Euring-Part 2

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Leonardo Da Vinci Project


Athens 2007
Chapter 1: Technical description………………………………… 3
1.1 Description of the Bioincubator…………… 4
1.2 Structural Information……………………... 4
1.3 Location……………………………………. 5
1.4 Occupancy…………………………………. 5
1.5 Fire protection……………………………… 5
1.6 Loading…………………………………….. 5
1.7 The space frame……………………………. 7
1.8 Method of analysis…………………………. 8
1.9 Loadcases…………………………………… 8
1.10 Combinations………………………………. 8
1.11 Calculation of αcr - Masses of the building… 11

Chapter 2: Loading………………………………………………… 19
2.1 Wind actions……………………………….. 20
2.1.1 Wind actions in direction x (θ=0 )…………. 21
2.1.2 Wind actions in direction y (θ=90 )………... 29
2.2 Seismic actions……………………………... 33
2.3 General data………………………………… 33
2.4 Design response spectrum…………………. 33

Chapter 3: Design of composite slabs…………………………….. 38

Chapter 4: Bracings………………………………………………... 45

Chapter 5: Design of beams……………………………………….. 49

Chapter 6: Design of columns……………………………………... 102

Chapter 7: Design of base plates………………………………….. 127

Chapter 8: Design of beam connections…………………………... 134


Chapter 6: Design of columns


Column G4 (gridlines G and 4) - 1st floor

Fig. 14 Plan view

Column section: HE 300 B

Partial factor: γM1 =1,0
Column length : 3,975 m (main column)

Column normal force NEd = -1646,96 kN (Combo 9)

Column normal force NEd = -833,28 kN (Combo S4-seismic)
Bending moment MEd,yo = 0,20 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zo = 0,41 kNm
Bending moment MEd,yu = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zu = 0,0 kNm


y z MEd,zo

z y MEd,yo




Yield strength

Columns: Steel grade S355

Beams: Steel grade S275

Sections’ data

Column: HE 300 B Iz = 8560 cm4 (main column)

A= 149 cm2

Non-sway frame:

Distribution factors η1 and η2:

kc = column stiffness coefficient I/l

kij = effective beam stiffness coefficient 0,5I/l

kc + k1 k +k
η1 = = c 1 = 1,0 (kij = 0 for pinned beams)
kc + k1 + k11 + k12 kc + k1

kc + k 2 k +k
η1 = = c 2 = 1,0
kc + k2 + k21 + k22 kc + k2

= 0 ,5 + 0 ,14(η1 + η2 ) + 0 ,055(η1 + η2 )2 = 1,0


The column which is subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M z ,Ed + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k yy + k yz ≤1
χ y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed ≤1
χ z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γM1 γM1 γM1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors

Since My,Ed ≅0 and Mz,Ed ≅0, the second and the third term of the above relations are approximately equal
to zero. Thus, the column check is limited in the buckling resistance about minor axis (z-z)

Elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode Ncr

Lcr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: Lcr=L=397,5 cm

E is the Young’s modulus: E =21000 kN/cm2

The critical force is calculated from the relation:

π 2 ⋅ E ⋅ Iz π 2 ⋅ 21000 ⋅ 8560
N cr ,z = = = 11228 ,42 kN
L2cr ,z 397 ,5 2

Non-dimensional slenderness

The non-dimensional slenderness is given by:

A⋅ fy 149 ⋅ 35 ,5
λz = = = 0 ,686
N cr ,z 11228 ,42

Reduction factor

The value of the reduction factor χ is determined from the relevant buckling curve as follows:

h 300
= = 1 < 1,2 and t f = 19 mm < 100 mm
b 300

For buckling about the minor axis z-z the corresponding curve is c and the imperfection factor is α=0,49.

( ) [ ]
ϕ z = 0 ,5 ⎡1 + α λ − 0 ,2 + λ ⎤ = 0 ,5 1 + 0 ,49(0 ,686 − 0 ,2 ) + 0 ,686 2 = 0 ,854

1 1
χz = = = 0 ,734
ϕ z + ϕ z2 − λ
0 ,854 + 0 ,854 2 − 0 ,686 2

Buckling resistance of the column

N Ed N Ed 1646 ,96
= = = 0 ,424 < 1
χ z ⋅ N Rk χ z ⋅ A ⋅ f y 0 ,734 ⋅ 149 ⋅ 35 ,5
γM1 γM1 1,0

Besides, according to the Greek Seismic Code (EAK 2000), the following relation should be satisfied:

N Rd > α CD ⋅ N Ed

where α CD =3,0 is the load carrying capacity coefficient.

χz ⋅ A ⋅ f y
N Rd = = 3882 ,50 kN > α CD ⋅ N Ed
= 3 ,0 ⋅ 833,28 kN = 2499 ,84 kN

Column G4 (gridlines G and 4) – 5th floor

Fig. 15 Plan view

Column section: HE 260 B

Partial factor: γM1 =1,0
Column length : 3,875 m (main column)

Column normal force NEd = -485,11 kN (Combo 9)

Column normal force NEd = -225,86 kN (Combo S4-seismic)
Bending moment MEd,yo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,yu = 0,17 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zu = 0,006 kNm


y z MEd,zo

z y MEd,yo




Yield strength

Columns: Steel grade S355

Beams: Steel grade S275

Sections’ data

Column: HE 260 B Iz = 5130 cm4 (main column)

A= 118 cm2

Non-sway frame:

