Theropod, Avian, Pterosaur, and Arthropod Tracks From The Uppermost

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End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

Theropod, avian, pterosaur, and arthropod tracks from the uppermost

Cretaceous Las Encinas Formation, Coahuila, northeastern Mexico,
and their significance for the end-Cretaceous mass extinction

Wolfgang Stinnesbeck1,†, Eberhard Frey2, Belinda Espinoza-Chávez3, Patrick Zell4, José Flores-Ventura5,
Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva5, Arturo H. González-González6, José M. Padilla Gutierrez7, and Francisco J. Vega7
Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe, Erbprinzenstraße 14, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
Benemérita Escuela Normal de Coahuila, Calzada de los Maestros s/n, Saltillo, C.P. 25000, Mexico
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 1, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Santa Engracia 257, Fracc. Santa Elena, Saltillo, Coahuila C.P. 25015, Mexico
Museo del Desierto, Carlos Abendrop Dávila No. 3745, Parque Las Maravillas, Saltillo, Coahuila C.P. 25015, Mexico
Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico

ABSTRACT Archi­bald, 2014; Renne et al., 2015; Keller et al., of this restructuring refers to the rise and diver-
2016). Brusatte et al. (2015) suggested that the sification of birds since the Early Cretaceous, al-
Two unique localities that combine an un- abruptness of dinosaur extinction is the key to though the physical evidence for the abundance
usual diversity of avian, pterosaurian, and advocate for the bolide impact, but the coarse- and diversity of this group during the latest Cre-
dinosaur tracks as well as trails of arthropods ness of the fossil record makes testing the effects taceous is presently rare (Longrich et al., 2011;
were recently discovered by us in upper­ of this hypothesis difficult (Archibald, 2014). To Jetz et al., 2012; Feduccia, 2014).
most Maastrichtian siliciclastic sediments of date, few localities anywhere in the world host The search for answers regarding the timing,
the Las Encinas Formation in the Mexican nonavian dinosaurs in uppermost Maastrichtian causes, and course of the Cretaceous-Paleogene
state of Coahuila, ~40 km north of Saltillo. strata (e.g., France—Galbrun, 1997; Spain— boundary extinction has increasingly focused on
The trackway assemblages at Amargos and López-Martínez et al., 2001; North America— investigations concerning the late Maastrichtian
­Rancho San Francisco were produced by at Campione and Evans, 2011; Archibald, 2014). It climatic changes and the dramatic oscillations
least six different types of birds, while track- is therefore not unequivocally known whether or of sea level resulting in high-stress biotic envi-
ways of azhdarchoid pterosaurs are rare. not there was a global long-term decline of the ronments (e.g., Keller et al., 2016).
Only a single footprint was produced by a nonavian dinosaur diversity prior to their final A complete, expanded, and fossil-rich sedi-
nonavian theropod. A diverse ichnofauna of extinction at the end of the Cretaceous. Recently, ment sequence covering the latest Maastrich-
arthropod traces is also present in a differ- Sakamoto et al. (2016) argued for a long-term tian to Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary into the
ent facies. The tetrapod trackway assemblage decline in the diversity of dinosaurs, possibly earliest Paleogene was recently discovered by
was deposited during the very latest Maas- caused by global geotectonic phenomena (e.g., us in two localities in the eastern Parras Basin
trichtian, as indicated by an up to 2.5-m- the breakup of Gondwana and Laurasia, intense (Difunta Group) of Coahuila, northeastern Mex-
thick unit with abundant smectite spherules prolonged volcanism) and resulting fluctuations ico. The investigated successions at San Juan
attributed to the Chicxulub impact less than in climate and sea level. Amargos (Amargos in the following text) near
8.5 m stratigraphically up section at Amar- In contrast to nonavian dinosaurs, avian dino­ Paredón, and at a rancho named San Francisco
gos. Sphenodiscus pleurisepta is the last am- saurs and most other tetrapods such as squa- 18 km to the west (Fig. 1) were deposited in a
monite at Amargos and may have crossed the mates, turtles, and crocodilians, as well as most marginally marine deltaic environment (Gold-
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. invertebrate groups, survived the Cretaceous- hammer and Johnson, 2001; Soegaard et al.,
Paleogene boundary (e.g., MacLeod et al., 1997; 2003) during about the last 100–200 k.y. of the
INTRODUCTION Novacek, 1999; Gelfo and Pascual, 2001; Lutz, Maastrichtian (Vega et al., 2013). They present
2005; Evans and Klembara, 2005; Goin et al., ideal conditions in which to investigate pre–
There has long been a fervent debate whether 2006; Longrich et al., 2011). This selectiveness Cretaceous-Paleogene changes in the vertebrate
the end-Cretaceous mass extinction was cata- of extinction is a strong argument against a sud- and invertebrate communities in the region, in-
strophic, caused by the impact of a large bolide den impact-caused extinction. Brusatte et al. cluding the extinction of ammonites, pterosaurs,
(comet or asteroid) at Chicxulub into the Yuca- (2015) suggested that the decline of large-bodied and dinosaurs, and the diversification of birds at
tán Peninsula, Mexico, or gradual, caused by herbivores in latest Cretaceous dinosaur assem- that time.
climatic and sea-level changes triggered by the blages of North America might have been caused We here document the tetrapod and inver-
Deccan volcanism (e.g., Schulte et al., 2009; by a breakdown of the nutrient chain, which tebrate trackways and faunal assemblages of
would have made megavertebrate communities the new Amargos and San Francisco sites and

wolfgang​.stinnesbeck@​geow​.uni​-heidelberg​.de more susceptible to cascading extinctions. Part also discuss the paleoecological and geological

GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2016; v. 128; no. X/X; p. 1–18; doi: 10.1130/B31554.1; 14 figures.; published online XX Month 2016.

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Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 1
© 2016 Geological Society of America
Stinnesbeck et al.

101°15′ 100°45′ 100°15′
Nuevo León Guadalupe 53

N San Juan Amargos

W E San Francisco
S Paredón
40 57
LA site

General Cepeda SALTILLO


Nuevo L
30 km 54

Shallow, nearshore medium- Moderately deep marine Nonmarine to marginal-

Land p
to fine-grained clastics calcareous shale, siltstone marine coarse clastics
Outer-ramp lime Deep-marine, off-ramp UPLIFT rro
Study sites; San Juan Amargos: N25°56.502′/W101°01.392′
mudstone and shale lime mudstone and shale a va
San Francisco: N25°48.255′/W101°09.213′

v ar
Difu Group
Gro nta
up Monterrey

ez Sh

BASINAS Saltillo


200 km

Figure 1. Geographical and geological setting. (A) Geographic overview, where the sampling sites are marked with stars (map modified
after INEGI, 2015). LA site—Las Águilas. (B) Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) paleogeography, following Goldhammer
and Johnson (2001). The sampling sites are marked with stars. Sediment transport was via rivers from the northwest, feeding an exten-
sive deltaic system in Coahuila and northwestern Nuevo León, known as the Difunta Group. Note that coastlines of the Difunta deltaic
complex prograded from west to east. To the east, in Nuevo León and Tamaulipas States, the Mendez Formation is coeval to the Difunta
Group and was deposited under open-marine conditions. North of the La Popa Basin, extensive paralic coal swamp systems developed
in the region of northern Coahuila. A NW-SE−extending fold-and-thrust belt is indicated by a dashed line with black triangles. Inset:
Paleogeographic map of North America during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian; from Blakey, 2015).

