Thunder Lizard Handstands Manus-Only Sauropod

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An International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces

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Thunder lizard handstands: Manus-only sauropod

trackways from the Glen Rose Formation (Lower
Cretaceous, Kendall County, Texas)

James O. Farlow, Robert T. Bakker, Benjamin F. Dattilo, E. Everett Deschner,

Peter L. Falkingham, Crystal Harter, Richard Solis, David Temple & William

To cite this article: James O. Farlow, Robert T. Bakker, Benjamin F. Dattilo, E. Everett Deschner,
Peter L. Falkingham, Crystal Harter, Richard Solis, David Temple & William Ward (2019): Thunder
lizard handstands: Manus-only sauropod trackways from the Glen Rose Formation (Lower
Cretaceous, Kendall County, Texas), Ichnos, DOI: 10.1080/10420940.2019.1698424

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Published online: 13 Dec 2019.

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Thunder lizard handstands: Manus-only sauropod trackways from the Glen

Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Kendall County, Texas)
James O. Farlowa, Robert T. Bakkerb, Benjamin F. Dattiloa, E. Everett Deschnerc, Peter L. Falkinghamd,
Crystal Hartere, Richard Solisc, David Templeb and William Wardc
Department of Biology, Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN; bHouston Museum of Natural Sciences, Houston, TX; cHeritage
Museum of the Texas Hill Country, Canyon Lake, TX; dSchool of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University,
UK; ePurdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN

Three parallel, manus-only sauropod trackways from the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite Sauropods; ichnology;
(Glen Rose Formation, Kendall County, Texas) were studied separately by researchers from manus-only trackways; Glen
the Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country and the Houston Museum of Natural Rose Formation
Sciences. Footprint and trackway measurements generally show good agreement between
the two groups’ data sets. Footprints appear to be shallowly impressed true tracks rather
than undertracks. One of the Coffee Hollow trackways shows marked asymmetry in the
lengths of paces that begin with the left as opposed to the right forefoot, and two of the
Coffee Hollow trackways are unusually broad. The Coffee Hollow trackways differ enough
from the manus portions of other Glen Rose Formation sauropod trackways to suggest that
they were made by a different kind of sauropod. Greater differential pressure exerted on
the substrate by the forefeet than the hindfeet probably explains the Coffee Hollow track-
ways, like other manus-only sauropod trackways, but the possibility that they indicate
unusual locomotion cannot at present be ruled out.

Introduction doubt made by a sauropod, but as I interpret them,

made by an individual while swimming. They were all
In early 1940, while searching for a suitable sauropod typical forefeet impressions as if the animal had just
trackway to display behind the American Museum of been barely kicking bottom. (letter from Bird to
Natural History’s Apatosaurus mount, fossil collector Barnum Brown, 8 February 1940)
Roland T. Bird briefly visited southern Texas. Late in Bird’s interpretation that Mayan Ranch sauropod
1938, Bird had found spectacular sauropod tracks in trackway had been made by a ‘swimming’ dinosaur
the bed of the Paluxy River further north (Bird 1939, (Bird 1944, 1954) was uncontroversial at a time when
1941, 1985), but he now hoped to avoid having to sauropods were thought to have been mainly aquatic
deal with the Paluxy’s frequent floods (Bird 1985). animals (Colbert 1951). A generation later, however,
Although Bird did find some remarkable sauropod the skeletal anatomy of sauropods was shown to be
ichnites in southern Texas (Bird 1944, 1954), he more like that of fully terrestrial than amphibious
ultimately had to deal with the temperamental Paluxy amniotes (Bakker 1971; Coombs 1975). Bird’s inter-
to get the specimens he sought (Bird 1941, 1944, pretation of the Mayan Ranch sauropod trail was now
1954). But while he was in southern Texas, Bird dis- called into question, and an alternative hypothesis
covered a kind of sauropod trackway whose interpret- offered: that manus-only or manus-dominated sauro-
ation remains contentious. pod trackways instead are due to differential impres-
Reported ‘elephant tracks’ on the Mayan Ranch in sion of the forefeet and hindfeet during normal
Bandera County turned out to constitute an unusual quadrupedal locomotion, with manus and not pes
sauropod trail (Figure 1): prints being registered in sediment layers beneath the
‘I saw them while we were still 100 feet away. A one on which the dinosaur actually walked (Lockley
double row of large, round circular prints. Without a and Rice 1990). Various authors have supported either

CONTACT James O. Farlow Department of Biology, Indiana-Purdue University, 2012 East Coliseum Boulevard, Fort Wayne,
IN 46805
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. R. T. Bird’s Mayan Ranch ‘swimming’ sauropod trackway. (A–B) Photograph and map of the trackway as seen in 1940.
Most of the footprints were made by the left and right forefeet of the dinosaur; the single pes print noted by Bird is labelled. (C)
Cast (negative copy) of a right manus print from the trackway made by Farlow. Note the hoof-like shape of the print; anterior to
the top. Maximum print width ¼ 62 cm. (D) Bird’s cartoon of how he interpreted the progression of the trackmaker. Panels A, B,
and D from Bird (1944), and reproduced courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History.

the swimming or the under-tracking hypothesis, but arrangement of manus prints in ‘standard’ (manus
most authors have favoured the latter explanation (cf. plus pes print) trackways, the null hypothesis should
Ishigaki 1988, 1989; Lockley and dos Santos 1993; be that manus-only trackways were not made by dino-
Santos et al. 1994; Lee and Huh 2002; Henderson saurs moving in any unusual manner—that is, that
2004; Vila, Oms, and Galobart 2005; Lee and Lee the absence of pes prints is a formational or preserva-
2006; Hwang et al. 2008; Marty 2008; Ishigaki and tional artefact. In contrast, if the arrangement of
Matsumoto 2009; Milner and Lockley 2016; Xing manus prints in manus-only trackways differs sub-
et al. 2016b). Computer simulation studies have also stantially from that in typical trackways, then perhaps
demonstrated that due to differential underfoot pres- the trackmakers were indeed doing something out of
sures, this effect may even occur on the tracking sur- the ordinary when making the trackways.
face, and not just in undertracks (Falkingham et al., In early 2007, the late Wann Langston of the
2011a, Falkingham, Bates, and Mannion 2012). University of Texas received a telephone call from Ms.
Vila, Oms, and Galobart (2005) and Ishigaki and Gail Flach, who owned property between Comfort
Matsumoto (2009) presented a new approach to inter- and Sisterdale in Kendall County, Texas. Ms. Flach
preting the origin of manus-only sauropod trackways: operated a limestone quarry (Coffee Hollow
If the trackway pattern of manus prints in manus- Limestone) on her property, selling rock slabs to local
only sauropod trackways does not differ from the builders and contractors. She described the discovery

Figure 2. Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite map. Inset shows location of the site in the state of Texas.

of a series of what she thought were dinosaur tracks, who had been advising the HMTHC, to see if Farlow
and asked if Langston would be interested in coming wanted to join the HMNS effort. With that the two
to look at them. Langston contacted the Heritage groups agreed to pool their efforts in a description of
Museum of the Texas Hill Country (HMTHC), whose the site.
volunteers agreed to work on the site. In October 2007, under commercial pressure to fill
At the same time, Ms. Flach also contacted Bakker orders for her premium limestone, Ms. Flach had her
at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS), workers break up the track layer to sell slabs to local
asking if his institution would be interested in her dis- builders. Fortunately, by this time the site had
covery. As a result, two groups independently worked been documented.
at the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite (the second The Coffee Hollow A-Male dinosaur tracksite pre-
part of the site name honouring an award-winning serves manus-only sauropod trackways like those dis-
purebred Mammoth Donkey at the ranch on which covered by R.T. Bird in Bandera County, and by other
the quarry is located), each unaware of the other’s workers at other sauropod tracksites around the
activities. Realisation that they were each working on world. The Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite therefore
the same locality came when Bakker contacted Farlow, provides an opportunity to revisit the contentious

Figure 3. Ground-level views of the three Coffee Hollow A-Male trackways. (A) The HMTHC field crew at work, cleaning and docu-
menting the site. Individual footprints are labelled following HMTHC naming conventions. (B) Detail of trackway A (Right trackway
of HMNS). (C) Detail of trackway C (Left trackway of HMNS).

issue of how manus-dominated sauropod trackways building stone, and decorative features such as fossils,
were made. Although we will not definitively answer ripple marks and animal burrows are also sought
the question of how the Coffee Hollow trackways after. The track surface had been exposed by remov-
were made, we will discuss the kinds of trackway evi- ing overburden of up to twenty feet of fossiliferous,
dence that would allow such a determination. marly limestone. It was bounded on the west by a nat-
ural slope, on the northeast by quarried area and fill,
and on the southeast and south by unquarried over-
Geologic setting
burden. The extent of the trackways to the southeast
The Coffee Hollow A-Male dinosaur tracksite con- was not determined, and probably had not
sisted of three trackways in a level limestone layer been reached.
exposed by quarrying operations (Figures 2–5). The track layer (commercially known as the
Limestone from this layer is much in demand as a Sisterdale Cream Stone) lies about a metre below the

Figure 4. Overall tracksite images. (A) Digital model of the tracksite created from digital photographs taken by the HMTHC field
crew. Colour and contrast are artificially altered to enhance the distinctiveness of the footprints. Some footprints have a ghostly
‘double-strike’ configuration due to imperfections in the model. (B) Image of the tracksite made from photographs taken by the
HMNS field crew using a drone; scale bar in figure applies specifically to this panel. In both images footprints are labelled using
HMTHC naming conventions.

