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b- Answee the following questions * What is the difference between mass and weight of an object: Will the mass and weight of on Object on the earth be same as their Valves on Mars? why Mass_is ‘the quantity of matter contained in an object._whereas weight is the force with which the earth attracts On Dhject- The—value—oP—macs—of-an—object is same. everywhere, it doesnot change —even when on onother planet But the —weight ofan okject—charges —From place —to-place: Mass isa —scatar quantity and weight isa vector Quan ti ty - Mass ofan Objece will be Same on the earth os On Mars but the weight of the object will not be same on Mars as that on earth: Werng , the vale of ‘a isnot same every- where, the weight of an object changes Prom place wb place even though ibs mass is Constant everywhere - What are Cid Ans- wy fus.- ity Aws - civ) Pus ze —— Yree qa Whenever on object moves Under the influence of the force of gravity Alone, its motion is called free Pau. Acceleration due +o gravity. The acceleration produced ino body —dare—to ravitational_feece of the—earth—is—catledl acceleration —chte te gravity= Note- Acceleration — the vate at which Nelocity changes with time, in terms of beth speed and direction. Escape Velocity. Escape velodty is the minimum Speed needed for an object b Escape from the gravitational Influence due t gravity \n Simple Words— When Gn ohyect \s thrown Vertical wards, Above A par-tioular Noe OF ini tia\ velocity of the oyject, the Object —_t¢ able to overcome the downward pull by the earth ona can escape the earth forever—and—witt not Fatt“ back —on—the —earthThis— Velocity 1s Catted—eScope vetocthy- Centripetal Pore The force acting On any Object which is moving along & circle and it is directed towards the centre of the dele. This force is called as the Centripetal force: emmotn?.. tn Poemaming.n = centri peat S cee, Se? With ie m= Mass Nis speed r= radius c- Wrrte the three laws given by Kepler. How did they help Newton do avrive at the tnverse Squave law of gravity? Bus-() the three laws given by Kepler ove: + _kepier’s First aw? The orvit of a planet is on_e\lipse wrth the Sun at one of the foi. + Kepler's Second law? The \ine Joining the plone’ and Mhe—sun sweeps equal areas in— equal fnrwvats—ef time- = Kepler's hind lave > The square of tts pevfod of —revolutten—around—dhe—sun—ts directly roper tional to the cube of the Meary afstance of a planet from tne sun © the third lows of Kepler hetped Neto hm arriving at the inverse square [QW of gvann (3) Consider an object moving ina Orcle ustth Constovt speed: Such motion is possible Only if centvi pe tal force atts on iby which is directed towards the centre Of the circle. ® We Know, centripetal force (F) = cove we = Qu ye dais i A r+ adius_of the circle ee “g around — the sun in a Cicculor Orbit or Yodius ‘C50 uniform crear metion, thea the a, U alna TPs eo nal Taee the sun must be ® Me siorer tavetiat hg the_ploret tn one evolution = ferimeter of the orbit 2TIr where, f= Distance of the planeb from the sun- T = Time Faken of Period of Yevolution Me speed of the pense ts en pressed iia) rere : c F=m (2nr) = mat wre a ac ee Vie Ae a Mubtiplojing and i vicling by > we get, f= Amntcs —= 4mm" x 5) eee (a nee According to Kepler's thicd law, Te ek r> “. 