2 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

circumstances that caused the concentration of 1975; Sohl et al., 1991). The cyclical depo­si­tion also reported to be biostratigraphically signifi-
footprints in the area. Based on the paleodiver- of alternating prodelta, delta front, delta plain, cant (e.g., McBride et al., 1974; Perrilliat and
sity discovered by us in the 70-m-thick (Amar­ and fluvial sediments was first subdivided into Vega, 1993, 2003; Vega et al., 1999, 2007). The
gos) and 15-m-thick (San Francisco) sections lithostratigraphic units, or formations, by Mc- Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary is placed in the
of latest Maastrichtian age and reaching up to Bride et al. (1974). To date, the Difunta Group Las Encinas Formation, based on the first ap-
and across the Cretaceous-Paleogene bound- is known to extend stratigraphically from the pearance of the nautilids mentioned above but
ary, as well as a wide set of sedimentological Upper Campanian to Eocene (e.g., Vega et al., also on the presence, in the area north of Mon-
characteristics, we reconstruct a hitherto un- 1989, 2007; Soegaard et al., 2003; Ifrim et al., terrey (La Popa), of reworked Chicxulub impact
known subtropical latest Cretaceous ecosystem 2010, 2015; Fig. 2). ejecta (Lawton et al., 2005; Schulte et al., 2012).
at the southernmost margin of the North Ameri- Assignation of formations (e.g., Las Encinas
can continent, only a few tens to hundreds of and Rancho Nuevo) to the Paleogene (Mid- Tetrapod Remains from the Difunta Group
thousands of years (k.y.) prior to the Chicxu- way stage) is based on the occurrences of the
lub impact. nautiloids Cimomia haltomi (Aldrich, 1931) The entire area, extending from eastern Chi-
and Hercoglossa sp., but also on the presence huahua to northern Nuevo León, is extremely
GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND of venericardiid bivalves. These ages were rich in well-preserved and diverse tetrapod re-
first documented in Coahuila by Murray et al. mains. The assemblages are mostly late Campa-
During the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene, a (1959) and subsequently confirmed by Hassel- nian in age and include turtles and crocodilians,
large foreland basin developed north of the ris- tine (1968), Wolleben (1977), and Vega et al. among them eusuchians including the massive
ing Sierra Madre Oriental in an extended area of (2007), among other authors. Ostreids were alligatoroid Deinosuchus (Rivera-Silva et al.,
the Mexican states of Coahuila and Nuevo León
(Lawton et al., 2009). The basin was caused by
the subduction of the Farallon plate at the west- Eustatic sea level curves,
3rd order cycles and magneto- Correlation of formations

ern margin of the North American plate, as well stratigraphy (Haq et al., 1987) of the Difunta Group
as by rapid subsidence related to the Late Cre- 250 200 150 100 50 0m
taceous Laramide orogeny (Weidie and Murray, Pal 1.2 DS

C30C29 C29
6 5
1967; McBride et al., 1974, 1975; Soegaard
Las Encinas Potrerillos

SC 3
et al., 2003; Lawton et al., 2009). North of the
late Maastrichtian

Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, between 1.1 Cerro Grande 4

the cities of Saltillo and Monterrey, sediment
accumulated in this foreland from Campanian 3
to Paleogene times. This sediment sequence is Imagenes
known as the Difunta Group (Figs. 1A and 1B;

SC 2
McBride et al., 1974, 1975; Vega et al., 1989, 4.5 2
2007; Sohl et al., 1991; Soegaard et al., 2003; Cañon del Tule

Stinnesbeck and Frey, 2014).

The Difunta Group represents shallow coastal
and deltaic sediments and displays evidence of 1
coastlines of more than 500 km length (Figs.
early Maastrichtian

1A and 1B). The sediment sequence reaches Cerro Huerta

6000 m thickness or more proximal to the ­Sierra Cerro del Pueblo

SC 1

Madre Oriental, but thicknesses gradually de-

crease to the north. In the Rio Grande area, 4.4
some 400–500 km north of Saltillo, their total
thickness is only 100–200 m (Cooper, 1970, Parras Shale
1971; Goldhammer et al., 1991). The Difunta
Group and coeval units in eastern Chihuahua

Predominant lithologies:
and northern Coahuila States were deposited

sandstone siltstone
under deltaic conditions, representing marsh, mudstone
lagoonal, and eulittoral to shallow-marine envi- 4.3
ronments (Hopkins, 1965; Weidie et al., 1972;
Lehman, 1982). Figure 2. Tentative correlation of the Difunta Group using bio-, magneto-, and chrono­
The Difunta Group delta was fed by a river stratigraphic data, redrawn from Ifrim et al. (2010). C—magnetic chron. This correla-
system located in Chihuahua and western Coa- tion is based on five stratigraphic marker horizons indicated by asterisks: 1—C32-C31
huila and opening into the ancient Gulf of Mex- boundary, considered as base of the Maastrichtian (Eberth et al., 2004); 2—Lower
ico. Progradation of the delta front gradually Cretaceous planktic foraminiferal zone (CF) CF 5 at La Parra; 3—age of 66.2 Ma for
moved the coastlines toward the east. During the Imagenes Formation (Lawton et al., 2009); 4—sea-level lowstand at the base of
the Campanian, coastlines reached the area of CF 3; 5—Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary within the Delgado Sandstone Member (DS)
Saltillo, and, during the Maastrichtian, the coast- in the La Popa Basin (Lawton et al., 2001), also present at San Juan Amargos; 6—Cre-
lines prograded further toward Monterrey (Figs. taceous-Paleogene boundary in the upper Las Encinas Formation (Vega et al., 2007).
1A and 1B; Weidie et al., 1972; McBride et al., SC—sedimentary cycles from Soegaard et al. (2003); Pal—Paleogene.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 3

Stinnesbeck et al.

