New Fossil Sea Turtle Trackway Morphotypes From The Pleistocene of

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Quaternary Research

Copyright © University of Washington. Published by Cambridge University Press, 2019.


New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of

South Africa highlight role of ichnology in turtle paleobiology

Martin G. Lockleya*, Hayley C. Cawthrab,c, Jan C. De Vynckb, Charles W. Helmb,d, Richard T. McCread, Ronel Nele
Dinosaur Trackers Research Group, Campus Box 144, University of Colorado Denver, P.O. Box 173364, Denver, Colorado 80217-3364, USA
African Centre for Coastal Palaeoscience, P.O. Box 77000, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth 6031, South Africa
Marine Geoscience Unit, Council for Geoscience, P.O. Box 572, Bellville 7535, South Africa
Peace Region Palaeontology Research Centre, Box 1540, Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia V0C 2W0, Canada
Department of Zoology, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth 6031, South Africa
*Corresponding author at: e-mail address: (M.G. Lockley).
(RECEIVED April 4, 2019; ACCEPTED June 10, 2019)

More than 130 late Pleistocene trackway sites from the coastal eolianites and beach deposits of the Cape south coast, South
Africa, have previously mostly yielded tracks of large mammals and birds. However, two sites east of Still Bay, and a third
near Garden Route National Park, yield distinctive trackways of hatchling sea turtles, made during the short posthatching
(postemergence) interval when the trackmakers headed for the sea. One assemblage of approximately parallel trackways indi-
cates smaller loggerhead turtle hatchlings, with alternating gaits, and contrasts with a wider trackway indicating a leatherback
turtle hatchling. These are the world’s first reports of fossil traces that document this brief “run-for the-sea” phenomenon.
They help delineate late Pleistocene sea turtle breeding ranges and indicate climatic conditions along the Cape south
coast. Ichnotaxonomically defined swim tracks of large adult sea turtles are known from a few Mesozoic sites. Likewise,
walking and swim traces of terrestrial freshwater turtles are also known from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. However, as no
ichnotaxonomy exists for these diagnostic hatchling trails, we assign the trackways of the inferred loggerheads to the new
ichnotaxon Australochelichnus agulhasii ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., and the inferred leatherback trackway to Marinerichnus
latus ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.
Keywords: Pleistocene; Hatchling sea turtle; Trackways; Ichnotaxonomy; Coastal eolianites; Paleoecology; Loggerhead
turtle; Leatherback turtle

INTRODUCTION other tetrapods. Most notable have been the reports of homi-
nin tracks (Helm et al., 2018b, 2019b), bird tracks (Helm
Diverse fossil footprints are abundant and widely distributed et al., 2017), and various large mammal tracks (Roberts
in late Pleistocene coastal eolianites and cemented foreshore et al., 2008; Helm et al., 2018a, 2019a). All these studies
deposits, preserved along the Cape south coast of South
stress the vulnerability of track-bearing blocks because of
Africa (Fig. 1). These cemented paleodune deposits, which proximity to the ocean and the inevitable damage caused
form the ∼100,000-yr-old Waenhuiskrans Formation along by continuous wave action and cliff collapse.
the Cape south coast, have been surveyed on foot between
Although it has been inferred that the Cape south coast
2007 and 2019 by the present authors (mainly CWH) from track record may be biased toward the tracks of larger, heavier
Arniston in the west to Robberg in the east, a distance of trackmakers, especially mammals (Helm et al., 2018a, 2018b,
∼350 km (Fig. 1).
2018c, 2019a, 2019b), some tracks, including those of birds
These tracksite discoveries have generated a recent spate of (Helm et al., 2017), small mammals (Helm et al., 2018c), and
publications detailing a variety of tracks of mammals and the hatchling sea turtles reported here, show the potential for
registration and preservation of smaller tracks. The only other
possible reptile tracks, putatively made by tortoises, and
Cite this article: Lockley, M. G., Cawthra, H. C., De Vynck, J. C., Helm, observed in small numbers at three localities (Dana Bay,
C. W., McCrea, R. T., Nel, R. 2019. New fossil sea turtle trackway Gericke’s Point, and Goukamma), are morphologically
morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa highlight role of
ichnology in turtle paleobiology. Quaternary Research 92, 626–640. quite distinct from hatchling sea turtle tracks and are as yet undescribed and will be reported elsewhere.
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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 627

Figure 1. (color online) Locality map showing the location of track-bearing Waenhuiskrans Formation outcrops in the Still Bay area of South
Africa. Site 1 is the more westerly, and site 2 the more easterly of the two sites, marked with stars. The inset at lower right shows the
iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site northern KwaZulu-Natal, near St. Lucia, known as a nesting area for extant sea turtles.

The purpose of this article is to describe a number of highly sea turtle tracks made on southern African beaches today.
distinctive and diagnostic tracks (trails) attributed to sea turtle The fossil trackways are known mostly from the Mesozoic
hatchlings. These tracks have considerable ichnological and of the Northern Hemisphere and include evidence of both
paleobiological significance for the following reasons: (1) swimming and walking behaviors of presumed mature adults.
these are the first sea turtle hatchling tracks known from the These are associated with different paleoenvironmental set-
fossil record; (2) this is the first documentation of fossil reptile tings from the coastal beach-dune facies described here. How-
tracks from South Africa’s Cape south coast, in an ichnofauna ever, the morphology of these various Mesozoic trackways,
otherwise dominated by mammal and bird tracks; (3) from a reported with increased frequency in recent years (Bernier
paleobiological viewpoint these tracks evidently capture the et al., 1982; Thulborn, 1989, 1990; Gaillard et al., 2003;
behavior of sea turtle hatchlings in the first few minutes of Avanzini et al., 2005; Lockley et al., 2018a, 2018b, 2019),
postemergence activity, the only time they will make terres- also has ichnotaxonomic significance, which is reviewed
trial tracks at this stage of ontogenetic development; (4) here and discussed in relation to a coherent classification of
from a paleogeographic and paleoecological viewpoint the the fossil tracks and trackways of turtles.
tracks tell us about the breeding range of sea turtles in the
Pleistocene; and (5) the tracks represent two new and highly
distinctive and morphologically diagnostic categories of fos-
sil turtle tracks, which require the naming of two new ichno-
taxa in order to distinguish them from other formally named
turtle track morphotypes. The track-bearing Pleistocene coastal dunes and beach sands
With reference to the fact that hatchling sea turtle tracks of the Cape south coast have been described by Roberts et al.
have never previously been reported, it is pertinent to com- (2012) and Cawthra et al. (2018) based on the Great Brak
pare them with other previously described tracks of sea and River outcrops as including three types of Pleistocene facies
terrestrial turtles from the fossil record, as well as hatchling that can look quite similar. These can be broadly

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628 M. G. Lockley et al.