2 ar acy iS [. Fis 4m n% But Amn = constant|: eS ce LD © Thus, Newton concluded that the centrt- petat force acting on the planet fs responsible for the planets ciraway—motion, must be inversely proportional to he square of the distance between tne planet And We sun- © “Wis is wow Kepler's third jan helped NewWinn to Postulate the inverse Square jaw of gravitation: d- A stone thrown vertically upwards wir inttial veloc ‘U" Yeaches a height th’ before coming dousn. Show that the time taken +o go up (s same as the time taken +o come down: fus- V2 gq stone ‘s thrown vertically Saeeeeeeeeaas ea eee area a re KR UCAT AS. RRNA Niscssss had sees MWS {ht a height ‘h’ and due to gravity Se he VE Sg’ ys tts acceleration then the equations of motion fer the body praject wpwrcrcls fs aiden as: = ==. he ut + Lot* "© = ae Equations of motions for a free Falling body Ini Got velocity =U=O0 SUbstituting U=O in equation (1) Ne Or gt [wage = Substituttas in-bal} velocity esd fa eq tation —G> he Oxt tL ot* 2 Time of Ascent > Ie +he Gimeleken b&b the Stone 4 reach the moaximum height Lis BB ot maxsmum height, tes Velocity Ce, VSO when its fnitial Velocity ts O- Maximum = \aximurn {C)—stOne Here velocity = initial ee ary velocity COY ce 2 Subbstijudiag in_equotion@) are ‘etoalty= Y lod Us oxtr jo 3 Time of descent: After the stone reaches A maximum height ‘h', the Stone begins te trave( downwards like free Fall. Let t2 be the time taken by jhe Stone fo reach the ground: . he aot gtz at, tS = 2h 3 ~ From eq uortton ©, hav Subs kacsing here =. Qo 3 “toe LAD Za" 2 t= 9g Talcing Sqpore root on both she sides. “From equations & and (6) ie t2| “> The me dalken forthe Stone fo ge up ts Same as the time taken for E Fo Come down- C- Tf the value of The radius (r) decreases earth's core @A- — eee EES See eee ee eT 2aFth—which—eontributes—tothe—oravitatonal Rorce decreases: Because of chonge in radius rand moss Wyte youre of 5 decregses as we Go cee iaside” the Eee ond the valle of 5 Finatly betomes Zero at he centre of the earth. let the period of revolution of a planet at a distance ‘R' from a star be'T” Prove that if i+ was aba distance of 2@ from the star, its period of revoluton will be qe T. Fccopaing — to Keplecs third law, aoe r= where 'T' is the period of revolution of the planet aud ‘v's its distance from the stuc._L# period of revolution of plonet is FT and —its chs tance from the—s+0-—is__@* then, a Rs Where k is the proporHonali ty Cons tank. IE T'* is the period of revolution of the planet when its distance becomes 2@ From the Star then < <@ey “. T'2.0c 2e3 a Oe Coes square voot m loth sides. "The period of revolution Will be AT when distance becomes 2R from the stor: (5- Solve the Foilowing examples. a _Ain_object takes S sec +o veach the around from —o height of 5 mon a planet Whos is the—value—of ‘oon the planet ? éms- Given = Time taken to reach the Qrounel = Gsec Reignt Chy = Cs) = Sm Inital velodty Cuy = Om]s Acceleration (G)= (l= 9 ° Accord to NST ome i | Newton's Secovel ism laws of motion, i | s= ut tLot* \ + § = 0x5 +yx 5 [Lo [o=g| + 5= 0+ 9g 425 ae 2.5 = 254 a on os = 2 Qs O-4 m|s= 2. The votue of ‘9’ on the planet Is OeA ee f : Tne _radius—of plonet A—is—holf—the radius of plone @— TF the mass of Ais