Unit 8 - Grammar

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Lớp 12
GV: Võ Ngọc Khánh Minh



1 Relative Clause - Basic
2 Reduced Relative Clause
3 Practice

- Relative clauses - Who, which, that

- Relative pronouns and adverbs


Relative clauses - Who, which, that

Mệnh đề quan hệ bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ (who, which, that) được dùng như
một mệnh đề phụ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước.
I am talking to the man. He is the head of this organization.
I am talking to the man who/that is the head of this organization.

Those are my books. I take great care of them.

Those are my books which/that I take great care of.
Whom: Dùng trong lối văn trang trọng - làm tân ngữ thay cho who.
• I really wanted to talk to Lisa whom/who everyone admired at the party.
• With whom/who are you going out?
That: Sau các đại từ bất định như: everything, everyone, nothing, someone, v.v.; sau all, little,
much, none; sau dạng câu so sánh nhất.
• I don’t think he’s saying anything that makes sense.

Relative Pronouns - Adverbs

Maya is a good tennis player. Maya’s mom works for Apple.

Maya, whose mom works for Apple, is a good tennis player.

My boss says that my grammar is good. His native language is English.

My boss, whose native language is English, says that my grammar is good.

Có thể thay “whose” bằng “of which” để chỉ sự sở hữu của vật.
“Of which” kém trang trọng hơn “whose”.


Relative Pronouns - Adverbs

• It’s not a good idea to go to the restaurant where they just serve spicy foods.
(= in/ at which) • Korean students often go to private educational institutes where they can spend
time self-learning after the regular class.

When • I’ll never forget the day when I first got stuck in an elevator.
(= on/ at/ in which) • That was such a tough time when we had to try to meet all the deadlines.

• Please tell me the reason why you betrayed me.

(= for which) • The only reason why you get your mom worried about you leaving was that you
wanted to gain attention from her.
1. “That” được dùng làm đại từ quan hệ để chỉ cả người và vật.
2. “Where” được lược bỏ hoặc thay bằng “that” khi đứng sau các đại từ bất định (somewhere,
anywhere, everywhere, nowhere) và danh từ “place”.
• Can we go somewhere (where/that) only we know?



Who can act as the subject or the object of the 1. Whom is used in formal styles or in writing
relative clause: to refer to people when the person is the
object of the verb.
• She’s going out with a guy who’s in the army. • The response of those managers whom I have
(who refers to a bloke and is the subject of is in consulted has been very positive.
the relative clause) • She was a celebrated actress whom he had
known and loved.
• The woman who I saw yesterday was Sheila.
(who refers to the woman and is the object of 2. The most common use of whom is with a
saw in the relative clause) preposition. Compare:
There was only one person who the old man
spoke to.
There was only one person to whom the old man


Các lỗi thường gặp

● Lặp lại chủ ngữ/tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.
Curie is the woman who she discovered radium.
This is the house that Jack built it.
● Dùng “that” trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.
Lord Thompson, that who is 76, has just retired.
● Lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.
We had fish and chips, I always enjoy.
We had fish and chips, which I always enjoy.

Relative pronouns - Prepositions

Trong lối nói thân mật, giới từ đứng sau động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ:
• She’s the one who I talked about last night.
• The man, who I work for, is very thoughtful.
• The toy, which my son pointed at, was worth two million dongs.
Trong lối văn trang trọng, giới từ đứng trước các đại từ quan hệ whom và which:
• The woman to whom I spoke yesterday was my aunt.
• The company for which I work is really successful.
• Mr Vuong, for whom I drew a portrait, was a well-known actor in my country.

* Giới từ không được đặt trước that hoặc who.

* Đối với cụm động từ (phrasal verbs) thì giới từ không được chuyển lên trước whom và which.
* Các cụm từ chỉ số lượng all of, most of, neither of, many of, v.v. được dùng với whom, which, whose.


Các đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ của giới từ (whom, who, which, that) thường được lược
bỏ và giới từ luôn đứng sau động từ:
That’s the man, whom I worked for.
→ That’s the man I worked for.
That’s the park, which I often go to.
→ That’s the park I o en go to.
The toy, which my son pointed at, was expensive.
→ The toy my son pointed at was expensive.

Dấu phẩy “,” trong câu có mệnh đề quan hệ

Dấu phẩy được dùng đối với mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định. Đây là loại mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ
đưa thêm thông tin bổ sung và hoàn toàn có thể lược bỏ mà không ảnh hưởng đến nghĩa chung của
câu do đối tượng được bổ nghĩa thường đã rõ ràng như:
● danh từ riêng (Mary, Vietnam)
● danh từ kèm tính từ sở hữu hay this/ that/ these/ those (my car, this house)
● danh từ là vật duy nhất (the internet, the sun, the earth).
Khi mệnh đề quan hệ đứng giữa câu, dấu phẩy phải xuất hiện ở cả đầu và cuối mệnh đề.
Germany, which is a founding member of the EU, is the largest economy in Europe.
Khi mệnh đề quan hệ đứng cuối câu, dấu phẩy chỉ xuất hiện ở đầu mệnh đề.
He is working for this company, which is one of the most famous companies in the city.
Đại từ quan hệ “that” không bao giờ xuất hiện trong loại mệnh đề quan hệ này.