Figure 2. Large sandstone block showing parallel sea turtle trackways (black arrows) preserved in concave epirelief on the track-bearing sur-
face. Large and small red squares correspond to line drawings in Figure 5A and C. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

characterized as eolianite facies characteristic of the Waen- dark streaks on the upper part of this surface at the junction
huiskrans Formation (Malan, 1989) and foreshore and shore- with the upper surface of the block reflect continuation of
face facies that form part of the Klein Brak Formation (Malan, the dark-brown to black coloration on the upper surface,
1991). These are most likely dated from Marine Oxygen which is one of the sides where the block is seen in cross sec-
Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, between ∼130 and ∼90 ka (see Helm tion (Fig. 2). Newly exposed surfaces in this area are light yel-
et al. [2018b] for discussion and the remote possibility of lowish brown, but after prolonged exposure to weathering,
older MIS 11 dates). These facies intergrade to various degrees exposed surfaces become dark brown or black and, in places,
and are characterized locally by high-angle cross bedding, are covered in a biofilm layer, which attaches preferentially to
dune sets, and low-angle to planar bedded foreshore facies. convex and irregular surfaces (Helm et al., 2017). This bio-
The track-bearing surfaces are referred to as turtle tracksites film also eventually tends to develop on flat surfaces. This
1 and 2. Turtle tracksite 1 was exposed by the fall of a large dark-brown upper layer, which implies prolonged exposure,
block, about 2.5 m thick, from the cliffs above. A possible when viewed in the context of the source cliffs above, allows
source of the block is ∼15 m above its present position the inference that the trackways we describe were heading
(Fig. 2). The block came to rest in a position that, when exam- south in a seaward direction. The trails on the track-bearing
ined in 2017, exposed the track-bearing surface in a near- surface appear as elongate, slightly curved tripartite furrows
vertical orientation. The surface is on the underside of the with the middle part a raised ridge (convex epirelief) about
block where the planar bedded beach sands split along an one-third of trail width, with the two side furrows showing
apparent stratigraphic plane of weakness to expose a very long sequences of transverse paddle traces in concave epire-
flat surface with maximum dimensions of about 3.0 × lief. Thus, the trackways are the original natural impressions
5.6 m, representing a surface of no more than 17.0 m2, on (concave epireliefs) not the infilling casts (Figs. 2–4). Unfor-
which multiple elongate hatchling turtle trails were registered tunately, the counterpart (convex hyporelief) of this surface
(Figs. 2–5). The sides of the block reveal that the sand was or the in situ surface from which the block fell is not exposed
horizontally bedded or part of a very low-angle sequence, or accessible for study. When revisited in 2018, the block had
with what appear to be at least two tracks in cross section split at a stratigraphic level below the track-bearing surface
(Fig. 3B), at a horizon separated from the track-bearing sur- and was tilted seaward away from the near-vertical inclination
face by about 40 cm. These tracks appear as “v-shaped to an angle of ∼60°.
depressions” with at least 6–7 cm of relief, but as they do Turtle tracksite 2 is situated 4.4 km east of the previously
not indent the horizontal layers at the apex of the “v,” they identified site 1 (turtle tracksite 1) and consists of a subrectan-
are best referred to as track or bioturbation “features” and gular, fallen sandstone slab 160 cm in maximum length,
not depressions. 90 cm in maximum width, and 32 cm in maximum thickness
The substrate, on which the trackways were registered, was (Fig. 6). Bedding appears parallel or subparallel, without
sand, now consolidated and yellowish brown in color. Short clear cross bedding. Bedding planes vary in thickness from

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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 629

Figure 3. (color online) (A) Three sea turtle hatchling trackways (Australochelichnus agulhasii) from central area of slab shown in Figure 2.
Note that two trackways (right) overlap. (B) Stratigraphic section of track-bearing block, showing the track-bearing surface in vertical orien-
tation (up section to left) and presumed tracks in cross section, center, in layers just left of 15-cm scale bar.

2 to 10 mm. The track-bearing surface represents a single et al., 1998). Thus, the planar bedded strata seen throughout
bedding plane with the natural impression (concave epirelief) the block can be inferred to represent strata previously situ-
of a single trackway (Figs. 6 and 7). Shell fragments or other ated in situ somewhere in the overlying cliff strata, where
coarse material were not observed. The slab is located above the bedding planes reflected inclinations close to their
the intertidal splash zone and ∼ 5m from the bottom of steep original angle of deposition.
coastal cliffs. It is not possible to reliably determine from
which layer in the cliffs it originated, and the counterpart
slab has not been located. It is also not possible to determine
the original bearing of the trackway relative to the coastline. The tracks at sites 1 and 2 were inspected and photographed
Moreover, the slab is wedged almost vertically between two in the field in order to obtain both two-dimensional and three-
much larger rocks and is reasonably well protected from dimensional (3D) images (Figs. 2–7). Two-dimensional
erosion, at least in the short term. images were obtained from photographs, and tracings made
Tectonic activity is inferred to have been minimal on the on clear acetate film. Tracings were made of three representa-
Southern Coastal Plain during the Pleistocene (Fleming tive site 1 trackway segments (Fig. 5) after chalking the

Figure 4. Photogrammetric image of turtle trackway shown in left side of large box in Figure 2 and on left side of Figure 3. This trackway is
designated as the holotype of Australochelichnus agulhasii, and represented by a “hard copy” three-dimensional (3D) print (MGL 600 and
UCM 230.281) of the representative segment shown in red box. See text for details. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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630 M. G. Lockley et al.

