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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Name __Aguilar Maldonado Jesus ______ Date_01/04/2023______

Unit 3 | Reading
Read the text. Match the sentence parts and the numbered gaps.

Urban drift and shantytowns

About half the world's population currently lives in cities. This [1] ________. More and more,
people from rural areas are moving to urban areas, in a phenomenon known as urban drift, in
order to find work. Urban drift, however, only seems to increase the gap between rich and
poor, not reduce it. This is especially apparent in the poor settlements known as shantytowns
around some of the world's largest cities. At present, over one billion people in the world live
in shantytowns in homes made from plastic, metal, cardboard, or wood. Shantytowns usually
lack proper sanitation, clean water, or electricity, yet they are often on the periphery of
modern cities where these facilities are readily available. Shantytowns are most often found in
developing nations, where there is already an unequal distribution of wealth. They can often
reach the size of entire cities.
For example, [2] ________. This Pakistani shantytown is 57 square kilometers in size.
Khayelitsha in Cape Town, South Africa, is considered to be the biggest on the African
continent. In Latin America, large shantytowns are common and the biggest is Neza in Mexico.
In Europe, they are less common, but they do exist. On the outskirts of Madrid, Cañ ada Real is
an example of a neighborhood where living conditions are similar to those in the shantytowns
of the developing world. Because construction in shantytowns is informal and unplanned,
street signs and basic infrastructure don't exist. If there is any infrastructure, it is likely to be
disorganized, old, and of poor quality. Community [3] ________. As a result, fires are a particular
danger in shantytowns.
In 1953, for example, 53,000 people living in a slum on the hills of Shek Kip Mei in Hong Kong
were made homeless in just a few hours after a huge fire. It is also no surprise that [4] ________.
Despite the high level of criminal activity, shantytowns are also places of hope and creativity.
In many of these marginalized communities, a counterculture of arts and sports is emerging
hand in hand with a desire from the younger generations to succeed. Shantytowns, however,
are still places where every day is a struggle to survive. Even for the young and enthusiastic,
[5] _________.

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1 a. there are many obstacles to overcome.

2 b. services, like firefighting, don't exist either.

3 c. is set to increase to 70 percent by 2050.

4 d. the largest slum in Asia is the Orangi Township.

5 e. shantytowns have high rates of crime.

Unit 3 | Grammar – Past perfect continuous

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. I ... pictures inside the museum when a guard asked me to stop.

a. 'd been taking

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

b. 'd had been take

c. 'd have been taking

2. Stacey and Mo ... loudly when suddenly they noticed everyone staring at them.

a. had be talking

b. had been talking

c. had been to talking

3. We ... the movie inside the theater when our car was towed.

a. had watching

b. had been watch

c. had been watching

4. When Sean ran the red light, he ...

a. hadn't been drinking.

b. hadn't drinking.

c. hadn't be drinking.

5. Larry ... Seattle when he decided to live there.

a. had visit

b. had been visit

c. had been visiting

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 3 | Grammar – Past perfect (1)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.


1. Hadn't Theo carried a map with him in case he got lost?

2. When Ute arrived for dinner, she gave me a loaf of bread that she'd bake

3. I had known not that I was supposed to take off my shoes at the door.

4. The streets were terrible! I had never driven on such crazy roads before!

5. By the time I left work, the traffic had cleared up.

Unit 3 | Grammar – Past perfect (2)

Complete the sentences with had and the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. I ___________________ the subway five times before I finally figured out where I was supposed

to pay! (ride)

2. Anna ___________________ experience in that kind of traffic before, so I let her drive. (have)

3. Benito ___________________ to Sydney before, but he hadn't ever visited the Opera House.


4. I ___________________ that this neighborhood was dangerous. (not heard)

5. By the time they got to the stadium, the game ___________________. (start)

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 3 | Vocabulary – Cities

Complete the words about cities.

1. la___________________k

2. ha___________________r

3. sq___________________

4. sky___________________ e

5. sky___________________r

Unit 3 | Vocabulary – Social conventions

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Most American waiters are taught to ... drinks for the women first, and then the men.

a. hug

b. bow

c. pour

2. My family is very affectionate. Everyone wants me and my siblings to ...

a. blow on their soup.

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b. kiss them on the cheek.

c. say nothing.

3. Most people in the U.S. say ''sorry'' as they ... through a crowded train station.

a. push their way

b. shake hands

c. pour

4. When I met the businessmen in Japan, I remembered to ...

a. hug.

b. apologize.

c. bow slightly.

