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Perpich 1

Zach Perpich

Professor Lark

Ancient World History

22 March 2023

Roman Empire: Julius Caesar

Ancients: Julius Caesar, as Dictator (49-44 BC). Ar Denarius (18mm ... 49AD,


This source is a coin from when the Roman Leader Julius Caesar was in reign. It was

most likely touched by Romans thousands of years ago. It could’ve been used to help buy a loaf

of bread or maybe livestock, who knows? The coin tells us who was important at the time. Since

the person in question is Julius Caesar, it can be used as a primary source to aid me in my

project. This is because the coin was there when Julius Caesar was alive.

Carroll B. Tyranny, Insurrection, and the Crowd: Julius Caesar, Coriolanus and

Appropriations of the Roman past. Journal of the Wooden O. 2021;21:13-35. Accessed

February 23, 2023.


The author’s main argument here in this document is to shed light on the incite

Shakespeare gave us into the life and tragic ending of Julius Caesar. Through the paper, Carroll

B. talks about the way Shakespeare through the use of entertainment accurately depicted the
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Roman leader Julius Caesar. This piece will be useful to my project because it will provide me

with additional information to produce a better educated and more well thought out project.

Jacob Abbott. History of Julius Caesar., 2018. EBSCOhost,


The author Jacob Abbot, tells the stories of Julius Caesar’s military conquests. More

specifically, his times in Sylla and Marius. The book is a biography so there are many

miscellaneous facts as well as his life timeline such as his tragic death at the hands of the

senators. This book will help assist me in my project by helping me to better understand Caesar’s

whole life from start to finish. His late life and death may be easier to obtain details on than his

early life which this book will help me with.

Klein, Christopher. “How Julius Caesar's Assassination Triggered the Fall of the Roman

Republic.”, A&E Television Networks, 1 Sept. 2021,

This article tells about the grim ending of Julius Caesar's life at the hands of the

assassination carried out by the senators. It describes the impact of his death on the Roman

Republic that turns into an empire as a result of his death. This will be useful in my project

because in order to give a full account of Julius Caesar's life I must be able to describe the end of

his life.
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Mark, Joshua J. “Julius Caesar.” World History Encyclopedia,

Https://, 15 Jan. 2023,

This paper first gives a brief description of Caesar's life, then goes on to talk about his

military service and conquests. Finally, it gives an understanding of his death. This will be useful

in my project because a big aspect of Caesar's legacy was his military experience. It, for the most

part, shaped his whole life. Without the conquests of Caesar, there is no Rome and there is no

Julius Caesar.

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. “Julius Caesar.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia

Britannica, Inc., 4 Dec. 2022,


This source explains the family history of Julius Caesar, as well as his career. It goes on

to explain in detail, his rise to power and rise to become leader of Rome. This source will be

useful in my project because when talking about Caesar's life, what absolutely has to be included

is his rise to prominence. Who cares about Julius Caesar if he didn’t do anything.

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