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3 Aquaculture Questions

1. Explain why aquaculture is growing in importance worldwide? Aquaculture is growing in impor-

tance worldwide due to an Increasing world population, which increases consumers demand for seafood
and fish. Other reasons could include nutritional benefits.
2. Outline two methods for wild fish capture. Trawling and fishing with line
3. Outline the problems of using wild capture fisheries? Over fishing, meaning other spices that feed on
the same fish may starve. Another reason includes pollution
4. Evaluate the use of tropical prawn farming. Tropical prawn farming is an aquaculture business de-
signed to produce freshwater prawns for human consumption. Tropical prawn farming can replace ex-
pensive ingredients which re costly, however, It causes the removal of mangroves and causes the growth
of algal blooms.
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of open pen nets for fish farming. The advantages are that
it minimizes impact on wild fishers, however, a disadvantage is that it can result in genetic pollution
from fish releases.
6. Outline the advantages of suspended culture aquaculture. No pollution is caused
7. Discuss the role of technology in aquaculture. Fish populations may be overfished and over exploited
as a result of certain technology, such as sonar planes, which made fishing much more productive.
8. Evaluate integrated aquaculture. Integrated aquaculture refers to different species living together using
the same water source. Here, acidification is minimized as primary producers would be bale to absorb
carbon dioxide, however, it can cause health risks on both humans and aquatic animals

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