5. Do we need to ... for the waiter? Is it 15 or 20 percent?

a. shake hands

b. leave a tip

c. say nothing

Unit 3 | Vocabulary – Signs and sayings

Match the parts of the sentences.

1. Cars may be towed away a. hear that.

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

2. The lifeguard is not b. mean?

3. Please refrain from c. using cell phones.

4. What do you d. at the owner's expense.

5. I'm sorry to e. on duty after 6:00.

Unit 3 | Vocabulary – Urban problems

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.


1. I wouldn't mind sitting in traffic if people wouldn't honk so much.

2. I was so focused on driving on the left side of the road, I went right over a
red light!

3. In Hu's village, he never had to stand in long lines for anything.

4. When we were visiting Mexico City, we got stuck on a traffic jam that
lasted three hours.

5. Pay attention to your purse in this neighborhood. There are a lot of

pickpockets around.

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 5 | Reading
Read the text. Match the sentences and the numbered gaps.

Black Friday myths

Have you ever heard of Black Friday? It's the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. when many stores have
fantastic sales. [1] Why is it so popular? First of all, there's the excitement. A few stores open as early
as 4:00 a.m., most are open by 6:00 a.m., and some customers even camp out in the parking lot all
night. One retailer lets you sign up to receive an early morning phone call reminding you to get up and
get shopping! [2] People push and shove their way inside as soon as the doors are open.
But it's not always mean-spirited. Lena Meyers, a 35-year-old mother of two, says she loves Black
Friday because people are often in good spirits. ''Don't believe all the news stories that talk about
violence on Black Friday,'' she says. ''[3] I've been standing in lines when people start singing
Christmas songs and swapping stories about their best holiday memories. It's fun to be part of the
[4] The stores run one-day-only sales on everything from electronics to bath gel. Many popular items,
like laptops, disappear in a matter of hours. The ''If you snooze, you lose'' mentality takes over, and
people feel that they will never see such good deals again. Black Friday isn't for everyone, though. Ian
Mead, a self-proclaimed shopaholic, says he never goes shopping after Thanksgiving. ''I stay home with
my family. We play Frisbee and watch football. [5] I may not get the best bargains, but I'm not a part of
all that madness.''

1. a. If I do any shopping at all, it's online shopping.

2. b. Sure, a few people push, but it's a lot of fun.

3. c. People get out of bed early and shop all day.

4. d. The anticipation builds as the doors are unlocked.

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

5. e. Of course, the bargains attract many people.

Unit 5 | Grammar – Third conditional

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Diego … on a shopping spree if you hadn’t given him your credit card.

a. won’t gone

b. wouldn’t go

c. wouldn’t have gone

2. Estela would have bought a new car if she … more money.

a. had had

b. did have

c. would have

3. If I hadn’t looked online, I … there was a sale on today.

a. wouldn’t have know

b. wouldn’t have knew

c. wouldn’t have known

4. If ... in cash, you would have gotten a 20 percent discount.

a. you’d paid
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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

b. you’d pay

c. you’ve paid

5. I … in Florida right now if I had entered the competition!

a. might be

b. might’ve been

c. could’ve gone

Unit 5 | Grammar – Modals of possibility / probability

Complete the sentences with must or can't.

1. Is this hat really only two dollars? It ___________________ be on sale.

2. Lee tells the craziest stories. They ___________________ possibly be true.

3. When are you going to pay off your student loan? You ___________________ ignore it forever.

4. Does Marika need cash that badly? She ___________________ have a lot of credit card debt.

5. You ___________________ believe that story about the three-headed mouse. That's ridiculous.

Unit 5 | Grammar – Order of adjectives (1)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.


1. I love Darcy's new electric car. It's a little efficient vehicle.

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

2. This wool beautiful jacket will take you right from work to a night on the

3. You may find a more expensive shampoo, but you won't find a better one.

4. This face cream fantastic will make you look ten years younger.

5. She's a beautiful young model. Of course the clothes look good on her!

Unit 5 | Grammar – Order of adjectives (2)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Julie's ... crashed last night. She lost all her files.

a. old computer stupid

b. computer stupid old

c. stupid old computer

2. You can't expect me to believe that ... will really melt fat.

a. diet ridiculous plan

b. plan diet ridiculous

c. ridiculous diet plan

3. Did Michelle buy those ... from Macy's?

a. big gold earrings

b. earrings big gold

c. gold big earrings

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

4. I would love to have ... like Julianne Moore.

a. red curly hair

b. curly red hair

c. hair curly red

5. Did you find those ... on sale?

a. pretty black shoes

b. black pretty shoes

c. shoes pretty black

Unit 5 | Vocabulary – Money and shopping (1)

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Match the phrase and the definition.