Figure 5. (A) Three subparallel sea turtle trackways (A. agulhasii), inferred to represent leatherback hatchlings: gray arrows show direction of
progression. Note appearance of a median ridge (small black arrows) after appearance of paddle traces. (B) Paired trackway-parallel traces
before appearance of paddle traces. (C) Detail of trackway shown in panel A to illustrate that paddle traces alternate (left and right), as
shown by plotting transverse lines (red) across trackway axis from anterior border of each paddle trace. (D) Sea turtle trackway (Marinerichnus
latus), inferred to represent a loggerhead hatchling. Note that left and right paddle traces (red lines) registered symmetrically about the trackway
midline. Note that panels C and D are shown at the same scale to show that the M. latus trackway width (TW) is much wider. (For interpretation
of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

outlines of the main features. The tracings are reposited in the photogrammetric model was also obtained (Fig. 6C), cour-
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History as T tesy of Carina Helm with Agisoft MetaShape Professional
1781. Photogrammetric images of the trackways from turtle (v. 1.0.4) using 27 images from Canon PowerShot ELPH
tracksite 1 were obtained using a Canon PowerShot ELFPH 110 HS with 4608 × 3456 resolution and pixel size of
340 HS camera by one of us (JCDV). Point clouds and digital 1.34 × 1.34 µm using a 4.3 mm focal length. The average
terrain models were compiled (by RTM) using Agisoft Pho- camera altitude was 0.22 m. The reprojection error of the
toscan Professional (v. 1.0.4), and color topographic profiles model is 0.71 pix.
were created with CloudCompare (v. 2.6.3.beta) to produce The 3D digital image data for the site 1 trackway were used
an image of the trackway shown in Figure 4. Attempting to to generate a 3D print of a segment of the trackway, shown in
obtain photogrammetric images of the trackways from turtle Figure 4, which is reposited in the fossil footprint collections
tracksite 2 proved challenging because of the lack of camera of Moab Giants Museum (MGL), Utah, as “hard copy” rep-
access in cramped space beside the trackway. However, obli- lica MGL 600. A second hard copy replica is reposited at
que and close-up photos of trackway segments were obtained, the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
from which measurements were procured (Figs. 6–7), and a (UCM) as specimen UCM 230.281.

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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 631

Figure 6. (A) The Marinerichnus latus trackway block wedged in between much larger fallen blocks. (B) Close-up view of trackway with
arcuate red lines to show curvature of trackway and approximate lengths of inner (concave) and outer (convex) margins at 600 mm and
830 mm, respectively. (C) Photogrammetric model with color vertical profile of leatherback turtle trackway east of Still Bay, courtesy of Carina
Helm (see “Material and Methods”). Vertical scale is in meters. Horizontal scale bar is 0.25 m. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

While this article was in review, a third tracksite yielding a long and ∼20 cm thick (Fig. 8). The slab was found on a
hatching turtle trackway was discovered (in April 2019), in a dune surface below vegetated slopes lacking nearby visible
coastal section of the Garden Route National Park, by Andre outcrops to suggest the stratigraphic level from which it
and Emily Brink. This site is 110 km east of sites 1 and 2 and came. Faint horizontal bedding is evident, parallel to that of
consists of an isolated loose slab ∼60 cm × 60 cm wide and the track-bearing surface, which appears to have been

Figure 7. (color online) (A) Close-up photograph of Marinerichnus latus trackway segment showing measurements of major morphological
features made directly form the trackway (see “Description”). (B) Line drawing of the same area showing midline ridge, margins of trackway,
and symmetrical arrangement of paddle traces (see “Description”). Compare with Figures 5D and 6.

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632 M. G. Lockley et al.

Figure 8. (color online) Turtle trackway site 3, Garden Route National Park area. (A) View of isolated track-bearing slab on beach. (B) Detail
of slab with clear, diagnostic trackway segment (long arrow) and unclear trace (short arrow left) with opposite sense of progression. Trackway
segments occur on either side of an uneven area that might represent remains of a nest. See text for details.

exposed and weathered/eroded for some time. Nonetheless, are terrestrial. Thus, all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles
the natural mold of one clear turtle trackway with an alternat- are tortoises. Nontortoise turtles are mostly aquatic and
ing paddle trace gait is similar in size and morphology to the include both terrestrial, freshwater turtles and sea turtles. In
site 1 trackways inferred to represent a hatchling loggerhead the discussion that follows, we use the term turtle to exclude
turtle (Caretta caretta). terrestrial tortoises. This is convenient when discussing the
The diagnostic trackway segment, 25 cm long and 9 cm fossil track record of chelonians, as there are no confirmed
wide, is preserved in the middle of the slab with evidence reports of the tracks of terrestrial tortoises, even though a
of forward motion away from a disturbed (bioturbated) area few questionable Cretaceous occurrences have been sug-
(left to right in Fig. 8) and toward a broken area (far right gested (Fiorillo, 2005; Pascual-Arribas and Hernández-
in Fig. 8). On the opposite side of the uneven area from the Medrano, 2015), and we have recently observed a few as
diagnostic trackway segment, other paddle-like traces, with yet undescribed tortoise tracks in the coastal dune and
curved edges, consistent with hatchling turtle trackmaker beach deposits described here.
morphology are evident and apparently suggest motion in a Fossil turtle tracks are known from the Mesozoic and
direction ∼180° opposite to that of the main trackway. This Cenozoic, with some evidence that the earliest known tracks,
ichnological evidence is difficult to interpret but could possi- from the Early Triassic, are older than the oldest known skel-
bly suggest at least two trackways emanating from a nest site. etal remains (Lichtig et al., 2018). The turtle track record cov-
Ichnologically, the trackways from sites 1 and 2 can be clas- ers a variable range of morphologies reflecting the
sified as epifaunal trails, whereas a nest would be an infaunal locomotion of different-sized marine and freshwater turtles
trace, and potentially more easily preserved than surface while either swimming or progressing on land. In most
trails, and potentially amenable to study through sectioning cases there are clear-cut differences between the trackway
of the sedimentary rock comprising the slab. However, configurations made by swimmers and walkers, and also
although the site 3 specimen (Fig. 8) is portable and can be between the facies associations of marine or sea turtle traces
removed to the safety of a repository for further study, it is (Fig. 9) and those associated with freshwater settings. There
premature to undertake any potentially damaging analysis. are also at least four widely used ichnogenus names applied
A fourth turtle trackway site was reported to us (see to turtle tracks. These include Chelonichnium, originally
“Acknowledgments”). However, details of this fourth site, applied to an undiagnostic isolated track (C. vogesiacum)
although indicated by photographs, are insufficiently from the Early Triassic of Germany (Schimper, 1850). As
known to allow us to describe the material adequately without reviewed by Avanzini et al. (2005), Abel (1935), and Hau-
further study of the field evidence. bold (1971), this ichnotaxon was declared dubious (a
nomen dubium). This led Demathieu and Gaillard (1982, in
Bernier et al., 1982), to propose adopting (transferring) the
ichnogenus name to label large sea turtle tracks from the
Late Jurassic of France. These are preserved in a long trail
General ichnotaxonomic observations
(Fig. 10), which they named Chelonichnium cerinense.
According to the latest taxonomic revisions (Rhodin et al., These authors used the potentially ambiguous term “turtle”
2017), all tortoises, a subgroup within the turtles (Chelonia), throughout their study, which we take to mean nontortoise

