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syndromes: increased risk of nonmelanotic skin can- epidemiology, clinical presentation, and differential
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from a tertiary care center in Lebanon. Int J Dermatol.
Part 21
Metabolic, Genetic, and Systemic Diseases


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Chapter 135 :: The Neurofibromatoses
:: Robert Listernick & Joel Charrow


■ Autosomal dominant condition with incidence of 1 Café-au-lait spots, which are flat, pigmented macules,
in 3000 live births. are often the first manifestation of NF-1 to appear
■ Diagnosed clinically if 2 major features are present (Fig. 135-1). Frequently present at birth, they become
(see Table 135-1). more numerous as the infant grows; new ones may
continue to appear throughout the first decade of life.

Chapter 135 :: The Neurofibromatoses

■ Cutaneous neurofibromas:
Once noticed, they tend to grow in size in proportion to
■ Softer than the surrounding connective tissue
the overall growth of the child. Although infrequently
and protrude just above the skin surface
found on the face, they may be noted anywhere on the
or lie just under the skin with an overlying
body. The size, shape, and contour of café-au-lait spots
violaceous hue.
are of no diagnostic significance, and the oft-quoted
■ Subcutaneous neurofibromas: adage about smooth-edged café-au-lait spots being
■ Arise from peripheral nerves, both under the more typical of NF-1 rather than McCune-Albright
skin and deep in the viscera. syndrome is incorrect. When café-au-lait spots over-
■ Generally much harder. lap each other, the area of overlap may be darker than
■ Plexiform neurofibromas: either individual spot. When found within slate grey
■ Generally present at birth or apparent during
macules, they are typically surrounded by a more
the first several years of life.
lightly pigmented halo. Individuals with large num-
bers of café-au-lait spots do not have “more-severe”
■ May lead to disfigurement, blindness
NF-1, and the location of the macules in no way pre-
(secondary to amblyopia, glaucoma, or
dicts the location of subsequent neurofibromas.
proptosis), loss of limb function, or organ
Café-au-lait spots represent collections of heavily
dysfunction by compression of vital structures.
pigmented melanocytes of neural crest origin in the
■ Mosaic neurofibromatosis Type 1 (segmental NF-1): epidermis. Although the cells may contain increased
■ Manifestations of NF-1, usually limited to one numbers of “giant” melanosomes, or melanin macro-
area of the body. globules, these are not unique to NF-1, and their pres-
■ Occurs as result of a postconceptional mutation ence or absence in biopsies is not helpful diagnostically.
in the NF1 gene, leading to somatic mosaicism.

Café-au-lait spots smaller than 5 mm are referred to
A consensus development conference was held by the
as freckles, and are commonly present in the axillae,
National Institutes of Health in 1987 to establish diag-
inguinal region, and under the breasts (Fig. 135-2).
nostic criteria to promote better clinical research and
Unlike ordinary freckles in these locations, these
care of patients with neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF-1).1
lesions are not related to sun exposure, and are consid-
The 7 diagnostic features recognized at this confer-
ered virtually pathognomonic of NF-1 (Crowe sign).
ence (Table 135-1), and the recommendation that 2 or
Of all children ultimately diagnosed with NF-1, 81%
more of these 7 features be present before a diagnosis
will have intertriginous freckling by age 6 years.3
of NF-1 is established, have proven extremely useful
and continue to be used without modification more
than 30 years later. Perhaps the one caveat is the iden-
tification of a separate autosomal dominant syndrome
caused by an inactivating mutation of the gene encod-
ing sprouty-related EVH1 domain-containing pro- NEUROFIBROMAS
tein 1 (SPRED1), which leads to the development of
café-au-lait spots, intertriginous freckling, and macro- Neurofibromas, which consist of Schwann cells, mast
cephaly, but none of the other manifestations of NF-1 cells, fibroblasts, and perineural cells, are benign
(Legius syndrome).2 nerve sheath tumors that appear as discrete masses

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21 TABLE 135-1
Diagnostic Criteria for Neurofibromatosis Type 1a
■ Six or more café-au-lait macules larger than 5 mm in greatest
diameter in prepubertal individuals, and larger than 15 mm in
greatest diameter in postpubertal individuals.
■ Two or more neurofibromas of any type or 1 plexiform
■ Freckling in the axillary or inguinal regions.
■ Optic glioma.
■ Two or more iris Lisch nodules.
■ A distinctive osseous lesion such as sphenoid dysplasia or thinning
of long bone cortex with or without pseudarthrosis.
■ A first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or offspring) with neurofibro-
matosis Type 1 by the above criteria.
Part 21

Patient must meet 2 or more of the listed criteria for diagnosis.

arising from peripheral nerves.4 Cutaneous neuro-

Metabolic, Genetic, and Systemic Diseases

fibromas protrude just above the skin surface or lie

just under the skin with an overlying violaceous hue
(Fig. 135-3). They are softer than the surrounding
connective tissue, often creating a “buttonholing” sen-
sation when a finger is rubbed gently over the surface
(Fig. 135-4). Subcutaneous neurofibromas that arise
from peripheral nerves, both under the skin and deep
in the viscera, are generally much harder (Fig. 135-5). If
they arise from the dorsal root ganglia, they may grow Figure 135-2 Axillary freckling.
through neural foramina, compressing the spinal cord,
creating a “dumbbell” appearance. Subcutaneous neu-
rofibromas in the neck may feel like a “beaded neck-
lace,” often being confused with lymph nodes. While
fewer than 20% of children younger than 10 years of
age have cutaneous neurofibromas, neurofibromas
generally start appearing after puberty and increase
in number as the patient grows older. Women who
have NF-1 often comment on the appearance of cuta-
neous neurofibromas during pregnancy. The majority
of adult patients with NF-1 probably have numerous

2466 Figure 135-3 Cutaneous neurofibromas with overlying

Figure 135-1 Café-au-lait spots. hyperpigmentation.

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