1. get into debt a. spend more money than you have

2. take out a loan b. buy a lot of things in one trip

3. get a bargain c. a person who is addicted to buying things

4. a shopaholic d. pay less than the regular price for


5. go on a shopping spree e. borrow money from the bank or a private


Unit 5 | Vocabulary – Word formation

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in parentheses.

1. With this miracle band, the ___________________ of your waist will be slim and flat. (appear)

2. That green face cream makes you look like an alien. It's really ___________________. (freak)

3. I bought the toothpaste, but, ___________________, it didn't make women more attracted to me.

4. Why did I waste money on this stupid gadget? It's completely ___________________. (use)

5. Try our ___________________ new shampoo for silky, shiny hair! (remark)

Unit 5 | Vocabulary – Money and shopping (2)

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. I prefer … to shopping online. There’s a great new mall in my city that has just

a. in-store shopping

b. virtual shopping

c. interactive shopping

2. Why don’t you use the … instead of waiting in line? It’s usually much faster.

a. discount code

b. self-checkout

c. virtual try-on

3. When it comes to technology, I have a lot of … . I buy everything at the Apple store.

a. brand loyalty

b. favorite brands

c. human interaction

4. Is there a … in this store? My phone is nearly out of power.

a. charging stop

b. charging checkout

c. charging station

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

5. Many brands find … more effective at selling their products than advertising.

a. in-store shopping

b. virtual try-ons

c. user-generated content

Unit 4 | Reading
Read the text. Select True or False.

Spaced learning—the next education revolution?

In the UK, all 16-year-olds must take a number of exams called GCSEs. For over 20 years,
schools have had to publish their students' exam results. The results are included in national
league tables that show the position of every school in the country. Since the publication of
these school league tables, schools have tried to find ways to improve exam results so that
their school can get a higher position in the league table.
The principal of Monkseaton School in the north of England, Paul Kelley, promotes a
technique called ''spaced learning.'' He is sure that this technique can guarantee better test
results. The technique is based on the findings of American neuroscientist Douglas Fields from
the National Institute for Child Health and Development. Fields has shown that the best way
to help students develop a good memory is to divide information into parts and to include a
10-minute break after each part of information has been presented. During these breaks, the
part of the brain that learned the information can rest and a different part of the brain
becomes active. In Kelley's method, the teacher presents the same information to students
three times. After each presentation, the student receives a 10-minute break. During the
break, the students must do a physical activity or something completely different from what
they just learned. In 2008, 48 14-year-old students at the school were given a 90-minute
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spaced learning biology class. They had never studied biology before, but 80% of students
achieved a D (a low pass) or higher in the exam. The class included three 20-minute
presentations and a 10-minute break after each. The technique seems to work well with
students who usually find it hard to learn in a normal class.
Monkseaton was the first school in the UK to use this system, but now teachers in other
schools are starting to teach using spaced learning techniques. Supporters of this technique
claim it will revolutionize the way students learn and will improve exam results. Critics argue
that the technique does not encourage creative or critical thinking. Ken Robinson, a famous
British expert on education, supports techniques that develop critical thinking and real
understanding. He has argued that exam results should not be seen as more important than
real understanding. He thinks that both teachers and students should try to develop creativity
in the classroom.


1. Ken Robinson claims that exam results are less important than true

2. Spaced learning has been adopted by many schools in the UK.

3. In Kelley's classes, students do a physical activity during the breaks.

4. Spaced learning was invented by Paul Kelley.

5. Spaced learning helps students develop creativity.

Unit 4 | Grammar – First conditional

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Sadie won’t meet Ravi if she ... to the party.

a. doesn’t go

b. doesn’t went

c. didn’t go

2. If I don’t fix my computer, I ... all the information for my project.

a. would lose

b. will lose

c. will be losing

3. You will enjoy your literature classes more if ... the books.

a. you read

b. you are reading

c. you will read

4. If we ... practice, we won’t win the game.

a. ’re not

b. don’t

c. won’t

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5. If you cheat on the final exam, you ... kicked out of school.

a. are

b. ’re being

c. will be

Unit 4 | Grammar – should have

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Should you have ___________________ (eat) all that pasta?