Distribution factors η1 and η2:

kc = column stiffness coefficient I/l

kij = effective beam stiffness coefficient 0,5I/l

kc + k1 k +k
η1 = = c 1 = 1,0 (kij = 0 for pinned beams)
kc + k1 + k11 + k12 kc + k1

kc + k 2 k +k
η1 = = c 2 = 1,0
kc + k2 + k21 + k22 kc + k2

= 0 ,5 + 0 ,14(η1 + η2 ) + 0 ,055(η1 + η2 )2 = 1,0


The column which is subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M z ,Ed + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k yy + k yz ≤1
χ y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed ≤1
χ z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γM1 γM1 γM1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors

Since My,Ed ≅0 and Mz,Ed ≅0, the second and the third term of the above relations are approximately equal
to zero. Thus, the column check is limited in the buckling resistance about minor axis (z-z)

Elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode Ncr

Lcr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: Lcr=L=387,5 cm

E is the Young’s modulus: E =21000 kN/cm2

The critical force is calculated from the relation:

π 2 ⋅ E ⋅ Iz π 2 ⋅ 21000 ⋅ 5130
N cr ,z = = = 7080 ,97 kN
L2cr ,z 387 ,5 2

Non-dimensional slenderness

The non-dimensional slenderness is given by:

A⋅ fy 118 ⋅ 35 ,5
λz = = = 0 ,592
N cr ,z 7080 ,97

Reduction factor

The value of the reduction factor χ is determined from the relevant buckling curve as follows:

h 260
= = 1 < 1,2 and t f = 17 ,5 mm < 100 mm
b 260

For buckling about the minor axis z-z the corresponding curve is c and the imperfection factor is α=0,49.

( ) [ ]
ϕ z = 0 ,5 ⎡1 + α λ − 0 ,2 + λ ⎤ = 0 ,5 1 + 0 ,49(0 ,592 − 0 ,2 ) + 0 ,592 2 = 0 ,771

1 1
χz = = = 0 ,79055
ϕ z + ϕ z2 − λ
0 ,771 + 0 ,7712 − 0 ,592 2

Buckling resistance of the column

N Ed N Ed 485 ,11
= = = 0 ,147 < 1
χ z ⋅ N Rk χ z ⋅ A ⋅ f y 0 ,79055 ⋅ 118 ⋅ 35 ,5
γM1 γM1 1,0

Besides, according to the Greek Seismic Code (EAK 2000), the following relation should be satisfied:

N Rd > α CD ⋅ N Ed

where α CD =3,0 is the load carrying capacity coefficient.

χz ⋅ A ⋅ f y
N Rd = = 3311,61 kN > α CD ⋅ N Ed
= 3 ,0 ⋅ 225 ,86 kN = 677 ,58 kN

Column K1 (gridlines K and 1) - 1st floor

Fig. 16 Plan view

Fig. 17 Section A-A view (frame of axis 1)


Column section: HE 300 B

Partial factor: γM1 =1,0
Column length : 3,975 m (main column)

Column normal force NEd = -1078,50 kN (Combo 2)

Column normal force NEd = -804,10 kN (Combo S4-seismic)
Bending moment MEd,yo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zo = 0,026 kNm
Bending moment MEd,yu = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zu = 0,0 kNm


y z MEd,zo

z y MEd,yo




Yield strength

Columns: Steel grade S355

Beams: Steel grade S275

Sections’ data

Column: HE 300 B Iz = 8560 cm4 (main column)

A= 149 cm2

Non-sway frame:

Distribution factors η1 and η2:

kc = column stiffness coefficient I/l

kij = effective beam stiffness coefficient 0,5I/l

kc + k1 k +k
η1 = = c 1 = 1,0 (kij = 0 for pinned beams)
kc + k1 + k11 + k12 kc + k1

kc + k 2 k +k
η1 = = c 2 = 1,0
kc + k2 + k21 + k22 kc + k2

= 0 ,5 + 0 ,14(η1 + η2 ) + 0 ,055(η1 + η2 )2 = 1,0


The column which is subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M z ,Ed + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k yy + k yz ≤1
χ y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed ≤1
χ z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γM1 γM1 γM1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors

Since My,Ed ≅0 and Mz,Ed ≅0, the second and the third term of the above relations are approximately equal
to zero. Thus, the column check is limited in the buckling resistance about minor axis (z-z)

Elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode Ncr

Lcr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: Lcr=L=397,5 cm

E is the Young’s modulus: E =21000 kN/cm2

The critical force is calculated from the relation:

π 2 ⋅ E ⋅ Iz π 2 ⋅ 21000 ⋅ 8560
N cr ,z = = = 11228 ,42 kN
L2cr ,z 397 ,5 2

Non-dimensional slenderness

The non-dimensional slenderness is given by:

A⋅ fy 149 ⋅ 35 ,5
λz = = = 0 ,686
N cr ,z 11228 ,42

Reduction factor

The value of the reduction factor χ is determined from the relevant buckling curve as follows:

h 300
= = 1 < 1,2 and t f = 19 mm < 100 mm
b 300

For buckling about the minor axis z-z the corresponding curve is c and the imperfection factor is α=0,49.

( ) [ ]
ϕ z = 0 ,5 ⎡1 + α λ − 0 ,2 + λ ⎤ = 0 ,5 1 + 0 ,49(0 ,686 − 0 ,2 ) + 0 ,686 2 = 0 ,854

1 1
χz = = = 0 ,734
ϕz + ϕ z2 −λ
0 ,854 + 0 ,854 2 − 0 ,686 2

Buckling resistance of the column

N Ed N Ed 1078 ,50
= = = 0 ,278 < 1
χ z ⋅ N Rk χ z ⋅ A ⋅ f y 0 ,734 ⋅ 149 ⋅ 35 ,5
γM1 γM1 1,0

Besides, according to the Greek Seismic Code (EAK 2000), the following relation should be satisfied:

N Rd > α CD ⋅ N Ed

where α CD =3,0 is the load carrying capacity coefficient.

