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24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Página Principal Mis cursos Pregrado 23V01 IDIOMAS VIRTUAL BLOQUE UNICO 4

564I4/51196/23V01/B4/IDIOV/INGVI Unit 4 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]

Comenzado el miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023, 19:38

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023, 19:55
Tiempo 17 minutos 30 segundos
Puntos 11.00/13.00
Calificación 4.23 de 5.00 (85%)

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the right answer for each statement.

Which time expression below is not used with Present Progressive Tense for arrangement?

Seleccione una:
a. sometimes
b. this month
c. next week
d. tomorrow

Pregunta 2

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the right option according to the question:

Most kids love it, but their parents don't. They always limit kids' time to one or two hours a day. What is it?

Seleccione una:
a. doing homework
b. making your bed
c. playing online games
d. taking photos 1/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the right option according to the picture.

The band is _________ on the stage.

Seleccione una:
a. planning
b. flying
c. performing
d. feeling 2/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4


Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the appropriate leisure activity according to the picture.

Seleccione una:
a. Watch TV
b. Riding a bike
c. Go camping
d. Listen to music 3/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the appropriate leisure activity according to the picture.

Seleccione una:
a. Listen to music
b. Play any sport
c. Watch TV
d. Riding a bike

Pregunta 6

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following person who is talking about his leisure activities, and then decide whether the sentences are
true or false.

Felipe plays video games with his friends and listens to music on his cellphone.

Seleccione una:

Falso 4/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about arrangements and then choose the right answer.

What are they doing next Saturday?

Seleccione una:
a. They are having dinner, watching a movie and throwing a birthday party for Andrew.
b. They are throwing a birthday party for Bob.
c. They are organizing a birthday party for Jackie but it is top secret.

Pregunta 8


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following person who is talking about his leisure activities, and then decide whether the sentences are
true or false.

If the weather is nice he goes hiking and plays football with his friends.

Seleccione una:


Pregunta 9

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following person who is talking about his leisure activities, and then decide whether the sentences are
true or false.

Felipe plays the guitar and has a band, also he reads books and he is a genius.

Seleccione una:

Falso 5/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about arrangements and then choose the right answer.

What is Jackie doing tonight?

Seleccione una:
a. She is rehearsing for a concert with her band.
b. She is having a concert at the big square.
c. She is having dinner with Bob and watching a movie.

Pregunta 11


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about Viviane’s day and decide whether the sentences are true or false. 

Viviane is visiting her aunt Cristine at her house at the beach. It is a beautiful day. Viviane is building a giant sand
castle. Aunt Cristine is taking pictures of the castle to send to Viviane’s parents. The sand castle is amazing. Now,
Viviane and aunt Cristine are swimming in the ocean. It is fun to jump with the waves. Then, they are eating
sandwiches and strawberries for lunch at the beach.

Viviane wants to play on the beach in the afternoon. Aunt Cristine tells her it is going to be too hot to go outside.
Viviane says she forgot her hat. Her aunt tells her not to worry, she can wear one of hers. Viviane tries on three hats.
The yellow one is really pretty, but it has a big bow. The purple one is too fancy for her. She does not like that hat at
all. The white hat is fine, but it has an awful dog on it. Then, Viviane sees a big black hat with a yellow ribbon on it. It
is a perfect hat for the beach. Now it is a wonderful day.

Viviane and aunt Cristine are at the beach swimming and building sand castles.

Seleccione una:

Falso 6/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about Saving nature and choose the right answer. 

Saving nature 
Our school, "New Heaven” School, is taking part in the program "Saving Nature" this year. This program is trying to
help animals and plants in our mountains, countryside and beaches.
Animals and plants are vanishing because humans are not taking care of them. We are throwing our rubbish on
the street, in the sea, and everywhere. The animals are getting captured in the plastic bags, or getting sick
because they eat plastic wrappers. Our plants are fading because we are throwing chemicals and garbage in the
woods. Forest fires are also killing lots of animals and plants.
My school is now helping and we are collecting garbage from the streets in our city and telling people not to throw
anything on them. We are also gathering used batteries and other critical materials. The message is: don't litter.

What is the school doing as part of the program “Saving nature”?

Seleccione una:
a. The school is collecting garbage, batteries and critical materials.
b. The school is going to the mountains to talk to people about littering garbage.
c. The school is collecting garbage and wrappers on the beaches.

Pregunta 13

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about Saving nature and choose the right answer. 

Saving nature 
Our school, "New Heaven” School, is taking part in the program "Saving Nature" this year. This program is trying to
help animals and plants in our mountains, countryside and beaches.

Animals and plants are vanishing because humans are not taking care of them. We are throwing our rubbish on
the street, in the sea, and everywhere. The animals are getting captured in the plastic bags, or getting sick
because they eat plastic wrappers. Our plants are fading because we are throwing chemicals and garbage in the
woods. Forest fires are also killing lots of animals and plants.
My school is now helping and we are collecting garbage from the streets in our city and telling people not to throw
anything on them. We are also gathering used batteries and other critical materials. The message is: don't litter.

What is happening to the animals in the sea?

Seleccione una:
a. They are getting captured in plastic bags and eating plastic bags.
b. They are swimming freely with some wrappers and plastic.
c. They are fading because people are throwing chemicals.

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◄ Workshop Unit 4 (Click here) 7/8
24/3/23, 10:06 Quiz Unit 4 [[CALIFICABLE]]: Revisión del intento

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