base of the Salenia texana Zone (Whitney 1952; Scott oriented N20 W; one major joint extended through
et al. 2007; Ward and Ward 2007), and about 4 m the central portion of the site (cutting across print
below the ‘Corbula’ Marker Bed at the top of the A83 of the Right trackway), and minor joints
Lower Glen Rose Member of the Lower Cretaceous spread throughout.
Glen Rose Formation. This is about the same strati-
graphic position as very large sauropod tracks exposed
in the bed of the Blanco River about three miles west
of Blanco, Texas (Pittman 1989; Scott et al. 2007; Because both HMTHC and HMNS field crews inde-
Ward and Ward 2007). The Sisterdale Cream Stone pendently worked the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite,
is a wackestone-packstone containing burrows and a description of the procedures followed by both
ostracodes (Figure 5). In addition, some distinctive groups is necessary.
vertebrate skeletal fossils were found during quarry-
ing operations, including fishes and a small crocody-
HMTHC protocols
liform (now in the collection of the Heritage
Museum of the Texas Hill Country, Canyon Lake, The three sauropod trackways were labelled Trails A,
Texas). The exact stratigraphic position at which B, and C, going from north to south across the site
these vertebrate fossils were found is uncertain, but (Figures 2–4); the trackways are essentially parallel,
may have been just above the tracklayer, close to the with all three dinosaurs moving in a northwesterly
Salenia texana zone. A distinctive joint pattern was direction, animal A being the rightmost of the three,

Figure 5. Stratigraphic section of the Glen Rose Formation as exposed at the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite.

and animal C the leftmost. Because the direction of the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD
travel of the trackmakers was towards a naturally 88) as the vertical control datum of optometric height
occurring slope, and additional tracks were still being established for vertical surveying in the U.S. With this
uncovered by quarrying operations further ‘up-trail’ system, points were acquired around the perimeter of
(in the direction from which the dinosaurs had come) each mapped footprint with a maximum of a few cen-
in the three trackways, footprints were numbered timetres between each point. At least 10 such points
arbitrarily, starting with footprint 100 at the outcrop were taken for each print; for many prints, there were
and numbered sequentially backward (up-trail). For 30 or more. In addition to the footprint perimeters,
each of the trackways, footprints of the right side the boundary of the track surface (bluff edge, quarried
were assigned odd numbers, and prints of the left side edge and unexcavated boundary) was mapped, as well
even numbers. as several of the major joints, giving the orientation of
Trimble Business Center software was used to link these features. Back in the office, digital photographs
GPS equipment (VRS) to a Trimble 5600 robotic total were oriented, scaled and superimposed over the
station enabling rapid acquisition of targets with near- mapped track perimeters, confirming the accuracy of
centimeter accuracy. These points are referenced to the mapping.
the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) as the Prints 72 through 99 of the A trackway were
horizontal control datum for the United States, and mapped, as were prints 87–97 of the B trackway, and

prints 74–99 of the C trackways. Other footprints prints stand out from the surrounding rock. Many of
were seen, but were broken up before they could be the trackway and tracksite photographs were later
mapped: prints 58–71 of the A trackway, prints 78–86 processed using COLMAP (Sch€ onberger and Frahm
of the B trackway, and prints 68–73 of the C track- 2016; Sch€ onberger et al. 2016) to build a post-hoc
way. In addition, tracks A73, A98, B85, B86, C75 and photogrammetric digital model (Falkingham 2012;
C77, though within the mapped portions of the trails, Falkingham, Bates, and Farlow 2014, Falkingham
were either too poorly preserved or poorly exposed to et al. 2018) of the tracksite (Figure 3(A)). Because the
map. Other footprints were reported to have been photographs were not originally taken with photo-
uncovered after the HMTHC crew had finished its grammetry in mind, overlap was inconsistent, and
work, such that there may have been more than 100 objects such as scale bars and equipment moved
individual footprints at the site. around between images. This meant that 3 D detail
Measurements of individual footprints and of and resolution of the tracksite model was relatively
trackways were directly made with a tape measure in low, and useful primarily as a 2 D map (Figure 4(A)).
inches and feet (later converted to metric units).
Footprint lengths and widths were measured (to the
HMNS protocols
nearest half-inch). Oblique paces and strides were
measured (to the nearest inch) from the most anterior The three trackways were identified in terms of their
location along the front margin of each print, as was position, compared with the direction of the dino-
done by Farlow, Pittman, and Hawthorne (1989) for saurs’ trackway. The HMNS Left Trackway is
other Glen Rose Formation sauropod trackways. For HMTHC trackway C, the HMNS middle trackway is
comparison, oblique pace lengths were later made HMTHC trackway B, and the HMNS Right Trackway
from footprint centres using the site map. is HMTHC trackway A.
Measurements of inner and outer trackway width Footprint width was measured directly on each
were made at the positions of each print along the print to the nearest millimetre. A reference line was
length of the trackway, as defined by the innermost run through the trackway along its overall direction of
and outermost edge, respectively, of the print. Pace travel, and marked at four-foot intervals. Each of these
angulations were not measured directly, but calculated four-foot increments was marked on graph paper
from pace and stride measurements using the law of (Figure 6), and the position of each footprint drawn
cosines; the width of the angulation pattern (Marty on the paper. The perpendicular distance from the
2008) was calculated from paces, strides, and the pace innermost rear edge of the footprint to the reference
angulation using the law of sines (Farlow, Pittman, line was measured, as was the angle formed by a line
and Hawthorne 1989). segment running across the back margin of the foot-
Footprint rotations (positive values indicate out- print with the reference line.
ward rotation with respect to the trackmaker’s direc- Oblique paces and strides were measured indirectly,
tion of travel, and negative values inward rotation) from the trackway diagrams. To make these data as
were not measured in the field, but a few estimates comparable to the HMTHC data as possible, paces
were later made from the trackway map (Figure 2). A and strides were measured from the anterior edges of
line was run through the middle of each of trackways the footprints as drawn on the trackway diagrams.
A and C, and the angle formed between the antero- Measurements made on the trackway diagram were
posterior axes of some of the better-registered foot- converted to real world values by comparison with the
prints in each trackway and the line through the distance on the diagram corresponding to the four-
middle of the trackway measured. foot reference line increment marks. Pace angulations
Numerous digital photographs of trackways and were measured on the trackway diagrams.
individual footprints were taken, from a variety of Two measurements of inner trackway width were
angles, during all stages of field work. Photographs of made, the first of these a direct measurement. The
individual footprints were taken from a stepladder at distance from the inner rear edge of one footprint to
a height of about 71=2 feet (2.3 metres) above the the reference line was added to the distance from the
ground, with an American yardstick marked off in inner rear edge of the immediately preceding contra-
inches to indicate the scale. These photographs were lateral footprint to the reference line, and this sum
taken from as nearly directly overhead as possible, but was taken to indicate the inner trackway width at the
most of them were a bit oblique. The brightness and position of the more down-trail (in the direction
contrast of photographs were altered to make the towards which the dinosaur was moving) footprint.

Inner trackway widths were also measured from

the trackway diagrams by drawing line segments con-
necting the innermost edges of two successive ipsilat-
eral footprints, and then measuring the perpendicular
distance from that line segment to the innermost edge
of the intervening contralateral footprint, and finally
converting this measurement to its real-world value.
Thus there could be two fewer measurements of inner
trackway width than the number of footprints in alter-
nating left-right sequence along the length of the
trackway. Outer trackway width was measured in an
analogous manner, except that, of course, it was meas-
ured using the outer rather than the inner edges
of footprints.
Footprint rotation with respect to the dinosaur’s
direction of travel was calculated in a two-step oper-
ation. The compass bearing of a footprint is perpen-
dicular to the angle formed by the line segment
running across the back margin of the footprint and
the reference line indicating the dinosaur’s travel dir-
ection (Figure 6). For left footprints, this bearing is
calculated as: direction of travel (in degrees) þ angle
formed by the line segment running across the back
margin of the footprint, minus 90 . For left footprint
C78 (Figure 6), this angle will be 287 þ 73 minus
90 , or 270 . This bearing is 17 less than the dino-
saur’s overall direction of travel, and so this footprint
is rotated outward (away from the overall direction of
travel) by 17 . For right footprints, the individual
print bearing is calculated as direction of travel minus
angle formed by the line segment running across the
back margin of the footprint þ 90 .
Overlapping photographs of the tracksite taken
from overhead, using a drone, were combined to cre-
ate a composite tracksite photograph that can be com-
Figure 6. Diagram (redrawn from field notes) illustrating how pared with the HMTHC tracksite digital model
HMNS footprint and trackway measurements were made. To
facilitate comparisons, the HMTHC labels for footprints are (Figure 4(B)).
added to the diagram. Numbers along the left margin (32–56) Negative latex copies (casts) of some of the prints
indicate some of the four-foot increments marked off on the were made. These were made after cleaning out loose
field diagram. Individual footprint widths are indicated (in mm) sediment covering the prints, but without any attempt
above each print; thus the width of print C78 is 630 mm. A to remove any solidly adhering possible footprint fill
line is run through the trackway along its direction of travel,
and its orientation relative to magnetic north indicated (bot- material. These latex peels were later photographed by
tom of figure; in this case the direction of travel is 287 . The Farlow with photogrammetry in mind, and because of
measured distance from the inner rear edge of the footprint this the digital models created from the photographs
to the reference line is indicated above a short line segment by Falkingham have much greater resolution than the
running from the edge of the print to the reference line; for models for the full site, and contain reliable informa-
footprint C81, this distance is 615 mm. A line segment running
across the rear margin of the print forms an angle with the tion in all three dimensions.
reference line, and is drawn on the diagram next to the foot-
print; for print C78, the angle is 73 . The bearing of the foot-
print relative to the dinosaur’s direction of travel will be
Track layer and track fill sampling
perpendicular to the line running across the print’s The HMTHC team collected rock samples associated
rear margin.
with three of the footprints. Footprint A99 from the