2011a), mosasaurs (Buchy et al., 2005), and birds in their search for food and freshwater. Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Amar­
abundant and diverse dinosaur remains (Kirk- The rivers, their banks, and the expanded coastal gos section. The layer-by-layer investigation
land et al., 2006; Rivera-Sylva and Espinosa- sand and mud plains provided all they needed included details on vertebrate track occurrence,
Chávez, 2006; Rivera-Sylva et al., 2006, 2009, for survival: Small epibenthic and endobenthic invertebrate and plant fossils, and sediment struc-
2011b, 2014, 2016; Gates et al., 2007; Ramírez- animals and fishes must have been abundant. tures, as well as records of facies and taphon­
Velasco et al., 2014; Vogt et al., 2016). Carcasses of tetrapods were likely washed up omy (Fig. 4). Significant fossils were collected.
Dinosaur-bearing localities are known from in small bays and attracted scavengers of all Detailed data on the stratigraphic position, size
the Parras Basin at Las Águilas (LA site in kinds, including aerial ones. The hollow, brittle class, number of individuals, preservation state,
Fig. 1), near the hamlet of Porvenir de Jalpa, bones of pterosaurs and birds are rapidly eroded etc., were also collected on fragmentary or al-
and Rincón Colorado near the town of General by floods and sediment flow, and therefore only ready registered specimens, but the majority of
Cepeda. The deposits assigned to the Cerro del small, mostly undiagnostic fragments of ptero- these specimens remained in the field.
Pueblo Formation are late Campanian in age saur long bones have been found in the Parras
and display a rhythmical sequence of sandstones Basin. Some of them were tentatively referred Specimens
and siltstones deposited under littoral conditions to Ornithocheiroidea indet., a diverse group
of changing salinity, as is indicated by oyster of pterosaurs that was widespread throughout All collected fossils are housed in the Colec-
banks, and abundant non-ostrean bivalves and the Late Cretaceous (Barrett et al., 2008). The ción de la Escuela Normal Superior de Coahuila
gastropods, but also sharks, mosasauroids, and identi­fication is based on the oval cross section and were also given numbers in the Colección
dyrosaurid crocodilians and the shallow-water of a fragmentary possible distal wing finger de Paleontología de Coahuila (CPC), at the
ammonite Sphenodiscus. Freshwater to brack- phalanx (Rodríguez-de la Rosa, 1996). How- Museo del Desierto, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico,
ish conditions are indicated by gastropods, ever, our reexamination of the material housed including the fossils illustrated here.
characean oogonids, vascular plants, shell frag- in the Museo del Desierto, Saltillo, could not
ments of clemmydid and trionychid turtles, positively confirm this interpretation. Birds are Photography
small eusuchian crocodilians and dinosaurs, yet undocumented from the Difunta Group.
among them abundant hadrosaurids and, more Photographs were made with an Olympus E
rarely, lambeosaurids, ceratopsians, and non­ MATERIAL AND METHODS 620 SLR digital camera with a Zuiko Digital
avian theropods (e.g., Eberth et al., 2004; Rivera- 14–42 mm, 1:3.5–5.6 lens and a Zuiko Digi-
Sylva et al., 2006, 2011b, 2014; Rodríguez-de la Localities tal Macro 35 mm, 1:3.5 lens. Low-angle light
Rosa, 2007; Meyer et al., 2008; Perrilliat et al., photography was carried out with an infrared
2008; Vogt et al., 2016). Vertebrate remains in- In 2013, two of us (Espinoza-Chávez, Flores- controlled Olympus Electronic Flash FL 36R.
cluding pterosaur trackways have been described Ventura) discovered the two sites documented The photographs were traced with CorelDraw
from the El Pelillal area and were also dated to here (Amargos, San Francisco). San Juan Amar­ X6. The drawings were designed with the
the late Campanian (Rodríguez-de la Rosa and gos, at ~10.7 km SW of Paredón (25°56.502′N, same program.
Cevallos-Ferriz, 1998; Rodríguez-de la Rosa, 101°01.392′W), is well exposed, and it con-
2003). However, it was impossible to find this tains a Chicxulub impact spherule unit that un- RESULTS
locality based on the data annotated in the pub- equivocally assigns the top of this section to the
lications (Stinnesbeck and Frey, personal obs., Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The Amargos San Juan Amargos (Amargos)
2015). Up section, Maastrichtian units of the Di- section is here used as a reference to correlate
funta Group are much less well studied in terms this sediment sequence and its near–Cretaceous- At Amargos, uppermost Maastrichtian gray
of vertebrate assemblages, and their dinosaurs, Paleo­gene boundary spherule unit to a section lo- mudstones of the Las Encinas Formation include
or other vertebrate remains, are largely unknown cated ~18 km west of Amargos, at San Francisco crustaceans, and abundant mollusk (e.g., the
(Rivera-Sylva et al., 2014). (25°48.255′N, 101°09.213′W). In this latter lo- ammonite Sphenodiscus pleurisepta) and turtle
Little is known about tetrapods from the Up- cality, the Chicxulub spherule unit is absent, but remains, but also abundant invertebrate tracks
per Maastrichtian units of the Difunta Group the presence of invertebrate fossils, among them and burrows, plant debris containing wood of
(e.g., the Las Encinas Formation), because the the Paleocene turkostreid Gorizdrella gorizdroae palms and conifers, diverse and abundant avian
fossil record is sparse and cannot be properly Vyalov, 1937, in strata overlying Maastrichtian tracks, and rare monotypic pterosaurian tracks.
dated. Recently, Schulte at al. (2012) reported faunal assemblages, including the tetrapod track- Except for the crustaceans documented by Vega
on an isolated dinosaur bone in a sandstone way unit, argue in favor of an expanded Creta- et al. (2013; e.g., Ophthalmoplax brasiliana,
unit containing Chicxulub impact spherules in ceous-Paleogene boundary transition. Costacopluma grayi, Linuparus sp., callianas-
the La Popa Basin near Monterrey, but the only soid remains), the San Juan Amargos fossil as-
material illustrated was attributed by the authors Field Work and Sections semblage is undocumented to date.
to a mosasaur (Schulte et al., 2012, their figs. Vega et al. (2013) assigned the Amargos sec-
9A and 9B). It is therefore impossible to verify Field work for the present study was carried tion to the Las Encinas Formation, which in the
whether or not the bone referred to is really out at Amargos in April 2014, September 2015, Parras Basin crosses the Cretaceous-Paleogene
dino­saurian. In addition, the bone was described and March 2016. The San Francisco site was boundary (e.g., Murray et al., 1960; Weidie
as “abraded” and may therefore have been re- investigated in April 2014 and March 2016. An and Murray, 1967; Hasseltine, 1968). The au-
worked from an older stratigraphic unit. ~78-m-thick section of the uppermost Maas- thors suggested that the section contained the
Even though the fossil record of late Maas- trichtian–Lower Paleogene Las Encinas Forma- last 500 k.y. of the Cretaceous and the Creta-
trichtian dinosaurs in Mexico is presently incon- tion (Fig. 3) was measured and sampled to strati- ceous-Paleogene boundary. This interpretation
clusive, the Difunta Group delta must have been graphically assign the vertebrate track-bearing is supported by detrital zircon ages of 66.2 Ma
rich in life and certainly attracted pterosaurs and layers and invertebrate remains and to locate the (minimum age) for the Las Imágenes Formation

4 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico




0.5 m 0.5 m


0.1 m 2m 0.4 m

Figure 3. Outcrop photographs of the uppermost Maastrichtian–Lower Paleogene Las Encinas Formation at San Juan Amargos (A–D) and
San Francisco (E–F). (A) Basal-most siltstone (meters 2–11) rich in marine fossils at Amargos. (B) Channelized sandstone rich in fossil wood
(meters 29–31 of the Amargos section). (C) Near−Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary channelized microconglomerate and sandstone unit con-
taining Chicxulub-impact spherules (meters 70–72 at Amargos). The spherule-rich layer is at the base of the siliciclastic unit and is marked
with an arrow. (D) Detail of C: Microconglomerate and sandstone. (E) Upper part of section at Rancho San Francisco: 1—sandstone at
top of section, 2—claystone unit with Gorizdrella gorizdroae Vyalov, 1937. (F) Unit with rippled platy sandstone with abundant tetrapod
trackways at Rancho San Francisco. Meters refer to the lithostratigraphic sections illustrated in Figures 4 and 8.

underlying the Las Encinas Formation (Lawton drites) gray siltstone with crustaceans (e.g., cross-bedded and rippled sandstone units from
et al., 2009) and by the presence of Paleocene Costacopluma grayi), abundant bivalves (e.g., 0.2 m to 1 m thick, which are channelized and
ostreid banks from the upper part of the Las cardiids, oysters), gastropods (e.g., cerathiids), present undulated basal contacts. The top of
­Encinas Formation (Vega et al., 1999). the ammonite Sp. pleurisepta, and turtle, chon- the sandstone units is bioturbated by Ophio-
drichthyan, and actinopterygian remains (e.g., morpha. The interval between 10 and 45 m
Stratigraphic Sequence (Fig. 4) teeth of lamnoid sharks, toothplates of the saw from the base of the section is increasingly rich
The base of the section, assigned to the basal fish Schizorhiza). Up section, an interval of in sandstone, while intercalated gray siltstone
Las Encinas Formation by Vega et al. (2013), ~4 m of gray siltstone and claystone contains layers are reduced to a few tens of millimeters
consists of a 6-m-thick bioturbated (e.g., Chon- an increasing number of yellow-buff–colored to a maximum of 0.2 m thickness. Sandstones

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 5

Stinnesbeck et al.

