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Ingemells 1. You have 4 sections in this book. DONOT read ahead.

The 1st section should be read BEFORE starters
The 2nd section should be read AFTER starters and
BEFORE main course
The 3rd section should be read AFTER main course
and BEFORE dessert
The 4th section should be read AFTER desserts
2. You should reveal EVERYTHING you read in this book,
otherwise you are concealing evidence
3. At the end you should make a guess at who killed Lord
4. Never lie, you are not the murderer.
5. Try to keep your booklet away from prying eyes.

Character Breakdown
Round 1
You’re in your early 40’s and a Reverend at Aldbury All Saints
Church. You’ve known The Strutburys since you’ve moved to the While constantly pushing your glasses up your nose tell the family
Parish 6 years ago. This is the longest you’ve ever stayed at one you’re deeply sorry about the Lord Strutburys passing away and
church, as you often have to move from one to another to leave quote.
personal problems behind. “The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid into a field”
You come across to others as very holy, with very geeky Matthew 13:44
characteristics. A very trust worthy lady who is sin less, but that
couldn’t be further from the truth. You notice everyone is drinking wine. Tell them you normally don’t
You’ve had many scandals involving your past that the Strutburys drink, but why not have one. Blood of Christ and all that.
are not aware of. You believe you are a nymphomaniac. And have
broken up numerous marriages in the past. You can’t help yourself. Ask Lady Strutbury how many children she had,
But with your mannerisms no-one would ever guess, it was you
their husband was having an affair with. You need the Strutburys on Ask Kathy if she still works as the Manor Cook and did she cook the
your side. They give a lot of money to the church (25% you take to food tonight?
fund your Anne Summers collection).

You will act: A bit of a preacher, you talk looking over the top of
your glasses
You will talk: Posh with a lisp due to your bucked teeth
Do not turn the page
Round 2 Round 3

Tell Lady Strutbury many of your congregation have said many kind Wine always makes you randy, so chuck off your glasses and start
words about the Lord since the passing of his soul. He was much playing flirt with all the men around the table, including the butler.
loved in the village.
You don’t like Lady Strutbury and you want the party to know how
When you are offered some more wine, at first you’ll refuse and the two didn’t get on, so sarcastically say how sad it was that the
then say why not. Jesus used to turn water into wine after all. her and her husband lived different lives in each wing of the manor
Chuckle to yourself, (you have an embarrassing laugh) and how they never got on. Tell her, they two will be reunited in
heaven and give an evil smile
Start humming “the Lord is my shepherd” while swaying and looking
at the ceiling. Ask Charlie if he’ll take you to his shed someday and show you his
That nosy cook, Kathy, has uncovered a ghost from the past when
she asks you about him, you’ll shrug and change the subject.

Do not turn the page

Do not turn the page
Round 4

That sexy gardener Charlie is going to stand up and announce

something, take a look at his bum at this point and shout “Nice
bottom” After the confession, ask Lady Strutbury if it is true and
don’t stop till you get an answer.

Ask Victoria if she wants to buy anything from your Anne Summers

Very drunk tell Lady Strutbury that her husband was a great kisser
and you’re church will greatly miss his donations laugh loudly.


It wasn’t you.

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