Figure 7. Cross-sections and fill associated with footprints. (A–C) Manus print A99 (Right trackway). A. The broken footprint in situ.
(B) Oblique view of the footprint, seen from the top left of the print as displayed in panel A, showing part of a section across the
footprint. Note slight displacement rim that slopes down into the bowl-shaped depression of the footprint proper. (C) Pieces of
the cross-section across the footprint. (D) Two facing sides of a polished section through a rock piece interpreted as overtrack fill
of A97 or a nearby print. The lower view is printed with left and right reversed, so that its face is directly comparable with that of
its counterpart in the upper view. This piece sat atop the material interpreted as the track layer; if this interpretation of the track
layer is correct, the base of the fill would be at the bottom of the two sections illustrated here. (E, F). Fill of manus print (either
C83 or a nearby print in the Left trackway). (E) Cut piece through the fill (the label on the slab identifying this piece as coming
from print C70 is incorrect). The bottom of the piece as illustrated here sat atop the footprint as exposed in the quarry. (F) View
of the underside of the fill piece, showing the location of the cut piece from panel E. (G) Broken fill piece partially covering print
A86, with ripples atop the fill.

Right trackway (Figure 2) was at the broken edge of expressed as inner or outer trackway widths, and/or
the track exposure, making it possible to collect a sec- the width of the angulation pattern (cf. Marty 2008).
tion across the print (Figure 7(A)–(C)). Rock material For comparisons among trackways, we used the
filling footprints was collected from print A97 or a means of published values of parameters for each
nearby print (Figures 7(D)) and from a print in the C trackway, if more than one measurement of the par-
(Left) trackway, print C83 or nearby (Figures 7(E, F)). ameter was reported by the authors; if only a single
We have little direct information about the material measurement was available, this was the value
comprising footprints in the B (Middle) Trackway. employed. In many cases values of one or more
Cut surfaces across prints and/or fill were polished to parameters were not reported, but could be estimated
facilitate interpretation of gross features, and thin sec- from the author’s trackway diagrams. We will make
tions cut for petrological analysis of microscopic fea- quantitative comparisons of sauropod trackways using
tures (Figures 8 and 9). all of these kinds of data extracted from the literature,
but our results should be taken with caution due to
the limitations of those data. Some trackway parame-
Comparative trackway data (supplementary online ters are geometrically related (cf. Farlow, Robinson,
material Table 1) Turner, et al. 2018b for crocodile trackways), such
We scoured the dinosaur trackway literature for meas- that values that authors did publish can serve as prox-
ies for parameters that were not reported.
urements of the manus portion of sauropod track-
ways, including ‘standard’ trackways composed of
both manus and pes prints, trackways that were expli- Forelimb length vs. Manus size in sauropods
citly characterized by the authors as ‘manus-domin-
To estimate the water depth necessary to float a
ant’ (manus and pes prints both present, but manus
sauropod while its forefeet maintained contact with
prints more deeply or clearly impressed than pes the bottom, and assuming that water would have
prints), and manus print-only trackways. We admit reached the animal’s shoulder, we compared the
that the distinction between ‘standard’ and ‘manus manus width and forelimb length of mounted sauro-
dominant’ trackways is somewhat arbitrary. Some of pod skeletons. Manus width and forelimb length were
what we characterize as standard trackways may well measured from digital models collected during a pre-
have been manus-dominant, but unless the authors of vious study (Bates et al. 2016) via laser scanning or
the studies so designated them, they are not labelled photogrammetry. Measurements were made using
as manus-dominant by us. We will distinguish Autodesk Maya 2017. Forelimb length was measured
between standard and explicitly identified manus- as the combined segment lengths of humerus, radius,
dominant trackways in many of our graphs, but for and manus; this undoubtedly underestimates the
many data analyses we will group the two trackway actual length. Manus width was measured as the max-
categories together. imum distance across the manus in a medial-lateral
Data are variably reported in the literature. direction. Measuring forelimb length as summed seg-
Measurements of manus width are commonly ment lengths makes the result resistant to pose.
reported (and will be used as the chief proxy for However, manus width is more dependent on the way
trackmaker size in this study), as are pace lengths and in which the skeleton (manus) is reconstructed.
stride lengths, and pace angulations, but the details of Compounding this issue, distal portions of the auto-
how measurements were made are seldom reported, podia were generally captured least well by both laser
and may vary among studies. For example, Farlow, scanning and photogrammetry, and often contained
Pittman, and Hawthorne (1989) measured manus and extensive reconstructions of missing autopodial ele-
pace lengths of the classic Glen Rose Formation ments. These data therefore represent rough
Brontopodus trackways using as reference points the approximations.
front margins of the manus prints, rather than the
print centres, because in some Paluxy River trackways Results
manus prints are squashed from the rear by sediment
squeezed forward during impression of the pes. In Track layer and overtrack fill lithology
most published measurements of sauropod manus In cross section (Figure 7(A)–(C)), the manus prints
step lengths, however, print centres were probably are a few centimetres deep, with at least some prints
used as the reference points. Trackway widths may be showing an elevated displacement rim (Marty,

Figure 8. Thin sections through pieces of the track layer and overtrack fill. Scale bars ¼ 1 cm. (A, B). Several sections (labelled
with red letters) through the left portion of the slab cut across manus print A99 shown in Figure 7C; the sections were cut
through the underside of the footprint as illustrated in Figure 7C. (A) The base of the footprint occurs along the marginal edge of
section A3, and the top edges of sections B2 and B4. Details of portions of the columns labelled 1 - 3 appear in Figure 9. (B)
Interpretive drawing showing the four microstratigraphic layer units observed vertically across the sections. Note especially the
compression of unit 4, relative to underlying layers, beneath the footprint floor as opposed to outside the print (column 1 vs. col-
umns 2 and 3 in panel A); also see Figure 9A–C. (C, D). Thin sections (C) and interpretive drawing (D) of the seven microstrati-
graphic units observed vertically across the sections through the overtrack fill of manus print A97 (or a nearby print in the
trackway); compare with Figure 7D, which shows the two opposing faces of the same surface. An enlarged image of a portion of
the column labelled ‘Detail’ is shown in Figure 9.

Falkingham, and Richter 2016) around the print mar- (Figure 7G), which would have been squashed had the
gin. Because the upper surface of the layer in which fill layer itself been the one on which the dino-
the tracks are observed shows greater vertical deform- saur trod.
ation associated with the prints (Figures 7(B), (C), What we therefore interpret as the track layer
and 8(A)) than the material overlying it (Figures 7(D) (Figures 7(C), 8(A), and 9(A)–(C)) consists of four
and 8(C)), we interpret the manus prints as true fairly similar, repetitive sedimentary units, each of
tracks rather than undertracks (Marty, Falkingham, which fines upward from fine-grained packstone to
and Richter 2016; cf. Sanz et al. 2016). Furthermore, mudstone. Most of the grains are ostracodes, dasy-
the fill layer overlying some prints shows ripple marks clads, and foraminiferan tests. Scattered through the

Figure 9. Details of thin sections through cross sections of a footprint and fill. Scale bars ¼ 2 cm. (A–C). Portions of columns 1
(beneath the footprint), 2 (through and beneath the displacement rim), and 3 (outside the footprint), respectively, from Figure 8A.
Numbers along the margins of the slices label four sequential layer units (Figure 8B), with tic marks indicating boundaries between
the units. (D). Portion of the section through footprint fill labelled ‘Detail’ in Figure 8C. Numbers along the margin of the slice label
the seven sequential layer units through the fill (Figure 8D), with tic marks indicating boundaries between the units.

track layer are sparse, subangular to subrounded track layer (Figures 7(D), 8(C, D), and 9(D)). The
quartz sand grains whose diameters range 0.3–0.8 mm, basal sublayer (unit 1) may have proceeded higher
with a concentration of diameters at 0.4–0.5 mm. sublayers by a prolonged interval of time, because
Diagenetic mud clots of 0.2–0.4 mm diameter are dis- those upper layers show onlap over it. The very
tributed through the layer, along with birdseye struc- base of unit 1 is a foraminiferan/ostracode
tures of comparable size. In addition to the fossils packstone, the forams of which are similar to those
already listed, there are small (0.5–3 mm across) gas- of the track layer. The remainder of unit 1 is a
tropods and also small (up to 7 mm across), thin mudstone or wackestone with vertical birdseye
(0.05–0.1 mm thick) fragments of possible crustacean structures separating possible microstromatolitic
or limulid carapace; the abundance and diversity of columns 2 and 3 mm across.
body fossils decreases vertically across the layer. The Fossils are rare or absent in the track fill laminae
layer is marked by thin (< 1 cm) burrows and occa- above unit 1. Unit 2 shows faint microlaminations
sional (reworked?) worm (?) tubes. The uppermost (0.1 and 0.2 mm thick) composed of angular, discrete
portion of the track layer (unit 4) is markedly mudstone fragments or lithoclasts. There are scattered,
deformed by the dinosaur footprint, being squashed equant fenestrae (0.2–0.5 mm) at a uniform depth
beneath the track and pushed up away from it. along the upper surface of the unit. Unit 3 consists of
The overall environmental interpretation of the thin lamellae like those of unit 2, with fenestrae of
track layer is of a subaqueous (indicated by the graded 0.1–0.5 mm diameter lined up along the base of the
beds), shallow-water situation, very close to shore unit. The remaining units (4–7) appear to be traction
(source of the sand grains), with a low-diversity, deposits of micro-lithoclasts. These are monomictic,
sparse (stressed?) benthic fauna. The clotted structures well-rounded, nearly spherical (length/width ratio up
and birdseyes suggest algal or microbial growth; the to 1.5) bits of lime mud of 0.1–0.3 mm diameter in a
presence of dasyclads suggests a closed lagoon (C. packstone or grainstone matrix. Unit 6 shows moldic
Meyer, personal communication). porosity, with nearly spherical, well-rounded voids
The material filling footprints has a more com- that are 0.1–0.5 mm across. There is no bioturbation
plicated microstructure than the material of the of the overtrack fill.