χz ⋅ A ⋅ f y
N Rd = = 3882 ,50 kN > α CD ⋅ N Ed
= 3 ,0 ⋅ 804 ,10 kN = 2412 ,30 kN

Column K1 (gridlines K and 1) – 5th floor

Fig. 18 Plan view

Fig. 19 Section A-A view (frame of axis 1)

Column section: HE 260 B
Partial factor: γM1 =1,0
Column length : 3,875 m (main column)

Column normal force NEd = -223,24 kN (Combo 2)

Column normal force NEd = -127,86 kN (Combo S4-seismic)
Bending moment MEd,yo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,yu = 0,86 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zu = 1,31 kNm


y z MEd,zo

z y MEd,yo




Yield strength

Columns: Steel grade S355

Beams: Steel grade S275

Sections’ data

Column: HE 260 B Iz = 5130 cm4 (main column)

A= 118 cm2

Non-sway frame:

Distribution factors η1 and η2:

kc = column stiffness coefficient I/l

kij = effective beam stiffness coefficient 0,5I/l

kc + k1 k +k
η1 = = c 1 = 1,0 (kij = 0 for pinned beams)
kc + k1 + k11 + k12 kc + k1

kc + k 2 k +k
η1 = = c 2 = 1,0
kc + k2 + k21 + k22 kc + k2

= 0 ,5 + 0 ,14(η1 + η2 ) + 0 ,055(η1 + η2 )2 = 1,0


The column which is subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M z ,Ed + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k yy + k yz ≤1
χ y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed ≤1
χ z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γM1 γM1 γM1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors

Since My,Ed ≅0 and Mz,Ed ≅0, the second and the third term of the above relations are approximately equal
to zero. Thus, the column check is limited in the buckling resistance about minor axis (z-z)

Elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode Ncr

Lcr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: Lcr=L=387,5 cm

E is the Young’s modulus: E =21000 kN/cm2

The critical force is calculated from the relation:

π 2 ⋅ E ⋅ Iz π 2 ⋅ 21000 ⋅ 5130
N cr ,z = = = 7080 ,97 kN
L2cr ,z 387 ,5 2

Non-dimensional slenderness

The non-dimensional slenderness is given by:

A⋅ fy 118 ⋅ 35 ,5
λz = = = 0 ,592
N cr ,z 7080 ,97

Reduction factor

The value of the reduction factor χ is determined from the relevant buckling curve as follows:

h 260
= = 1 < 1,2 and t f = 17 ,5 mm < 100 mm
b 260

For buckling about the minor axis z-z the corresponding curve is c and the imperfection factor is α=0,49.

( ) [ ]
ϕ z = 0 ,5 ⎡1 + α λ − 0 ,2 + λ ⎤ = 0 ,5 1 + 0 ,49(0 ,592 − 0 ,2 ) + 0 ,592 2 = 0 ,771

1 1
χz = = = 0 ,79055
ϕz + ϕ z2 −λ
0 ,771 + 0 ,771 − 0 ,592
2 2

Buckling resistance of the column

N Ed N Ed 223,24
= = = 0 ,07 < 1
χ z ⋅ N Rk χ z ⋅ A ⋅ f y 0 ,79 ⋅ 118 ⋅ 35 ,5
γM1 γM1 1,0

Besides, according to the Greek Seismic Code (EAK 2000), the following relation should be satisfied:

N Rd > α CD ⋅ N Ed

where α CD =3,0 is the load carrying capacity coefficient.

χz ⋅ A ⋅ f y
N Rd = = 3311,61 kN > α CD ⋅ N Ed
= 3 ,0 ⋅ 127 ,86 kN = 383 ,58 kN

Column K6 (gridlines K and 6) - 1st floor

Fig. 20 Plan view

Column section: HE 300 B

Partial factor: γM1 =1,0
Column length : 3,975 m (main column)

Column normal force NEd = -1704,40 kN (Combo 2)

Column normal force NEd = -956,57 kN (Combo S8-seismic)
Bending moment MEd,yo = 0,35 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zo = 0,27 kNm
Bending moment MEd,yu = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zu = 0,0 kNm


y z MEd,zo

z y MEd,yo




Yield strength

Columns: Steel grade S355

Beams: Steel grade S275

Sections’ data

Column: HE 300 B Iz = 8560 cm4 (main column)

A= 149 cm2

Non-sway frame:

Distribution factors η1 and η2:

kc = column stiffness coefficient I/l

kij = effective beam stiffness coefficient 0,5I/l

kc + k1 k +k
η1 = = c 1 = 1,0 (kij = 0 for pinned beams)
kc + k1 + k11 + k12 kc + k1

kc + k 2 k +k
η1 = = c 2 = 1,0
kc + k2 + k21 + k22 kc + k2

= 0 ,5 + 0 ,14(η1 + η2 ) + 0 ,055(η1 + η2 )2 = 1,0


The column which is subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M z ,Ed + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k yy + k yz ≤1
χ y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed ≤1
χ z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γM1 γM1 γM1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors

Since My,Ed ≅0 and Mz,Ed ≅0, the second and the third term of the above relations are approximately equal
to zero. Thus, the column check is limited in the buckling resistance about minor axis (z-z)

Elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode Ncr

Lcr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: Lcr=L=397,5 cm

E is the Young’s modulus: E =21000 kN/cm2

The critical force is calculated from the relation:

π 2 ⋅ E ⋅ Iz π 2 ⋅ 21000 ⋅ 8560
N cr ,z = = = 11228 ,42 kN
L2cr ,z 397 ,5 2

Non-dimensional slenderness

The non-dimensional slenderness is given by:

A⋅ fy 149 ⋅ 35 ,5
λz = = = 0 ,686
N cr ,z 11228 ,42

Reduction factor

The value of the reduction factor χ is determined from the relevant buckling curve as follows:

h 300
= = 1 < 1,2 and t f = 19 mm < 100 mm
b 300

For buckling about the minor axis z-z the corresponding curve is c and the imperfection factor is α=0,49.