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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 633

Figure 9. (color online) (A–C) Modern hatchling loggerhead turtles en route to sea, registering trackways on sandy substrates with variable
surface textures. Note scale bars in panels A and C for comparison with Figure 7. (D) Adult loggerhead digging nest. Trackway (∼1.0 m wide)
indicates onshore (up-beach) progression and shows distance from sea. Photographs in panel A (November 2015) and panel D (2013) courtesy
of Linda Harris. Photographs in panels B and C (January 2019) courtesy of Diane Le Gouvello. All photographs from Bhana Nek, in iSiman-
galiso Wetland Park World Heritage Site northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

turtles. (However, they may have wished to imply tortoise.) Foster, 2006) and multiple tracksites in the Cretaceous of
They explicitly described the Chelonichnium trackway as North America (Lockley et al., 2018a, 2018b). The label
progressing from a drier to wetter substrate in an area with Emidhypus has been used to describe Middle Jurassic
what they described as “soft sediment slides” confirming a (Klein et al., 2018) and Late Jurassic turtle tracks from
substrate at least partly immersed, subaqueously, in shallow Spain (Avanzini et al., 2005) and Morocco, as well as the
marginal marine facies. Interestingly, as in the case noted pre- original tracks described from the Early Cretaceous of
viously where Early Triassic turtle tracks may predate the old- Spain (Fuentes Vidarte et al., 2003). The difference between
est body fossil remains, so these Late Jurassic sea turtle tracks the type specimens of Chelonipus and Emidhypus is slight,
apparently also predate the oldest known body fossil remains. based on more “parallel ungual traces” in the manus (front
Bernier and his colleagues also named Saltosauropus latus foot), turned slightly inward, and “apparently always away
(Bernier et al., 1984), which they initially misinterpreted as in respect to” the pes (hind foot) (Avanzini et al., 2005,
tracks of a hopping dinosaur. These tracks were convincingly p. 748). These authors considered that Emidhypus might be
reinterpreted as those of large swimming marine turtles, a “junior synonym” of Chelonipus but did not opt for this
which provided trace evidence of large paddles used in syn- conclusion because the trackway configurations were differ-
chronous swimming strokes (Thulborn, 1989, 1990). This ent. Fuentes Vidarte et al. (2003) had failed to compare
interpretation has been supported by additional finds of track- their Emidhypus with Chelonipus but were “saved” by Avan-
ways “attributed to giant turtles” (Gaillard et al., 2003, p. 315) zini et al. (2005) who demonstrated diagnostic differences
that resemble Saltosauropus (Fig. 9). Thus, in the sense used justifying both names as valid. Note here that the differences
by Bernier and his colleagues, Chelonichnium and Saltosaur- in trackway configuration are considered sufficient to validate
opus respectively represent the progression of a marine turtle, the naming of different ichnogenera.
in the former case over a wet partly submerged substrate, and Avanzini et al. (2005) explicitly interpreted the type mate-
in the latter case, swimming more freely, but still touching the rial of both ichnogenera as examples of walking behavior and
substrate with paddle strokes. supported this conclusion by comparing the fossil trackway
Because freshwater turtles, associated with fluviolacustrine with those of living turtles, including the tortoise Testudo
facies in terrestrial deposits, may also walk or swim, we can and other nontortoise turtle genera. Reolid et al. (2018)
expect to find trackways representing both modes of progres- described trackway evidence of what they called “semi-
sion. This is exactly what we find in the track record. Gener- aquatic locomotion” but indicated that tracks could not be
ally, the traces of freshwater turtles have been labelled given a “concrete assignment” to either Chelonipus or Emid-
Chelonipus (Rühle von Lilienstern, 1939), although the ich- hypus. Thus, these two ichnogenera may be used as labels for
nogenus name Emidhypus (Fuentes Vidarte et al., 2003) walking trackways, in the type specimens, but may elsewhere
has also been used (see Avanzini et al., 2005, for review of be difficult to distinguish and may additionally indicate
ichnotaxonomy). The record of Chelonipus extends from semiaquatic locomotion.
the Early and Late Triassic of Europe (Rühle von Lilienstern, Turtles are capable of subaqueous bottom walking and,
1939, and Haubold, 1971, respectively) to the few sites in the depending on substrate consistency (firmness), may register
Jurassic of North America (Foster et al., 1999; Lockley and very indistinct trackways that do not closely reflect foot

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634 M. G. Lockley et al.

Figure 10. (color online) Sea turtle (A–D) and terrestrial turtle (E–G) trackways. (A–C) From the Jurassic of France. (A) Chelonichnium cer-
inense (after Bernier et al., 1982). (B) Saltosauropus latus (after Bernier et al., 1984). (C) Unnamed Saltosauropus-like giant turtle tracks
(modified after Gaillard et al., 2003). (D) Australochelichnus agulhasii from South Africa. (E) Chelonipus plieningeri from the Upper Triassic
of Germany (after Haubold, 1971, 1984). (F) Chelonipus isp. from the Cretaceous of Utah (after Lockley et al., 2018a). (G) Turtle swim track
assemblage T 1491 from the Cretaceous of Colorado (after Lockley et al., 2018b).