Myx-—vohok must —be the mass of & so that re —vasue—of ‘g'—-on Bis~hat£—thot ofits vate —on A? os ce aE ns eee EE + i Ms pau! Thea NOGINS OF (eae dlid Wee Ae ARMS ccc kee radius of planet @&- Ra = Re eae (CD Volue Of arovity on planet & is half Hrok On Planet A- Ye Ge Mass of planet B=Me =F Gm 2 = “pF e =_GMa =U) oa 9, GMs 5,2 Geis 2) 0 eer Dividing O_by @) a ad GM, - (rg ae Rae ee Qa = GMa Ke $6 CA &\e “FR = GMA % Ra from(a ae (Re) Ge ce az On Gia x Be 17 ee oe 2 ae Me 2 a Me Me ="46Ma -. fwWass of Plonet 6(Me) =2Ma - The mass ond wetghk of au object on earth are Ske, and 44N re Pectively - What will be thelr values on the toon? Assume that the acceleration duc +o _ Qvauity on Ane moons [6H of thot — on th eOrHty ince Given 2 +t the mase of the dbject on earth Cme) = Ske Weigut of the object Ne lobe of gon = 1 of value of gq moor (orm) 6G on-earty CO.) 4m = 1 Ge oS O-g mm [* tic: $8 m]s°) 2 Qn = eB em |s™ Mass of tne chject on moon Cmn\=2 Nou, mass of object om earth = mas: oct ol i oo ae Ws is because mass of Gn obsect & same 2» WelgNt of the object Sn moon = & VAN d- An object thrown vertically upwards reaches a height of 500m - whot was cts initial velocity 7 How long will the Obect take +o come back to Ahe eacth 7 Assume g=t0 m}s* : fins = Grirem - Displacement CS 3= 500m Grourtatipnal acceleration (y= —1Om}s™ Final velocity Cv = ow]s To fna= Initial velsdty (uy =? total HKme = to a As ‘the object moves ] Upwords . Ve ur 205 Ve u* 42xCo)x%h C.a2-9) ground New, V=Om/s Cox = u* — 2gh . we 2ah 2 ZA m/s * 500M 20 m[S~ K500™m TR RD Te 2 Nw SNe Oe Faking squave swets on both sides. “Us 100 m)s*| Chaitol velodty) Also, V =u tat PesU a egye Ce a=-9) HOt Sub hating —u= looms “> 100 m[s* = lOm]s 1 7% Chime for the obyect g0'14 up) =t0sec Now, ti =t2 ='0 sec Cerz time taken for the object +e come down) Tote dime Ctx, . tito = (\Osec tlOse Te ut oe lack to the earth e D hat Pate oPP the +whle and. reaches tne ground In (sec. Assuming —— gztom}s* Cokcobofe tts ate on reaching e@ 19, the table - Chew = eC el cer A= lom|s uz Omisec S27 V=2 S= ut +) ot™ ut tl cee = Oot eo x8? %, s= 5m The —heignt of the table $s Si Ve Ute Ve at g ae Caza) «Ne ot lOox' “Awe tom)< “+The velocit, of the ball on reachiag the Ground= (Om]<- The masses of the earth aud moon are 6X10 kg ond 4 “10 ve ive The distance between them is 3-4 A109 Rm. Colentote the qrarvitahonal force of athracton between the t.w0- Use G=6:4 x to" N meg fas = Chivers —— m= 6x10 Teg ma 4 7 =I ES BA MIO km = SEA KIO vA Etkm= t600m) Cra GF KIO Nem fRa~ lee Fe Gmime. fan 2 = > G4x6" x 6x1IO KAA MIO (3-84 x10" > VELA TID GEXCKEA AIS BSH x 2 F4 % 1G IE ily is GA K 6% RIS” Bey es-84 x 10l® Note- To make te catauatons easy , decimals has been vemoved-: After the Calculatens deamals will be aelded again. \ oe oid i 35. = 6F X£ x FX 1000ee KIO Bt 224 x 100 X (o> AZ te3- C4 = bt *34 x [9000K Ce \A2 *¥64 {So xXIo = 2429 x losis \2 228 too x0 35-\ce SE et [- 2245 a 1 t—s5 ro Ir 4 20-8 «x10 20 x10 e the mass of the Earth is 6x\0-'&g > The distance between tre Earth and the sun is 16 x 10'm SF the gravitational force between the wots 25 x 16 IN whats eee = me Gm, Wigs [Gee Gm, . 