40 80
[m] change in the
oyster assemblage


Gorizdrella gorizdroae
with spherules

Difunta Group – Las Encinas Formation

30 70

uppermost Maastrichtian

Difunta Group – Las Encinas Formation
uppermost Maastrichtian

20 60

microconglomerate sandstone

siltstone marl clay

cross wavy nodular
bedding ripples bedding
erosive mud
contact concretions clasts

f/m/c - fine/medium/coarse sst.

unexposed section fish
10 50
other marine
vertebrates crustaceans

ammonites oysters
other gastropods
sponges vertebrate
other bivalve
tracks shell beds
bioturbation fragmented
wood fern

0 40
fm f mc

Figure 4. Uppermost Maastrichtian sediments and the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary transition at Amargos, Coahuila, showing
the lithostratigraphic distribution of important fossils and the stratigraphic position of vertebrate tracks. Tracks of insects and other arthro­
pods (e.g., sediment-feeding crustaceans) were detected on sandstone (sst) surfaces at meters 32 and 38 of the section. Vertebrate tracks were
discovered in a 50–100 mm thin layer at 62 m of the section, and thus only 8.5 m below the base of a channelized siliciclastic unit containing
abundant Chicxulub impact spherules. Note that the lower, fossil-rich portion of the sediment sequence and the Cretaceous-Paleogene-
boundary transition at San Juan Amargos are predominantly marine. The middle portion of the succession, between meters 18 and 45 of the
section, represents deltaic depositional environments, as indicated by the absence of marine-indicative faunal elements, the low fossil content,
and the presence of characteristic sedimentary structures (e.g., cross-bedding, ripple-bedding, tidal channels, desiccation cracks).

6 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

are cross-bedded and present rippled surfaces, sent ancient channel tideways in a delta surface posed of y­ ellow- to buff-colored platy sandstone
with mud cracks, algal mats, rare oysters, environment. layers of a few tens of millimeters in thickness.
abundant wood and twigs, and occasional bio- A unit with abundant tetrapod trackways Locally, the sandstone preserves ripple marks.
turbation by Ophiomorpha. Some sandstone (avians, azhdarchoid pterosaurs) and oysters Approximately 8.5 m of unfaulted section
units appear to be channelized or incised into (Fig. 5) was discovered at meter 61 in the sec- separate the sandstone with tetrapod trackways
underlying silt. These structures likely repre- tion. It is only ~0.2–0.3 m thick and is com- from a channelized unit of microconglomer-

_ A
__ B _ C D

_ F
_G H
Figure 5. (A–P) Gorizdrella goriz­
droae Vyalov, 1937, early Paleo-
cene, Las Encinas Formation.
(A–I) Specimens from Rancho

_ _
E San Francisco section, Coahuila,

at 11–12 m of the section depicted
in Figure 8. (A) Left valve, speci-
men CPC-1879. (B) Left valve, de-
tail of hinge line, same specimen.
I (C) Left valve, specimen CPC-
1880. (D) Left valve, inner view,

same specimen. (E, F) Left and
K L right valve views, specimen CPC-
1881. (G–I) Left, right, and lat-

_ _
eral views, specimen CPC-1882.

(J–P) Specimens from San Juan
Amargos section, Coahuila (for
stratigraphic position see Fig. 8).
(J) Left valve, specimen CPC-

M N O 1883. (K, L) Left valve and lat-

eral views, specimen CPC-1884.
(M) Agglomerate of left valves,
specimen CPC-1885. (N) Left
valve , s pe c ime n CPC- 1886.
(O) Left valve next to Chicxulub-

_ _
impact spherules (blue lines),
specimen CPC-1887. (P) Left
valve next to Chicxulub-impact
spherules (blue lines), specimen

CPC-1888. Scale bars = 10 mm.

_ __ P

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 7

Stinnesbeck et al.

ate and sandstone containing Chicxulub impact Burgos Basin east and south of Monterrey and Correlation between Amargos
spherules (Fig. 6). This interval is intermittently elsewhere in the region (Keller et al., 2003a,b; and San Francisco
exposed and consists of gray siltstone and ­yellow Schulte et al., 2010), but also from a similar
sandstone. Oysters are abundant (Fig. 5), but shallow channelized deposit with Chicxulub The interpretation of Amargos as a Creta-
Sp. pleurisepta (Figs. 6 and 7), bryozoans, and spherules in the La Popa region north of Mon- ceous-Paleogene boundary locality is now sup-
serpulids also occur. Oysters in this interval are terrey (Schulte et al., 2012). ported by the identification of Chicxulub impact
tentatively assigned to Flemingostrea, which is Sp. pleurisepta (Conrad, 1857) is the latest ejecta (smectite spherules) in the section ~60 m
a widely distributed genus in the Upper Maas- ammonite appearance in northeastern Mex- above layers containing well-preserved crusta-
trichtian sediments of the area (Wolleben, 1977; ico (Ifrim et al., 2005). At La Popa, it occurs ceans (Vega et al., 2013), and ~8.5 m above a
Vega and Perrilliat, 1989; Perrilliat and Vega, throughout the Maastrichtian up to 3 m below fine-grained sandstone containing trackways of
1993, 2003; Vega et al., 1999, 2007). However, the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (Lawton birds and pterosaurs (Fig. 8). In addition, a layer
a significant change in the oyster assemblage is et al., 2001). At Amargos, we collected several with abundant small-sized turkostreoids here
observed ~0.2–0.5 m below the erosive base of specimens from the unit with reworked spher- assigned to the Asian G. gorizdroae was dis-
the Chicxulub spherule–bearing unit (Fig. 4). ules, up to ~0.6 m above the base of this deposit. covered ~0.3 m below the erosional contact that
In these sediments, another oyster taxon occurs Our collection includes well-preserved com- forms the base of the Chicxulub ejecta-bearing
that is different from any Maastrichtian or Paleo- plete specimens of Sp. pleurisepta, even with unit. This taxon is also present at San Francisco,
gene species previously reported for the Difunta spherules in its body chamber (Figs. 6 and 7). ~8 m above the tetrapod trackway unit, which
Group (Fig. 5). The taxon is morphologically there includes a single dinosaur footprint as
identical to Gorizdrella gorizdroae Vyalov, 1937 Rancho San Francisco well as abundant and diverse avian footprints
from the early Paleogene of Central Asia (e.g., About 15 m of claystone, siltstone, and sand- and trackways and rare manus and pes imprints
Afghanistan; Berizzi Quarto di Palo, 1970). stone of the Las Encinas Formation were sam- of azhdarchoid pterosaurs (Fig. 8). Although no
The near–Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary pled at Rancho San Francisco. Results of our Chicxulub ejecta appear to be present at San
unit with spherules continuously crops out over lithostratigraphic survey are illustrated in Fig- Francisco, the uppermost Maastrichtian unit
a distance of 80 m in a W-E direction and clearly ure 8. The base of the section, which is intermit- with tetrapod trackways and overlying unit with
represents an incised channelized deposit, with tently exposed over a distance of at least 200 m G. gorizdroae, of likely early Paleocene age,
a thickness of ~1.6 m at the easternmost and along the hillside, includes an ~0.5-m-thick, confine the position of the Cretaceous-Paleo-
1.8 m at the westernmost exposed margin, but yellow- to buff-colored sandstone unit with gene boundary to an interval <8 m in maximum
~2.3 m in the outcrop center (Fig. 6). The base common trackways of birds, abundant azhdar- thickness (Fig. 8).
of the unit is erosive and consists of up to 11 choid pterosaur manus and pes imprints, and a
distinct layers of amalgamated oligomict micro­ single nonavian theropod footprint. Casts, likely Vertebrate Ichnofossils
conglomerate with angular to subrounded produced by burrowing annelids, are also abun-
clasts, sandstone, and interlayered siltstone and dant on the upper surfaces of these sandstones. We identified uppermost Maastrichtian tetra­
shale. These layers mostly lack internal struc- The sandstone is mostly platy, but layers with pod ichnofossils in well-defined and correlat-
tures, but they are locally cross-bedded, while well-preserved oscillation ripples and o­ thers able stratigraphic units at both Amargos and
other beds are slightly graded. Oysters are with desiccation cracks also occur. Oysters San Francisco. The majority of these ichno­
abundant in the basal unit and include G. goriz- (Flemingostrea) are the only body fossils identi- fossils were produced by a diverse avifauna
droae. They locally form shell hash of highly fied in the sandstone and under- and overlying consisting of, to date, five or six distinguishable
fragmented small individuals, while other lay- siltstone. kinds of tracks that have not yet been diagnos-
ers contain specimens larger than 60 mm that Sediments overlying the sandstone with tetra- tically investigated in detail. Here, we present
are mostly unfragmented. Shark teeth, bone pod trackways consist of gray brittle claystone a preliminary analysis and identify track types
fragments, well-preserved Sp. pleurisepta and siltstone forming units of up to 2 m, and (for position in the section, see Figs. 4 and 8).
specimens (Conrad, 1857), turritellid gastro- rare intercalated gray to yellow sandstone layers Preliminarily, we stick to the description of the
pods, bivalves (e.g., cardiids), and wood frag- a few tens of millimeters to a maximum of 0.2 m morphotypes and present one typical example
ments are also abundant. Spherules are visible in thickness. Only the lowermost ~13 m were of each. A comparative analysis of the track
by eye or hand lens in the basal layer of the measured in detail (Fig. 8). The section above types (e.g., stride length and width analyses of
siliciclastic unit, and abundant (Fig. 6A; 20%), is massively overgrown and thus difficult to as- the trackways) is beyond the scope of this paper
but isolated rare spherule specimens were also sess. While sandstones are devoid of body fos- but is in preparation, based on new material.
detected during thin section analysis in overly- sils, the mudstone contains rare oysters (Flemin-
ing layers (Fig. 6D). The spherules are ~1 mm gostrea). A claystone unit with abundant cardiid Aves (Figs. 9–11)
in diameter and mostly rounded or elongated, bivalves (e.g., Venericardia) and G. gorizdroae Morphotype 1 (Fig. 9A). The standard length
although crushed specimens also occur. They was identified at ~8 m above the tetrapod track- for morphotype 1 is ~65 mm, as is the width,
are completely devitrified to smectite and mixed way–bearing sandstone and thus in a relative with stout toes and webbing at the base of the
into siliciclastic debris, but they mostly preserve stratigraphic position similar to that at Amargos. toes (semipalmate). The pes is tetradactyl, with
their original vesicular texture. Voids are filled Up section, ~20 m above the top of the San digit I up to 50% of the length of the longest
with blocky calcite, although broken voids are Francisco section measured here, an intensively digit II, which also is the stoutest of the digits.
commonly filled with matrix material. These red-colored sandstone ~1.5 m thick still forms The medial orientation of digits II and IV sug-
vesicular devitrified spherules provide a critical part of the Encinas Formation. Vega et al. (1999) gests highly mobile toes, similar to extant ibises,
link to the end-Cretaceous Chicxulub impact in reported Paleocene oyster banks from the upper the feet of which much resemble the morphol-
southern Mexico, as evidenced in deep-marine Las Encinas Formation, in marine sandstones ogy of morphotype 1. Morphotype 1 is the most
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sites in the from localities near the San Francisco site. abundant in the assemblage.