morphology (Avanzini et al., 2005), or they may register quite The South African tracks named here are morphologically
regular trackway patterns that are difficult to distinguish from quite distinct from any turtle trackways previously described
those made when walking on emergent subaerial substrates but exhibit some general similarities to the turtle traces named
(Foster et al., 1999; Avanzini et al., 2005; Lockley et al., Chelonichnium cerinense (Demathieu and Gaillard, 1982, in
2014). In other paleoenvironmental settings, high densities Bernier et al. 1982). For these reasons, we erect the new ich-
of parallel to subparallel, incomplete tracks (mostly distal notaxa Australochelichnus agulhasii ichnogen. et ichnosp.
toe traces) with no discrete or recognizable trackways config- nov. and Marinerichnus latus ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.,
urations have been registered (Lockley et al., 2018a, 2019). which recognize the “chelonian” and “mariner” affinities of
The inability of observers to recognize trackways may be the trackmakers and also recognize that the two trackways
because of multiple overprinting. These suggest swimming, registered quite different “terrestrial” gaits (i.e., alternating
with toes touching the substrate under the influence of unidi- in A. agulhasii and symmetrical in M. latus). As these differ-
rectional or preferred orientation currents, or some other pale- ent gaits are unequivocally tied to loggerhead (genus Caretta)
oenvironmental influence on the direction of progression of and leatherback (genus Dermatochelys) turtles, respectively,
multiple individuals. it is ichnotaxonomically consistent to place them in separate

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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 635

ichnogenera. However, both represent extant sea turtles, or Derivation of ichnogenus name. “Southern turtle trail,”
close relatives, and can be united in a single ichnofamily. Australo meaning southern, chel referring to chelonian or tur-
Because of the opinion of various ichnologists that Chelo- tle, and ichnus meaning trace or trail.
nichnium is a nomen dubium (Avanzini et al., 2005, and ref-
Australochelichnus agulhasii ichnosp. nov., Figures 2–5
erences therein), we resist using this ichnogenus name as the
Type material. As for ichnogenus. MGL 600/UCM
basis of an ichnofamily. Instead, we erect the new ichnofam-
ily Marineropodidae (derived from mariner, meaning sea-
Age of type material. As for ichnogenus.
farer: Spanish/French/English).
Type horizon and locality. As for ichnogenus.
Derivation of ichnospecies name. Referring to Agulhas
current, which may have influenced turtle breeding range in
the study area.
Formal ichnotaxonmy
Description. Continuous subsymmetrical trails about
10 cm wide with median ridge ranging from 25% to 50%
Ichnofamily Marineropodidae as wide as whole trail but averaging 35–40% of trail width.
Median ridge separating posteriorly angled rhomb-shaped
Referred material flipper or paddle traces slightly wider than long, where length
is measured parallel to trail axis. Left and right paddle traces
Australochelichnus agulhasii ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. show regular alternating pattern, with anterior margins on
MGL 600/UCM 230.281, this study. Marinerichnus latus each side offset about half a paddle trace length relative to
ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., this study. opposite side. In cross section median ridge appears in con-
Narrow, elongate subsymmetrical trackways (trails) char- vex epirelief, whereas lateral paddle traces are subhorizontal
acterized by a trilobed configuration consisting of a central to slightly concave epireliefs. Anterior margins of paddle
ridge, or groove, with serial, posteriorly divergent paddle traces are crescent to semicircular in shape and anteriorly con-
traces oriented postero-laterally on both sides of the trackway vex, with posterior margins marked by identical anteriorly
midline. Paddle impressions may register as mirror image convex traces of previously registered paddle marks, which
traces, or with slight alternation on either side of the central repeat to create a highly regular series of traces on each
ridge. side. Median margins of paddle traces are angled at about
Discussion of ichnofamily features 110° to direction of travel marked by trackway midline, and
Where paddle traces are deeper than the trace of the ventral curving postero-laterally to create outer trackway margin.
plastron, because of the lifting of the trackmaker’s body Some trails show segments that registered only lateral pad-
above the deepest paddle registration points, the central or dle traces, followed continuously by segments where the
midline trace between the paddle marks will appear as a median ridge is also present. This suggests a change in loco-
raised ridge in natural impressions (a convex epirelief ridge motor style or substrate consistency that is reflected in differ-
separated by concave lateral grooves with serial paddle traces. ences in the configuration of the trail.
A natural cast of the natural impression will show all features
in reverse—that is, an indented groove (concave hyporelief Marinerichnus ichnogen. nov.
groove separated by convex lateral ridges with serial paddle Diagnosis. Continuous subsymmetrical trails about 14–
trace casts). The height (or depth) of the central ridge 15 cm wide with median ridge averaging about 30% as
(groove) in natural impressions will vary depending on the wide as whole trail separating very regular serial, posteriorly
substrate and the ability of the trackmaker to raise its plastron angled rhomb-shaped “paddle” traces, with anteriorly convex
enough to reduce or minimize contact with the substrate. margins. Anterior margins of paddle traces show mirror
image configuration about trackway midline.
Australochelichnus ichnogen. nov. Type material. Holotype trails occur as natural impressions
Diagnosis. Continuous subsymmetrical trails about 10 cm on fallen block of consolidated beach sandstone (Figs. 5D, 6,
wide with median groove averaging about 35–40% as wide as and 7).
whole trail separating very regular serial, posteriorly angled Age of type material. Middle to late Pleistocene.
rhomb-shaped “paddle” traces, with anteriorly convex mar- Type horizon and locality. Klein Brak Formation, east of
gins. Anterior margins of paddle traces show an alternating Still Bay, ∼4.4 km east of A. agulhasii type locality.
pattern. Median groove may be locally absent. Derivation of ichnogenus name. “Seafarer turtle trail,”
Type material. Holotype and paratype trails occur as natu- mariner meaning one who goes to sea, and ichnus meaning
ral impressions on a large fallen block of consolidated beach trace or trail.
sandstone. Holotype preserved as photo series used to create
3D image (Fig. 3). Marinerichnus latus ichnosp. nov., Figures 6–7
Age of type material. Middle to late Pleistocene. Type material. As for ichnogenus.
Type horizon and locality. Klein Brak Formation, east of Age of type material. As for ichnogenus.
Still Bay, ∼4.4 km west of M. latus type locality. Type horizon and locality. As for ichnogenus.

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636 M. G. Lockley et al.