( ) [
ϕ z = 0 ,5 ⎡1 + α λ − 0 ,2 + λ ⎤ = 0 ,5 1 + 0 ,49(0 ,686 − 0 ,2 ) + 0 ,686 2 = 0 ,854
1 1
χz = = = 0 ,734
ϕz + ϕ z2 −λ
0 ,854 + 0 ,854 2 − 0 ,686 2

Buckling resistance of the column

N Ed N Ed 1704 ,40
= = = 0 ,439 < 1
χ z ⋅ N Rk χ z ⋅ A ⋅ f y 0 ,734 ⋅ 149 ⋅ 35 ,5
γM1 γM1 1,0

Besides, according to the Greek Seismic Code (EAK 2000), the following relation should be satisfied:

N Rd > α CD ⋅ N Ed

where α CD =3,0 is the load carrying capacity coefficient.

χz ⋅ A ⋅ f y
N Rd = = 3882 ,50 kN > α CD ⋅ N Ed
= 3 ,0 ⋅ 956 ,57 kN = 2869 ,71 kN

Column K6 (gridlines K and 6) – 5th floor

Fig. 21 Plan view

Column section: HE 260 B

Partial factor: γM1 =1,0
Column length : 3,875 m (main column)

Column normal force NEd = -380,48 kN (Combo 2)

Column normal force NEd = -176,70 kN (Combo S8-seismic)
Bending moment MEd,yo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zo = 0,0 kNm
Bending moment MEd,yu = 0,0019 kNm
Bending moment MEd,zu = 0,18 kNm


y z MEd,zo

z y MEd,yo




Yield strength

Columns: Steel grade S355

Beams: Steel grade S275

Sections’ data

Column: HE 260 B Iz = 5130 cm4 (main column)

A= 118 cm2

Non-sway frame:

Distribution factors η1 and η2:

kc = column stiffness coefficient I/l

kij = effective beam stiffness coefficient 0,5I/l

kc + k1 k +k
η1 = = c 1 = 1,0 (kij = 0 for pinned beams)
kc + k1 + k11 + k12 kc + k1

kc + k 2 k +k
η1 = = c 2 = 1,0
kc + k2 + k21 + k22 kc + k2

= 0 ,5 + 0 ,14(η1 + η2 ) + 0 ,055(η1 + η2 )2 = 1,0


The column which is subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M z ,Ed + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k yy + k yz ≤1
χ y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + ΔM y ,Ed M + ΔM z ,Ed

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed ≤1
χ z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
χ LT
γM1 γM1 γM1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors

Since My,Ed ≅0 and Mz,Ed ≅0, the second and the third term of the above relations are approximately equal
to zero. Thus, the column check is limited in the buckling resistance about minor axis (z-z)

Elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode Ncr

Lcr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: Lcr=L=387,5 cm

E is the Young’s modulus: E =21000 kN/cm2

The critical force is calculated from the relation:

π 2 ⋅ E ⋅ Iz π 2 ⋅ 21000 ⋅ 5130
N cr ,z = = = 7080 ,97 kN
L2cr ,z 387 ,5 2

Non-dimensional slenderness

The non-dimensional slenderness is given by:

A⋅ fy 118 ⋅ 35 ,5
λz = = = 0 ,592
N cr ,z 7080 ,97

Reduction factor

The value of the reduction factor χ is determined from the relevant buckling curve as follows:

h 260
= = 1 < 1,2 and t f = 17 ,5 mm < 100 mm
b 260

For buckling about the minor axis z-z the corresponding curve is c and the imperfection factor is α=0,49.

( ) [
ϕ z = 0 ,5 ⎡1 + α λ − 0 ,2 + λ ⎤ = 0 ,5 1 + 0 ,49(0 ,592 − 0 ,2 ) + 0 ,592 2 = 0 ,771
1 1
χz = = = 0 ,79055
ϕz + ϕ z2 −λ
0 ,771 + 0 ,7712 − 0 ,592 2

Buckling resistance of the column

N Ed N Ed 380 ,48
= = = 0 ,115 < 1
χ z ⋅ N Rk χ z ⋅ A ⋅ f y 0 ,79055 ⋅ 118 ⋅ 35 ,5
γM1 γM1 1,0

Besides, according to the Greek Seismic Code (EAK 2000), the following relation should be satisfied:

N Rd > α CD ⋅ N Ed

where α CD =3,0 is the load carrying capacity coefficient.