Table 1. Measurements of Coffee Hollow A-Male sauropod trackways. Linear dimensions in cm, angles in degrees.
HMTHC ¼ measurements made by Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country team; HMNS ¼ measurements made by Houston
Museum of Natural Science team. Direct ¼ measurements made in the field, directly on the trackway, or (for angular measure-
ments) calculated from such direct measurements. Diagram ¼ measurements made from scaled trackway diagram.
Map ¼ measurements made from tracksite map.
Trackway Parameter Mean (Median) Range N
Coffee Hollow A-Male A (Right Trackway) Manus length (HMTHC direct) 70.4 (71.1) 64–76 24
Manus width (HMTHC direct) 70.0 (69.9) 61–76 24
Manus width (HMNS direct) 71.4 (70.0) 66–79 25
Manus rotation (HMTHC map) 33.9 (30.0) 22–47 7
Manus rotation (HMNS direct) 29.4 (33.0) 13–47 21
Manus pace (Print front edge; HMTHC direct) 246.9 (236.2) 198–200 21
Manus pace (Print centre; HMTHC map) 236.9 (253.8) 202–278 23
Manus pace (Print front edge; HMNS diagram) 234.1 (227.3) 176–298 17
Manus stride (Print front edge; HMTHC direct) 254.0 (266.7) 170–292 19
Manus stride (Print front edge; HMNS diagram) 257.4 (254.0) 181–401 15
Manus trackway inner Width (HMTHC direct) 126.9 (127.0) 114–145 22
Manus trackway inner Width (HMNS direct) 129.1 (132.0) 56–157 18
Manus trackway inner Width (HMNS diagram) 96.6 (95.0) 78–116 15
Manus trackway outer width (HMTHC direct) 275.8 (274.3) 246–295 22
Manus trackway outer width (HMNS diagram) 209.6 (211.0) 196–122 15
Manus width of angulation pattern (HMTHC direct) 206.2 (208.3) 178–234 17
Manus pace angulation (HMTHC direct) 61.4 (64.0) 39–76 17
Manus pace angulation (HMNS diagram) 64.3 (63.0) 47–94 15
Coffee Hollow A-Male B (Middle Trackway) Manus length (HMTHC direct) 52.9 (53.3) 44–58 11
Manus width (HMTHC direct) 51.6 (53.3) 46–56 11
Manus width (HMNS direct) 53.5 (52.0) 41–64 8
Manus pace (print front edge; HMTHC direct) 288.0 (287.0) 279–302 10
Manus pace (Print centre; HMTHC map) 278.0 (278.0) 256–309 10
Manus pace (Print Front edge; HMNS diagram) 290.6 (273.9) 261–335 7
Manus stride (HMTHC direct) 375.7 (369.6) 356–419 10
Manus stride (HMNS diagram) 343.9 (352.2) 278–419 6
Manus trackway Inner Width (HMTHC direct) 170.9 (170.2) 157–188 11
Manus trackway Inner Width (HMNS direct) 216.1 (212.0) 192–247 7
Manus trackway Inner Width (HMNS diagram) 179.1 (178.1) 164–194 6
Manus trackway outer width (HMTHC direct) 260.0 (256.5) 254–274 11
Manus trackway outer width (HMNS diagram) 260.9 (262.4) 247–278 6
Manus width of angulation pattern (HMTHC direct) 217.3 (221.0) 196–236 9
Manus pace angulation (HMTHC direct) 81.9 (80.0) 74–94 9
Manus pace angulation (HMNS diagram) 71.5 (71.5) 63–80 6
Coffee Hollow A-Male C (Left Trackway) Manus length (HMTHC direct) 65.0 (64.8) 58–70 16
Manus width (HMTHC direct) 67.0 (66.0) 61–86 16
Manus width (HMNS direct) 64.9 (64.0) 56–73 13
Manus rotation (HMTHC map) 21.5 (21.5) 7–33 6
Manus rotation (HMNS direct) 23.3 (23.0) 11–43 12
Manus pace (Print front edge; HMTHC direct) 194.8 (189.2) 152–226 16
Manus pace (Print centre; HMTHC map) 181.6 (182.7) 155–211 21
Manus pace (Print front edge; HMNS diagram) 187.7 (191.7) 157–202 11
Manus stride (HMTHC direct) 262.8 (259.1) 251–282 15
Manus stride (HMNS diagram) 263.5 (264.9) 230–290 10
Manus trackway inner width (HMTHC direct) 74.9 (74.9) 64–89 10
Manus trackway inner width (HMNS direct) 67.5 (66.5) 52–85 6
Manus trackway inner width (HMNS diagram) 53.9 (50.7) 45–68 10
Manus trackway outer width (HMTHC direct) 195.6 (191.8) 185–208 10
Manus trackway outer width (HMNS diagram) 162.2 (160.7) 147–182 10
Manus width of angulation pattern (HMTHC direct) 138.5 (137.2) 127–152 15
Manus pace angulation (HMTHC direct) 86.1 (84.0) 80–95 15
Manus pace angulation (HMNS diagram) 88.8 (90.5) 72–95 10

The surface of the fill material of some prints 2015; Campos-Soto et al. 2017; C onsole-Gonella et al.
shows a wrinkled texture suggestive of a microbial 2017; Paik et al. 2017). Similar overtrack fills are
mat (Figures 10(A) and 11(A)), or ripple marks known from tridactyl footprints from the Glen Rose
(Figure 7(G)). Overall the track fill material suggests Formation of southern Texas (Farlow et al. 2006).
deposition on a tidal flat, or even a supratidal situ- Because we have no information about the material
ation that was only occasionally flooded, in either case underlying trackway B, our inferences about whether
probably with an algal mat cover (cf. Kvale et al. the Coffee Hollow trackways are true tracks as
2001; Paik et al. 2017; Marty, Strasser, and Meyer opposed to undertracks apply mainly to trackways A
2009; Diedrich 2012; Carvalho, Borghi, and Leonardi and C. Indeed, the footprints in trackway B are par-
2013; Alcala et al. 2014; Cariou et al. 2014; Dai et al. ticularly faint, so of the three trackways this one is the

Figure 10. HMTHC B (HMNS Middle) trackway footprints. The brightness and contrast of photographs have been manipulated to
increase the clarity of print outlines. Prints with an odd number are rights, and prints with an even number are lefts. See Figure 2
for locations of prints in the trackway. (A) B88, (B) B89, (C) B90, (D) B93, (E) B94, and (F) B96 overlapping print C97.

best candidate for being composed of underprints, but particularly of trackways A and C, suggests that they
we have no other reason for thinking this to be the are true tracks rather than undertracks.
case. The wrinkled texture of the surface of some track- In well-registered sauropod manus or pes prints
way B prints (Figure 10(A)), as already noted, suggests the sole shows impressions or wrinkles indicative of
the presence of a fill layer covering true tracks. sole pads (cf. Farlow, Pittman, and Hawthorne 1989;
Dalla Vecchia and Tarlao 2000; Milan, Christiansen,
and Mateus 2005; Platt and Hasiotis 2006; Mateus and
Footprint morphology and preservation
Milan 2010; Huh et al. 2003; Romano and Whyte
As with many other sauropod trackways (Castanera 2012; Castanera et al. 2016b; Hall, Fragomeni, and
et al. 2016b), manus prints of the three Coffee Hollow Fowler 2016). Occasionally the skin texture of the sole
A-Male trackways present as sub-circular, elliptical, is recorded as an abutting polygonal pattern (Lockley
crescent-shaped, or hoof-shaped depressions (Figures et al. 1998, 2008; Currie, Badamgarav, and Koppelhus
7(A), (F), (G), 10–13). Like manus prints of the Mayan 2003; Platt and Hasiotis 2006; Kim et al. 2010; Mateus
Ranch trackway (Figure 1), they are shallowly and Milan 2010; Navarette et al. 2014; Pi~ nuela Suarez
impressed (only a few to several cm maximum depths), 2015; Castanera et al. 2016a; Fondevilla et al. 2017;
but in some cases the shallowness is probably due in Paik et al. 2017).
part to fill covering the footprint. Print outlines are par- There is no indication of such sole scalation in the
ticularly faint in the Middle (B) trackway (Figure 10). Coffee Hollow manus prints as preserved (Figs. 10-
If the size of the prints as preserved is a true indi- 13). At a larger scale, however, the surface of the latex
cation of the size of the manus, these three dinosaurs peels of some of the better prints (Figure 13) shows a
were among the bigger sauropod trackmakers known, rough texture reminiscent of that which occurs on the
both from the Glen Rose Formation and from dino- sole of the hands and feet of elephants (cf. Hall,
saur tracksites more generally (Figures 14–16). The Fragomeni, and Fowler 2016), and/or as ‘pull-up’ fea-
Left (C) and Right (A) trackways are similar in manus tures created by suction as the foot is withdrawn from
print width, and about 25–35% larger than manus the sediment (Kvale et al. 2001). However, to the
prints of the Middle (B) trackway. If the prints as pre- extent that the moulded footprints had firmly adher-
served were undertracks, it is possible that their ing overtrack fill, the texture of the peels reflects the
dimensions could exaggerate the sizes of the autopo- surface of the fill material rather than the soles of the
dia that made them (cf. Farlow et al. 2006; Milan and trackmakers’ forefeet.
Bromley 2006; Marty 2008; Jackson, Whyte, and If the Coffee Hollow footprints are true tracks,
Romano 2009, Castanera et al. 2012a; Thulborn 2012; then the absence of pes prints cannot be due to differ-
Xing et al. 2015a; Brusatte et al. 2016). As already dis- ential preservation of manus and pes prints as under-
cussed, however, the preservation of the prints, tracks. However, differential pressure might result in