Derivation of ichnospecies name. Referring to latus, the ridge occurs. This suggests either (a) that the trackmaker car-
width of the trackway. ried the animal’s central carapace clear of the substrate (with
Description. A continuous symmetrical trail about 14– an elevated posture) for a certain distance before lowering to
15 cm wide and ∼70 cm long as measured along curved mid- the point where the carapace left a central groove, or (b) that
line, with median ridge about 30% as wide as whole trail. substrate conditions changed subtly as the trackmaker pro-
Median ridge separating posteriorly angled arcuate paddle gressed. The central ridge appears at approximately the
traces, longer than wide, where length is measured parallel same place in the three parallel trackways illustrated in Fig-
to trail axis. Left and right paddle traces show symmetrical ure 5A, which potentially suggests the latter interpretation
arrangement about the median ridge/trackway midline. In (b) is the more parsimonious.
cross section median ridge appears in convex epirelief Given this latter possibility, differences in the registration
whereas lateral paddle traces are concave epireliefs, up to of traces might reflect the passing of the trackmakers across
15 mm deep. Anterior margins of paddle traces are arcuate substrate areas with different physical properties (consolida-
anteriorly and antero-laterally with posterior margins marked tion, moisture content, etc.), as would be expected across a
by identical anteriorly convex traces of previously registered beach, especially perpendicular to the shoreline. In this
paddle marks. However, the length of paddle traces measured regard, we note that the trails occur as natural impressions
parallel to the trackway axis varies, averaging ∼2.5 cm (range on the once upward-facing surface of a large fallen block
∼1.5–2.5 cm). Median margins of paddle traces are angled at from which the matching surface, the “counterpart” natural
about 130° to direction of travel marked by trackway midline casts, are lost. The block is several meters thick, and the
and curve postero-laterally to create outer trackway margin. lower portion is composed of planar bedded sandstone of
the Klein Brak Formation. This bedding style indicates that
the block represents beach deposits rather than dune deposits
Comparisons between A. agulhasii and M. latus
of the Waenhuiskrans Formation, which elsewhere in the for-
A. agulhasii and M. latus can be differentiated by a number of mation are represented by cross-bedded facies. This interpre-
distinctive morphological features of the traces, which appear tation is also consistent with the occurrence of sea turtle
to have unequivocal ichnotaxonomic significance. For exam- hatchling trackways.
ple, M. latus is a wider (14.0–15.0 cm) trackway with larger, Given the subparallel trackway pattern that, as noted previ-
more posteriorly oriented paddle traces, arranged symmetri- ously, we infer to be shore-perpendicular, it is possible to sug-
cally about the trackway midline. This makes the median gest that the tracks were not made in, or radiating out from, the
ridge narrower in proportion to the trackway width (∼30%, immediate vicinity of a nest, likely in dry sand above the high
compared with 35–40% in A. agulhasii). This is in marked tide mark. Rather they likely represent down shore movement
contrast to the narrower trackway of A. agulhasii from some point near the previous high-tide mark, with sand
(∼10.0 cm, thus only ∼67–71% as wide as M. latus), which wet enough to leave well-defined tracks. There is no unam-
has alternating and shorter, less posteriorly oriented paddle biguous evidence to reveal the mechanisms that allowed
traces. All features of both trackways are consistent with tracks to be buried and preserved without being eroded or
inferring that A. agulhasii was made by a loggerhead turtle washed out. However, a very plausible mechanism would
hatchling and M. latus by a leatherback turtle hatchling. be the blowing or drifting of sand over the wet surface without
The M. latus trackway is curved, and there is greater variation the power to cause deflation. If this was the preservation
in the length of the paddle traces as measured parallel to the mechanism, it is possible that the covering layer of blown
midline. In contrast, the alternating A. agulhasii paddle traces sand was more susceptible to postconsolidation and postex-
are very regular in size and shape. humation erosion, perhaps because of being drier and less
prone to cementation. Such a scenario would help explain
why the impression surfaces are preserved and as yet no infill-
Ichnological observations and interpretations
ing cast surfaces have been found—that is, the lack of casts
In order to place the A. agulhasii trails (trackways), as well as could be because of the preferential weathering away of the
the M. latus trackway, in their paleoenvironmental context, it infilling layer to more readily expose the more resistant sur-
is important to note that in the case of A. agulhasii there are face with the natural trackway impressions.
multiple parallel trackways on a single block (∼5.6 x 3.0 m: The Marinerichnus latus trackway is not associated with
∼17.0 m2), which we interpret as a beach deposit (see Discus- any other recognizable tetrapod traces, although some inver-
sion). Five of these trackways are marked with arrows tebrate traces are evident (Fig. 6B). The trackway appears
(Fig. 2), two are shown in Figure 3A, one (the holotype) is “suddenly” relative to the bedding plane surface of the
shown as a 3D image (Fig. 4), and four are illustrated with block. It is tempting to suggest that the trackmaker was
line drawings (Fig. 5). Distinctive features of these trackways emerging from the sand, possibly its nest, but as noted previ-
are their continuous and subsymmetrical configurations and ously, the apparent sudden appearance may represent the pas-
the very regular serial pattern created by the paddle marks sage of the trackmaker from one layer of sand to another more
(Figs. 3A, 4, and 5). However, as noted in the description, suitable for registering traces. Thus, the emergence possibil-
trackway segments where only lateral paddle traces were reg- ity, although not entirely ruled out, is speculative. However,
istered are, in places, followed by segments where a median the discovery of two sea turtle hatchling trackway

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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 637