χz ⋅ A ⋅ f y
N Rd = = 3311,61 kN > α CD ⋅ N Ed
= 3,0 ⋅ 176 ,70 kN = 530 ,10 kN

Chapter 7: Design of base plates


Base plate of the column G4 (gridlines G and 4)

tf=19 mm

L tw=11 mm

c bc c


Plan view Detail of the column

Basic data

Base plate length L: 400 mm

Base plate width B: 400 mm
Base plate steel grade: S235

Foundation concrete class C25/30

Dimensions of the foundation Not calculated yet
Column section: HE 300 B
Partial factors: γM0 =1,0
γc =1,50

Column normal force: Nj,Ed = -1646,96 kN (Combo 9)

Foundation bearing strength

The value of the foundation material coefficient is: β j = 2 3

Since the foundation dimensions are still unknown, is taken k j = 1,5
k j ⋅ f ck 2 1,5 ⋅ 25
Foundation bearing strength: f jd = β j ⋅ = ⋅ = 16 ,67 N mm2
γc 3 1,50

Estimation of the effective area Aeff

Choose base plate thickness t p = 30 mm

fy 235
The effective width is: c ≤ tp ⋅ = 30 ⋅ = 65 mm
3 ⋅ f jd ⋅ γ M 0 3 ⋅ 16 ,67 ⋅ 1,0

l eff ,1 = bc + 2 ⋅ c = 300 + 2 ⋅ 65 = 430 mm > B = 400 mm


tw + 2 ⋅ c = 11 + 2 ⋅ 65 = 141 mm < B = 400 mm

The effective area is:

⎛ L − hc
Aeff = 2 ⋅ B ⋅ ⎜

( )
+ t f + c ⎟ + hc − 2 ⋅ t f − 2c ⋅ (tw + 2c ) =
⎝ 2 ⎠
400 − 300
2 ⋅ 400 ⋅ ⎛⎜ + 19 + 65 ⎞⎟ + (300 − 2 ⋅ 19 − 2 ⋅ 65 ) ⋅ (11 + 2 ⋅ 65 ) = 125812 mm2
⎝ 2 ⎠

Bearing resistance

N j ,Rd = Aeff ⋅ f jd = 125812 ⋅ 16 ,67 = 2097286 N = 2097 ,29 kN > N j ,Ed = 1646 ,96 kN

Final effective area (contact area)

The final contact area Aeff between concrete and base plate is shown in the following figure:

L=400 mm

129,5 129,5


B=400 mm

Base plate of the column K1 (gridlines K and 1)

tf=19 mm

L tw=11 mm

c bc c


Plan view Detail of the column

Basic data

Base plate length L: 400 mm

Base plate width B: 400 mm
Base plate steel grade: S235

Foundation concrete class C25/30

Dimensions of the foundation Not calculated yet
Column section: HE 300 B
Partial factors: γM0 =1,0
γc =1,50

Column normal force: Nj,Ed = -1078,50 kN (Combo 2)

Foundation bearing strength

The value of the foundation material coefficient is: β j = 2 3

Since the foundation dimensions are still unknown, is taken k j = 1,5
k j ⋅ f ck 2 1,5 ⋅ 25
Foundation bearing strength: f jd = β j ⋅ = ⋅ = 16 ,67 N mm2
γc 3 1,50

Estimation of the effective area Aeff

Choose base plate thickness t p = 30 mm

fy 235
The effective width is: c ≤ tp ⋅ = 30 ⋅ = 65 mm
3 ⋅ f jd ⋅ γ M 0 3 ⋅ 16 ,67 ⋅ 1,0

l eff ,1 = bc + 2 ⋅ c = 300 + 2 ⋅ 65 = 430 mm > B = 400 mm

tw + 2 ⋅ c = 11 + 2 ⋅ 65 = 141 mm < B = 400 mm

The effective area is:

⎛ L − hc
Aeff = 2 ⋅ B ⋅ ⎜

( )
+ t f + c ⎟ + hc − 2 ⋅ t f − 2c ⋅ (tw + 2c ) =
⎝ 2 ⎠
400 − 300
2 ⋅ 400 ⋅ ⎛⎜ + 19 + 65 ⎞⎟ + (300 − 2 ⋅ 19 − 2 ⋅ 65 ) ⋅ (11 + 2 ⋅ 65 ) = 125812 mm2
⎝ 2 ⎠

Bearing resistance

N j ,Rd = Aeff ⋅ f jd = 125812 ⋅ 16 ,67 = 2097286 N = 2097 ,29 kN > N j ,Ed = 1078 ,50 kN

Final effective area (contact area)

The final contact area Aeff between concrete and base plate is shown in the following figure:

L=400 mm

129,5 129,5


B=400 mm

Base plate of the column K6 (gridlines K and 6)

tf=19 mm

L tw=11 mm

c bc c


Plan view Detail of the column

Basic data

Base plate length L: 400 mm

Base plate width B: 400 mm
Base plate steel grade: S235

Foundation concrete class C25/30

Dimensions of the foundation Not calculated yet
Column section: HE 300 B
Partial factors: γM0 =1,0
γc =1,50

Column normal force: Nj,Ed = -1704,40 kN (Combo 2)

Foundation bearing strength

The value of the foundation material coefficient is: β j = 2 3

Since the foundation dimensions are still unknown, is taken k j = 1,5
k j ⋅ f ck 2 1,5 ⋅ 25
Foundation bearing strength: f jd = β j ⋅ = ⋅ = 16 ,67 N mm2
γc 3 1,50

Estimation of the effective area Aeff

Choose base plate thickness t p = 30 mm

fy 235
The effective width is: c ≤ tp ⋅ = 30 ⋅ = 65 mm
3 ⋅ f jd ⋅ γ M 0 3 ⋅ 16 ,67 ⋅ 1,0

l eff ,1 = bc + 2 ⋅ c = 300 + 2 ⋅ 65 = 430 mm > B = 400 mm


tw + 2 ⋅ c = 11 + 2 ⋅ 65 = 141 mm < B = 400 mm

The effective area is:

