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U1 Poster: New Year Around the World Teacher Notes

Korea, Spain, and India

Suggested use: after Lessons 4 and 5 (but • Play the audio for Korea, Spain, and India. Have
can be used after any lesson in the unit, the children listen and say Stop! when they hear a
too) reference to food, presents, candles, or places. Stop
the audio each time. Elicit what they heard.
Time: 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes for • Complete Interactivity 3.
extension activities) • Return to the whole poster and ask the children to
tell you as much as they can remember about New
The children will: Year customs in different countries.
• Relate their knowledge of New Year to other
New Year celebrations around the world. Fact!
• Learn about different New Year customs in • Play the Fact! audio. Ask the children why they
different countries. think the people eat beans for good luck.
• Complete Interactivity 4.

Warm Up: before using the poster Round Up: after using the poster
• Have children tell you everything they know so far
• Ask the children to say which custom was the most
about New Year.
interesting/ fun/strange. Then ask them to say
• Ask the children if they think New Year is the same what similarities there are with their own
or different in other countries. What things are New Year customs.
important? Elicit some key ideas – food and drinks,
parties, music, dance, presents, etc.
Extension Activities
Procedure: using the poster • Whole class: play a review/memory game. Play
• Show the children the poster. Have them tell you the audio again without showing the poster
what they can see. Elicit key vocabulary of objects texts. At key points, stop the audio and ask the
that can be seen (grapes, beans, dragon, candles, children to remember/predict the next word.
family, fireworks). Point to these on the poster and • Whole class: review key vocabulary. Ask the
have the children repeat them. children to tell you words they remember from
the different celebrations and write them on
Asia the board.
• Pairs: play “Back to the Board” – one child gives
• Play the audio and ask the children to say what the
the first letter of a word from the board – the
custom is (each year has the name of an animal)
other (facing away from the board) guesses
and what countries the custom is from (China,
what it is.
Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand). Say each date
in the chart and have the children look for the
name of an animal in the chart and repeat. Give
the children 30 seconds to look at the table and
memorize the animal for each year. Then say each
year and have the children say the animal.
• Complete Interactivity 1. • Have the children ask their parents or
grandparents about how New Year customs are
different now from when they were young.
• Play the audio. Have the children listen and raise
their hand when they hear places, times, and
• Complete Interactivity 2.

3 Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012

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