8 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

Figure 6. Detailed sedimentary columns of the near−Cretaceous-Paleogene-boundary siliciclastic unit at San Juan Amargos and repre-
sentative thin sections. The channelized deposit is highlighted in gray, and the stratigraphic positions of thin sections within the sediment
sequence are indicated by letters A to E. (A) Bioclastic oligomict microconglomerate with sand and micritic matrix and abundant oysters
and rare other bivalves. This horizon contains spherules, which are pointed out by arrows. Spherules are devitrified, weathered, and
encased by an orange colored mineral, but their outline and vesicular interior texture (e.g., A3 , A4 ) are preserved. (B) Sandstone (~40%
siliciclastic debris) with a micritic calcareous matrix and fragmented oysters. (C) Oligomict microconglomerate with sandy matrix and
rare oyster and gastropod bioclasts. (D) Oligomict microconglomerate with a sandy matrix. Oyster, gastropod, and echinoderm bioclasts
are rare, and altered spherules are abundant. (E) Oligomict microconglomerate with rounded to subrounded limestone, chert and calci-
sphere clasts, large oyster fragments, and a silty to sandy matrix. Abbreviations: f, m, c—fine, medium, coarse, respectively.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 9

Stinnesbeck et al.

A1 A2

Figure 7. Highest occurrence

of the ammonite Sphenodiscus
pleurisepta (Conrad, 1857) at
San Juan Amargos. (A) Speci-
men CPC-1889, A1, lateral
view, and A2, longitudinal sec-
tion with sketch (to the right)
to illustrate the distribution of
10 mm spherules from the Chicxulub
impact (dark dots inside the
body chamber). (B) Outcrop
B photograph of a second speci-
men (CPC-1890). Specimens
come from the lowermost bed
of the Cretaceous-Paleogene-
channel, level of thin section A
in Figure 6.

10 mm

Morpohotype 2 (Fig. 9B). The standard angle between digits II and III is the largest of Morphotype 6 (Fig. 11B). This tetradactyl
length of the tetradactyl footprint is ~65 mm. As all interdigital angles. The morphology of the apalmate morphotype is the largest of the as-
in morphotype 1, the length of digit I is half the pes resembles the foot of small extant galli- semblage, with a length of more than 85 mm
length of digit II, with the latter being the ­longest form birds. and a width of ~70 mm. The digits are ex-
digit. The width of the footprint measures Morphotype 4 (Fig. 10B). The tridactyl foot- tremely asymmetrical, and the angle between
~50 mm. In contrast to morphotype 1, digits II print is ~35 mm long with stout digits, of which digits II and III is twice as wide as the angle be-
and IV are almost straight or even curved cau- the second is the shortest. Digits II and IV face tween digits III and IV, similar to morphotype 2.
dally. There is no webbing trace visible between laterally and medially, respectively, and span The imprint of digit I is reduced to a subcircular
the toes (apalmate). It is still possible that mor- ~60 mm, which makes the footprint about twice to elongate oval pit. Digit I is about one quarter
photype 2 is conspecific with morphotype 1, and as wide as it is long. The stoutness of the digit of the length of digit II, which is the longest of
the lack of a webbing imprint is biased by the traces in relation to those depicted in Figure all pedal digits. The lack of a metatarsal ­cushion
material properties of the sediment. 10A is probably a result of preservation. and imprints of the basal phalanges suggest a
Morphotype 3 (Fig. 10A). The tiny, strongly Morphotype 5 (Fig. 11A). This morphotype digitigrade locomotion habit with an elevated
asymmetrical and apalmate footprint is 30 mm is represented by a very faint tridactyl foot- metatarsus. The overall morphology of the foot
long and 25 mm wide. A metatarsal pad is visi­ print. The interdigital angles are ~30°, yielding closely resembles that of extant gruiform birds.
ble in some of the prints, but the birds must a footprint width of only 16 mm. The webbing
have walked with an elevated metatarsus. Digit traces reach the tips of the straight toes. There Nonavian Theropods (Fig. 12)
I is half as thick as the other three digits and a are no traces of claws beyond the margin of the A single tridactyl footprint of a right pes,
little less than half as long as the longest digit webbing. Extant tridactyl seagulls possess simi- observed at Rancho San Francisco, was pro-
(digit II). The toe prints are all straight, suggest- lar foot morphologies, but they have slightly duced by a nonavian theropod dinosaur, prob-
ing a rigidity of the interphalangeal joints. The curved, laterally convex digits II and IV. ably a tyrannosaurid (Fig. 12). It has a length