⎛ L − hc
Aeff = 2 ⋅ B ⋅ ⎜

( )
+ t f + c ⎟ + hc − 2 ⋅ t f − 2c ⋅ (tw + 2c ) =
⎝ 2 ⎠
400 − 300
2 ⋅ 400 ⋅ ⎛⎜ + 19 + 65 ⎞⎟ + (300 − 2 ⋅ 19 − 2 ⋅ 65 ) ⋅ (11 + 2 ⋅ 65 ) = 125812 mm2
⎝ 2 ⎠

Bearing resistance

N j ,Rd = Aeff ⋅ f jd = 125812 ⋅ 16 ,67 = 2097286 N = 2097 ,29 kN > N j ,Ed = 1704 ,40 kN

Final effective area (contact area)

The final contact area Aeff between concrete and base plate is shown in the following figure:

L=400 mm

129,5 129,5


B=400 mm

Chapter 8: Design of beam connections


Beam A1-E1

Beam A4-E4

Beam G4-G6
Beam G1-K1

Beam G4-K4

Beam K4-K6

Positions of the beams to be designed


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 1 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 8,6 2
IPE 400
40 80
70 50

50 80
19 tcleat = 12
HE 300 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 400

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 90x90x12
• Cleat Length: 320 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 40 mm

• Shear force VEd = 119,4 kN (Combo 10)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 50 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 596,9 kNcm
VEd FH = 21,3 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 36,7 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 36,7 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

12 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 32 x 1,2 = 38 cm

320 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 609,68 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 609,68 = 1219,36 kN > VEd = 119,38 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 12 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 137,59 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 137,59 = 1100,69 kN > VEd = 119,38 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 40 x 0,86 x 1,04 = 35,78 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 568 kN > VEd = 119,38 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 27,18 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 431 kN > VEd = 119,38 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 19 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 410,16 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 410,16 = 3281,27 kN > VEd = 119,38 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 50 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 596,9 kNcm

MEd Ft = 21,32 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 5,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 173,29 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 71,28 kN > 21,32 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 158,94 kN > 21,32 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 21,32 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,425 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 5 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 10,2 2
IPE 500
50 90
70 70

70 90
17,5 tcleat = 15
HE 260 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 260 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 120x120x15
• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 211,7 kN (Combo8)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 70 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 1481,8 kNcm
VEd FH = 47,0 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 70,8 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 70,8 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

15 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1,5 = 60 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 952,63 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 952,63 = 1905,26 kN > VEd = 211,68 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 15 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 171,98 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 171,98 = 1375,86 kN > VEd = 211,68 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 211,68 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 211,68 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 17,5 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 377,78 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 377,78 = 3022,22 kN > VEd = 211,68 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A1-E1 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 70 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 1481,8 kNcm

MEd Ft = 47,04 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 7,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 243,46 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 139,22 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 139,22 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 79,55 kN > 47,04 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 140,80 kN > 47,04 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 47,04 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,801 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 1 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 8,6 2
IPE 400
40 80
70 50

50 80
19 tcleat = 12
HE 300 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 400

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 90x90x12
• Cleat Length: 320 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 40 mm

• Shear force VEd = 114,9 kN (Combo 12)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 50 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 574,4 kNcm
VEd FH = 20,5 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 35,3 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 35,3 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

12 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 32 x 1,2 = 38 cm

320 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 609,68 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 609,68 = 1219,36 kN > VEd = 114,87 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 12 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 137,59 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 137,59 = 1100,69 kN > VEd = 114,87 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 40 x 0,86 x 1,04 = 35,78 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 568 kN > VEd = 114,87 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 27,18 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 431 kN > VEd = 114,87 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 19 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 410,16 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 410,16 = 3281,27 kN > VEd = 114,87 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 50 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 574,4 kNcm

MEd Ft = 20,51 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 5,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 173,29 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 71,28 kN > 20,51 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 158,94 kN > 20,51 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 20,51 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,409 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 5 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 10,2 2
IPE 500
50 90
70 70

70 90
17,5 tcleat = 15
HE 260 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 260 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 24

• Cleat: L 120x120x15
• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 348,7 kN (Combo 8)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 3,53 cm2 (M 24)

FH e = 70 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 2440,8 kNcm
VEd FH = 77,5 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 116,6 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 135,55 kN > R = 116,6 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

15 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1,5 = 60 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 952,63 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 952,63 = 1905,26 kN > VEd = 348,68 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,833 d = 26 mm t = 15 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 279,39 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 279,39 = 2235,11 kN > VEd = 348,68 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 348,68 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 41,21 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 654 kN > VEd = 348,68 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,903 d = 26 mm t = 17,5 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 419,08 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 419,08 = 3352,66 kN > VEd = 348,68 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam A4-E4 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 70 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 2440,8 kNcm

MEd Ft = 77,48 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 3,53 cm2

m = 7,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 350,78 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 139,22 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 139,22 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 406,66 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 79,55 kN > 77,48 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 192,64 kN > 77,48 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 406,66 kN > 77,48 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 203,3 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,915 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 1 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 8,6 2
IPE 400
40 80
70 50

50 80
19 tcleat = 12
HE 300 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 400

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 90x90x12
• Cleat Length: 320 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 40 mm

• Shear force VEd = 79,1 kN (Combo 5)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 0 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 395,7 kNcm
VEd FH = 14,1 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 24,3 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 24,3 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

12 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 32 x 1,2 = 38 cm

320 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 609,68 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 609,68 = 1219,36 kN > VEd = 79,14 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 12 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 137,59 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 137,59 = 1100,69 kN > VEd = 79,14 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 40 x 0,86 x 1,04 = 35,78 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 568 kN > VEd = 79,14 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 27,18 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 431 kN > VEd = 79,14 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 19 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 410,16 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 410,16 = 3281,27 kN > VEd = 79,14 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 50 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 395,7 kNcm