Figure 11. HMTHC C (HMNS Left) trackway footprints. The brightness and contrast of photographs have been manipulated to
increase the clarity of print outlines. Prints with an odd number are rights, and prints with an even number are lefts. See Figure 2
for locations of prints in the trackway. (A) C84, (B) C85, (C) C86, (D) C87, (E) C88, (F). 89, (G) C90, (H) C91, (I) C93, (J) C94, (K). C96,
(L) C98 and (M) C99.

manus-only prints even if the tracks were true tracks, On the other hand, support for the differential
if there was more pressure loading on the forefoot pressure hypothesis comes from the CertainTeed
than on the hindfoot (Falkingham et al., 2011a). A Gypsum mine (previously known as the Briar Site,
potential problem with the hypothesis of differential Nashville, Arkansas), in the De Queen Formation, a
loading as a factor in creating Glen Rose Formation sedimentary unit correlative to the Glen Rose
sauropod manus-only or manus-dominant trackways, Formation. Long sauropod trackways were first
however, is that to date wherever else sauropod track- reported from this locality by Pittman and Gillette
ways showing both forefoot and hindfoot impressions (1989). More recently, Platt et al. (2018) described
occur in this unit, the pes prints are always as deeply theropod trackways and sauropod footprints from a
impressed as, or more deeply impressed than, manus different part of the same quarry. Dinosaur footprints
prints (Figure 17; also see Farlow, Pittman, and at this site were interpreted as true tracks. In most
Hawthorne 1989, Farlow et al. 2015; Farlow 1992: figs. sauropod trackways from the Briar site, manus and
10, 11). pes are about equally deeply impressed, but at one

Figure 12. HMTHC A (HMNS Right) trackway footprints. The brightness and contrast of photographs have been manipulated to
increase the clarity of print outlines. Prints with an odd number are rights, and prints with an even number are lefts. See Figure 2
for locations of prints in the trackway. (A) A75, (B) A76, (C) A77, (D) A78, (E) A79, (F) A80, (G) A81, (H) A82, (I–J). A83, (I) Footprint
in situ. (J) Latex negative copy (cast) of the print; note large joint and solution feature cutting across the print, (K) A84, (L). A85,
(M) A87, (N) A88, (O) A89 and (P) A97.

portion of the site, where the substrate at the time of between different measurements of the same parameter
track formation is thought to have been firm (Platt within the HMTHC or HMNS data sets, and between
et al. 2018), manus prints are slightly deeper than the HMTHC and HMNS data sets, are presented in
associated pes prints (B.F. Platt, personal communica- Table 2 and Figures 18 and 19. Some individual meas-
tion). Furthermore, there are manus prints in the urements differ markedly between the two data sets,
same area of the quarry that are unaccompanied by due to differences in measurement protocols between
pes prints (Platt et al. 2018). The sauropod prints the two teams, difficulties in measuring these some-
from the Briar Site are morphologically similar to times faint prints, or both. Most mean and median val-
those from the Glen Rose Formation (Farlow, ues of footprint and trackway parameters, however, are
Pittman, and Hawthorne 1989; Pittman and Gillette gratifyingly very close (within a few centimetres of lin-
1989). Consequently differential pressure cannot be ear measurements, and a few degrees of angular meas-
excluded as a possible explanation for manus-only urements) between HMNS and HMTHC values of the
sauropod trackways in the Glen Rose Formation
same measurement; exceptions include some measures
(Falkingham et al. 2011a).
of trackway inner and outer width, paces, strides, and
pace angulations. It should be noted, however, that the
Consistency of measurements calculated means and medians are generally not based
Summary measurements for the three sauropod track- on the same number of measurements for the HMNS
ways are presented in Table 1, and internal correlations and HMTHC data sets, which may account for some

Figure 13. Negative copies (casts) of Coffee Hollow A-Male sauropod footprints. Note the irregular texture of what is either the
print sole or the surface of footprint fill. (A, B) Prints from one of the large sauropods (probably [Right] trackway A). (A) Maximum
diameter across the print ¼ 67 cm; maximum relief ¼ 7 cm. (B) Maximum diameter ¼ 61 cm; maximum relief ¼ 3-4 cm. (C, D).
Footprint from the middle (B) trackway. (C) Photograph of the print; maximum diameter ¼ 48 cm. (D). Digital model of track relief;
the images are rotated clockwise to the view in panel C. Scale bar ¼ 10 cm. Top row ¼ plan view, bottom row ¼ oblique view.
Warm colours in the heat maps indicate deeper parts of the footprint.

of the differences in average values between the two the estimate based on trackway diagrams. Not too
data sets. Correlations between HMTHC and HMNS much should be made of this discrepancy, however,
measurements of the same parameter (Table 2; Figure because the two sets of measurements were made very
18) are generally good (Pearson’s r at least 0.65, with differently. This highlights a warning for comparisons
p < 0.001); the lowest correlations are between meas- of trackway measurements among studies: before con-
urements of trackway outer width (r ¼ 0.559, cluding that values differ between trackways described
p ¼ 0.003), and between measurements of footprint by different authors, one should be sure that the
rotation (which correlation is not statistically signifi- measurements were made the same way (Falkingham
cant; r ¼ 0.225; p ¼ 0.532, but is based on a small sam- 2016). In any case, the different ways of measuring
ple size [N ¼ only 10]). paces in the HMTHC data set, and trackway inner
HMTHC measurements of paces and strides using width in the HMNS data set, are both highly corre-
different reference points (print front margin vs. print lated (Table 2).
centre) have mean values (Table 1) that differ by less
than 10%, with step lengths measured from the front
Inter-relationships among trackway parameters
edges of the prints being longer than those measured
from the print centres. The two different ways of Some of the trackway parameters are geometrically
measuring trackway inner width using the HMNS related (Figure 19). After removing the effects of
data set yield mean values that differ by 20–30%, with trackmaker size (with manus print width serving as
the direct method yielding larger mean values than the size proxy), all of the measures of trackway width

Figure 14. Comparison of step lengths between Coffee Hollow A-Male sauropod trackways, and those of sauropods or basal sauro-
podomorphs from other localities. HMNS and HMTHC in the figure key refer to separate measurements made by the Houston
Museum of Natural Science and by the Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country, respectively, but the names labelling the track-
ways in the key are HMTHC usage; HMTHC trackway A is the HMNS Right trackway, HMTHC trackway B is the HMNS Middle track-
way, and HMTHC trackway C is the HMNS Left trackway. Other trackway data are from Supplementary Online Material Table 1; all
data are either trackway means or single measurements (when only a single measurement could be made on a trackway). The
Glen Rose Fm trackway label in the figure key is for trackways from that unit consisting of prints of both manus and pes. (A)
Oblique pace length of the manus portion of the trackway vs. manus print width (here and elsewhere, a proxy for trackmaker
size). (B) Stride length of the manus portion of the trackway vs. manus print width. Note that trackway B (Middle trackway) shows
a fairly long pace for its size, but not so much its stride.

Figure 15. Measures of manus trackway width vs. manus width. Labelling conventions as in Figure 14. All data are trackway
means or single measurements. (A) Inner trackway width. (B, C). Outer trackway width. (B) All trackways. (C) Standard plus manus-
dominant trackways, differentiated on the basis of trackway gauge (narrow-gauge vs. medium- to wide-gauge). (D) Width of angu-
lation pattern. In some comparisons trackway A presents as relatively broad. Trackway B is unusually broad in all relevant

(inner, outer, and WAP) are unsurprisingly correlated Trackway B is different, however, in showing an
with each other, and more interestingly, with pace unusually long oblique pace for the size of its
length (Table 3), but either less strongly, or not at all, manus prints.
with stride length. Because pace as measured here is All measures of trackway width also unsurprisingly
oblique to the trackmaker’s direction of travel, this increase with trackmaker size (Figure 15), although
step length parameter is partly related to the trackway the relationship between inner trackway width and
width to an extent that the stride is not. manus width shows a great deal of scatter. It is tempt-
ing to attribute this scatter to the existence of wide-,
medium-, and narrow-gauge trackways (Farlow 1992;
Comparisons with other sauropod trackways
Lockley, Farlow, and Meyer 1994; Romano, Whyte,
(supplementary table 1)
and Jackson 2007; Marty 2008; Marty et al. 2010).
Unsurprisingly, the length of the step (measured as However, for standard plus manus-dominant track-
either the oblique pace or the stride) increases with ways, analyses of covariance of trackway width against
increasing sauropod size (Figure 14). Most manus- trackway gauge (with manus print width as the cova-
only trackways (including Bird’s Mayan Ranch track- riate) show only one statistically significant difference
way) and manus-dominant trackways do not differ between narrow-gauge trackways on the one hand,
from those of standard trackways (those with manus and medium- to wide-gauge trackways, on the other:
and pes prints, other than those explicitly identified as that involving outer trackway width (F ¼ 8.059,
manus-dominant trackways) in relative stride or p ¼ 0.005, and N ¼ 70 narrow-gauge trackways and
oblique pace length. Coffee Hollow trackways A and 80 medium-wide gauge trackways), and even that
C fall within the scatter of standard sauropod track- comparison shows very little difference, and considerable
way points for both oblique pace and stride, and overlap, between the two groups (Figure 15C). As with
trackway B is on the edge of scatter for stride. step lengths, most manus-only and manus-dominant