2. He shouldn't have ___________________ (spend) so much time going out with his girlfriend.

3. Don't you think you should've ___________________ (stay) in school?

4. Randi should've ___________________ (go) to the music academy. She's a fantastic singer.

5. I should've ___________________ (get) a tutor for my English class.

Unit 4 | Grammar – Second conditional

Match the parts of the sentence.

1. Harold wouldn't be sick if a. I would invite you over for dinner.

2. If you went to bed earlier, b. if she went to art school?

3. Would Yolanda become a famous painter c. you wouldn’t be so tired.

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4. If you worked more hours d. you'd never have time to rest.

5. If I had my own house, e. he had a healthier diet.

Unit 4 | Grammar – too / enough

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. I have ... homework.

a. too much

b. too many

c. not enough

2. The teachers in this school are not paid very well ...

a. too.

b. enough.

c. —.

3. I didn't have ... credits to graduate, so I had to go to school for another semester.

a. too

b. enough

c. —
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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

4. I liked my high school, but there was ... much emphasis on football.

a. too

b. enough

c. —

5. We have ... great fun in class.

a. too

b. enough

c. —

Unit 4 | Vocabulary – School life

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.


1. Did you make well in school?

2. Don't worry—we all get mistakes.

3. Was Roger kicked out of his school when he was younger?

4. I'm making a class in chemistry next year.

5. I can't go out tonight. I have to take a lot of homework.

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 4 | Vocabulary – College life

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. I was so stressed trying to get into medical school. Finally, I decided to ... and major
in art.

a. drop out of

b. get into

c. start over

2. Wayne didn't have to take out a huge loan for college. He earned a full ...

a. scholarship.

b. major.

c. start over.

3. It's not a bad idea to ... college for a little while if you think a break will help you get

a. drop out of

b. start over

c. get into

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

4. Are you hoping to ... Yale? It's very hard, you know.

a. major in

b. drop out of

c. get into

5. Tracy is going to ... education. She wants to be a teacher.

a. major

b. drop out of

c. major in

Unit 6 | Reading
Read the text. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

The Shape of Water

This strange, but wonderful romantic thriller, directed by Guillermo del Toro, is so unlike
other traditional love stories that it has been labeled a ‘monster’ movie! Set in the 1960s in a
small American city, Sally Hawkins plays Elisa, a lonely woman trapped in her own world
because she cannot speak. She and her co-worker, Zelda, clean the endless halls and
laboratories of an underground government center and accidentally come across a dark,
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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

secret experiment. A half-man, half-fish has been captured in Brazil and brought to this
concrete prison by the U.S. military, and is under the “care” of Colonel Strickland—an
unpleasant, racist soldier who believes this Amphibian Man has no real intelligence. With the
Cold War at its worst, he considers that the creature’s body may contain secrets the U.S. can
use against the Soviets. Meanwhile, a scientist at the Occam Institute, Dr. Robert Hoffstetler, is
arguing to keep the creature alive, but not for positive reasons, as we later discover he is a
double agent working for the Soviets and wants to get information from the creature to use
against the U.S.

In the meantime, the silent Elisa manages to communicate with the creature, playing it music
and bringing it boiled eggs to eat. A relationship starts between the two and, when Elisa
discovers that Strickland wants to kill the creature, she convinces Zelda and her roommate, an
artist named Giles, to help her rescue the Amphibian Man.

The movie jumps between comedy and horror and has an improbable storyline, but with
Hawkins’ fantastic performance as the quiet but determined Elisa, the whole movie works. In
fact, The Shape of Water is possibly Del Toro’s best movie yet.

1. Elisa and the creature learn to ___________________ with one another and become

2. Elisa and Zelda ___________________ find the half-fish, half-man while cleaning the

3. Strickland thinks the creature has ___________________ within its body which can be
used to fight the Soviets.

4. Dr. Hoffstetler wants the creature ___________________ so he can find out more
about it.

5. This movie is both a thriller and a ___________________ story.

Unit 6 | Grammar – Restrictive relative clauses (1)

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Complete the sentences with that, who, or whose.

1. Jack Black is the man ___________________ does the voice of Po in Kung Fu Panda.

2. The story ___________________ is the inspiration for Sleepy Hollow was written by Washington

Irving in 1820.

3. How I Met Your Mother tells the story of a man ___________________ search for love leads him

into many funny situations.