morphotypes (representing at least six individuals), within a that we have two morphologically diagnostic morphotypes
geographic area of paleoshoreline less than 5 km wide, sug- that are compellingly attributed to loggerheads and leather-
gests that more sea turtle tracks and traces, including nests, backs not only supports the sea turtle interpretation generally,
could be found. This inference is supported by the aforemen- but also points to the possibility of deriving paleoecological
tioned suggestion that the site 3 specimen (Fig. 8) might rep- and paleogeographic interpretations pertaining to two major
resent a nest, which, as an infaunal trace, potentially has sea turtle groups.
higher if more localized preservation potential than epifaunal Online images of sea turtle hatchling trackways and videos
surface trackways. As illustrated in Fig. 9, the shore perpen- of baby turtles scrambling to the sea after hatching are abun-
dicular zones of nest excavation and trackway registration dant and easily found but pertain to a wide range of geo-
are quite localized on the scale of tens of meters. Tetrapod graphic localities. These include various images that show
nests and nesting grounds are not uncommon in the fossil parallel tracks and trackways that change in appearance as
record at least as early as the Mesozoic (Carpenter et al., the substrate the trackmakers cross also changes in consis-
1994; Carpenter, 1999). tency (moisture content, firmness of sand) in a seaward direc-
tion. Many of the images show a great variety of turtle
trackway configurations including patterns similar to those
recorded here. For example, a trackway from Turtle Sanctuary
Beach, Palau Perhentian Besar, Malaysia, is practically iden-
Neoichnology of sea turtle tracks
tical to those recorded here (Fig. 9). The variation seen in
There seems little doubt that the A. agulhasii and M. latus modern sea turtle hatchling trackways can be attributed to dif-
trackways are unequivocally attributable to hatchling sea tur- ferences in species morphology such as relative size of larger
tles, moving over exposed surfaces (i.e., creating epifaunal anterior paddles and smaller hind feet.
trails). Prior to making this determination, we considered All trackways generally share the common characteristic of
the need to eliminate the possibility that the trackways having been made on sandy substrates with anterior paddle
might conceivably represent infaunal sand-swimming traces traces on the lateral margins. However, although the central
of a genus like Eremitalpa from the fossorial golden mole portions of some trackways show traces of body or carapace
family (Chrysochloridae) (Stuart and Stuart, 2000). However, drag traces, others do not, but instead show the traces of the
such traces are not compatible with the features seen here. hind limbs or other indications that the carapace did not
Less likely possibilities, including crawling penguins during touch the substrate. These differences may also be attributed
times of preterminal distress leaving tramline impressions to the speed of progression of individuals, which in turn may
with their wings, are incompatible with the evidence reported be influenced by substrate consistency.
here of seven similar subparallel trackways, all too small to
permit the unlikely conjecture that they could be attributable
Paleoichnology of sea turtle tracks
to distressed, beached birds. Other “tramline trackmakers”
such as crawling, rather than hopping anurans (frogs or To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous reports of
toads) or invertebrates such as scorpions or crabs, known to sea turtle hatchling tracks from the fossil record. The only
inhabit beach and sand dune settings, are all easily discounted reports of sea turtle tracks come from Jurassic limestones
because of their known trackway configurations being quite from the Cerin region of France. These fall into the category
different in size and morphology (Häntzschel, 1975, and mul- of swimming traces attributed to a large marine turtle (Thul-
tiple references to invertebrate trails therein). Likewise we can born, 1989, 1990; Lockley and Meyer, 2000; Gaillard et al.,
discount the clawed tracks of other reptiles such as terrestrial 2003; Fig. 10). These trackways were initially, and controver-
tortoises, terrapins, and crocodylians, which again leave dis- sially, interpreted as evidence of hopping dinosaurs (Bernier
tinctive trackways described from both modern and ancient et al., 1984). It was argued that the symmetrical configuration
sediments (e.g., Milàn et al., 2010). of footprints, each with three-digit traces, supported such
The formality of excluding the aforementioned list of inferences. So, the tracks were named Saltosauropus latus,
potential trackmakers for A. agulhasii and M. latus leaves implying a hopping or jumping reptile (Fig. 10). These paired
the sea turtle hatchling interpretation as the only realistic pos- tracks were subsequently reinterpreted as the result of syn-
sibility. This is strongly supported by several compelling chronous registration of the paddles of a large marine turtle
lines of evidence. First, the tracks are morphologically highly (Thulborn, 1989, 1990) swimming in shallow water over a
similar to those of extant sea turtles. Second, they occur in calcareous mud substrate. Thulborn’s interpretation was sub-
coastal deposits, which represent beach environments sea- stantiated by further discoveries of swimming sea turtle tracks
ward of sand dunes. Third, the presence of seven parallel to by Gaillard et al. (2003), which they claimed represented the
subparallel trackways, in an area less than 6.0 m wide, indi- oldest evidence of marine turtles. These Jurassic trackways
cates a large number of individuals moving in the same direc- are quite different from those described here from the Pleisto-
tion in a small area, evidently at the same time. Fourth, the cene Klein Brak Formation, in all relevant ichnological
similarity in trackway configuration suggests they moved at details. First, the trackways are much larger, up to 1.5 m
the same speeds. This is the behavior expected of hatchling wide. Second, they represent swimming behavior and show
sea turtles heading across a beach toward the sea. The fact only paddle or flipper marks with no central body trace.

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638 M. G. Lockley et al.