Đại từ
quan hệ
1. Thay thế danh từ là chủ ngữ chỉ người.
We don’t know the person who donated this money..
She met the man that had been phoning her for so long.

2. Thay thế danh từ là chủ ngữ chỉ vật.

We drove past my old school, which is now 100 years old.
I want a mobile phone that can take good photos.

3. Thay thế danh từ là tân ngữ chỉ người.

That’s the boy whom everyone has been talking about.
The teacher who we all admire will retire next month.

4. Thay thế danh từ là tân ngữ chỉ vật.

He went to the school that my father went to.
Economics, which I've never understood, is a difficult subject.
5. Thay thế đồng thời các danh từ chỉ người và vật.
He really loves the lady and the dog that are the whole world to him.

6. Thay thế tính từ sở hữu.

I cannot remember the man whose car is now in our garage.

7. Thay thế cấu trúc “prep + which” chỉ thời gian.

It was the day when the tsunami happened. (= the day on which …)

8. Thay thế cấu trúc “prep + which” chỉ nơi chốn.

Is it the city where we caught the train? (= the city in which …)

9. Thay thế danh từ xác định với từ chỉ số lượng như “all of ...”, “both of…”, … hoặc so
sánh nhất.
She has three brothers, the tallest of whom is in the army.
I read three books last week, one of which I really enjoyed.
I talked to an old friend last night, some of whose stories upset me.

10. Thay thế toàn bộ mệnh đề phía trước.

He said that he never smoked, which totally amazed me at first.




Level 100 Level 101

Amelia Humfress is a young entrepreneur (1) who / which has
There are few people for (1) ______ a job interview is enjoyable,
just turned 24, and (2) whose / who aim is to make her but a little preparation can make a big difference. The most
company, Steer, the best in the world for teaching people how important thing is to look up the company online and find out as
much as you can about it. You should also find out the name of the
to make their own websites. The courses (3) which / where she
street (2) _______ the company is located because you need to (3)
offers vary A ______ web design to computer coding. The idea _______ how to get there in plenty of time. Make a note of the
for the company came to her when she was looking B _____ a name of the person (4) _______ will be interviewing you, and ask
specifically for him or her when you arrive. During the interview,
course (4) where / which she could learn about web design. It do not be afraid to (5) ________ the subject of salary and holidays,
was a plan (5) that / when grew slowly, and at first she lacked but leave these questions until later. Obviously, the candidate (6)
_______ performance impresses the interviewer most will get the
the confidence to start the company. But she found an office job, but with the right preparation it might (7) _______ being you!
(6) where / that she could start the business, and the business
1 a. who b. whom c. whose
grew quickly. She thinks that more young people should set 2 a. where b. which c. whose
C______ their own businesses and that it's often a lack 3 a. ask out b. come across c. work out
D______ confidence (7) that / who holds them back. 4 a. whom b. who c. whose
5 a. bring up b. give up c. hold up
6 a. which b. who c. whose
for of from up
7 a. end up b. get up c. make up



- Relative pronouns - Prepositions

- Reduced relative clauses

Reduced Relative Clauses

Mệnh đề quan hệ với who, which, that có thể được rút gọn bằng cụm phân từ:

Với câu mang nghĩa chủ động:

The bridge that connected the two banks of the river has just collapsed.

→ The bridge connecting the two banks of the river has just collapsed.

Với câu mang nghĩa bị động:

Mary, who was punished by her mom, still doesn’t realise her fault.

→ Mary, punished by her mom, still doesn’t realise her fault.


Mệnh đề quan hệ có các từ first, second, third, last, next, only, …. và dạng so sánh

nhất (superlatives) có thể được rút gọn bằng cụm to-Verb:

• The teacher was the last one who left the classroom.

→ The teacher was the last one to leave the classroom.

• Harry is going to be the next one who claims the prize.

→ Harry is going to be the next one to claim the prize.

• Jerry is amongst the youngest pupils who were invited to the show.

→ Jerry is amongst the youngest pupils to be invited to the show.

Mini Test
The largest man-made object in space is the International Space Station (ISS),
(1)_______________ (which was built) by the European Space Agency and the space
agencies of America, Canada, Japan and Russia. These five agencies, (2) _______________
(who worked) together for many years, launched the ISS in 1998. Since then, they have all
been sending astronauts, (3)_______________ (who have been trained) to carry out
important scientific work, to the space station. Chris Hadfield, (4)_______________ (who
was chosen) as one of Canada's astronauts, became well known for uploading photos
(5)_______________ (which had been taken) in space to his social networking pages. He
also recorded videos, (6)_______________ (which included) his own performance of the
song Space Oddity, (7)_______________ (which was written) by pop star David Bowie. The
video, (8)_______________ (which has been watched) by about 25 million people so far,
made Chris Hadfield even more famous.


Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clause

1. We visited a palace. The palace was built 400 years ago.
2. Astronauts get homesick. They spend weeks in space.
3. I lost a watch. It belonged to my cousin.
4. A man sat down next to me. He smelled of coffee.
5. The debates will help voters to decide. They will be shown live on TV.
6. He gave me a small box. It contained a key.


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