24 = uN M 2+ M2 = 3:5 AIO xe 5S RO» VS AS Gaus" 6 6 eit = 22tUew BW a he Sates Sees any “M2 = 35 HIS XIG X IS HO GEE GS Joos X10 4-13 Py at Sclieo a msae A402 108d femes \5 xO” (00 The mass of 4he sun ts 196 X10 Ry —>» INTEXT QUESTIONS @2- 3- What dre the effects of a force acting On an object? Ca No- \- Can you recat) Following avethe effects of force: A Force acting ON an obyect may set the obyect at vest tM motion: Tt Con Loring o« moving Object tO rest: A force acting on on object can Change tts speed GS well as its direction . Je _canmaies. change the shape of the Obyect ; whet types of forces are you familiar with? Cg No 1 - Can you recatl) There are ciffevent types of Forces such as gravitational Forces, Muscular force, FricHonal force, electrostatic force , Mechanical force and mogne tic force: What do you kKynw about the gravitational force ? Chg No- 1- Can you recall) - The Garth attracts all the obiects dowards the surface of the Cth: The attraction ts towards the Centre of the Earth: Thc force of GHracton cs called as the granitahonal force. Due to 4nis force , aU objects fay verthcolly clow nwards onthe _Farth- Q4 Mahendyoa and Mirek are sithag at a distance of (metre from each other. Their masses are 45 kg and £0 ko Tes pective What ts the gravitatonal force loetween them? : Cf No-& Selved example) fus- Given - C= Im m= tS Kg M2=>= FO GC caa (oe Nim] kg: To Fad = Force CF) +2 Ce Gmime 2 -€= @6a x16" y% 45 x FO oe »Fe 669 “16 x 15%80 Fe 66g x18 x G000 Ieee Cee pen cia er -F= Ga xe KIO [= Fe 40-02 xe 9 The gravitational force between Moavendra and “Virat is 40-02 «IGS or 4:002%16'N O5- Assumi thot acceteraton remains Constant (6.34 KIS" mfs*) , How long with Meherdra take to move \em towards Nirat 18 he starts from vest? Cg No-6- Use your brain pouer) fus- Given - Acceleration (y= 5°34 yIS a]s™ 35 KIS | s* Drs place mend Ca en = voO LTnitiot velocity Ca) = Omls To fad = time C6) =9 Forauda ? Ss sut +) at? ee 100 j= O+ Swe at? {Oo 2 foe Seto eet (oo = \ =F 2°-S KIO AIO oe a ae = 2 FS oe a SK“LAS the 1 = \ t Ot <1 25 K1\0 25 *10 2 t* 0-4 “tom = 4 xls 4 us is We ot >. i oe Manendro will bike 2 %10°< 45 move Fowonds \irak: (96- In te previous example, assum, Mat the bench on which Mahendra ts Siting ts frictionless, starting with meno velout,: What will be Mahendra's velocity after \sec and how wil) tt change with Hme? Mass of Mahendra C%S kd and force C4002 x16 N). Ans - Given — Initial Velocity Cu) = Om)s eine CEOs a\een Fore CE) = 4:002 “16's mass—Cm>-=—15-R9 To Pad + Fines velodty =) Cotman Ve ot Os > 3ip tS OOD ~IO les Ps = 5 =o -a = FS xlO m]s Nelod+y will increase with Hme. f.s—distonce decreases, forte. jacreases. thereby tacceasing occeleraton-Hence. velocity inereases- Cataskote tre gravitational farce che to the earth on Mohendya fn ane earlier example = Mass ok the earth =m = BRIO ky >=@= 6A xlom Peaae Mohendva's mass = M2 = 15 SS) kg” Using the force la, ‘the granitatt onal dove on Mahendta dite +o Eacth {is given by, F = Crmme ce Ge G64 KIS" Nw] Fe 6:69 41) x 6 x16 x 35 644 Keo Ae Ole EE Saeeeegeereaeeteaa ~ = cma’ AS ATS KO G4 xG-¥& xte'* FS C63 XO XIG% WO KIO” 6ARCH KX 100 KX I1d'> Iara “Ce 30015 x va ADAG xO oes foe [= = k2rlo = F3B0N OF Stortivg from cest, What will be Mahendra 's velocity otter me second if Nets falling down due to the ovavitat- no force of 4he earth? fus= Given * ae © Fa 4 35N — obtained from the previous Sum. Ume