LEVEL 2 Interactive Display: Unit 7

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U7 Video: The Case of the Missing Things Teacher Notes

• Second play: Play the video from 1:16 to 1:50,

Suggested use: after Lesson 8 (but can be and then pause it. Check that the children know
used after any lesson in the unit, too) what Jack’s little brother, his dad, and the dog
were doing. Ask them to predict what happens
Time: 25 minutes (plus 5 minutes for the next / what’s happening to the things that are
extension activity)
• Third play: Play the rest of the video, and see if any
of the children predicted correctly.
The children will:
• Complete Interactivity 2.
• Practice the language of speculation i.e. I
think …, I’m sure …, Maybe …
• Practice rhyming words.
After watching:
• Consolidate what they have learned about the • Ask the children to retell what they can remember
past continuous. about The Case of the Missing Things.
• Complete Interactivity 3.

Warm Up: Round Up:

• Ask the children the following questions: • Check that the children understand what was
Do you ever lose things? happening to the things that were disappearing
(Rosie [the sister] was sleepwalking and putting
What do you lose?
the items in the closet).
Who finds the things you lose?
• Make sure that the children understand what
Do things ever disappear in your house? sleepwalking is. You could ask if they know anyone
who sleepwalks.
Procedure: • Have the children tell you what they were doing at
7:30 last night.
Before watching:
• Start by showing the children the title screen from
the video. Turn off the sound and play the video Extension Activity
to 0:15. Then pause it and show the children this
• Whole class: in the video the children hear the
image (the boy wearing a raincoat and hat). Ask
following sounds: snoring, a shower running,
the children to describe what they see, and draw
a dog barking, and a door creaking. Say the
their attention to the fact that the video is in black
sound words, and have the children mimic
and white. Ask the children to guess / predict what
the noises they heard in the video. Ask them
kind of video they will watch (it’s filmed in the
to think of other sounds they hear around
style of a 1940s / 1950s detective movie).
the house in the evening. Ask: How do you
• Complete Interactivity 1. describe these sounds?
• Ask the children to tell you which words in
Interactivity 1 rhyme with each other.

While watching:
• First play: Play the video from 0:00 to 1:16, and
then pause it. Elicit the three possible reasons why • Ask the children to find out more about
the things are missing (dad cleaning up, brother sleepwalking, for example What percentage of
playing with toys, dog taking things and hiding people sleepwalk? Why do people sleepwalk? They
them) and ask the children which one they think can then report their findings back to the class.
is the most likely. You could take a vote, with the
children raising their hand for the option they
think is the most likely.

2 Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012
U7 The Case of the Missing Things Video Script

Jack: I was working on a mystery for my Then, I heard a door creaking

sister, Rosie: The Case of the Missing
[door creaking]
and I saw my sister walking out of her
She was missing her alarm clock and
wanted me to find it.
She had a strange look on her face and
But I knew it was more than just an
she was carrying something.
alarm clock she was missing. There was
the missing hat, and the missing toy She walked right by me. What was she
cat. She was missing her flute, and also doing?
one of her boots.
It was like she didn’t see me.
The things were disappearing around
I opened the closet door and there I
7:30 at night. I could think of three
saw …
possible reasons.
…..the clock, the boot, the flute,
The first was our baby brother. He was
the cat, and the hat, and now the
always playing with our sister’s toys.
Maybe he took them somewhere?
I found the missing things, but I hadn’t
The second was dad. He was always
solved the mystery yet.
cleaning up. It was possible he moved
the things by accident. Sound asleep!
Then there was our dog. He was [snoring]
always stealing things and hiding
My sister was sleep-walking! She was
them in strange places!
asleep when she put her things in the
So tonight at 7:30, I was going to see if closet. When she woke up, she thought
I could solve the mystery. they were missing!!
[snoring] The Case of the Missing Things was
Our little brother was already sleeping,
so he was not taking the things.
[shower running]
My dad was having a shower, so he
wasn’t moving Rosie’s things.
[dog barking]
And the dog was playing outside, so he
wasn’t stealing her things and hiding
Where were my sister’s things, and
why were they missing?

2 Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012

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