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commission_artifact_decision = {

picture = "gfx/interface/illustrations/decisions/"

cooldown = { days = standard_commission_artifact_cooldown_time }

sort_order = 100

is_shown = {
is_landed = yes
highest_held_title_tier >= tier_county
exists = capital_province
OR = {
employs_court_position = antiquarian_court_position
has_perk = apecraftsblessings_perk

is_valid_showing_failures_only = {

minimum_cost = {
# Matches the cost defined in 00_inspirations.txt
gold = basic_fund_inspiration_cost

widget = {
gui = "decision_view_widget_commission_artifact"
controller = decision_option_list_controller

decision_has_second_step = yes
decision_custom_widget_container = "custom_widgets_container_step_two"
decision_to_second_step_button =

# Personal Artifacts are always valid to commission

item = {
value = commission_weapon
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_weapon_desc
localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_weapon
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOT = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type =
add = 100

item = {
value = commission_armor
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_armor_desc
localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_armor
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOT = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = armor
add = 100

item = {
value = commission_crown
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_crown_desc
localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_crown
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOT = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = helmet
add = 100

item = {
value = commission_regalia
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_regalia_desc
localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_regalia
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOT = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = regalia
add = 100

# Court Artifacts only appear if you have the Royal Court DLC, and are
only valid if you have an active Royal Court

item = {
value = commission_tapestry
is_shown = { has_dlc_feature = royal_court }
is_valid = { has_royal_court = yes }
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_tapestry_desc

localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_tapestry
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
has_royal_court = yes
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOR = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = wall_big
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = wall_small
add = 100

item = {
value = commission_furniture
is_shown = { has_dlc_feature = royal_court }
is_valid = { has_royal_court = yes }
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_furniture_desc
localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_furniture
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
has_royal_court = yes
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOT = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = sculpture
add = 100

item = {
value = commission_book
is_shown = { has_dlc_feature = royal_court }
is_valid = { has_royal_court = yes }
current_description = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_book_desc
localization = {
desc = commission_artifact_decision_option_book
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/artifact/"

ai_chance = {
value = 0
if = {
limit = {
has_royal_court = yes
# Only make this choice if we don't already
have an artifact of this type.
NOT = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = book
add = 100

#Alchemy isn't included here since that inspiration is much more tied
to the pursuit of knowledge initiated by the inspired person

effect = {
if = {
limit = {
any_court_position_holder = {
type = antiquarian_court_position
random_court_position_holder = {
type = antiquarian_court_position
save_scope_as = antiquarian
# Explanatory Tooltips
custom_tooltip = commission_artifact_decision_effect
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc_feature = royal_court
NOT = { has_perk = apecraftsblessings_perk }
custom_description_no_bullet = {
text = commission_artifact_decision_warning_effect

if = {
limit = {
any_pool_character = {
province = root.capital_province
has_no_particular_noble_roots_trigger = yes
is_available_healthy_ai_adult = yes
NOR = {
exists = inspiration
has_trait = peasant_leader
random_pool_character = {
province = root.capital_province
limit = {
has_no_particular_noble_roots_trigger = yes
is_available_healthy_ai_adult = yes
NOR = {
exists = inspiration
has_trait = peasant_leader
save_scope_as = local_artisan
else = {
# Artisan Generation
hidden_effect = {
create_character = {
template = local_artisan_template
location = root.capital_province
gender_female_chance =
save_scope_as = local_artisan

hidden_effect = {
if = {
# Conditional exists to avoid false-positives during
tooltip generation, but 'local_artisan' should always exist on execution!
limit = { exists = scope:local_artisan }
root = { add_courtier = scope:local_artisan }
scope:local_artisan = {
add_character_flag = local_artisan
if = {
limit = { scope:commission_weapon = yes }
create_inspiration = weapon_inspiration
else_if = {
limit = { scope:commission_armor = yes }
set_variable = {
name = force_armor
value = flag:force_armor_true
create_inspiration = armor_inspiration
else_if = {
limit = { scope:commission_crown = yes }
set_variable = {
name = artifact_smith_type
value = flag:smith_type_crown
create_inspiration = smith_inspiration
else_if = {
limit = { scope:commission_regalia = yes }
set_variable = {
name = artifact_smith_type
value = flag:smith_type_regalia
create_inspiration = smith_inspiration
else_if = {
limit = { scope:commission_tapestry = yes }
root = {
trigger_event = fund_inspiration.0044
else_if = {
limit = { scope:commission_furniture = yes }
create_inspiration = artisan_inspiration
else_if = {
limit = { scope:commission_book = yes }
create_inspiration = book_inspiration
if = {
limit = { exists = inspiration }
inspiration = { save_scope_as =
this_inspiration }
root = { sponsor_inspiration =
scope:this_inspiration }

ai_check_interval = 36

ai_potential = {
is_at_war = no
ai_greed < medium_positive_ai_value
short_term_gold > ai_war_chest_desired_gold_value
war_chest_gold >= halved_ai_war_chest_gold_maximum

ai_will_do = {
base = 100

modifier = {
factor = 0
has_royal_court = yes
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = primary_armament
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = armor
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = helmet
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = regalia
OR = {
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = wall_big
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = wall_small
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = sculpture
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = book

modifier = {
factor = 0
has_royal_court = no
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = primary_armament
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = armor
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = helmet
any_character_artifact = {
artifact_slot_type = regalia

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