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Week 71 – Workout 1

Workout Description
Total Time: 120-160 min

Today you will be working on power endurance. Make sure you push yourself to the
absolute max on these exercises (without injuring yourself, of course). Because we’re
working with higher reps, you are going to see most of the strength gains in the last few
reps before failure.

Round 1: Hard / Easy / Hard / Easy

Repeat Round: 6 times Rest: 5-10 min between sets

Round Details
GOAL: To tap into your Power Endurance. Do a hard problem, then an easy problem,
then a hard problem, then an easy problem in a row with little to no rest and follow the
guidelines for sets and rest above. Each hard boulder problem should be at a level
where you can finish the problem or fall at the top. It should be hard! The easy boulder
problem is supposed to be a climb that you can recover on. Something that is mindless
and easy for the climber.
Example of a set: V7 – V2 – V7 – V2
Round 2: Core Specific Circuit
Repeat Round: 3-6 times Rest: 3 min between sets

Round Details
You will be doing all of these exercises in a row, following the rest suggestions between
exercises and sets. After each exercise record the number of reps that you performed.
When you start the next round, try to beat the number of reps that you had the previous

Perform exercise for: 2 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 1 min

Right Side Oblique Crunch

Perform exercise for: 2 min Number Of Sets: 1

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No Rest

Left Side Oblique Crunch

Perform exercise for: 2 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 1 min

Ab Roller
Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
If you don’t have an ab roller you can replicate the same motion using TRX or rings. If
you don’t have those either, you can substitute planks.
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Rest 3 min
and repeat

Week 71 – Workout 2

Workout Description
Total Time: 60 - 80 min

During this workout you will be completing a mixture of bouldering and circuit training.
Make sure that you give every exercise a full effort!

Round 1: Bouldering 4x4's With Circuit Training

Round Details
There’s only one round today so I’m going to make it count. This workout will continue
to build your general fitness and get you ready for the more difficult workouts in the
coming weeks. If you don’t have experience doing 4×4’s check out our blog post “4×4’s
– What They Are & How To Do Them”.
We are going to be doing a modified version of 4×4’s with exercises between each set
of 4 boulders. If you fail during one of these exercises don’t quit. Rest for 3 seconds and
try to complete more reps until the time is up.

Bouldering 1x4
Number Of Reps: 4 Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
Climb a series of 4 problems as quickly as possible, then go directly to the next
No Rest

Push Ups
Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 30 sec

Pull Ups
Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
If you can’t do pull ups you can substitute beginner pull ups.
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Rest 30 sec

Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 2 min

Bouldering 1x4
Number Of Reps: 4 Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
Climb a series of 4 problems as quickly as possible, then go directly to the next
No Rest

Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 30 sec

Jump Rope
Perform exercise for: 1 min

Exercise Details
If you don’t have a jump rope you can jump in place and move your hands as if you
were using a rope.
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Rest 30 sec

Perform exercise for: 2 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 2 min

Bouldering 1x4
Number Of Reps: 4 Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
Climb a series of 4 problems as quickly as possible, then go directly to the next
No Rest

Right Side Planks

Perform exercise for: 90 sec Number Of Sets: 1

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No Rest

Left Side Planks

Perform exercise for: 90 sec Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 30 sec

Toes To Bar
Perform exercise for: 30 sec Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
If you can’t do toes to bar then you can do knees to elbow, or knee raises to 90
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Rest 2 min

Bouldering 1x4
Number Of Reps: 4 Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
Climb a series of 4 problems as quickly as possible, then go directly to the next
No Rest

Push Ups
Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

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Rest 30 sec

Wrist Roller
Perform exercise for: 1 min

Exercise Details
Make sure that you are rolling the weight so as to work your forearm extensor muscles
(the back of your forearm). If you don’t have a roller you can do dumbbell forearm
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Rest 30 sec

Typewriter Pull Ups

Perform exercise for: 1 min Number Of Sets: 1

Exercise Details
If these are too hard, try to do a pull-up and keep your chin above the bar for the
duration of the exercise.
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Week 71 – Workout 3

Workout Description
Total Time: 120 min

Today is your performance test! Make sure that you record your stats so that you can
compare your results for all of the performance tests throughout the program. Okay, try
hard and give this workout everything you’ve got!

Round 1: Climbing Specific

Round Details
For this round you will be completing your top 5 boulders. You will have 2 attempts per
boulder problem. If you complete the boulder, great! If not, keep it in your records and
attempt it again on the next performance day!

Top 5 Boulders
Perform exercise for: 45 min
Exercise Details
The boulders should be at your projecting grade. Between each attempt you should be
resting about 5-10 minutes.
The goal of this is to try and send the boulder or get a new high point. You should not
be failing miserably on the boulders that you select.
Record the difficulty of the top 5 problems that you complete and compare it with your
next fitness test in a few weeks.
Round 2: Finger Specific
Round Details
For the finger board specific test you will be testing three different grips: half crimp,
open hand, and 3 fingers. The goal here is to add weight (or choose a small enough
hold) such that you can only complete a single 10 second hang. If you cannot complete
the hang then you need to remove weight or choose a bigger hold for your next attempt.
If you complete the hang try to choose a smaller hold or add a little more weight for your
next attempt.
Here are a couple examples:
1. You fail on your first attempt, remove 5 lbs (or choose a larger hold) and succeed
on your second attempt, then add 2.5 lbs (or choose a slightly smaller hold) and
fail on your third attempt. So, your second attempt is your max for that grip.
2. You fail on your first attempt, remove 5 lbs (or choose a larger hold), come close
on your second attempt, remove 2.5 lbs (or choose a larger hold), then succeed
on your third attempt. Your max for that grip is your third attempt.

Make sure that you try hard and stop if you feel any pain!
Dead Hang - Half Crimp
One Rep Is: 10 sec on Number of Reps: 1 Number Of Sets: 3 Rest: 3 min after
each set Grip Type: Half Crimp 
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Dead Hang - Open Hand
One Rep Is: 10 sec on Number of Reps: 1 Number Of Sets: 3 Rest: 3 min after
each set Grip Type: Open Hand 
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Dead Hang - 3 Fingers
One Rep Is: 10 sec on Number of Reps: 1 Number Of Sets: 3 Rest: 3 min after
each set Grip Type: 3 Finger
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Round 3: Fitness Specific Training
Round Details
Each exercise for this part of the test is to be done in sets of 3. Record your stats for
each set and each exercise. Part of the test is recovery time between each set. As you
get stronger and more fit, you will recover faster and have better stats for each set as
you move forward with the program.
You can substitute TRX or regular pushups if you don’t have rings.

Ring Push Ups
Number Of Reps: Failure Number Of Sets: 3 Rest: 1 min after each set
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Rest 1 min

Pull Ups
Number Of Reps: Failure Number Of Sets: 3 Rest: 1 min after each set
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Rest 1 min

TRX Planks
Number Of Reps: Failure Number Of Sets: 3 Rest: 1 min after each set
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Rest 1 min

Run 1 mile
Exercise Details
Run the mile as fast as you can!
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