Figure 16. Pace angulation and manus print rotation as a function of trackmaker size in sauropod and basal sauropodomorph
trackways. (A, B) Pace angulation vs. manus print width. (A) All trackways. (B) Standard plus manus-dominant trackways, differenti-
ated on the basis of trackway gauge. (C, D). Manus rotation vs. manus width. (C) All trackways. (D) Standard trackways. Some
manus-dominant trackways plot within the scatter for standard trackways in the pace angulation vs. manus width comparison, but
two manus-dominant trackways show large pace angulations for the size of their prints. (Data about manus rotation were unavail-
able for trackways identified as manus-dominant.) Manus-only trackways (including the Coffee Hollow trackways) plot within the
scatter for standard trackways in both sets of comparisons; the Coffee Hollow trackways do show pace angulations on the low
side, though.

trackways, including the Mayan Ranch trackway and albeit among trackways with pace angulations on the
Coffee Hollow A-Male trackway C, plot among points low side, indicating a less linear, more zig-zagged, track-
for standard sauropod trackways. Trackway A looks way pattern. The Coffee Hollow and Mayan Ranch
relatively a bit broader than usual in some compari- trackways have lower pace angulations than typical
sons, and Trackway B is especially wide in all compari- sauropod trackways from the Glen Rose Formation.
sons—not surprising, given that trackway width is Manus rotation (positive values ¼ outward rotation,
closely related to oblique pace length in sauropodo- negative values inward rotation) also weakly decreases
morph trackways (Table 3). However, trackway B is with increasing manus width in standard plus manus-
not unique in its breadth. A standard trackway from dominant trackways (r ¼ 0.198, p ¼ 0.036, and
the Late Cretaceous of the southern Pyrenees, attrib- N ¼ 113; Figure 16(C)), again with no difference
uted to a titanosaur (Vila et al. 2013: Figure 3(B)), is between narrow- and medium- to wide-gauge trackways
also quite broad (Figure 15(A)). (Figure 16(D)). Lallensack et al. (2018) also found track-
In standard plus manus-dominant sauropodomorph ways of small sauropods to have surprisingly large
trackways, the pace angulation shows a weak negative manus rotations (supination angles in their usage). Once
correlation with manus width (r ¼ 0.160, p ¼ 0.022, again there is no difference between manus-only and
and N ¼ 206; Figure 16(A)), with no difference standard trackways in this comparison. Manus rotation
between narrow-gauge and medium- to wide-gauge of trackway B regrettably could not be measured due to
trackways (Figure 16(B)). Manus-only and manus- the poor preservation of the individual prints.
dominant trackways, including those from Coffee The pace angulation, relative trackway width
Hollow, plot among the points for standard trackways, (expressed as the ratio of trackway width/manus print

Figure 17. Relative depth of impression of manus and pes prints in sauropod trackways from the Lower Cretaceous of the U.S.
Gulf Coastal plain. (A–C). Glen Rose Formation, Texas. In these trackways pes prints are impressed as deeply as, or more deeply
than, manus prints. (A) Digital model of a negative copy (cast) of a right manus-pes set from the Paluxy River, Dinosaur Valley
State Park, Somervell County (Farlow et al. 2015). Cool colours indicate greater depth. (B, C) Trackways in situ; metre stick provides
the scale. Colour and contrast have been manipulated to enhance distinctness of prints. (B) Slightly oblique view of a right
manus-pes set of a shallowly registered trackway, South San Gabriel River, Williamson County. The dinosaur was moving away
from the viewer, with the metre stick positioned along the trackway midline; pes print length 74 cm. (C) Oblique view of a right
manus-pes set of a very large sauropod, Blanco River, Blanco County. The manus print is 65-70 wide, and the pes print 110 cm
long. (D) LIDAR image of a portion of the Briar Site (De Queen Formation, CertainTeed Gypsum mine, Nashville, Arkansas). Ellipses
surround two sauropod manus-pes sets; width of the manus in the upper set about 53 cm, and width of the manus in the lower
set about 40 cm. The manus prints are slightly more deeply impressed than their associated pes prints (B. F. Platt, personal com-
munication). Note the presence of several manus prints without associated pes prints. Other footprints are attributed to large
theropods. Image courtesy of Platt and the Centre for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas.

width), and the stride/oblique pace ratio are inter- trackways plot among points for standard trackways,
related (Figure 19). For standard plus manus-domin- with Coffee Hollow trackway A (Right trackway) fall-
ant sauropod trackways, there is a strong positive ing among points at the low end of both variables
correlation between pace angulation and the stride/ (Figure 19(B)); all three Coffee Hollow trackways (and
oblique pace ratio (Kendall’s tau-b ¼ 0.784, less convincingly the Mayan Ranch trackway) plot
Spearman’s rho ¼ 0.912, p for both statistics < 0.001, well below points for typical Glen Rose Formation
and N ¼ 201; Figure 19(B)); both parameters are an sauropod trackways. For standard plus manus-domin-
expression of how linear as opposed to zig-zagged a ant trackways, relative trackway width is at least
trackway pattern is. Manus-only and manus-dominant weakly negatively correlated with the stride/oblique pace

Table 2. Correlations between Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country (HMTHC) and Houston Museum of Natural Science
(HMNS) Coffee Hollow A-Male manus print and trackway measurements, and different ways of measuring the same parameter
with HMTHC or HMNS measurements. Data are pooled across trackways; each data point is an individual measurement for a par-
ticular trackway. Significant correlations in bold.
Parameters Pearson’s r p N
Manus width (HMTHC direct) Manus width (HMNS direct) 0.688 <0.001 35
Manus pace (HMTHC print front edge direct) Manus pace (HMNS print front edge diagram) 0.840 <0.001 29
Manus pace (HMTHC print front edge direct) Manus pace (HMTHC print centre map) 0.957 <0.001 47
Manus stride (HMTHC print front edge direct) Manus stride (HMNS print front edge diagram) 0.736 <0.001 23
Pace Angulation (HMTHC print front edge direct) Pace angulation (HMNS print front edge diagram) 0.783 <0.001 22
Trackway inner width (HMTHC direct) Trackway inner width (HMNS diagram) 0.912 <0.001 26
Trackway inner width (HMTHC direct) Trackway inner width (HMNS direct) 0.889 <0.001 27
Trackway inner width (HMNS direct) Trackway inner width (HMNS diagram) 0.978 <0.001 22
Trackway outer width (HMTHC direct) Trackway outer width (HMNS diagram) 0.559 0.003 26
Print rotation (HMNS direct) Print rotation (HMTHC map) 0.225 0.532 10

ratio (inner trackway width/manus width: Kendall’s tau- mounts (cf. Bonnan et al. 2010; Holliday et al. 2010;
b ¼ 0.396, Spearman’s rho ¼ 0.557, and N ¼ 117; Tsai et al. 2018). In any case, the data suggest that the
outer trackway width/manus width: Kendall’s tau-b ¼ Coffee Hollow sauropod trackmakers could have had
0.336, Spearman’s rho ¼ 0.481 and N ¼ 153; width forelimbs as much as 4 or 5 m in length.
of angulation pattern/manus width: Kendall’s tau-b ¼
0.381, Spearman’s rho ¼ 0.522 and N ¼ 81; p for all
statistics < 0.001). Unsurprisingly, the more linear a
trackway is, the relatively narrower it is. Manus-only Explanations for manus-only sauropod trackways fall
and manus-dominant trackways again plot among into two categories: preservational or formational arte-
standard trackways, but Coffee Hollow trackway B once facts in prints created during normal walking (differ-
again shows a particularly broad trackway (but not ential pressure exerted by the manus and pes on the
uniquely so) for its (rather low) values of the stride/pace substrate) or unusual behaviour (‘swimming’). In the
ratio Figure 19(D)). spirit of multiple working hypotheses, we now
Most standard sauropodomorph trackways show consider the pros and cons of each of these interpreta-
oblique paces that step off from the left manus to be tions as applied to the Coffee Hollow A-Male manus-
about as long as oblique paces that begin with the only sauropod trackways.
right manus (Figure 20). There is a slight suggestion,
albeit one that is not quite statistically significant, that
Preservation artifact (and perhaps more than one
smaller sauropodomorphs stepped off with longer
kind of trackmaker?)
paces beginning with the left forefoot, while bigger
sauropods had longer paces beginning with the right Because differential autopodial pressure plausibly
forefoot (standard plus manus-dominant trackways: accounts for most sauropod manus-only trackways
Kendall’s tau-b ¼ 0.123, p ¼ 0.073; Spearman’s rho (cf. Lockley and Rice 1990; Vila and Galobart, 2005;
¼ 0.187, p ¼ 0.063; N ¼ 99 trackways). Most manus- Falkingham et al., 2011a,b; cf. Falkingham, Margetts,
dominant and manus-only trackways plot among and Manning 2010), this hypothesis must be consid-
standard trackways in this relationship. However, ered a potential explanation for the manus-only
some manus-only sauropod trackways, including nature of the Coffee Hollow trackways. Although
Coffee Hollow trackway A and some trackways from preservation as undertracks probably does not apply
North Africa (Ishigaki and Matsumoto 2009) show to the Coffee Hollow prints, their very shallowness
marked left vs. right stepping off asymmetry. elicits suspicion that the absence of pes prints in
these trackways might be due to a formational/pres-
ervational artefact, with relatively greater pressure
Forelimb length vs. Manus size in sauropods
exerted on the substrate by the forefeet than by the
There is a great deal of scatter in the limited data hindfeet. As already noted, in presently known
presently available for the relationship between manus sauropod trackways from the Glen Rose Formation
width and forelimb length in sauropods (Figure 21). that consist of both manus and pes prints, whether
Furthermore, both the width of the intact manus, and faintly/shallowly registered or deeply impressed, the
the length of the forearm, would have been somewhat manus prints are not more deeply impressed than
larger in the living animals, due to the presence of pes prints (Figure 17). The Briar Site in Arkansas, on
cartilage and other soft tissues, than in skeletal the other hand, preserves associated sauropod

