however, that
for approval of new drug applications are age sizes. This recommendation, however, expiration dates only apply when the drug product
required by the U.S. FDA only when the con- runs counter to mail-order dispensing busi- is stored under defined conditions. Regardless of
centration of a drug predicted to enter the nesses run by insurers, where multimonth sup- the feasibility of extending expiration dates, this
aquatic environment (EEC) is 1 ppb or greater. plies are favored because of short-term cost strategy applies only to the date of packaging in the
But calculation of the EEC (or PEC) assumes a considerations. original factory container. For most U.S. drug
products, expiration dating ranges from 12 to 60
uniform use of a drug across the United States. Re-engineering of dispensing. A reengi- months from the time of original manufacture. . . .
Data from the Prescription Drug Atlas (Express neering of pharmacy practice with respect to Once the manufacturer’s container is opened and
Scripts 2001) show that for some drugs, the mechanics of drug dispensing could greatly drug product is transferred to another container for
regional preferences in use can vary by several- reduce drug wastage. Progressing from previ- dispensing or repackaging, the expiration date no
fold. This means that for highly populated ous advancements in dispensing (such as blister longer applies. The USP has developed recommen-
metropolitan areas with use of a particular drug packs, also known as “bingo cards”) and hospi- dations for pharmacists to place a “beyond-use”
date on the label of the new container. There is lit-
exceeding that expected by a normal distribu- tal unit-dose systems to the new generation of tle scientific basis for “beyond-use” dates.
tion, the EEC could be higher than predicted. “automated medication dispensing” programs However, the American Pharmaceutical
This problem is further compounded by the is demonstrated to have a dramatic impact not Association (APhA) encourages, and 17 states
fact that calculation of the EEC does not take just on waste but also on reducing the hours require, that pharmacists place a “beyond-use” date
into consideration cumulative exposure to required by nurses and caregivers devoted to on the label of the prescription container that is
drugs sharing the same MOA—where the risk mundane chores such as “med passing,” and dispensed to the patient. (AMA 2001)
from a drug’s nontarget effects does not exist in on assuring accurate medication distribution.
isolation but should at least be considered in This has been the case especially in long-term For more detailed information, see Okeke
the context of all drugs of like MOA. The cal- care facilities where the accumulation of (2002).
culation of EECs could be yielding underesti- unused medications may be significant. An Once the pharmacist transfers the drug to
mates also because of the expanding purchase example is given by Saffel (1999). Certain U.S. a consumer-use container (including, some-
and use of drugs from the gray and black mar- states such as Georgia do not allow return of times, heat-sealed blister packs), an expiration
kets, in large part via the Internet. These use unused portions of 30-day medication pack- date is applied (usually 1 year from date of
figures cannot currently be accounted for in ages. A shorter 7-day exchange cycle provided sale) not based on science; a USP standard for
environmental assessments. by point-of-use “automated medication dis- blister packs is 6 months or one-quarter of the
Dispensing and expiry. The disposal of pensing” obviates this problem (e.g., Pyxis manufacturer’s original date [Oklahoma State
drugs is necessitated by two major factors: 2002). One of the recommendations of Kohn University (OSU) 2000a, 2000b]. Thus it
a) excess inventory of nonexpired drugs (i.e., et al. (2000) is that all hospitals and health care would be beneficial when marketing larger-
unwanted, unneeded but still usable drugs) organizations implement the use of automated unit, bulk drugs (e.g., those purchased by
and b) outdated drugs [those whose expira- drug-ordering systems. consumers in membership “club” warehouses)
tion (expiry) dates have been exceeded]. Science-based expiry dates. Expiry dates that the bulk container comprise a number of
Minimizing the need to dispose as a result of could be investigated to see if they can be smaller, factory-sealed packages so as to
these two factors can be addressed by mini- extended to reflect true stability durations. extend the usable life. An article in the
mizing inventory (by pharmacies and con- Scientifically sound protocols need to be Medical Letter (Abramowicz 2002) surmises
sumers alike) and by ensuring that expiration implemented for the public sector to define, that most medications stored in their original,
dates are based on actual, empirical data determine, predict, and/or monitor actual unopened packaging under proper conditions
rather than projections. The issue of expiry is expiration periods for both factory-sealed and retain 70–80% of their potency for at least 10
not as simple as it may seem because there are unsealed drugs. There have been very few sci- years. Once removed from original packaging,
a number of issues involved with setting the entific studies on the chemical stability of most tablets and capsules (dry-formulated
time periods for which a drug can be safely drugs in their formulated states. Guidance for drugs) retain 70–80% of their potency (in
maintained (and these differ for factory- establishing shelf lives has been developed by low humidity—i.e., preferably not in a humid
dispensed vs. consumer-dispensed forms). In the U.S. FDA (2001). The significant point, bathroom, which is where most “medicine
practice, the time periods for shelf lives are however, is that there is no requirement to cabinets” reside) for 1–2 years after the expi-
determined not entirely empirically but also establish the maximum shelf life for a drug ration date. Note, however, that these points
by estimates and projections. Shelf life is product—only to establish a documented do not address the issue of consumer safety
important as it dictates whether a therapeutic shelf life. The major study, still ongoing, for (e.g., changes in formulation quality) but
dose of the active ingredient is still present determining shelf lives is the Shelf Life rather point to the fact that chemical stability
and whether degradation products with Extension Program (SLEP) (JRCAB 2002), a of the parent drug can be much longer than
adverse therapeutic outcomes are absent. stability testing program administered by the implied by expiration dates.
Conservative dispensed amounts. The U.S. FDA for the U.S. Department of Reduce/phase out controversial uses of
need for disposal could be lessened by reduc- Defense (for noncivilian purposes). The SLEP drugs. Historically, drugs or drug classes
ing prescribed/purchased quantities too great has documented that the actual shelf lives for often undergo expanded use beyond their
to be used before expiration or increasing shelf some drug formulations exceed the times dic- original targeted purposes; this usually results
life. Reasonable, minimal quantities of med- tated by the labeled expiration dates (under from off-label prescribing. With certain other
ication could be purchased or prescribed until ideal storage conditions). The cost savings in drugs or classes, the original intended use
the effects of the medication and its therapeu- being able to increase the life-cycle times for may have seemed logical at one time—only
tic effectiveness are understood by both the drug restocking purportedly claimed by the to be challenged later as unforeseen conse-
physician and patient. Overprescription of Department of Defense have been substantial. quences emerged (as the known risk–benefit
quantity (or frequent change in medication The SLEP program has been highlighted equation changed). Respective examples of
type) is a major reason for accumulation of by the American Medical Association (AMA) both scenarios are the postmenopausal use of

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