10 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

15 kilometers

San Francisco San Juan Amargos microconglomerate

[m] sandstone


clay erosive Figure 8. Correlation between


the Rancho San Francisco and

cross wavy San Juan Amargos Cretaceous-

Gorizdrella gorizdroae
bedding ripples Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary
f/m - fine/medium sst. sections. Note that a channel-
Las Encinas Formation

unexposed section ized Chicxulub impact ejecta−

bearing microconglomeratic
K/Pg-channel with spherules unit is present at Amargos but
absent at San Francisco. Cor-

relation is achieved by the first

10 Gorizdrella appearance of the turkostreid
gorizdroae oyster Gorizdrella gorizdroae in
other marine the two sections, and the occur-
fish vertebrates rence of vertebrate trackways
(avians, pterosaurs, nonavian
uppermost Maastrichtian

ammonites oysters
therosaurs) at ~8 m below the
other first appearance datum (FAD)
of G. gorizdroae.
vertebrate bivalve
Flemingostrea shell beds
od fragmented bioturbation
aves ks
non-avian theropods
fm fm

of ~200 mm and is twice as long as wide, with Pterosauria (Fig. 13) Invertebrate Tracks (Fig. 14)
digit III being the longest and most massive Manus (e.g., Fig. 13A) and pes prints (e.g., Abundant invertebrate ichnofossils were
one. A large, rounded triangular metatarsal pad Fig. 13B) of pterosaurs are extremely rare in identified on the upper surfaces of yellow-buff
forms a little less than one third of the entire these deposits and are mostly represented by fine-grained sandstone in the interval between
length of the preserved footprint. The toes are single imprints. While most of the manus prints meter 37 and 38 of the Amargos section. These
almost parallel each other. The tips, including are undiagnostic (Fig. 13A), the pes prints show sandstone layers show massive burrows of
the claw marks, of all toes are missing. Between a metatarsal area that has more than twice the Ophiomorpha (Fig. 14E). On fine silty surfaces
the toes and around the metatarsal pad, the sedi- length of the webbed digital area (Fig. 13B). of yellow tan sandstone, traces of epibenthic in-
ment has been pushed up, suggesting the pres- Such a pes/metatarsus ratio is documented for vertebrates are abundant. A thorough investiga-
ence of a superficial layer of a muddy substrate Brazilian azhdarchoid pterosaurs (Fig. 13C; tion is pending, but the following morphotypes
with a thickness of ~50 mm to a maximum of Frey et al., 2003). The longest pedal imprints are presently distinguished:
100 mm. Below this layer, the substrate must detected in the Mexican localities reach a length Morphotype 1 (Fig. 14A). This trackway
have been consolidated because the pes print of ~160 mm, which would suggest a wingspan consists of a pair of scratch furrows that resem-
is shallow, and its penetration into the sediment of ~4.5 m. One single slab exposes an isolated ble Cruziana D’Orbigny (1842); however, the
was stopped, even during the rolling phase. The 130-mm-long tridactyl manus print of a likely width of these tracks never exceeds 10 mm, and
indistinct outline of the digital imprints without azhdarchoid pterosaur, which is inferred from the scratch marks of the legs are more oblique.
any traces of digital pads suggests that this foot- the short and stubby digits (Fig. 13A). The size They were likely produced by small notostracan
print represents an undertrack. Because of the of the manus print suggests that the animal had a crustaceans (e.g., Triops). However, the track
unclear preservation of the distal elements of the wingspan exceeding 8 m. The producer may well maker needs to be verified.
digits, an identification beyond Tyranno­sauridae have been the size of a Quetzal­coatlus ­northropi, Morphotype 2 (Fig. 14B). This type consists
appears problematic. Ornithomimosaurs show which is known from the Upper Maastrichtian of a meshwork of furrows up to a diameter of
diverging digits (Lockley et al., 2011), and Javelina Formation of Texas (Lawson, 1975). ~8 mm or less without any further structure.
dromaeosaurs produce didactyl tracks (e.g., The largest Cretaceous pterosaur pes tracks are These traces might be referred to annelids, tiny
Lockley et al., 2016), and so these are also pre- presently known from Korea and reach a length bivalves, or gastropods moving on the surface,
cluded as potential track makers. of 340 mm (Hwang et al., 2002). which, according to their abundance, may have

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 11

Stinnesbeck et al.

III IV 1975; Soegaard et al., 2003; Vega et al., 2013).

Shallow-­marine environments are indicated by
ca. 60°
the abundance of Sp. pleurisepta specimens in
webbing repeated units at Amargos (Fig. 4). The taxon is a
ca. 70° common faunal element in the Difunta Group of
Figure 9. Avian footprint types northern Mexico (Ifrim and Stinnesbeck, 2010)
II from the Rancho San Fran- and an excellent facies indicator for shallow-­
ca. 90° cisco site: (A) morphotype 1, marine to proximal nearshore environments
A 30 mm I and (B) morphotype 2. The (­Ifrim et al., 2005; Ifrim and Stinnesbeck, 2010).
interpretive line drawing is to On the other hand, the sandstone units of the Las
the right of the original photo- Encinas Formation containing arthropod and
ca. 60° graph for the selected footprint. tetrapod trackways are characterized by ripple
Roman numbers refer to digit marks and patchy remnants of bacterial mats that
numbers of the pes. show desiccation cracks and flakes. Likely, this
ca. 75° sediment was accumulated in extremely shallow
ca. 130°
waters including intermittent subaerial condi-
tions. These extended mud banks, full of micro-
IV bial life and bioturbation, provided the potential
B 30 mm
for exquisite preservation of tracks of all kinds.
The abundance of life is indicated by the
wealth of invertebrate fossils (e.g., gastropods,
represented an exhaustive food source (e.g., for Morphotype 5 (Fig. 14E). This morphotype bivalves, crustaceans) and remains of fishes and
birds). A closer investigation is pending. has been identified as Ophiomorpha. turtles in the basal siltstone unit of Amargos,
Morphotype 3 (Fig. 14C). Transverse oval but also by the wealth of invertebrate trackways
opposing imprints aligned with a medial furrow DISCUSSION attributed to small arthropods and annelids.
probably represent an enigmatic invertebrate Therefore, the end-Maastrichtian water-rich
trace from the site. This track may have been Paleoecological Setting open plains in the area represented abundant
produced by a crustacean with ventrally fac- epibenthic and endobenthic food sources. This
ing uropods. The uppermost Maastrichtian to lowermost is also suggested by the abundance of vertebrate
Morphotype 4 (Fig. 14D). The character- Paleogene Encinas Formation constituted a trackways, which in places even accumulate to
istic features for this type of track are punc- system of slow-flowing shallow rivers and ox- trampling horizons.
ture marks in the sediment. The width of the bows deposited in a coastal delta plain that was The diversity of the trace fossils evidently
trails is no more than 6 mm. The track maker dominated by small, low-sinuosity channels, depended on the presence of this mud-plain en-
may have been an insect, a nonarachnid che- levees, and lagoons, with settings of intermit- vironment and its selective effects concerning
licerate (e.g., a small scorpion), or an isopod tent fresh and brackish water as well as shallow- the fossil record of ichnotaxa, especially with
crustacean. marine conditions (e.g., McBride et al., 1974, respect to aerial taxa.

A A ca. 30° webbing

ca. 85° III

III ca. 80°

ca. 30°
ca. 45°

II 10 mm
10 mm

II ca. 70°
ca. 60°
ca. 55°
ca. 120°
ca. 45°

30 mm 30 mm

Figure 10. Avian footprint types from the Rancho San Francisco Figure 11. Avian footprint types from the San Francisco (A) and
site: (A) morphotype 3, and (B) morphotype 4. The interpretive line Amargos (B) sites: (A) morphotype 5, and (B) morphotype 6. The
drawing is to the right of the original photograph for the selected interpretive line drawing in A and B is to the right of the original
footprint. Roman numbers refer to digit numbers of the pes. photograph of the footprints.