Figure 18. Comparisons between HMTHC and HMNS measurements. Data cases are individual measurements for the three track-
ways; the same legend applies to all panels. (A) Manus width. (B) Oblique pace. (C) Pace angulation. (D) Trackway inner width. (E)
Trackway outer width. (F) Manus print rotation.

manus-pes sets similar to those from Texas, in a few sauropod, this would indicate that under different
of which forefoot prints are deeper than the hindfoot circumstances a given sauropod was capable of mak-
prints; isolated manus tracks occur nearby. ing trackways with very different manus vs. pes
Consequently unusual depth distributions of manus depth distributions.
and pes prints in sauropod trackways from the Another possibility is that the Coffee Hollow and
Cretaceous of the U.S. Gulf Coast region could well Mayan Ranch trackmakers were made by a different
be responsible for the unusual occurrence of manus- kind of sauropod, with a different location of the ani-
only trackways in the Glen Rose Formation. If the mal’s centre of mass, and different pressure loading
Arkansas trackmakers were all the same kind of on the forefeet and hindfeet, than the makers of most

Figure 19. Interrelationships among trackway parameters. Panels A and C plot individual measurements for each of the three
Coffee Hollow trackways, using HMTHC data; panels B and D plot trackway means or single measurements for the Coffee Hollow
(both HMNS and HMTHC data) and other sauropod and basal sauropodomorph trackways. (A, B). The pace angulation and the
stride/oblique pace ratio are positively correlated. (A). Trackway A (Right trackway) shows lower values of both the pace angulation
and the stride/pace ratio than the other two Coffee Hollow trackways. (B). All three Coffee Hollow trackways plot at the low end
of the pace angulation: stride/oblique pace ratio relationship, but among points for standard sauropod trackways. Other manus-
only, and also manus-dominant, trackways similarly plot among the trend defined for standard trackways. (C, D). Trackway inner
width/manus width ratio vs. stride/oblique pace ratio. (C) Each of the three Coffee Hollow trackways plots in a different region of
morphospace, with trackway B showing a particularly broad trackway relative to the stride/pace ratio. (D) Across sauropod track-
ways more generally, relative trackway inner width decreases with increasing values of the stride/oblique pace ratio. Manus-only
and manus-dominant trackways mostly plot among standard trackways. Coffee Hollow trackway B (Middle trackway) and a
‘standard’ trackway of a small sauropod from the Early Cretaceous of China (Chabu 8 D Trackway S4; Lockley et al. 2018) have
unusually broad trackways in this comparison.

other Glen Rose Formation sauropod trackways. At Hawthorne 1989), the same could well have been true
present, three sauropod genera are known from the of the pedes of one or both of the other two Trinity
Trinity Group of Texas (D’Emic 2013; cf. Gallup sauropods. On the basis of present knowledge, it is
1989; Tidwell, Carpenter, and Brooks 1999; Wedel, impossible to say which, if any, of the known Trinity
Cifelli, and Sanders 2000a, b; Rose 2007; D’Emic and sauropods was the Brontopodus-maker, and whether
Foreman 2012; Britt et al. 2017): the somphospondyli- Brontopodus was made by only one sauropod taxon.
ans Sauroposeidon and Astrophocaudia, and the bra- Although morphological details of the manus prints
chiosaurid Cedarosaurus. Of these three taxa, the pes of the three Coffee Hollow A-Male sauropod track-
is known only for Cedarosaurus, and the manus of all makers are not particularly clear, their shape seems
three is unknown. Farlow, Pittman, and Hawthorne consistent with Brontopodus. The manus prints of
(1989) assigned the name Brontopodus birdi to sauro- Coffee Hollow sauropods A and C are comparable in
pod tracks from the Glen Rose Formation of Texas, size and preservation to the manus prints of the
with a trackway from R.T. Bird’s Paluxy River track Blanco River sauropods (Figure 17C), and occur at
quarry serving as the type specimen. Although the the same stratigraphic level, suggesting that they were
morphology of the pes of Cedarosaurus is consistent produced by the same kind of trackmaker. Pes prints
with that of hindfoot prints of Brontopodus as dis- of the Blanco River trackways, however, are perhaps
played at the Paluxy River sites (Farlow, Pittman, and different enough in appearance from their Paluxy

Table 3. Partial correlations between trackway parameters after controlling for overall trackmaker size (in terms of manus width).
Control Variable Trackway Parameters Correlation p Degrees of Freedom
Manus width Stride (HMTHC direct) Trackway inner width 0.172 0.332 32
(HMTHC direct) (HMTHC direct)
Trackway outer width 0.142 0.424 32
(HMTHC direct)
Width of angulation 0.165 0.308 38
pattern (HMTHC)
Trackway inner width Trackway outer width 0.878 <0.001 36
(HMTHC direct) (HMTHC direct)
Width of angulation 0.905 <0.001 30
pattern (HMTHC)
Pace ending in print 0.784 <0.001 33
(HMTHC direct)
Pace beginning with print 0.660 <0.001 35
(HMTHC direct)
Trackway outer Width Width of angulation 0.934 <0.001 30
(HMTHC direct) pattern (HMTHC)
Pace ending in print 0.655 <0.001 33
(HMTHC direct)
Pace beginning with print 0.580 <0.001 35
(HMTHC direct)
Width of angulation Pace ending in print 0.758 <0.001 38
pattern (HMTHC direct)
(HMTHC direct) Pace beginning with print 0.834 <0.001 38
(HMTHC direct)
Manus print width Stride (HMNS diagram) Trackway inner width 0.433 0.021 26
(HMNS Direct) (HMNS diagram)
Trackway inner width 0.427 0.068 17
(HMNS direct)
Trackway outer width 0.432 0.022 26
(HMNS diagram)
Pace ending in print 0.570 0.002 26
(HMNS diagram)
Pace beginning with print 0.630 <0.001 26
(HMNS diagram)
Trackway outer width Pace ending in print 0.746 <0.001 26
(HMNS diagram) (HMNS diagram)
Pace beginning with print 0.753 <0.001 26
(HMNS diagram)
Note: Data are pooled across trackways; each data point is an individual measurement for a particular trackway. Significant partial correlations in bold.

River counterparts that the big south Texas prints expected that the forelimbs exerted more pressure
might eventually be assigned to a different ichnospe- on the ground than the hindlimbs, potentially
cies than B. birdi (contra Farlow, Pittman, and resulting in manus-only trackways (Henderson
Hawthorne 1989). Perhaps one of the Texas sauropods 2006; Falkingham et al., 2011a). However, keep in
did have a pedal structure different than that of mind that the pes of Cedarosaurus is a good match
Cedarosaurus. for the morphology of the Paluxy River pes prints,
The classic Paluxy River Brontopodus are unques- which are consistently as deep as or deeper than
tionably true tracks. If the Coffee Hollow and Blanco manus prints. The same is true for sauropod track-
River prints also are true tracks, or close to being true ways at other sites in the Glen Rose Formation
tracks, their makers were likely bigger animals than (Figure 17(B, C)), including the big Blanco
most of their north Texas counterparts, which might River prints.
further support the conclusion that the south Texas The differential pressure hypothesis for the creation
dinosaurs were a different kind of sauropod. of Glen Rose Formation manus-only sauropod track-
If the Coffee Hollow trackmakers were different ways might receive considerable support from discov-
forms than the Paluxy River trackmakers, the depth ery of more complete fossils of the three sauropod
distribution of manus and pes prints seen in the taxa known from the skeletal fauna. If it were estab-
Paluxy River tracks (Figure 17A) might not also lished that one of the sauropod taxa had the morph-
have characterized the Coffee Hollow sauropods. If ology and relative sizes of the manus and pes, and a
the Coffee Hollow trackways had been made by the position of the animal’s centre of mass, consistent
brachiosaurid Cedarosaurus, it would be entirely with the production of pes prints as deep or deeper

Figure 20. Asymmetry of manus oblique pace lengths in sauropod and basal sauropodomorph trackways. (A) Ratio of the mean
value of paces beginning with the left foot, to the mean value of paces beginning with the right foot. Different symbols are used
for the Coffee Hollow trackways to denote values obtained using different reference points for measuring pace lengths. Most
manus-only or manus-dominant trackways plot among data cases for standard trackways, but Coffee Hollow trackway A and
manus-only trackways from North Africa (Ishigaki and Matsumoto 2009b) show more extreme values. (B) Frequency distribution of
the pace asymmetry ratio in different manus trackway categories. Most trackways in all categories show fairly similar values of
paces beginning with the left, as opposed to the right, manus, but some manus-only trackways show more extreme values.