Third, they occur in very fine-grained calcareous and suba- In southern Africa, these conditions exist most consistently
queously deposited substrates. more than 1200 km to the northeast along the beaches of
As noted previously, prior to the incorrect hopping dino- northern KwaZulu-Natal, as a result of the Agulhas Current
saur interpretation proposed by Bernier et al. (1984), Bernier generating warm conditions along the shore for successful
et al. (1982) had described a turtle (chelonian) trackway they incubation. The rookeries of loggerhead and leatherback tur-
formally named Chelonichnium cerinense, using the ichno- tles on the KwaZulu-Natal coastline, in the iSimangaliso
genus name Chelonichnium originally proposed by Schimper Wetland Park World Heritage Site just south of the border
(1850) (see Avanzini et al., 2005, for discussion). Bernier with Mozambique, represent the southernmost regular sea
et al. (1982, p. 447) interpreted the C. cerinensis trackway turtle breeding sites in the world (see St. Lucia area: Fig. 1
(Fig. 10A) not as that of a sea turtle but as a “terrestrial” che- inset). However, occasionally nests of either loggerhead or
lonian walking over a “very wet, superficially soft, and slop- leatherbacks are reported alongshore between St. Lucia to
ing” substrate interpreted as a carbonate “platform” behind a Cape Town, either at the beginning (October) or end (January
ribbon of islands. They also considered that the animal was or February) of the nesting season, suggesting that female tur-
progressing down a decreasingly steep slope and over an tles had an early or late clutch still to lay on the migration
increasingly wet substrate. Despite the suggestion that this between the foraging and nesting grounds. Of these nests,
was a terrestrial turtle (? tortoise) the slope interpretation one near Alexandria (500 km east of the Pleistocene site
begs the question: Was this in fact the trackway of a marine described here) was reported to have incubated successfully.
turtle going to sea? Gaillard et al. (2003) hint at this possibil- Depending on the seasonal temperature and assuming the
ity without explicitly reinterpreting the Chelonichnium track- clutch is not deposited in a dune shade or under vegetation,
way. They note that large marine turtles likely came into very with 55–80 days of warm weather available (i.e., the incuba-
shallow water and may have nested in the area. tion period for turtle nests), occasional turtle nests could con-
Literature on sea turtle locomotion discusses the develop- ceivably incubate along most parts of the coast east of Cape
ment of the hypertrophied, hydrofoil- or wing-like front Agulhas. However, this assumes near-ideal incubation
limbs (paddles or flippers) and the modified coordination conditions.
of the four limbs as part of the secondary adaptation of land- We are aware of two anecdotal reports of recent nesting tur-
based tortoises (chelonians) to aquatic marine and freshwater tles (Dermochelys) on the Cape south coast at Still Bay in
environments (Davenport et al., 1984; Renous et al., 1989). 2005 (du Plessis, J., personal communication, 2018) and at
Of interest here are the differences between the alternating Buffelsbaai in 2007 (Combrink, X., Baker, N., personal com-
(left-right) gaits of walkers on land, the perhaps alternating munication, 2018), as well as reports and photos of tracks and
strokes made by some freshwater swimmers, and the synchro- clutch of eggs from Nautilus Bay in 2011 (Scholtz 2011;
nous strokes made by large marine turtles when swimming Heyns, K., personal communication, 2018) and a report of
(and also on beaches), as inferred for the large Jurassic a leatherback turtle at Kleinemonde in January 2018.
swim trackways (Thulborn, 1989, 1990; Lockley and Although these reports indicated failed nests, they are rele-
Meyer, 2000; Gaillard et al., 2003). Smaller modern sea tur- vant to the evidence for fossil nesting just east of Still Bay,
tles may swim with alternating strokes, but given that all fossil because they indicate the overlap, at least marginally, if not
trackways attributable to marine turtles are Jurassic in age, extensively with the paleogeographic and geographic regions
conjectures on the swimming styles of all fossil turtles are where extant sea turtle nesting occurs. The A. agulhasii track-
necessarily speculative. ways reported here appear consistent with the alternating gait
tracks of extant loggerhead hatchlings (Caretta caretta) (per-
sonal observation by RN; see Fig. 9). The occurrence of M.
latus trackways representing hatchlings, in the same region,
Paleoenvironmental implications
confirms that leatherbacks also nested here in the Pleistocene.
The Pleistocene beaches represented by the late Pleistocene MIS 5e was characterized by warmer global temperatures,
Klein Brak Formation sediments would have provided suit- with sea levels 5–6 m higher than present levels. These
able nesting sites for sea turtles. Basic requirements for suc- warmer temperatures could conceivably have allowed turtles
cessful nesting incubation of extant sea turtles are as to nest on the Cape south coast. The existence of both logger-
follows: beach sand above the high-tide mark that is deep head and leatherback hatchling turtle trackways within a 5 km
enough (50–80 cm) to allow for burial of eggs; sufficient stretch of coastline on the Cape south coast suggests a similar
sand moisture so that the leathery eggs do not dry out; sand phenomenon to that which currently occurs in the iSimanga-
that is not so wet as to drown eggs by prohibiting gas liso Wetland Park World Heritage Site near St. Lucia (Figs. 1
exchange; temperatures between 25°C and 35°C to allow and 9), with the two species nesting in proximity to one
for successful incubation. Sand temperatures below the piv- another.
otal temperature of ∼29.3°C generate mostly male hatchlings,
and above this pivotal temperature mostly females (Maxwell
et al., 1988; Davenport, 1997). Compared with other extant
sea turtles, loggerhead and leatherback turtles are able to Fossil trackways of hatchling sea turtles have never previ-
nest successfully in subtropical, rather than tropical regions. ously been reported from the ancient track record. The

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New fossil sea turtle trackway morphotypes from the Pleistocene of South Africa 639

multiple trackways reported here from the Klein Brak Forma- Avanzini, M., García-Ramos, J.C., Lires, J., Menegon, M.,
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ichnosp. nov. are therefore a novel and highly distinctive Jurassic of Asturias, Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50,
addition to the tetrapod paleoichnological record. The track- 743–755.
Bernier, P., Barale, G., Bourseau, J.P., Buffetaut, E., Demathieu, G.,
ways are unequivocally diagnostic of hatchling loggerhead
Gaillard, C., Gall, J.C., 1982. Trace nouvelle de locomotion de
turtles, which left traces that are morphologically quite dis-
chélonien et figures d’émersion associées dans les calcaires lith-
tinct from formally named fossil trackways of large adult ographiques de Cerin (Kimméridgien supérieur, Ain, France).
sea turtles, currently known only from the Jurassic of the Geobios 15, 447–467.
Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence of multiple subparallel Bernier, P., Barale, G., Bourseau, J.P., Buffetaut, E., Demathieu, G.,
trackways, all representing similarly sized hatchlings, is also Gaillard, C., Gall, J.C., Wenz, S., 1984. Decouvérte de pistes de
of behavioral significance in indicating that they were made dinosaures sauteurs dan les calcaires lithographiques de Cerin
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We acknowledge the support of Xander Combrink, Guy Gardner, from the Morrison Formation of southern Utah. Utah Geological
Linda Helm, Kei Heyns, Johan Huisamen, Christina Mars, Gerrit Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99, 185–191.
Mars, Peter Todd, and Boy van Rensburg. We thank Andre and Fuentes Vidarte, C. Meijede Calvo, M., Meijede Fuentes Calvo, F.,
Emily Brink for finding and reporting the trackway slab herein Meijede Fuentes Calvo, M. 2003. Rastro de un tetrapodo de
referred to as site 3 (Garden Route National Park area). Mark pequeño tamaño en el Weald de Cameros (Sierra de Oncala,
Dixon also reported a fourth turtle tracksite quite close to sites 1 Soria, España) nov. icnogen. nov. icnosp. Emydhipus cameroi.
and 2, for which he provided supporting photographic evidence. In: Perez-Lorente, F. (Ed.), Dinosaurios e otros reptiles mesozoi-
However, these tracks are at a difficult-to-access location and cannot cos en España. Ciencias de la Terra 26. Instituto de Estudios Rio-
be described here in detail without further field investigations. Linda janos, Logroño, Spain, pp. 119–128.
Harris and Diane Le Gouvello kindly provided the photographs used Gaillard, C., Bernier, P., Barale, G., Bourseau, J.-P., Buffetaut, E.,
in Figure 9. The photogrammetric image in Figure 6C was processed Ezquerra, R., Gall, J.-C., de Lapparent de Broin, F., Renous, S.,
and provided courtesy of Carina Helm. The three-dimensional print Wenz, S., 2003. A giant Upper Jurassic turtle revealed by its
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