4. The title, “Bones”, is taken from the nickname for the scientist ___________________ solves many

crimes by studying victims' bones.

5. American Idol is a show ___________________ features many talented musicians.

Unit 6 | Grammar – Restrictive relative clauses (2)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. June Foray is the actor ... is best known as the voice of Rocky the Flying Squirrel and
Jokey Smurf.

a. who

b. that

c. whose

2. The Simpsons is the cartoon ... has run longer than any other cartoon on TV.

a. who

b. that

c. whose

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

3. Sheila Nevins is the producer ... documentary films have won more than 50 Emmy Awards.

a. who

b. that

c. whose

4. CBS Evening News is the news show ... began in 1948 and has run almost every day since.

a. who

b. that

c. whose

5. Prince T’Chall is the man ... becomes the new king of Wakanda in the movie, Black

a. who

b. that

c. whose

Unit 6 | Grammar – Non-restrictive relative clauses (1)

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

where who which (x2) whose

1. Hugh Jackman, ... comes from Australia, is my favorite actor.

2. Boston, ... Matt Damon was born, is one of the oldest cities in the U.S.

3. Gravity, ... is a sci-fi movie, is really boring!

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4. Angelina Jolie, ... dad is also an actor, has starred in over 50 movies.

5. This Is Me, ... is a song from The Greatest Showman, won a Golden Globe Award.

Unit 6 | Grammar – Non-restrictive relative clauses (2)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.


1. Heath Ledger, that starred in The Dark Knight, died tragically in 2008.

2. No one expected Mark Wahlberg, who was once known as rap singer
Marky Mark, to become a successful dramatic actor.

3. Kathryn Bigelow, which won an Oscar for Best Director, directed the movie
The Hurt Locker.

4. I thought the movie, who had huge celebrities, was completely pointless.

5. The Mickey Mouse Club, which gave many young actors their start, starred
such celebrities as Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling.

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – TV genres and expressions

Match the words.

1. soap a. dramas

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2. stand-up b. operas

3. reality c. TV

4. talk d. comedy

5. medical e. shows

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – Movies (1)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.


1. The final part of the trilogy will be filmed next spring.

2. I heard they had to rewrite the cast three times before they finally got it

3. Rashad said he saw a clip of the new James Bond movie online.

4. I heard there was going to be a prequel to my favorite movie. I’m so


5. Which one of these movie stars in Brad Pitt?

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – TV genres and expressions (2)

Match the words and the definitions.

1. reviews a. on-screen translation of speech

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2. subscribe to b. unable to stop (watching)

3. addicted to c. all the episodes in one year of a series

4. subtitles d. pay for something regularly to receive


5. season e. written or oral opinions about a TV show

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – Movies (2)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. The Disney Pixar movie Incredibles 2 is the long-awaited … to Incredibles.

a. sequel

b. prequel

c. sequence

2. The 2018 movie Bohemian Rhapsody is a … to the rock band Queen and their lead
singer, Freddie Mercury.

a. trilogy

b. audience

c. tribute

3. Do you know who is writing the … for the new Batman movie?

a. script

b. screen
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c. trailer

4. No one can reveal where they are … the new Star Wars movie. It’s a secret.

a. shooting

b. starring

c. doing

5. Olivia Colman played the … of Queen Anne in the 2018 movie The Favourite.

a. cast

b. role

c. scene

Unit 2 | Reading
Read the text. Select True or False.

April 22, 2019

Welcome to GreenEarthBlog!
Today is Earth Day, so I wanted to celebrate by telling you about a few things I've been doing
lately to make a difference.
I've been focusing on water lately, and I think these tricks have really helped. One simple trick I did
was to take an old milk jug and fill it full of pebbles. Then I put it in the back of my toilet tank. ''Are
you out of your mind, Carrie?'' I hear you asking. No, I did it so the water in the back of the tank will
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be displaced, and I will use less water every time I flush. I've already been seeing a decrease in my
water bill! Another thing I did was to put a different laundry basket in my kids' room with a sign on
it that says ''Maybe.'' I told them to put in clothes that they had worn just once or twice, but they're
not sure if the clothes are dirty. Then I can look through them and decide before I wash them. If
they're not really dirty—like, maybe there's just a spot of toothpaste on a shirt—I spot-clean it, fold
it up, and put it back. They love their new ''green'' laundry basket, and I've been saving a lot of
electricity! The final thing is a huge accomplishment. I finally got my husband to rinse his razor in
the sink instead of under running water! Yes, for at least 25 years, this man has been leaving the
water running while he shaves, which drives me nuts! Finally, I figured out how much water he was
wasting every day. Then I multiplied it by 30. You don't want to know how much water he was
wasting! He really felt bad when he actually saw the numbers. Now, he has been filling the sink with
a few inches of water and just swishing his razor in it. I hope these tips can help you, too.
Remember, every drop counts!

