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Reading Resistors

The coloured bands on a resistor identify the resistive value. Resistor bands are read from left-
to-right. First, hold the resistor so that the bands “lean” more towards the left side. Then we use
the chart above to read it as follows:

Band 1: The first digit of the resistance value according to the chart.
Band 2: The second digit of the resistance value according to the chart.

Band 3: Multiply whatever 2 digit number you got from band 1 and band 2 by 10^(number of
band colour). Alternatively this is the number of 0’s to add to the end of the first 2 digits.

Band 4: Tolerance, the percentage variance of the resistor. For example, a brown band is 1%,
so a resistor with a value of 1000Ω can be at most 1010Ω, 1% above 1000Ω, and at least 990Ω,
1% below 1000Ω.

Note that the bands are more towards the left side.

Band 1: Red is 2, so the first digit is 2.

Band 2: Violet is 7, so the second digit is 7.

The first 2 digits are 27.

Band 3: Yellow is 4, so we add a single 0 to the end.

The resistance is 270000Ω.

Find the resistance to the following resistors.

Pick 3 resistors from above. What is the max resistance and min resistance of those resistors?

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