Figure 21. Forelimb length vs. manus width in mounted sauropod skeletons. Some of these points should be viewed as very
rough approximations due to extensive reconstruction of missing elements in the skeleton, particularly around the autopodia. Key
to specimens: Amargasaurus (Museo Argentino de Cinencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’, Buenos Aires MACN N-15);
Apatosaurus (Carnegie Museum of Natural History CM 3018); Dicraeosaurus (Museum fu€r Naturkunde Berlin MfN MB.R composite
mount, with majority of material from individual m, and remaining material from individual o [Heinrich 1999]); Diplodocus (Denver
Museum of Nature and Science DMNS 1494); Dreadnoughtus (Museo Padre Molino, Rıo Gallegos, Argentina MPM-PV 1156; 3 D files
from Lacovara et al. 2014—this point is particularly problematic, because the manus is a total reconstruction); Giraffatitan
(Museum fu€r Naturkunde Berlin MfN MB.R mount, primarily based on MfN MB.R.2181); Jobaria (Australian Museum, Sydney MNN
TIG mounted cast of several overlapping individuals, mainly MNN TIG 3); Mamenchisaurus (Institute for Vertebrate Palaeontology
and Palaeoanthropology IVPP multiple specimens, primarily IVPP V456-458); Patagosaurus (cast based on Museo Argentino de
Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’, Buenos Aires PVL 4170); Rapetosaurus (Field Museum of Natural History FMNH PR 2209);
Sauroposeidon (Paluxysaurus) (Fort Worth Museum of Science and History FWMSH 93B-10).

than manus prints (as at the Paluxy River tracksites), the Early Cretaceous, with differences in the location
while another sauropod from the Glen Rose of the centre of mass and/or the relative sizes of the
Formation had the autopodial and body proportions front and rear autopodia, between/among the different
consistent with the production of manus-dominant trackmakers (Henderson 2006; Falkingham
trackways, this would tip the scales towards interpret- et al., 2011a).
ing Glen Rose Formation manus-only sauropod track- As previously noted, Coffee Hollow sauropod
ways as being formational or preservational artefacts. trackways A and B are unusually broad for the size of
Even more compelling support for this hypothesis their makers (Figure 15), but not uniquely so. Vila
would be discovery of manus-dominant sauropod et al. (2013: Figure 3(B)) illustrated a standard sauro-
trackways somewhere in the Glen Rose Formation, pod trackway from the southern Pyrenees that is simi-
with manus prints more deeply impressed than pes larly broad across both the manus and pes portions of
prints, as at the Briar Site in Arkansas. This would the trackways. If such a trackway were to be found in
indicate either that a single species of sauropod was the Glen Rose Formation, and especially if its manus
capable of altering its walking to create standard and prints were deeper than its pes prints, this would pro-
manus-dominant trackways as it adjusted to different vide the strongest possible support for interpreting the
substrate conditions, or that there was more than one Glen Rose manus-only sauropod trackways as artefacts
kind of footprint-making sauropod in Texas during of differential autopodial pressure on the substrate.

Figure 22. A whimsical exploration of the punting hypothesis for manus-only sauropod trackways (cartoon by R.T. Bakker). The
sauropods are interpreted as brachiosaurids, with longer forelimbs than hindlimbs, unlike R.T. Bird’s interpretation (Figure 1(D)).
The difference in size between the two dinosaurs in the cartoon is probably greater than that between the two large and the
smaller sauropod at Coffee Hollow (Table 1); it is unlikely that a punting sauropod could have been completely submerged, as the
smaller dinosaur in the cartoon is depicted.

Equally or more interestingly, given the differences in A and B, because their makers could have been smaller
overall size, pace length and trackway width (relative to animals than their footprint dimensions would other-
manus width), and relative depth distribution of manus wise indicate. Furthermore, any increase in apparent
and pes prints between most Glen Rose Formation manus print size due to preservation as undertracks
sauropod trackways (Figure 17) and this hypothetical would also be expected to cause the trackway to appear
trackway, it would strongly suggest the representation narrower than in a corresponding ‘true’ trackway.
of more than one kind of track-making sauropod in Although hypothesized unusual behaviour would
the ichnofauna, consistent with the skeletal fauna. not necessarily involve ‘swimming’, it is worth consid-
ering the possibility that R.T. Bird might have been
correct in thinking that (at least some?) Glen Rose
Unusual behavior
Formation manus-only sauropod trackways were
Until such a hypothetical trackway is found in the made by dinosaurs that were wading in water deep
Glen Rose Formation, though, an alternative hypothesis enough for their makers to punt, pulling themselves
for the Coffee Hollow manus-only trackways must be along by their forefeet, while their hind legs floated
considered. For at least trackways A (Right) and espe- above the bottom. Some analyses of the location of
cially B (Middle), the trackway pattern differs enough the centre of buoyancy relative to the centre of mass
from what is routinely seen in Glen Rose Formation in certain sauropods (forms related to camarasaurs
sauropod trackways to suggest that these animals might and brachiosaurs: Wilson and Fisher 2003; Henderson
have been doing something out of the ordinary. 2004) suggest that this would cause the hindquarters
Sauropod B took unusually long oblique paces (Figure of a wading dinosaur to lift off the bottom while the
14) and made an unusually broad trackway (Figure 15) forefeet were still pushing against the substrate. Such
for its size. Sauropod A similarly had a rather broad a punting sauropod might then be able to glide with
trackway (Figure 15), and also showed very marked its body supported by the water, thereby taking longer
asymmetry between steps that began with the left as oblique paces and creating a wider trackway than
opposed to the right forefoot (Figure 20(A)). would be possible for the same animal’s unsupported
Note that if the three Coffee Hollow trackways, con- body. If much of the dinosaur’s weight was buoyed up
trary to our interpretation, were in fact undertracks, by the water, this might also result in shallowly
the likely increase in footprint dimensions of under- impressed manus prints.
tracks relative to true tracks might exacerbate the her- On the other hand, any buoyancy/punting hypoth-
meneutic problem of the unusual breadth of trackways esis for the Coffee Hollow manus-only trackways

would require the same centre of mass interpretation behaviour hypothesis for the origin of the Coffee
that would result in manus-dominated trackways that Hollow A-Male manus-only sauropod trackways. On
include impressions of both forefeet and hindfeet. balance, however, comparison of these trackways with
One would expect that a sauropod ‘back-heavy’ sauropod trackways from other ichnofaunas provides
enough to be making deeper pes than manus prints stronger support for the differential pressure hypoth-
during routine walking would likely punt with its esis, with the especially interesting, possible corollary
hindfeet rather than its forefeet. In contrast, it would hypothesis that more than one kind of sauropod is
be a ‘front-heavy’ walker of the kind likely to produce represented in the Glen Rose Formation ichnofauna.
manus-dominant trackways that would be the We have described the kinds of trackway evidence
expected candidate to be a forelimb-punter. On the that would allow an unambiguous verdict in favour of
face of it, this makes it hard to imagine that the sau- each of the two hypotheses. Now we can hope for
ropods responsible for the Paluxy River footprints future discoveries in the field to deliver that evidence.
would have been manus-only punters.
Ironically, then, it might be that discovery of
manus-dominant sauropod trackways in the Glen Acknowledgments
Rose Formation would not only make a differential This paper is dedicated to the memory of R.T. Bird and
pressure explanation for manus-only sauropod track- Wann Langston. We commend Ms. Gail Flach and her
ways more plausible, but also be a prerequisite for associates for their recognition of the importance of the
supporting the hypothesis that manus-only trackways site, and for interrupting quarry work while study pro-
ceeded. Numerous volunteers assisted in cleaning and docu-
could have been made by punting sauropods! The
menting the tracksite. For two days, 21 members of the
best evidence for forefoot-supported punting sauro- Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country volunteered to
pods would therefore be discovery of trackways in clean, measure, photograph, trace, and map the tracksite.
which pes prints were absent, but the manus prints We thank Matt Bonnan, Don Henderson, Christian Meyer,
were fairly deeply impressed, indicating a soft sub- Jens Lallensack, and Brian Platt for useful discussions or
strate in which pes prints would likely have registered, unpublished data, and Brian Platt (again) and the
University of Arkansas Center for Advanced Spatial
had the dinosaurs actually been normally walking
Technologies for providing the LIDAR image of a portion
rather than punting. This is not true of the shallowly of the Briar Site (CertainTeed Gypsum mine). Hendrik
impressed Coffee Hollow A-Male trackways. Klein and John Foster made several helpful comments on
Other than being manus-only, there is nothing the manuscript. Jim Whitcraft assisted in the production of
unusual in the pattern of trackway C (Left trackway), illustrations.
and the same is true of R.T. Bird’s manus-dominated
Mayan Ranch trackway. However, if trackway C was
Disclosure statement
made at the same time as trackways A and B, and if
the latter two trackways were in fact made by punters, No potential conflict of interest was reported by
the authors.
it would not be unreasonable to think that the same
was true of trackway C.
Although aquatic animals that engage in underwater Funding
pedestrianism may do so while completely submerged This research was supported by a grant from the National
(cf. Zug 1971; Brand 1979; Martinez 1996; Martinez, Geographic Society to Farlow. The Department of Library
Full, and Koehl 1998; Coughlin and Fish 2009; Grigg Services of the American Museum of Natural History kindly
and Kirshner 2015; Farlow, Robinson, Turner, et al. granted permission to reproduce some of R.T. Bird’s images
2018a, b), the likely pneumaticity of their bodies makes of the Mayan Ranch site.
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