CL) = Vsec Mohendra's mass =ms 4Sixy Hahendra's acceleration (a) = & 3 “A= ABS mjs* = 4-34 mjs* iS According Fo New tonics Fest eqpation of monor, Nee ee ~ Mohendva's veldcity after \sec will be 9-44 mls Qa. According to Newton's lato of gravitation mery object attracts every other Object’ Thus, JF the earth athacts an apple towards itself, the apple also attracts tne earth towards ‘tsel# with the some ere: Why then does the apple fau tewards the earth, but the earth does not Move towards -the apple? C Pg No- 2 - Use your ’rain power) Bas= Foc —aiven force —oxctete rertion dure 45 gravity ts tanrerseby ero poc-ronah aS MASS: =£ 9 + 2. Mass of the earth Js extremely large aS compared to mass of she agele, so ft has negligible accete cation towards apie: ee oe ee ene ee earth, the earth doe not move. cowards the pple. AIO what wewd happen if there were no gravity) CfatNo- ¥ Think about it) Ans ER there were ne qravity then we wil experience weitgntlessness anol objects will start Ftoarting iq the air. Q\\. What woud happen 'F the value of 'G' was +Hwice as large 7 Cfy No: & Think Obeut it) — bus: According fo Newtm's Universal of gravitation volte of 'G' Is by the formula, G= Ed® Mm Vous Sven Since SG! vs directly proportional te force ‘EC * between the +0 Obje ces when—dthe vate of ‘cr! becomes twice, the Force ‘FC’ between the fwoe Object witt—also become —_}rsice~ Ql2- Wilt the direction of the aravitational force change Os we go inside the Earth? Ceg No 4 = Think about i+) Pys- No, the Airecton of the oravi tational Q\3- pus- COU. Ps- force will wet Charge as we go inside the earth. Whot will be te vatue of ‘9' at the centre of +the earth? Clg No: > Think abaue it’) The value of ‘g! at the cantve of the Poca ee zere WI your weight remain constant aS you go above the sur face of the eon? CPg No: tO- Use your brain power No, cur weight dpes wet remain cost as WE 00 Above the Surface of the earth because the Valle of ‘4 a8e9 On decy easing AS we Jo above the earth: So, the weight of the body also oes on decreasing CwWemg) Supe ose you are Standing on o tau ladder. If youu his tence From the centyve of the earth in 2R, What will be your weight? CfgNo- 10 - Use your braun power) Weight of an ogfect on the Surface of the earth is given ay tne fora [w= etme =O] w= = ie) ee ne where, Rts the radius of the earth. If the distance from the centre of Mme earth R becemes 2R then weight , VW = Gin c2e@)~ wi = GMm —@) oz oi icing @ lay @ Wo = GMm = GMm wl! ez . AR Wo = Gin y Ae ww! we mm — wo" W = Ww! a te Ans- oe person weighs ASON en earth, hew much weuld be his werght on the Moon iNen the moon's mass fs tof thot of the earth and its : radius ‘vs \_ of “hot of the earth 7 7 . CPg No: 10 = Solved example) Wefght on earth = F50N, Rots of moss of the earth Me to mass ef the mom Mm = Tig =¥l ™. Ratin of vodius of the eorth (Re) 12 radtios —of the msm CRrq) = Re = Let the mass of the person be ‘m*ks weight on he earth F = mg= GMem Re 7 aye sor = Gem Re o. Re x 450 = GMem fo GMem = Re %450 Se ee Sn 2 ve Weighk on moon = lm x Ag0Re — im % = Rm aM 2 = +560 x Feqyain Rm Me = 450 (ait) x + Ce Ming 2) — Given) Me Ye ° > SS 3-69 ee = 10;2:64°5 et Y=G. \26- he weight of He man On Moon fs j26e-FNn- les Kn eon bath of mass 3ko (s released trom a height of 125m and falls freely to the ground: Assuming that the Vale of %9' Is \OmJjs*, calculate GQ) time taken Noay the batt fo reach the Qround - G&S velbcity of the boll on reaching the ground: lid) Fre height of the ball at half the Hme (4 takes to feach the Qround+ Ca No 12.