12 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

(Keller et al., 1993, 2003a, 2013; Mateo et al.,

A 2015). This pattern of erosion and reworking of
impact spherules is similar throughout the NW
Atlantic, Caribbean, and Central America up to
central Mexico and was therefore interpreted
to result from either current erosion correla-
tive with sea-level falls (Mateo et al., 2015), or
from large-scale platform failure caused by the
Chicxulub impact (Sanford et al., 2016).
The La Popa spherules are also reworked,
with the precise age of the spherule-bearing
sedi­ments unknown. Both Vega et al. (1999,
p. 108) and Lawton et al. (2001, p. 232) pointed
out that Cimomia haltomi (Aldrich, 1931), a
Paleo­cene nautiloid, is present in clasts (!) in

B the conglomerate forming the base of the Upper

Mudstone Member, which was subsequently
interpreted as a Chicxulub impact-induced tsu-
nami deposit by Lawton et al. (2005). Clearly,
the presence of Paleocene nautiloids, which
evolved hundreds of thousands of years after the
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, would indicate
that the base of the Upper Mudstone Member
of the Potrerillos Formation is post–Cretaceous-
Paleogene in age, independent from the pres-
damaged areas II metatarsal pad ence of Chicxulub spherules in the deposit.
pushed-up material A mixture of fossils of different shallow-
30 mm water facies in the deposit was interpreted by
­Lawton et al. (2005) and Schulte et al. (2009)
to be eroded from shoreward environments and
Figure 12. Theropod footprint from Rancho San Francisco: transported basinward by south- to southeast-­
(A) origi­nal photograph of the footprint, and (B) interpretive line directed turbulent, supercritical backflow of
drawing; the print comes from a right pes of a tyrannosaurid runup surge(s) emplaced against the continent
theropod. by one or several tsunami(s). Lawton et al.
(2005) concluded that these violent offshore-
directed flows may have provided a mechanism
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary up of vesicular spherules of altered glass, simi- for transport of voluminous, ejecta-bearing
at Amargos lar to spherules known from the deep-marine sediment and late Maastrichtian marine organ-
Burgos Basin east and south of Monterrey and isms into deep-water Gulf of Mexico settings.
Shallow-water Cretaceous-Paleogene bound- there discussed to be of late Maastrichtian (e.g., However, mixtures of shallow-water fossils are
ary sections in the Difunta Group, even though Stinnesbeck et al., 2001) or Cretaceous-Paleo- also a characteristic feature of incised valley
potentially crucial as a link between regions of gene boundary age (e.g., Schulte et al., 2009). fills that always mark a major sequence bound-
extensive erosion on the coastal shelf and asso­ However, these spherules are easily redepos- ary. Lawton et al. (2001) described a sequence 1
ciated deposition of reworked material in the ited into younger sediments and have variable boundary for the contact between the Delgado
Gulf of Mexico, have not received much atten- stratigraphic ages spanning from the late Maas- Sandstone and Upper Mudstone Member.
tion to date. Sedimentologically complex valley-­ trichtian to the early Danian. In Guatemala, Stinnesbeck et al. (2005) therefore proposed that
like deposits in the La Popa area northwest of ­Belize, and Haiti, they are generally reworked the valley infill was a transgression conglomer-
Monterrey were interpreted by Lawton et al. and interbedded with early Danian sediments ate at the base of the transgressive systems tract
(2005) and Schulte et al. (2012) to be the result of the Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina (Pla) (TST), as was also suggested by Lawton et al.
of Chicxulub impact-induced tsunami backflow. zone (Stinnesbeck et al., 1997, 2000; Keller (2001) and Soegaard et al. (2003).
These channelized deposits were detected in the et al., 2001, 2003a, 2003b). Ocean Drilling Pro- The identification of Chicxulub impact ejecta
Delgado Sandstone Member of the fluviatile to gram (ODP) Sites 1001 and 1049 are very con- (smectite spherules) at Amargos qualifies the
shallow-marine Potrerillos Formation (Difunta densed and incomplete. Unconformities span section as a Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary lo-
Group), which is considered to be coeval or from the early Danian to the late Maastrichtian cality. It is the second site located in the ­Difunta
even a lithostratigraphic equivalent to the Las zone CF3 (~360–550 k.y.) in Blake Nose Sites Group of northeastern Mexico and the first
Encinas Formation (e.g., Ifrim et al., 2010). 1049A, 1049C, and 1050C, and from P1a (1) site known from Coahuila. Amargos, although
The main evidence for a near–Cretaceous- through zone CF4 (~2.9–3.43 m.y.) in Carib- genetically assigned to the Parras Basin (see
Paleogene age of the deposits is reworked ejecta bean Sites 999B and 1001B. They therefore Vogt et al., 2016, their fig. 1), is located only
of the Chicxulub impact (Lawton et al., 2005; cannot provide any evidence of deposition pre- ~27 km from the La Popa locality and is simi-
Schulte et al., 2012). This ejecta material is made cisely at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary lar to this latter site with regard to the presence

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 13

Stinnesbeck et al.

Sphenodiscus pleurisepta—
A The Last Ammonite in Mexico

The presence of well-preserved S. pleuri-

septa specimens in the spherule-rich siliciclastic
unit, even with spherules in the body chamber
(Fig. 7), provides unequivocal evidence that this
B ammonite persisted in the region to about the
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. However, the
last appearance of S. pleurisepta in the spherule-
bearing unit does not necessarily mean that this
ammonite was exterminated by the Chicxulub
impact, because the spherules in the unit must
have been reworked from older sediments and
therefore cannot represent the original air-fall
deposit. This is indicated by the abundance of
siliciclastic debris and oyster shells and rare-
ness of spherules, which can only be explained
by erosion, reworking, and transport from an
original nearshore environment. It is also sug-
gested by the fair preservation of spherules and
absence, in the deposit, of air-fall–indicative
characters such as angular to flaser-like shards,
welding, plastic deformation, or calcite cement,
and the abundance of reworked shallow-water
debris (e.g., Stinnesbeck et al., 2001; Keller
C et al., 2002, 2003a). Rather, the shallow-water
environment at Amargos was highly dynamic
and regularly reworked by storms and tides.
On the other hand, the excellent preservation of
S. pleurisepta specimens (with body chambers)
proves that these shells were not transported
over long distances. In that case, the taxon could
have survived the impact. Sphenodiscus pleuri-
septa was already known to be one of the last
Maastrichtian ammonites in the Americas and
the last taxon to exist in Mexico, reaching into
Figure 13. Footprints of azhdarchoid pterosaurs from the Rancho the uppermost Maastrichtian (Ifrim and Stinnes-
San Francisco site: (A) Manus print of a very large azhdarchoid beck, 2010; Stinnesbeck et al., 2012; Landman
pterosaur (wingspan ~8 m) and interpretive line drawing (right). et al., 2014, 2015). The presence of S. pleuri-
(B) Pes print of a medium-sized azhdarchoid pterosaur (wingspan septa in the spherule-rich siliciclastic deposit
~3–4 m). Below: Interpretive drawing of another pes print (same size at Amargos further extends the time range of
as B). (C) Anatomy of the pes of an azhdarchoid pterosaur from the this taxon to about the Cretaceous-Paleogene
early Late Cretaceous Crato Formation (NE Brazil; note the long boundary and, depending on the stratigraphic
metatarsus with respect to the length of the digits, the huge claws, position of the Amargos spherule unit, into the
and the webbing). earliest Paleogene. The survival of ammonites
across the Cretaceous-Paleogene-boundary has
also been discussed for other species (e.g., Jagt
of altered spherules in a channelized sandstone prior to the end of the Maastrichtian, but prior to et al., 2003; Machalski and Heinberg, 2005;
and microconglomeratic deposit. At Amargos, the Chicxulub impact. Landman et al., 2014, 2015).
the siliciclastic deposit occurs ~70 m above lay- The abundance of oysters forming both shell
ers containing well-preserved crustaceans (Vega hash of highly fragmented small individuals Amargos Spherule-Bearing Unit—
et al., 2013) dated to the latest Maastrichtian. and little-transported specimens larger than An Early Paleocene Deposit?
Its base is located only ~8.5 m above the unit 60 mm indicates that individual layers of the
containing trackways of birds, and pterosaurs silici­clastic Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary de- The spherule-bearing siliciclastic unit at
(and nonavian dinosaurs at San Francisco). This posit at Amargos represent distinct depositional Amar­gos may even be an early Paleocene de-
assemblage of tetrapod ichnotaxa represents an events, e.g., during a TST, and not a single tsu- posit (see above). In addition to the discussion
autochthonous fauna that must therefore have nami wash-up event. This is also suggested for presented already, this scenario is suggested by
existed during the latest Maastrichtian, only the siltstone beds devoid of pebbles intercalated the first appearance of small ostreoids assigned
a few thousands to tens of thousands of years between individual microconglomeratic layers. here to G. gorizdroae Vyalov, 1937, in sedi-

