Acute Encephalopathy Preceding Infection: Shigella

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Case Communications

Acute Encephalopathy Preceding Shigella Infection

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Raz Somech MD , Yael Leitner MD and Zvi Spirer MD

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Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology Unit and Leon Alkalay Chair in Pediatric Immunology, Dana Children's

Hospital, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Key words: acute encephalopathy, Shigella, children, diarrhea, stool culture

IMAJ 2001;3:384±385

The term encephalopathy describes a blood pH and C-reactive protein were infection whose altered conscious-
generalizeddisorder of cerebral function. also normal and a toxic screening of ness preceded mild intestinal symptoms

The causes of acute encephalopathies in urine was negative. Computed tomogra- and fever. After isolation of
children are infectious, toxic and is- phy of the brain was normal, while from her stool, we attributed this

chemic. Acute encephalopathy due to electroencephalogram demonstrated a finding to her abnormal neurological

shigellosis is a well-known condition that mild asymmetry of the background state. Intoxication and other potential
usually presents with the classical symp- activity, with greater amplitude at the infectious agents were ruled out.
toms of fever, toxicity, predominant occipital region on the right both during Shigellosis is a common infectious
intestinal signs, or metabolic derange- the sleep and awake recording. A lumbar disease, especially in underdeveloped
ment accompanied by brain edema. We puncture was performed and showed a countries. Its clinical manifestations
report a patient who presented in an high opening pressure (45 cm H O). vary, and include watery or loose stool,
acute encephalopathic state caused by Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid 2was crampy-like abdominal pain, high tem-
shigellosis, which was only later manifest within normal limits (glucose 58 mg/dl, perature, and toxic appearance. Dysen-
by mild intestinal signs and fever. protein 10 mg/dl, no leukocytes and one tery results from colonic invasion and
erythrocyte). injury, and the diarrhea becomes bloody
Patient Description Treatment with ceftriaxone, acyclovir and mucoid [1]. Complications of shi-
A 3 year old girl with an unremarkable and dexametasone was initiated until gellosis include intestinal as well as
previous medical history was admitted negative results were achieved for cere- systemic symptoms [2]. Definitive diag-
for evaluation of persistent somnolence brospinal fluid culture, blood culture, nosis is established by isolating the
during the preceding 2 days. She had no and herpes antigen. Other serological organisms from stool specimens or rectal
other symptoms, and diarrhea, fever, tests for cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, swab [3].
head trauma and use of possibly culp- influenza A and B, , Neurological findings are among the
, and Epstein-Barr virus
Mycoplasma Barto-

able medication were ruled out. No one were negative. One day after admission
nella henselae
most common extra-intestinal manifes-
in her immediate surroundings was ill. she had an episode of fever accompanied tations of shigellosis and can occur in as
Upon arrival at the pediatric emer- by mucus diarrhea, and stool cultures many as 45% of hospitalized patients [3].
gency department she was in an ob- were taken. On the following day her These may accompany or even precede
viously somnolent state with diffuse mental status was vastly improved: she the development of gastrointestinal signs
symetric hypotonia. She responded was alert, the neurological examination and the condition may be mistaken for a
poorly to commands. Deep tendon was normal, the fever had resolved and primary neurological illness [4]. Head-
reflexes were normal, pyramidal signs there were no other symptoms. ache, nuchal rigidity, confusion, memory
were negative, and there was no nuchal was cultured from her stool. loss, lethargy, hallucinations, or delirium

rigidity. The rest of the physical exam- Having ruled out any other cause that
may manifest as acute encephalopathy in
ination was normal. She was diagnosed could explain her condition, we reached shigellosis. The duration of acute ence-
as having acute encephalopathy and a diagnosis of acute encephalopathy due phalopathy due to shigellosis can last
further evaluation was undertaken ac- to infection. from 12 hours to 12 days, and complete
cordingly. Shigella sonnei
recovery with no residual neurological
The laboratory data were as follows: Comment deficit is achieved in almost all patients
leukocytes 2.1x106/ml with 78% neutro- [5]. Avital et al. [6] reported that
phils, and normal arterial blood gas, Acute encephalopathy is a life-threaten- neurological manifestations preceded
serum glucose, electrolytes, blood urea ing condition that necessitates a careful the gastrointestinal symptoms in one-
nitrogen, serum creatinine, and liver evaluation to determine its cause. We fourth of hospitalized patients with
function tests. The levels of ammonia, report a child with confirmed Shigella gastroenteritis but in most cases

384 R. Somech et al. IMAJ . Vol 3 . May 2001

Case Communications

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pathic state. ensuing gastrointestinal signs are mild Shigella-induced encephalopathy in an adult.
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Shigella sonnei

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A particularly lethal toxic encephalo- despite the absence of intestinal symp- shigella infections. 1982;11:645±8.
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Japanese ``epidemic dysentery'') is re- encephalopathy due to childhood shigellosis
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editorial assistance.

reported this as the cause of death in all

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Bacterial antibiotic factories

Drugdiscovery has largely been a process of screening natural alternative approach by transferring the polyketide biosyn-
products from microorganisms and plants, identifying a thetic genes from the producer of erythromycin, Sacchar-
promising lead, and then tinkering with the chemical opolyspora erythraea, to the bacterial workhorse, Escherichia
structure in the laboratory to improve pharmacokinetics coli. This strain of E. coli yields the core of erythromycin in
and diminish side effects. Recently, there have been efforts to quantities comparable to that of the parent.
shift the tinkering stage back into the natural producers in
order to co-opt the unparalleled skill with which enzymes
achieve stereospecificity. Pfeifer et al. have taken an Science 2001;291:1790

Bitter-taste receptors

A large family of bitter-taste receptors has recently been among different bitter stimuli. These results are in agreement
characterized and cloned. The expression of multiple mes- with earlier psychophysical data and the results from taste-
senger RNAs of members of this family in individual cells nerve recording, and indicate that there is much heterogeneity
leads to the speculation that there is only one general bitter even within one subpopulation of sensory cells.
taste and that single gustatory cells respond broadly to bitter
compounds. However, Caicedo and Roper show that, in the
majority of cases, individual taste cells can discriminate Science 2001;291:1557
IMAJ . Vol 3 . May 2001 Acute Encephalopathy Preceding Shigella Infection 385

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