- Solved example) ius= —Given=—Mass Cmy = Big Distance Avavetled by the balls) = 125m Thifel velsa of tue batt tuy =Oms and Accderation Q= 9 = 10 mis* ay Accord to Newton's second eoNation of moton, Say ct § lot? Ss 7 4 2 “. \2Gppsywo xt + 1 xa at . MA 2S tae ee oe zy 2,42 {a5 «s The bball takes Ssec to reach the round - (Ny Recording +e Newton's First eqpiation of mo tion. N= uwtoat =O + 1O*S - 0 D i. 50 m|s . The veloci of the bolt on ceaching the ground is SOm])s- Gib Half Aime, t = a S25 sec Height of the bat ot Ct) = 2°S sec Arccorchiny to Newt's second equation of mbron- S aac + Lat® 5 ~S =OxD54 \) glen (25° = “ S= O+S * 6-25 [-- s= 3)\:25 ml vs The height of the Low ot jralf time = \95- 2):-95 =A9423-45m ne: heigrt of the Louk at half Hme—it takes —40-¢each—the—9round—=s—A3°-45-m- are A tennis bal ‘s thrown wp and reaches eee eee eee eee ee pee te Pns- What was its tmitiat velo d+y 7 How mudr total time will tt take to Come down? Ca No \2= Solved example) (ssume g=to]m*) Given- For the upward motion of the ball * Fiacd velo oty Cu) = Om])s Distance travelled Cs) = 405m RAecelevraton Cay =-4 = (Ow /s* Using Newton's trincl equation of motion, ves u=+ 2a 2. O = yrt+ oy (H100 ~ 4-05 Oe wu + (-20) ¥4.05 Os UW- 20 F405 oat = tu = St et oe Mie | -. The fniHat velo city of te bau Us m|s Fer the doumward Motion _of the bal Time taken fo come down (t) =7 Initol velodty of Me ball Cu) =Om)s Distance travelled by bau on reaching the ocaunol CS) =4-05m ee Ace eleration O=-9 =toms~ Cis yebouity and acceleration ores same —adiréctten ‘to —fs tv) Accoved. +o Newton's second equation of mofo, S= Utet fat? S 4052 OF Lx Wer xt? aa Kosmas St? MOt7= 4:05, = 0: RI ic “= 929A see The lack ott} -ttke O°4sec 4o--reach ane greed Et pitt -rtke the same time +o up Tus, total ime Cee OO et cecr QA" Calculate the escape veloci on he surface of “mom given the “mass and radius of the mom > be T 34 KIS Ry ond 614 K1OPM respectively CPg No- \4- Solved example) hns- Given- Vetine of G = 6:64 KIO" Nw] Ko? PASss Of the mom Ul) = 439 Galo Radivs of the moon (2) = +44 lom Escape Velocity of moon Cesc) =? Vese = | 2G™ +22. A CER KIOe S 9a X10" 44 x 10% (2-6 = [93-9 xto'x1e = [5-45 xid Uz x10f al ~ [pts ud = 2-2 xis mis . Escape velocity onthe moon (s 2-3 km|s — Previous Years Questions (asda 2022) Ab An Object takes Ssec te Vveach the ground From —a height of Sm on a_planet- Whats +tne—_vabue oi a om the oo Bus- Given- Time 4akan to reach te greta t= Sse HRergnt Cu) = Cs> = Sm “Initiak vetodty Cuy= Oom| Aecelevation Cay = C4) =? According 4 Monon), ts Newten's secend lars of So Ut a ate 2 “5 2 OxnS +1 x 9 xy 2 G+ O+ L x4 n25 Sz 25 oO The \yjatiie AP ar wan tine planet ore ; “OF am] s*- Me 2°" Stete the laws related tothe aiven diag rou : Co ESTED Das The laws reloted tothis diegrom—ore* ——kepier’s First taw-+—The oroit of a —planet—ts on ellipse wrth the sun at one of the Foci: ~~ Kepler's Second law? “The We joining the planet and the sur sweeps equal areas in equal tiervyats of time: =" Kepler's “Thind