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Developer Training Certification Assignments

Assignment -1


Create a file domain.txt and add following fields domain name and ip address:

Read the mail & download the input file from email


1. Apply below validations on the data

a. Domain name should contain .com / as an end string
b. IP address validation – should contain only 3 dots & max string length should be 15 char
c. Invalid data along with error description & error code should be written in excel file.
2. Write valid records in json file
3. Create a workflow MappingTest which will accept domain name from user at run time, if
found display ip address along with domain name in key value pair format (generate
properties file output)

else display proper message- domain name not found (for searching do not use merge/lookup)

Assignment -2

Modify the salary processing demo (Employee Salary processing demo is available in foundation
training course) for generating separate-employee wise file & sending mail to specific employee
with their respective files.

The File name should be EmpId_EmpName.

Explanation: In this, basically you need to send respective file to each employee.
Assignment -3

Check the existence of tabel in Database. If table found fetch the details in Excel File and if not found
then look for the table existence for 3 times and then abort the process.

Assignment -4

Read InputFile with data

a. Read given Data_Plan_Details & Plan_Master files. Single Customer can avail 2 different
services (SMS and Data) at a time.
b. Calculate payable amount on following condition along with MasterFile details:
1. For SMS service:
 If noOfUnits are less than or equals to freeUnits then charge = 0
 Otherwise calculate chargeable units as noOfunits – freeUnits
 If chargeable units are more than 0, then
charge = chargeableUnits * 0.5
2. For DataService.
 Unit is measured in multiples of 10KBs.
 If noOfUnits are less than freeUnits, then charge = 0
 Otherwise charge = (noOfUnits - freeUnits) * 0.02

c. Generate output file per customer as per following billing details and Filename should
be CustomerName_mobile number.

Customer Mobile Number: __________

Service Name Units Consumed Monthly Rent Charge

SMS-100 120 25 10
3G-1GB 80000 200 0
Total: 225 10

Payable Amount: 235

Assignment -5

Read the order details from given input file (ProductOrderData.xlsx). Create various summary
1. Country wise total order amount. Display these details in pie chart also.
2. Country wise- product wise order amount. Display these details in column chart also as
shown in below figure.

3. Country wise- Product wise order amount as shown in below figure

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