MEd Ft = 14,13 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 5,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 173,29 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 71,28 kN > 14,13 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 158,94 kN > 14,13 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 14,13 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,282 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 5 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 10,2 2
IPE 500
50 90
70 70

70 90
17,5 tcleat = 11
HE 260 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 260 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 120x120x11
• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 127,4 kN (Combo 9)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 70 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 891,7 kNcm
VEd FH = 28,3 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 42,6 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 42,6 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

11 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1,1 = 44 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 698,59 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 698,59 = 1397,19 kN > VEd = 127,38 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 11 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 126,12 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 126,12 = 1008,97 kN > VEd = 127,38 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 127,38 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 127,38 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 17,5 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 377,78 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 377,78 = 3022,22 kN > VEd = 127,38 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G1-K1 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 70 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 891,7 kNcm

MEd Ft = 28,31 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 7,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 617,34 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 74,87 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 74,87 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 42,78 kN > 28,31 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 130,08 kN > 28,31 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 28,31 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,482 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 1 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
IPE 500
50 twb
10,2 90

50 40 65
11 tcleat= 12
HE 300 B
Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8

• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 90x90x12

• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 141,1 kN (Combo 6)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 50 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 705,7 kNcm
VEd FH = 22,4 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜V Ed 4 ⎞⎟ = 41,8 kN
⎝ ⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 41,8 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

12 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1,2 = 48 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 762,10 kN
3 ⋅γM0

∑V pl ,Rd = 2 x 762,10 = 1524,20 kN > VEd = 141,14 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,985 d = 22 mm t = 12 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 223,63 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 223,63 = 1789,08 kN > VEd = 141,14 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 141,14 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 141,14 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Web

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 1,000 d = 22 mm t = 11 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 246,84 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 246,84 = 1974,72 kN > VEd = 141,14 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 50 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 705,7 kNcm

MEd Ft = 22,4 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 5,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 As
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 173,29 cm
Lef f t 3

M pl ,1, Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f , 2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

∑F t , Rd = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ M b = 282,24 kN

4 M p l ,1 ,R d
FT ,1 ,R d = = 71,28 kN > 22,40 kN
2 M p l , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT , 2 ,R d = = 158,94 kN > 22,40 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 22,40 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,488 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 5 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
IPE 500
45 twb
10,2 90

45 35 65
10 tcleat= 10
HE 260 B
Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8

• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 80x80x10

• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 180,6 kN (Combo 8)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 45 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 812,7 kNcm
VEd FH = 25,8 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜V Ed 4 ⎞⎟ = 52,0 kN
⎝ ⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 52,0 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

10 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1 = 40 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 635,09 kN
3 ⋅γM0

∑V pl ,Rd = 2 x 635,09 = 1270,17 kN > VEd = 180,59 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,985 d = 22 mm t = 10 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 186,36 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 186,36 = 1490,90 kN > VEd = 180,59 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 180,59 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 180,59 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Web

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 1,000 d = 22 mm t = 10 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 224,40 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 224,40 = 1795,20 kN > VEd = 180,59 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4 - G6 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 45 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 812,7 kNcm

MEd Ft = 25,8 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 4,5 cm
8 ,8 m 3 As
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 218,30 cm
Lef f t 3

M pl ,1, Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 61,88 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f , 2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 61,88 kNcm

∑F t , Rd = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ M b = 282,24 kN

4 M p l ,1 ,R d
FT ,1 ,R d = = 55,00 kN > 25,80 kN
2 M p l , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT , 2 ,R d = = 161,57 kN > 25,80 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 25,80 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,610 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 1 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 8,6 2
IPE 400
40 80
70 50

50 80
19 tcleat = 12
HE 300 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 400

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 90x90x12
• Cleat Length: 320 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 40 mm

• Shear force VEd = 76,2 kN (Combo 14)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 50 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 380,8 kNcm
VEd FH = 13,6 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 23,4 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 23,4 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

12 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 32 x 1,2 = 38 cm

320 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 609,68 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 609,68 = 1219,36 kN > VEd = 76,15 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 12 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 137,59 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 137,59 = 1100,69 kN > VEd = 76,15 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 40 x 0,86 x 1,04 = 35,78 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 568 kN > VEd = 76,15 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 27,18 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 431 kN > VEd = 76,15 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 19 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 410,16 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 410,16 = 3281,27 kN > VEd = 76,15 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 50 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 380,8 kNcm

MEd Ft = 13,60 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 5,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 173,29 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 71,28 kN > 13,60 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 158,94 kN > 13,60 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 13,60 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,271 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 5 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
twb = 10,2 2
IPE 500
50 90
70 70

70 90
17,5 tcleat = 11
HE 260 B

Basic data

• Column section: HE 260 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8
• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 120x120x11
• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 184,3 kN (Combo 9)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 0 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 1290,0 kNcm
VEd FH = 41,0 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜ VEd ⎞⎟ = 61,6 kN
⎝ 4⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 61,6 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

11 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1,1 = 44 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 698,59 kN
3 ⋅ γM 0

∑V pl , Rd = 2 x 698,59 = 1397,19 kN > VEd = 184,28 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,606 d = 22 mm t = 11 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 126,12 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 126,12 = 1008,97 kN > VEd = 184,28 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 184,28 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 184,28 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Flange

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 0,962 d = 22 mm t = 17,5 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 377,78 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 377,78 = 3022,22 kN > VEd = 184,28 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam G4-K4 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 70 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 1290,0 kNcm

MEd Ft = 40,95 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 7,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 A s
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 617,34 cm
L e ff t 3

M pl ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 74,87 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l eff ,2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 74,87 kNcm

