Listening 7-Dikonversi

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Name : Rizky Bagusyanto B

NIM : 1800888203049

Advanced Listening
Chapter 7

1. E-B-C-A-F-D
2. Mushroom Risoto
a. 25g of butter
b. hald of chopped onion
c. 300g sliced mushrooms
d. 350g of arborio rice
e 1 litre of vegetable stock
f. 150ml of dry white wine
g. 40g
h. cheese

Part 1.
Staters : 1 Pork satay ,1 Chicken & coconut soup.
Main courses : 2 Green prawn curry
Desserts : 1 Fruit salad, 1 Fried banana special
Drinks : 2 glasses of water

Part 2.
Stater Main Dessert
Brian OK
✔ ✔

Tracy OK

a. False
b. True

a. The Big Breakfast Show.
b. Mike Martin.
c. How to live a better and healthier life.
d. Sonia Tarington.
e. University of California Nutrition Research Centre.
f. A food scientist who examines the effect food has on our bodies.
g. Obesity and heart disease.
h. Because The Goverment has to spend millions of dollars every year.
i. Its quick and easy,they (Vegetables) keep their goodness.
j. Grill meat remove more fat.
k. Fish is full of goodness and easy to digest.
l. You'll live a longer and healthier life.

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