1. Rinsing a razor under a running faucet uses a lot of water.

2. Carrie's husband has changed the way he shaves.

3. Carrie's ''Maybe'' laundry basket is for clothes that are almost worn out.

4. Carrie put an old milk jug in her toilet tank to test the water level.

5. Carrie's children are not always able to decide if clothes are really dirty.

Unit 2 | Grammar – Present perfect continuous

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. How long has that town ... having a drought?

a. been

b. be

c. is

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

2. Daphne has been sorting her trash into compost and recyclable materials ...

a. since some time now.

b. for some time now.

c. some time now.

3. How long ... a fuel-efficient car?

a. have you driving

b. have you been driving

c. do you driving

4. Jim ... from that aluminum water bottle since he was in college.

a. has been drink

b. is drinking

c. has been drinking

5. I ... harmful insecticides in my garden.

a. haven't been using

b. haven't using

c. haven't been use

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 2 | Grammar – Present perfect simple vs. Present perfect

Match the parts of the sentence.

1. The polar ice caps have been a. trying to get more people to ride the bus.

2. Environmentalists have b. been arguing about the benefits of

electric cars.

3. The temperature in the summer c. risen in the last ten years.

4. The jellyfish population in the oceans has d. has got hotter in recent years.

5. City officials have been e. shrinking since 1979.

Unit 2 | Grammar – Simple past vs. Present perfect simple / continuous

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Has Josh ___________________ (follow) that diet for a long time?

2. Miami ___________________ (be) hit pretty hard by that hurricane last fall.

3. Marcia ___________________ (eat) a lot less meat lately.

4. I worked out at that gym for a year, but I only ___________________ (lose) five pounds.

5. Pedro ___________________ (go) to a yoga retreat on vacation last summer.

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 2 | Grammar – Time / frequency / degree phrases

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. How ___________________ have you been using energy-efficient light bulbs?

2. No thanks, I don't need a new refrigerator. I ___________________ made the switch to energy-

efficient appliances last year.

3. We've been riding our bikes to work ___________________ a week, either on Tuesdays and

Thursdays or on Mondays and Wednesdays.

4. She's been using eco-friendly products ___________________ she had a baby.

5. Jay has been avoiding disposable products ___________________ years.

Unit 2 | Vocabulary – Adjectives from verbs and nouns

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. The Whites have one of those water-___________________ faucets in their new kitchen.

2. Is Ellen planning to use ___________________ diapers? That will create a lot of waste.

3. We're thinking of buying an energy-___________________ car.

4. Do you have any child-___________________ recycling bins for your kids?

5. Be sure to take your ___________________ cloth bags to the farmer's market.

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 2 | Vocabulary – Going green

Match the parts of the sentence.

1. Are you going shopping? Don't forget to take a. reusable cloth bags.

You can save a lot of money if you fix your b. household waste.

3. Did you replace those light bulbs with c. faucets.

4. We need to reduce our average d. energy-efficient light bulbs?

5. Disposable diapers take a long time to e. decompose.

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

Unit 2 | Vocabulary – The environment (1)

Match the word and the definition.

1. fossil fuels a. an energy source that comes from plants /


2. deforestation b. a time when there is dry weather and no water

3. threatened c. likely to disappear or become extinct

4. poaching d. the removing of trees from an area

5. drought e. catching wild animals illegally

Unit 2 | Vocabulary – The environment (2)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Global warming has caused ... so the orangutans of Indonesia don't have enough

a. mammals

b. drought

c. threatened

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

2. The mountain gorilla has lost much of its habitat because of ...

a. deforestation.

b. extinction.

c. poaching.

3. The Javanese rhino is extinct in Vietnam largely due to ...

a. endangered.

b. poaching.

c. fossil fuels.

4. About 20 percent of all the ... on the planet are in danger.

a. species

b. vulnerable

c. wild

5. We are in danger of losing many of the world's animals to ...

a. threatened.

b. species.

c. extinction.

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 3

English ID 2nd edition Level 3  Richmond, 2019

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