∑F t ,R d = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ Mb = 282,24 kN

4 M pl ,1, Rd
FT ,1 ,R d = = 42,78 kN > 40,95 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT ,2 , Rd = = 130,08 kN > 40,95 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 40,95 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ fu b ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,697 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 1 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
IPE 500
50 twb
10,2 90

50 40 65
11 tcleat= 12
HE 300 B
Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8

• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 90x90x12

• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 127,6 kN (Combo 12)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 50 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 638,0 kNcm
VEd FH = 20,3 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜V Ed 4 ⎞⎟ = 37,8 kN
⎝ ⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 37,8 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

12 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1,2 = 48 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 762,10 kN
3 ⋅γM0

∑V pl ,Rd = 2 x 762,10 = 1524,20 kN > VEd = 127,60 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,985 d = 22 mm t = 12 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 223,63 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 223,63 = 1789,08 kN > VEd = 127,60 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 127,60 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 127,60 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Web

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 1,000 d = 22 mm t = 11 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 246,84 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 246,84 = 1974,72 kN > VEd = 127,60 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 1st floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 50 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 638,0 kNcm

MEd Ft = 20,3 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 5,0 cm
8 ,8 m 3 As
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 173,29 cm
Lef f t 3

M pl ,1, Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f , 2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 89,10 kNcm

∑F t , Rd = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ fub / γ M b = 282,24 kN

4 M p l ,1 ,R d
FT ,1 ,R d = = 71,28 kN > 20,25 kN
2 M p l , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT , 2 ,R d = = 158,94 kN > 20,25 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 20,25 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,442 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 5 floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007
IPE 500
45 twb
10,2 90

45 35 65
10 tcleat= 10
HE 260 B
Basic data

• Column section: HE 300 B

• Beam section: IPE 500

• Partial factors: γM1 = 1,0 γMb = 1,25

• Bolt Type: Bearing

• Bolt Grade: 8.8

• Bolt Size: 20

• Cleat: L 80x80x10

• Cleat Length: 400 mm

• Space between beam and column: 10 mm

• Cleat offset from top of beam: 65 mm

• Shear force VEd = 102,0 kN (Combo 9)


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Bolt 1

fub= 80 kN/cm2 As= 2,45 cm2 (M 20)

FH e = 45 mm

VEd/4 R
MEd = VEd x e = 458,8 kNcm
VEd FH = 14,6 kN
e R= FH2 + ⎛⎜V Ed 4 ⎞⎟ = 29,4 kN
⎝ ⎠
0 ,6 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
FV ,Rd = = 94,08 kN > R = 29,4 kN
γ Mb
Shear Capacity of the Cleats

10 mm
fy = 27,5 kN/cm 2
(Cleat grade S275)

Av= 40 x 1 = 40 cm

400 mm

Av ⋅ f y
V pl ,Rd = = 635,09 kN
3 ⋅γM0

∑V pl ,Rd = 2 x 635,09 = 1270,17 kN > VEd = 101,96 kN

Bearing Capacity of the Cleats

fu = 43,0 kN/cm2 (Cleat grade S275)

α = 0,985 d = 22 mm t = 10 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 186,36 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 186,36 = 1490,90 kN > VEd = 101,96 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Shear Capacity of the Beam Web

Av= 50 x 1,02 x 1,04 = 53,04 cm2

fy = 27,5 kN/cm2 (Beam grade S275)

Av ⋅ f y
V pl , Rd = = 842 kN > VEd = 101,96 kN
3 ⋅γM0

Block tearing of the Beam Web

Av,eff = 42,84 cm2

Av ,eff ⋅ f y
V eff , Rd = = 680 kN > VEd = 101,96 kN
3 ⋅γ M0

Bearing Capacity of the Column Web

fu = 51,0 kN/cm2 (Column grade S355)

α = 1,000 d = 22 mm t = 10 mm

2 ,5 ⋅ α ⋅ f u ⋅ d ⋅ t
Fb ,Rd = = 224,40 kN
γ Mb

∑F b ,Rd = 8 x 224,40 = 1795,20 kN > VEd = 101,96 kN


Document Ref: EURING Sheet

CALCULATION SHEET Title Bolted Double Angle Cleat Connection

Beam K4 - K6 - 5th floor
Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-8
Made by GStam Date May 2007
Checked by JErm Date May 2007

Bending Capacity of the Cleat

e = 45 mm

MEd = VEd x e = 458,8 kNcm

MEd Ft = 14,6 kN

Leff = 9,0 cm As = 2,45 cm2

m = 4,5 cm
8 ,8 m 3 As
Lb = 4,8 cm < = 218,30 cm
Lef f t 3

M p l ,1 , Rd = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f ,1 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 61,88 kNcm

M pl , 2 ,R d = 0 ,25 ⋅ l ef f , 2 ⋅ t 2 ⋅ f y / γ M 0 = 61,88 kNcm

∑F t , Rd = 0 ,90 ⋅ ∑ As ⋅ f ub / γ M b = 282,24 kN

4 M p l ,1 ,R d
FT ,1 ,R d = = 55,00 kN > 14,57 kN
2 M pl , 2 ,R d + n ∑ Ft , Rd
FT , 2 ,R d = = 161,57 kN > 14,57 kN
m +n
FT ,3 , Rd = ∑ Ft , Rd = 282,24 kN > 14,57 kN

Combined Tension and Shear (Bolt 2)

0 ,9 ⋅ f ub ⋅ As
Ft ,R d = = 141,1 kN

FV , Sd Ft ,S d
+ = 0,345 < 1,0
FV ,Rd 1,4 ⋅ Ft , Rd

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