luo > The square of its period of revolution Orouvd the sun fs directly ropor tional to the cube of the Mean Arstance of a planet from he sun- ae Juba 2026 An _iroa—lbatt of mass aka is velenseat froma hefght of 125 m and falc fine teaxtaan by tre batt to-read the ground a velodty of te ball on reaching Me qround = Pas = Given- Mass Cm) = Sky Distonce Aravetledt xy the ballGs) = 25m Tnifiel veloat, of Me bau(u) =Om|s and Acceleration A= 9 = 10 mls® Accovcting to Newton's second eopation of moton SS Lot* 5 og = Oxt + Line art? a E eo + u gl C9 5ce “. The loa takes Ssec Td reach the around: (as) Recording +> Newton's First eopiation of mo tion. N= Uwt+ot ee UNS Weel == 0) D N= 50m] s 7+ The veloc, of the bot on reach thre orouund is 5SOm}s- 8 > March 2020 1 State “the (ows related tothe oiven dagroum + Wis is the Hiagrom of Kepler's las: Refer quesHon 2 from March 202-2. — Jul 201% \ Explain why Velie of y changes rf we qo inside “ihe earth: Ans) We Know Mat acceleration due to cd 3 rT gravity *9” = an : ease eccrine eae eee meee eee SRE deere eset ere ae eee fas mass C= radius of the earth: eh Ccordiusg te the Formula, the vole _ oP ‘9’ is” faversely proportional to the Yodure of \¢! That means, as we-go inside the earth, the value —o 2‘? ‘vy? -clecreases cunt he vate of ‘a! fwereases= ee ( ( > ne radius (r) decreases earth's core The value of ‘™’ Cmass of the earth) also oecredses. This is becauce the pact of Me earth which Contributes to the gravitational Rerce decreases: Gecause of Chonge in radivs'r' and mass ‘MI the value of g decreases as we Qo deep faside the Orth And the value O ine e ‘Gi 2 cenive of the earth veathes a height of 500m - wWhot waco Growrtatpnal acceleration (0)= -lomi)s Fiat velocity CVY = Om]s To find = Tnifel velbaty (1) total Rme= ty As ‘the object moves UPwords , N 2 eure 2a eur +2 x Gag) xh E-M=—9)) New, V=oOm]s Cos* =u — 29h 2 w= 2ah 2. 2 UW= ZR YO m/s* x 500M = a Ue 20 m/s” K*500mM Wwe 10060 m [s* Faking square swots On both sides- [-. Uz 100 en] s*| CTnitiol velocity) Aso, N =u tak He LE ESV KE Co M=e=9) AN or For VveOm|s Os U=gk; L=Ot 1 Subs puting U= 00 MLS® oo 100m) == Ome 7. te. Ctime for the obyect going up) =lOsec Now, ti) =t2 ='0 sec (Choc time taken for the object te come down) Tote time Cty) = ti +b = (Osec tlO sec ee ee Te wit io alas cn Come lgacte © March 201% A metal ball of mass Ska Falls Prom aheignt of 440m: How muth tre it with fake te reach the oround: Cage 4-€ m(s*) Ans - Given- Mass Cm) =Sky Distance trowe Wed lay the loot = 440m ZX nital =o Peco tleration (ad= (g4) = WE ms? ~~ __/ | Speaeesaseeeeeeeegseeee eee eee eee gree eeEE ES eeeEEEE Sere eee eee eeeEESEEE Oe = o00 = ino He eal | - (0 sec | “. The ball takes IOsec +o reach the ground What wows le fetiie 64 eon] +he—surfece—of tee path +e tt. mass was 4+wice as large Onet Coes ractus hat fof whet fe ts now) Le ty ws the mass ,‘R* fs the roditus of tne earth then acceleration due © granite Sys om me surface of the eo thes be So": g- GM ae) en AA eee will be 9", 2 as a = ~%2™\ = 2M y 2 ea (=) ra 9g = EM, = Dividing © any @ iO a le Gee sca oy ee Re 9 = Ge 46 o. SF SPA gs L + : ga Fy Vodice of —9—on the surface —of the earth wt t) became? 4 becemes tenice And yadivs becames hale.

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