14 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX

End-Maastrichtian tetrapod tracks from Mexico

references), no report exists to present knowl-
edge about tetrapods from the Upper Maastrich-
tian (e.g., the Las Encinas Formation) in the
area. Only Schulte et al. (2012) reported on an
isolated dinosaur bone from a Chicxulub-spher-
ule–bearing unit of the Delgado Formation north
of Monterrey, but this specimen was evidently
reworked from older sediments and may even

be a mosasaur. The fossil finds from the new
San Juan Amargos and Rancho San Francisco
localities now provide evidence for the presence
of avian and nonavian dinosaurs and pterosaurs
in the latest Maastrichtian, to only a few tens of
thousands of years prior to the Chicxulub im-
pact. This scenario agrees with data presented
D E by Lockley and Hunt (1995), who discovered
dinosaur tracks at only a few decimeters below
the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary.
Avian theropods form the bulk of the ichno-
taxa and show a worldwide extremely rare Maas-
trichtian diversity, exceeding that of the Lance
Formation in Wyoming (Lockley et al., 2004).
Figure 14. Invertebrate trackway morphotypes from the Amar- This abundance and diversity of birds, combined
gos site near Paredón: (A) morphotype 1 (Cruziana type, prob- with the rarity of pterosaurs and dinosaurs, may
ably produced by a branchiopod or a cephalocarinid crustacean), indicate that these latter Mesozoic reptilians
(B) morphotype 2, (C) morphotype 3, (D) morphotype 4 (epibenthic were already in decline prior to the Cretaceous-
detritus feeder, e.g., Gastropoda and Annelida), and (E) morpho­ Paleogene boundary, as was previously sug-
type 5 (Ophiomorpha). gested by MacLeod et al. (1997) and Koeberl
and MacLeod (2002). However, the Amargos
and San Francisco beach deposits likely formed
ments directly underlying the channelized de- dominated by turkostreids (Vega et al., 2007). in a mud plain devoid of vegetation. Similar to
posit at Amargos, and within it. This taxon from We therefore hypothesize that this major change extant mud plains, this environment may have
the Paleogene of Central Asia (e.g., Afghani- in the oyster assemblages was caused by the been an unsuitable area for terrestrial carnivores
stan; Berizzi Quarto di Palo, 1970) was synony- Chicxulub impact. Cretaceous oysters from the but not for aerial ones, including pterosaurs.
mized with Ostrea (Turkostrea) turkestanensis American Gulf Coast area did not survive this First of all, mud plains are devoid of vegetation.
Romanovsky, 1878 by Stenzel (1971), but in event. Asian taxa, which were apparently less Any terrestrial predator can be easily spotted
the same volume (Treatise on Invertebrate Pa- affected by the Chicxulub impact, immigrated during early approach. Second, the mud-plain
leontology, Part N, Volume 3), three specimens and evolved in the coastal region of the west- sediments are rich in invertebrate life that is
were illustrated as Ostrea (Turkostrea?) goriz- ern Gulf of Mexico. The unit with Gorizdrella mostly accessible for pokers rather than inertial
droae Vyalov, 1937 (Stenzel, 1971, fig. J.115, gorizdroae is also identified at Rancho San feeders. Third, mud-plain sediments often have
p. 1143). In a later paper, Vyalov (1984) re- Francisco but not in association with spherules deep flow channels that may contain soupy or
peated his original specific assignation as Goriz- (Fig. 8). Similar turkostreid ostreids are found in quicksand-like sediments representing deadly
drella gorizdroae, to which we here refer. There the Paleogene of the Neuquén area of southern traps for large terrestrial vertebrates, while aerial
is thus some confusion regarding the specific as- Argentina (Griffin et al., 2005). The immigra- vertebrates can test the sediment before landing.
signation of this ostreid, but both Vyalov (1937, tion of Gorizdrella gorizdroae suggests that The organic-rich sediment of the mud plains was
1984) and Stenzel (1971) agreed that the taxon the Chicxulub impact did not have the global thus a favorable food source for birds and small
is best transferred to turkostreids, a group that extinction effect that has been assumed (e.g., edentulous pterosaurs that fed on small food
first appears in the Maastrichtian of Argentina Schulte et al., 2009). items (Langston, 1981; Lehman and Langston,
(Griffin et al., 2005) but thrived in the Paleogene 1996). However, for this kind of feeding, the
of the Northern Hemisphere. Evidence for Pre–Cretaceous-Paleogene substrate would have been very soft to allow
The presence of Central Asian ­turkostreids Boundary Changes in the Tetrapod the akinetic beak to open inside the substrate.
represents an extraordinary and dramatic change Communities Large azhdarchoids could also have foraged on
in the oyster assemblages with respect to earlier small birds and turtles, large epibenthic inverte-
Campanian and Maastrichtian oyster associa- Even though abundant and diverse dinosaur brates, and carcasses (Paul, 1987; Chatterjee and
tions of the Difunta Group. Those o­ yster popu- material has been discovered in the Campanian ­Templin, 2004; Witton, 2007; Witton and Naish,
lations were dominated by species of the Atlan- part of the Difunta Group by several paleontol- 2008), or caught fish in shallow waters (Padian,
tic and Gulf Coasts (e.g., Arctostrea, Exogyra, ogy work groups (e.g., Secretaria de Educación 1988), but they certainly were rare visitors. The
Flemingostrea, Pycnodonte), whereas Asian Pública de Coahuila, the Instituto de Geología contrasting abundance and diversity of avian and
ostreids were absent. In contrast, later Paleo- of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de ptero­saurian tracks hint at a decline of Ptero­
gene associations from the Difunta Group are México, and by us, e.g., Vogt et al., 2016, for sauria before the end of the Maastrichtian.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 1XX, no. XX/XX 15

Stinnesbeck et al.

Flora in Pre–Cretaceous-Paleogene vide a unique opportunity to evaluate a marginal Coahuila, Mexico: Transactions of the Gulf Coast
Asso­ciation of Geological Societies, v. 21, p. 57–65.
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ceous-Paleogene boundary, suggesting faunal onale (le Brésil, la République Orientale de l’Uruguay,
Floral remains are concentrated in certain transitions in invertebrates and tetrapods as well la République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République
du Chili, la République de Bolivia, la République du
a­ reas consisting of fine-grained sandstone of as the vegetation. Pérou), Exécuté Pendant les Années 1826, 1827, 1828,
buff to reddish color. The facts that the plant ma- 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, et 1833: Paris/Strasbourg,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Société géologique de France, Paris and V. Levrault
terial is unsorted, milled to pieces, and may com- Strasbourg, v. 3(4), p. 1–30.
prise shattered trunks with a diameter of up to We are grateful to Manuela Böhm, Fabio Hering, Eberth, D.A., Delgado De Jesús, C.R., De La Rosa, R.A.R.,
0.6 m suggest a primary transport in high-­energy Rafael Moreno, Maria Zimmermann, Javier González, Lerbekmo, J.F., Brinkman, D.B., and Sampson, S.D.,
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