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Course Facilitator:
Inayatullah Magsi
Lecturer, Allied Subjects Department
Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi-Pakistan
Importance of Social Sciences

 Social sciences promote social

sense among students
 Creates awareness among youth
about social and political issues
 It promotes sense of responsibility
and patriotism
 To aware students about the
importance of Pakistan’s geographical
and strategic position in South Asia.
 To promote the knowledge of
Pakistani culture and civilization.
 To aware new generation about the
current affaires and important pillars
of Pakistan’s political system
 To develop the qualities of patriot
Pakistani for understanding and full
filling their duties and responsibilities.
 To develop the sense of belongingness
to their motherland.
 To develop strong faith in the basic
concepts of Pakistan’s ideology and
introduction of Pakistan’s historical
Advent of Islam in Sub-continent

 Since its first appearance Islam has a

close relation with Indian sub-continent
 Arab traders been coming to Indian
shore to sell their goods.
 The earlier contacts of the Muslims with
the individuals of Malabar Coast dates
back to the reign of Hazrat Umer (R.A)
the Second Pious Caliph from 634-644.
Arabs were famous for their fair dealings in
business. They left their ever lasting of
piety and simplicity on Indian population
Kiring Noor (a ruler of a small state) was
the first Indian who embraced Islam due to
the preaching of “Sheikh Sharaf Bin Malik”.
Sarqafi the governor of Oman sent his
troops to “Thana “and “Barouch” a small
sea port near Bombay.
Muslim Rule In Sub-Continent

Conquest of Sindh in 712 AD

 Post M. Bin Qasim (715-to-1206 AD)
 Ghaznavid Dynasty (977-to-1186 AD)
 Ghurid Dynasty (1192-to-1206 AD)
Muslim Rule In Sub-Continent
 1st Conquest of Sub-continent was
Sindh. Sindh was conquered by
Muhammad Bin Qasim in 712 AD and
Multan in 714 AD.
 During Abbasid Caliphate, Its Caliph did
not take much interest in political affairs
of Sindh.
 Independent rulers continued their rule
till the Gaznavid Period.
Sultanate Period (1206-1526 AD)
 Five Dynasties Ruled from 1206 to 1526 AD
and the rulers were called Sultans.
Therefore, it is called Sultanate Period.
Delhi Sultanate
 The Slave Dynasty (1206-to-1290 AD)
 The Khilji Dynasty (1290-to-1321 AD)
 The Tughlaq Dynasty (1321-to-1412 AD)
 The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-to-1451 AD)
 The Lodhi Dynasty (1451-to-1526 AD)
Sultanate Period (1206-1526 AD)

Delhi Sultanate

 The Slave Dynasty (Qutbuddin Aibak)

 The Khilji Dynasty (Jalaluddin Khilji)
 The Tughlaq Dynasty (Ghiyas-al-Din)
 The Sayyid Dynasty (Sayed Khizr Khan)
 The Lodhi Dynasty (Bahlol Lodhi)
Mughal Dynasty (1526-1857 AD)

 Founded by Zaheer-ud-Din Babur

 He defeated “Ibrahim Lodi”, (the last
Sultan of Lodhi Dynasty in the “First
Battle of Panipat in 1526”.
 Bahadur Shah Zaffar being the last.
 Most of them were able “rulers,
administrators, generals, builders,
patrons of art & architecture”.
Downfall of Muslim Rule In Sub-continent (1/2)

 Aurangzeb's death (1707) started the

downfall of the Mughal Empire.
 Weak Administration of Last Rulers of
Mughal Empire.
 Fight Over Succession
 Incompetent Successors
 Bankruptcy of Morality amongst
Rulers and subjects.
Downfall of Muslim Rule In Sub-continent (2/2)

 As Mughal Rulers did great work on

Art, Architecture, forts, Parks,
Mosques, buildings but did not
establish educational Institutions.
 Rise of Maratha Empire (1674 to 1818).
 Advent of the British in Sub-continent.
 Defeat in War of Independence 1857.

The word was coined by Antoine

Destutt de Tracy in 1796, assembling
the words “ideo” and “logos” from
Greek. He used it to refer to one
aspect of his "science of ideas". The
word ideology originated during
French Revolution.
Ideology is a systematic body of
ideas and concepts; especially one
on which a political, cultural, social
or economic system is based.
Ideology represents the collective
consciousness of a group of people
in a particular period of history.
It reflects the ideas of the people and
determines their way of living, thinking
and social interaction.
 It helps people unite on one platform
and affords a source of manifestation of
the national strength.
Ideology helps in making right decisions.
It provides an insight in making the
choice of the leaders.
It is an inspirational force for deeds and
actions. People may willingly sacrifice
anything for a certain cause under the
influence of an ideology.
 It is the source of struggle for achieving
the divine objective and serves as a
motivational force for the progress and
prosperity of a society under a
recognized and truthful leadership.
How Ideologies Emerges?

An ideology emerges when people

feel strongly that are being
mistreated under an existing order,
when their status is threatened by
fundamental changes occurring in
the society, and when the dominant
ideology no longer satisfies them.
Ideology of Pakistan
Pakistan is an Ideological state and
the Ideology of Pakistan is based
on Islam. Its basic principle are:
The only sovereign is Allah
Factors creating the idea of a
Separate Homeland.
Two Nation Concept.
Two-Nation Theory

Concept of Two-Nation Theory is

that Muslims and Hindus of sub-
continent cannot live together
because their religions, cultures,
traditions, languages, customs,
heroes and manners are entirely
Aims and objectives of the creation of Pakistan

 Enforcement of the Sovereignty of the

Allah Almighty
 Establishment of the Islamic Democracy
 Restoration of Muslim image and Identity
 Protection of Muslim Culture and
 Establishment of balanced Economic
 Two Nation Theory
Ideology of Pakistan-Process
 The ideology of Pakistan took shape through an
evolutionary process.
 Historical experience provided the base;
 Allama Iqbal gave it a philosophical
 Quaid-e-Azam translated it into a political
Reality, and
 The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, by
passing Objectives Resolution in March 1949,
gave it legal sanction.
Pakistan Ideology: Allama Iqbal

Iqbal delivered his presidential

address at Allahabad in 1930. During
that address, he said,
India is a continent of human groups
belonging to different races, speaking
different languages, and professing
different religions.
Pakistan Ideology: Allama Iqbal
He further added: “Personally, I would like
to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier
Province, Sindh and Balochistan
amalgamated into a single state. Self-
government within the British Empire, or
without the British Empire, the formation of
a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim
State appears to me to be the final destiny of
the Muslims, at least of North-West India”.
Pakistan Ideology: Quaid-e-Azam

Quaid’s address to the students at

Islamia College, Peshawar, He
explained his views about ideology,
saying: “Our demand for Pakistan is not
a piece of land, instead we want to
establish an experimental laboratory
where we could practice system based
on Islamic principles”.

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